Motorcycle Travel Series by @velimir 'The Reason Behind' (Part #205)

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

After a few initial minutes of looking around and listening to the guy, I ask about the real reasons for the state of this place. After all, this is cultural heritage with a very long history. Apparently, Prpić family owns the place. They are many, and each of them owns a part of the mansion. As it happens in such situations, in the end, nobody feels like owning it. Therefore, nobody invests, either. But, some poor people still live there and strive.

If it belonged to only one person, it would be much easier to go about it. Since it belongs to many, only one person is enough to say ney, and nothing can be done. There are numerous examples of this, especially if the relationships are broken. I have no clue if this is the case, I meant in general. Owners do nothing, time passes, mansion decays...

It would be a good idea to pass a law that would protect cultural heritage from careless owners by the means of expropriation. But, as property rights are the basis of the free democratic system, I doubt it would pass on human right's court. So, I guess if you own a castle, it is only up to you to decide of its fate. Maybe lawful but also quite stupid at the same time. I'm sure such legislation would make owners stick together and do something about it.

The guy tells me his story. He's been a soldier in Croatian Independence Homeland War with a service record of over 1800 days. This is wartime service, mind you, not regular service! This shows the worth of country's institutions. This guy is a decorated war hero and lives in a tiny part of this damp, insanely devastated place, owned by someone else. I believe, he should've been set up for life for his sacrifice. But, war veterans story is the same all over the world. No respect. 'Hey man but you did it for your country, not for money, right?' is the most retarded comeback on the subject. By the way, his wife, who didn't want to be photographed, created all the poor man's art in the garden.

Time to leave. What I find on my way out is this sign. Prpić family, the present owners, had the park surrounding the mansion named after them. This is so humble and modest, indeed. Kudos, guys. Hope you come to your senses and do something about this place because its history belongs to all of us. The way you take care of your heritage is appaling. Keep in mind that there were many who walked its floors long before any of you were born.

Be it as it is, the sun shines on, the road is stretching in front of me and bad thoughts don't really exist if you focus on something beautiful.

Enjoy your day! :)

©2017 Velimir Kovačić All rights reserved.

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Really nice one. I love the title "The Reason Behind"
I think that is a built heritage :) We are loosing our built heritage.
Some may think our cultural heritage are archaic and no longer relevant, and that they are unnecessary during these modern times, but thats not true.
Just like you said about the building, it allows them to identify with themselves and others of similar mindsets and backgrounds. Prpić family's place as a built heritage provides an automatic sense of unity and belonging within the family members and allowed them better understand previous generations and the history of where they come from. Come on! these things should be treasured.
On a daily basis we are reminded of historic events and past lives through that built legacy.
The value of a heritage comes from its inheritors – from the Living, the Prpic' can be really looked after, but if nobody would live there, the thing is that place can really be preserved and looked after and can also be a tourist attraction. The government doesnt know that the importance lies more in the information that may yield out of understanding and researching the Prpić.
The link between culture and tourism is the most visible aspect of the contribution of culture to local development. I think about 37% of the global tourism has a cultural motivation and look at the way they are treating such a wonderful places. The thing is this kind of place is what keeps us attatched to our religion,traditions,& beliefs.
I really like the way Horyuji Temple(hope i got the spelling right :)) in Japan is preserved till date and it is even made of wood but its was still preserved.
About the soldiers, that "comeback statement" is really retarded 😁
I mean those soldiers go through a lot of psychological and emotional circle during war.
Too many explosions, searching dead bodies for intelligence, hours of ennui and minutes of terror, lots of blood, holding the dying and raw service. These guys should be given lifetime benefits from the day they enlisted till they die. But its a pity is not like that.
Great post @velimir.

A wonderful wrap up to a wonderful post! I am sad to see this chapter end, but so looking forward to the next part of the adventure! I'm glad you found the artist. Another piece of the puzzle.

Veterans, and war vets in general do seem to be left behind on a routine basis. A sad commentary indeed.

In the US we have some hope for 'cultural sites'. There are about 3 levels of support and engagement available for owners. All have varying levels of actual support, but part of it is tax relief. I once owned a house that is now on the National Register of Historic Places. My ex and I did almost all the work on the place then sold it and the new owners put it on the register. One of the primary reasons we did it that way was because we could use modern materials to renovate. It was a great project that we had fun with (and made a little money to boot)

Thanks again for a wonderful series. Your photos and sense of the place are near priceless!

Thank you! :)

That's outrageous that places are decayed and neglected because of pure beurocracy and technic ownership rights problems.
In my country there are house's that are declared as "a building for conservation" and are kept in good order by law, even if the owner wants to use the place for, say, a coffee shop - he must conserve certain aspects of the place like the appearance of the front of the building.
But - as in every where in the Democratic world - if the owner don't want to put the money for the place conservation - rarely will the authorities take the project on their bad b's and purses.
I'm not sure there is something to do - maybe the authorities should offer to preserve places like that on their own expenses, if it's possible.

One good aspect of the situation is that it supplies a somewhat habitable place for those poor souls neglected by their country - it's ironic that neglected people live in neglected places and the neglector is the same. But still, as i said - like in the last picture where we see hopeful sun rays shining from a ruined building, even at such situation there could be some good points.

P.s - did you speak with the woman about her art? Her insights and reasons for creating art - her story generally, will be fascinating to hear.

