#lifeUnmoderated tagAll postsTrending CommunitiesHIVE CN 中文社区WorldmappinLeoFinanceSplinterlandsPhotography LoversOlio di BalenaActifitLifestyleSpendHBDVibesHive GamingHive LearnersExplore Communities...#lifeTrendingHotNewPayoutsMutedoflyhigh (85)Oin HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 hours ago惊!天降井盖?我记得很久很久以前看过一部电影《死神来了》,里边被死神标记上的人会有各种离奇的死法,十分惊悚。 昨天在我每天开车都路过的一条马路上也发生一件十分惊悚的事情,天上飞来一个大井盖,直接砸到一辆正在行驶车辆的前挡风玻璃上,对于司机而言真可谓天降横祸了。 好消息是,司机大难不死,这真是福大命大,列祖列宗积善行德、漫天神佛保佑啊。…meesterboom (80)in #life • yesterdayA Distrustful HorseMr Boom? An odd looking nurse had popped her head around a door and was looking around the waiting room like a bewildered owl. Here. I raised a hand and tried not to cry…oflyhigh (85)Oin HIVE CN 中文社区 • yesterday病毒还是误报?这是大概半个月前发生的事情。某天我正在网上愉快地冲浪,突然Windows Security弹出消息,在我电脑中发现病毒!😱 (图源 : pixabay ) 擦,病毒,怎么感觉是上个世纪的陌生词汇呢?有多久没有在电脑上看到病毒了呢?虽然Windows…flemingfarm (79)in Homesteading • 2 days agoOrder Snafu, Assembly #2, MOTHER FUCKER!!!!!, Sudden Depression, Tint Removal Ordeal, 3DP, Disassembly #3, Krumble - TuesdaySuper annoyed first thing yesterday morning when I saw the email from Columbia that my order was cancelled due to their system not accepting my payment. So after getting the boys…tarazkp (85)in Finance and Economy • 22 hours agoFrom the CoreAsk the average person what the purpose of the government is, and unfortunately, they won't really have an answer - even though they believe they are pretty savvy on what is…valued-customer (73)in #life • 15 hours agoNazi = MAGAFor more than a century, the enemies of humanity have prepared to conquer us, and they are making their move today.revisesociology (81)in #life • 14 hours agoSmall Wins make for a good couple of days! So just as I was heading into work yesterday, anticipating a frenetic morning of being on the phone with various clients I got a ping on Whatsapp.... The volunteer doing one of…mrspointm (79)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 3 hours ago「学校那些事儿」又来充电啦我们每学期都有大型的学科教研会,这些年担任过三次这种类型的公开示范课,简直是身心摧残,反复磨课,课件也是一稿二稿三稿,这个过程中始终感觉到心里有块石头未落地,生怕到时候上课脑袋一片空白。 这次终于不用那么心累了,作为听众来学习真是无比轻松,只不过在此期间耽误的课需要和其他老师提前 调好,我连续三天都是四节课,简直不要太充实啦!…jcrodriguez (76)in Lifestyle • 2 days agoCelebrating Super Art & Baile's AnniversarySuper Art & Baile celebrated its anniversary on the weekend. El fin de semana se celebro el aniversario de Super Art & Baile On Sunday the Súper Arte y Danza…oflyhigh (85)Oin HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 days ago厦门旅游分享:洛阳桥你知道嘛,在泉州市境内有一座宋代古桥——洛阳桥,是现存最早的跨海梁式石桥,素有“海内第一桥”美称。今天O哥就带大家一探洛阳桥的美景。 话说去泉州之前,O哥根本不知道洛阳桥这处景点,不过不少小伙伴以及网约车司机提到泉州好玩的地方,都强烈推荐洛阳桥,那我们当然就不能错过啦。…miingjazz (74)in Lifestyle • 7 hours agoWhen I was looking for an Asian grocery store (Jiatai 中日港超市)in the area Sants, Barcelona.Hello everyone, today I will take everyone to an Asian shop in Barcelona, which is always exciting for me when I always look for Asian shops because there are Thai products and…rivalhw (80)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 8 hours ago我跟孩子们的一场“研讨会”晚上时分,趁着孩子们写作业期间休息的时间,我叫老大和二宝一起聊了会。 我拿出手机,翻出之前收藏的一篇关于孩子做事磨蹭原因分析的鸡汤文, “今天我们来看一篇文章,爸爸跟你们一起探讨下,看它说得是不是有道理?” 我没有用命令那种语气,而是改用一种商量、民主的语气跟他们说,这样不会引起孩子们的反感。…katiekate86 (60)in ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY • 11 hours agoJoy Ride, Bicycle , Simple Treat For Zoe: Unplanned Night.Finally, spring is here. Experiencing months of winter. It excites me more that finally we can spend more time outdoors. Seeing the colors of nature brings happiness to see…sanjeevm (76)in HiveGarden • yesterdayThis will be no longer a GardenThey want to make this a play area and my Garden moved again to an abandoned place At times, I feel pity on my plants and my gardening hobby, should I continue or give up…curamax (77)in GEMS • 21 hours agoThe Power of Tiny Gains: A Path to MasteryNot long ago, I came across a chart about the Power of Tiny Gains, and ever since, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I would even say it has started changing my perspective on every aspectsuenadal (67)LPG Runnersin Hive Run 🏃♂️🏃♀️ • 17 hours agoFisio y funcionales 🙈💪🏻Cómo el día martes note molestia en la rodilla cuando me enfríe despues de correr, le escribí a la fisio y me dijo que fuera el miércoles temprano para ella evaluarla. Así que…bxt (77)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 23 hours ago荠菜情结晚上下班回来的时候发现桌子上一大堆的海鲜,原来是老头子跟一个朋友吃喝之后留下的, 这还不算完, 冰箱里还有一大包的荠菜,没想到刚刚吃完荠菜小豆腐和荠菜饺子,竟然又买了这么一大包,他可真是荠菜狂呀!现在正是吃荠菜的季节,他倒是牢牢的抓住了这个时间,用他的话说就是再不吃,过几天就没了!😅…eumelysm (72)in Lifestyle • 6 hours agoA pleasant stroll as a couple ✨❤️️ [ESP/ENG]Hola Queridos amigos, sean todos bienvenidos una vez más a mi blogs 🤗 Les cuento qué día de hoy tuve la oportunidad de salir en un agradable paseo junto a mi pareja ya que…cherryzz (72)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 3 hours ago自驾游🚌-常熟的沙家浜风景区🏕️我们去了杭州之后,下一站就到附近的常熟了,需要去一个朋友那里,从厦门和杭州过来,感觉常熟这里实在是太安逸了!这里离杭州不远,开车两个小时就到了,我们一来到常熟,整个感觉就不同了,这里的人不多,偶尔见到一些大爷大妈,都很安逸的样子,和大城市的快节奏不一样,在深圳,感觉走路都必须带风的!…jychbetter (78)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 15 hours ago食堂小餐厅,生活小改善!Improve life, improve food各位小伙伴们好!友哥今天来分享美食。友哥所在的营地,有小餐厅。今天友哥到小餐厅用餐。比较丰盛哦。欢迎跟随友哥镜头,继续阅读了解!…