Truth is the Measure of Authority, Not 'Authority' That's the Measure of Truth

in #philosophy7 years ago

The true measure of authority in any situation (or any field) is when the truth is spoken, written or perceived. Attempting to establish authority without the measure of truth is to fabricate a false authority based on at least phantasmal belief, if not outright lies.

The famous quote by Gerald Massey speaks of this aspect of our human lives:

“They must find it difficult, those who have taken authority as truth, rather than truth as authority.”
- Gerald Massey

We have the potential to be the authentic authors of our own authority in life; to be free from the will of others being imposed upon us against our own free will. But we can get lost in authoring our own lives authentically. The authority of self can willfully disregard reality and truth in order to author fantasies, beliefs, lies or unreality as though it were reality.

When we are disintegrated, disharmonious, misaligned, and contradictory to reality, we are in opposition to the truth in reality and are not living authentically by the truth as the authority. In such cases, we have supplanted the supreme authority of truth to say what is and what is not. We have made ourselves the false authority to decide whatever we want to be the "truth" about reality -- to be the arbiter of truth, rather than let truth demonstrate it's own authority to decide for us what is actually in reality. Justice against what's wrong doesn't come when we corrupt reality, truth or morality. When we create falsity through false authority, injustice reigns.

Is it right and true that 1+1=3 or 1+1=2? The authority to determine the answer is not our self-deluded attempt to authorize 1+1=3. We don't have that false authority. Trying to author false authority on truth-reality-existence is being inauthentic. Being authentic, genuine and real is to be right and true (maa). Being wrong and standing against the truth of reality is not being authentic, but is rather being a fool who stands for what's wrong. Simply saying 1+1=3 doesn't make it so.

Is it right, true and good that smoking cannabis is a crime? In our current condition, it's true that deluded people have taken their false authority to author a false reality (unreality) and declare smoking pot a crime. But is it truly a crime? No. False authenticity tries to author a false reality through false authority. Instead of creating right, good and true ways of living, they create wrong, evil and false ways of living. People are put into cages or coerced and extorted into paying fines -- even though they did not harm others.

Those of us who have less conditioning -- who don't obey the chain of authority; who have less attachment to falsity -- recognize that the so-called "authorities" in our way of life are stupid and idiotic in their actions. We have truer, higher and realer conscious awareness and self-development making us more authentic and capable of recognizing the authority of truth -- of what is right, good, true and moral. The "authorities" and their supporters are falser, lower, and unrealer selves; unaware and unconsciously living, doing wrongs as though they were right; or transforming what's right into a wrong.

The "authorities" and their assumed false "authority" don't determine what is plainly true as part of reality, nor what is morally right, good and true.

Evolving consciousness to develop more self-knowledge and self-awareness will allow comprehension of greater truths and moral truths to live by, which allows us to be more authentic, genuine, realer and truer selves. We can author our lives in the authenticity of having the authority of truth by our side; integrated and united with truth and moral truth, not in opposition to it as an adversary.

Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.


I really like your writing on the part " to be the arbiter of truth, rather than let truth demonstrate it's own authority to decide for us what is actually in reality. Justice against what's wrong doesn't come when we corrupt reality, truth or morality. When we create falsity through false authority, injustice reigns".
In reality, we can only follow what is commanded not what is truth. Very sad indeed. 😔🙍Great article and very inspiring. 👏 @krnel

We're supposed to follow what is true, not what is commanded ;) Thanks for the feedback.

You're welcome 🙆I will try @krnel 🙏

thank you @krnel! really thought provoking... may truth find its way in our hearts so we can shine out our purest authenticity into the world and inspire others... like you do. peace

Yes indeed, thank you. Le the truth in, and see the beauty and the horror that needs healing. We need to look deep into the darkness of our own "hearts" (consciousness) and heal that to become better version of ourselves :) Thanks for the feedback.

:) I like that! we're on the same wavelength ;) peace

@krnel I agree. In addition standing up for what is right and reporting the truth against all odds shows strenght and honesty. We are in the time of calling those we do not agree with fake news and trying to limit freedom of speech. Stand up for truth and what is right and the truth shall set you free

Telling the truth in a time of universal deceit.

I agree with you. Good point

This is ur own idea of truth i guess.

what is your own idea of truth?

Coming from ur own political view point in ur summation of truth. Truth to me is been objective not bias.

Lol, instead of contextualising my comment, why not come up with your own unbiased comment in order for all to read and learn

Truth to me is still been objective and not bias generally.

I agree, good point

I fear that much of the anti-truth movement in the world today is too far gone to realize any of these points. And some of them are even more anti-truth than they are pro-authority.

Yeah, the pseudo-"academic" post-modern, subjectivist, solipsistic world of "post-truth".

If more folks thought like you the world would have no more need for so-called 'authority' because they would realize it is fiction, all an illusion. I only believe in the law of do no harm. It is the only one that makes any sense to me, everything else is just words on paper. Meaningless, except for the value that the ones duped into believing it as a real thing, give to it by their collective agreement.

I'm glad you accept do no harm :) How far do you take it? Do dogs and cats deserve to be free from human harm, but not pigs or cows?

A Statement from the Animals: Translated from Nonverbal into Verbal Expression


This is indeed food for thought. Very inspiring write up. How many times have we allow others to dictate how we should behave.