This is a very interesting article, i like the way it entails different topics all embedded in the content. Topics ranging from the PROTECTION AND PRESERVATION OF SITES WITH GREAT CULTURAL HERITAGE.
And also THE STORY OF A DECORATED WAR HERO LIVING AN UNDERSERVED LIFE, i believe this portrays the worth of the country's institution which you mentioned..
I admire the way it entails LAW THAT WOULD PROTECT CULTURAL HERITAGE FROM THEIR OWNERS, Owners who are apathetic and shows no interest whatsoever in such a aesthetically appealing cultural heritage site. Because as you said its history belongs to all of us.
I believe the heritage site should be seized by the Croatian government and used for the purpose of the public, adequate atonement in the form of compensation should be provided for the family. Even though i am not sure the property owners will accommodate the idea of expropriation .
I believe the Croatian government can do this without the consent of the owners

Your travelling post are awesome. More distinctly is the way you actually interact with people and make them understand that you just love arts and not trying to steal their work or something. I'd really love to have this skills. History is actually something that is forgotten in the world now. People go for inventions now. Technology has science has taken over.

Thank you! The trick is to be kind to people, as long as they don't start showing hostility. My country is really peaceful that way.

Croatia is a beautiful country with a rich history. It is sad that everything is falling apart because the families do not agree. How many historical treasures we have, and they are decaying.
These are beautiful but sad photos of our country.
It is also sad that all veterans do not have the same rights.

Similar things are happening here at my hometown too.
Places with some sort of historical and cultural importance are being ruined.
The least they could do is consult an archaeologist of some sort to examine the place before tearing it down.
Hope this comes to a stop!!Good stuff @velimir

@velimir .I think control and ownership of places like these should be wrested away from presumed owners and put under the protection of world Heritage centres like UNESCO because it is obvious it needs major capital to renovate and maintain yearly plus it would be nice to walk in the halls of these edifice and be transported back in time to a period of history long gone.

I can't ride bike but i love to travel anywhere. You are lucky that you get this chance ang also got a sutable platform to share about your traveled experience. It seems you went a ancient place that was so beautiful. Good post as usual. @velimir

Hi!! @velimir Its wonderful post and specially your photographs "the way of clicking angle" your photos is really good and looks like saying their own stories ... just reset color contrast ( a little advice from me may you like ) .... the most important thing is that your work is virtues and real posts. i appreciate it ... keep it up ... big thumps up

My comment today is too late, but I hope you read it
I liked your thoughts about the law that would preserve similar cultural buildings. Such a decision would definitely force the owners to improve the situation.
I just like you want this place and these people better fate ..
As before, the sun shines on you - it warms the soul and relieves bad thoughts. I hope you had a wonderful day?
Thank you:)

Cooperation is so important . . . We can achieve amazing things by working together . However when it breaks down it's hard to find out where responsibility lies .

Great story, I think when you give all you can to your country, like him and others in service and get nothing back in return, it's sad, I suppose you lose hope even looking after your heritage. And Croatia have a long history in war. But life does move on and Hope, Faith and LOVE conquers all. Cheers.

hello hello Mr. today I could see his post, after follow the sequencing of his this story, I hope that these people recover this place because their story belongs to all. there is help to take care of their inheritance. you have a lot of reason the history of the war veterans is the same in all the world. the government does not lend the aid to these people. the king star shining in the window shows to be loaded the energy, This picture is very interesting
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3rd pic i like the most in all... Keep traveling and get more interesting stuff for us.

Thanks velimir, i like you

I like the bike and it would be awesome to travel with the bike and that is my dream coz I still have no chance to have my own bike, anyway, all pictures you post are awesome I am glad that I stop by and read yours today :-)

I am T.J. Thai girl but live in USA nice to meet you here :-)

nice to meet you, too! :)

nice story friend hopefully and someone read this post and help put that law that you say the patrimonies should be kept beautiful and not let them hurt, are a memory of humanity

I wish I can ride this bike

wonderful photography & very nice post dear @velimir..i like your post very well..thank you for sharing with us..
very good work.. keep it up..

Hello , Upvote and Follow you. Visit me blog . Thank you and Welcome...

I love traveling
photography is awesome

You should put the motorcyle in the picture like a trademark ;))

in thise picture imagery is impressive.@velimir this is a deautiful picture its nature...

I think travel in motorcycle is best.......
the place is nice carry on

Thanks to the great photography for you to share such beautiful photos among us

I follow your posts everyday@velimir your traveling posts are amazing

motorbike is the best for the speedy journey

bike travel is the best . nice one there @velimir

nice photography.....
thanks for sharing
carry on

Hi.. @velimir Lovely shot. Nice and simple Photography .thanks for sharing

Amazing photos! :)

interesting story. enjoyed it.

we finally learned the story of the one who lived there.
I was very curious!
thank you for supporting with beautiful photos

nice post

very good work.. keep it up. nice post

@velimir I just love this series. Because I am die hard fan of Motor Cycle. I wish I have one. I am trying to get one. As a middle class family my father unable to gift me one. but happy that you are doing so much fun with your motor cycle. Keep posting my inspiration <3

Voted back friends

That is a huge problem everywhere on earth- the more people are in charge of something, the less responsibility each of them feels. And then no one actually cares what will happen :(

It's nice to be back and read your posts... Congratulations on reaching 71, you have worked really hard for it @velimir


You line, "bad thoughts don't really exist if you focus on something beautiful." makes me inspired today. Thanks a lot!

Seeing this bike, I wish I could ride it to places

Flag for disagreement on rewards.

thanks for sharing

I'm sure he has beautiful memories in this place. Maybe it's where every stone has a history for him, where this house tells so many stories. Beautiful pictures as always @velimir.

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