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RE: Truth is the Measure of Authority, Not 'Authority' That's the Measure of Truth

in #philosophy7 years ago

@krnel I agree. In addition standing up for what is right and reporting the truth against all odds shows strenght and honesty. We are in the time of calling those we do not agree with fake news and trying to limit freedom of speech. Stand up for truth and what is right and the truth shall set you free


Telling the truth in a time of universal deceit.

I agree with you. Good point

This is ur own idea of truth i guess.

what is your own idea of truth?

Coming from ur own political view point in ur summation of truth. Truth to me is been objective not bias.

Lol, instead of contextualising my comment, why not come up with your own unbiased comment in order for all to read and learn

Truth to me is still been objective and not bias generally.

I agree, good point