Once again, you have made an effective argument about evolving self consciousness and self awareness - allowing us to be more authentic, be true and hence have true authority. I like this series of blogs. I will go and read older ones (older than a month ) those I must have missed since you may have published before I joined Steemit. Upvoted.@krnel -

I am continuing my focus on wildlife. Today I wrote a blog on Snoozing parrots with my musings about Thomas Carlyle equating parrots to economists. I request you to take a look at it when you have time. Your comments, as always, would be an encouragement and incentive for me to make better blogs. Thanks.

this is a very inspiring piece that you have posted @krnel. nice. Thanks for sharing

Thanks for reading and appreciating :)

Falsity is created through false authority. Truth makes authority, not the other way around

You didnt mention politics or MSM. But I read in that context and found entire article to be well written and timely


This applies to all appeals to authority and experts, not just MSM or politics. Thanks for the feedback.

Dis was my thoughts too. Thank you.

Im still trying to figure out reality filtered by limited sense data and my mile thick conditioning ...good questions regarding authority and personal rights.

We Have Senses for Input of Reality, Trust Them. Your senses are the input you have. You have nothing else for input from the external existence. Trust them, and learn to use them.

Imagine an attempt at existing without any senses. You wouldn't even develop into anything. Without input, there is no processing, and no output to become something. No feeling of breathing, swallowing, or feeling anything physical. No other senses to gauge dangers from not feeling, no sight, no sound. Nothing. Only automated processes of swallowing, but you wouldn't even know if you had food to swallow unless it was shoved in our mouths that would automatically react.

Senses are the devices used to make sense of reality. Limited as they are, they work amazingly well for what they are designed to do. Other devices on other animals have better eyes, or better whatever device. I don't see it as a negative. It's impossible to have infinite senses. The sense devices we have are designed to give us the input we need. Seeing ultraviolet light like bees isn't too helpful for us...

Yes, i like your post,...
I agree with what gerrald massey said.
Very inspiring, motivated in life :)

Thanks ;)

Self-awareness and self-knowledge is lacking in most people and that's why we have a society of zombie slaves that fail to see the bigger picture, for example thinking that cannabis is a crime...

If cannabis is causing crime den it is a crime. Truth.

@krnel your post is rational, well thought out and articulated.

I think the problem though is not necessarily that those who would call themselves the arbiters of truth are deluded or lying; they simply seek to rule through brute force.

Might makes right.

One must be searching for the truth in order to find it; it is rare to merely stumble across it and recognize it for what it is.

They are deluded to think might makes right ;)

But they've also got most of the guns and all of the prisons.

The good thing is that the blockchain has the potential to effectively neuter them.

Great article!

Very good and thought provoking post. It s our personal responsibility, I believe, to read and study from a vast arena of knowledge and then to discern for ourselves what is the truth. Then, feel free to talk about it.

Truth spoken rite by you.

And how would one know what is true and what is not? How much is about education we receive or the culture we grow with? And where is a reset button to give up false authority? (Just my rethorical questions, no need for an answer but I would like to hear your opinion)

You don't know if 1+1=2? You can't verify that demonstrable reality yourself?

Good story.
Welcome and nice to meet you.
Please follow me @patricksanlin and upvote. Thanks

Hey, stop spamming your generic comment on people's posts just a s way to advertise yourself. Thanks. You will get flagged for doing that as it's not cool behavior.


yes, the post and command are not match...

Thank you for your advice. see you .

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@krnel amazing post man! I will be looking for more, n btw do check out my last post you may like it!

Food for thought

Great article! However, I still do not understand what 'truth' is. Where did the 'truth' come from? The 'truth' you know (or you have known) and you mentioned must have come from what you have observed or learned.

Also, the meaning of the 'truth' is determined by people. The word 'truth' has no meaning. It is really arbitrary. The meaning of truth has changed many times throughout history. You probably were talking about the Orwellian idea when you mentioned 1 + 1 = 3. Again, 1 + 1 can be 3 if people (or the authority lke the 'big brother') agree to (or forces us to)use 1 + 1 is 3 (or believe it is 3). Sun rises from East because we call that direction East.

What are greater truths and moral truths?

Clifford Geertz said,

"man is an animal suspended in webs of significance(meaning, or culture) he himself has spun."

In my opinion, instead of looking for 'truth,' it is better to look for 'facts' and 'experts.' 'Authority' and 'cultural perception' change over time.

I've covered many of these issues in various posts in the past. Sorry, I won't be taking the time to address your concerns, as it takes too much of my time. I've also found that this is a strategy by some to wear down others with endless questions, doubts or demands. The questions have answers, but usually the person asking doesn't want them, they just want to nitpick and argue semantics rather than understand how language works to define and reference things for us to communicate about. Forgo the pursuit of truth to your own detriment. Peace.

oh, if you see it that way, I am so sorry to bother you. However, my intention was really to find out your answer. Since you said that you covered my question in previous postings, I will just find them and read them. :)

Hehe, they will be hard to find. I didn't make a post to address each thing. I'll give you the benefit of doubt that you want to know things more. Why do you want to state that the word truth could be anything, arbitrary, as through that changes the fundamental understanding of what we're talking about? Call it whatever you want, so what. What is being referenced? That's what's important. Truth, gerblack, zookook, whatever. But the word symbol references something to be talked about. That's what words do.

So, why do you think it's important to mention how language works in attempt to cast confusion on what truth is? It's a nonsequitor from actually talking about how the word 'truth' is used to reference aspects of life, living, reality, etc.