
ye!!! A lot of people are unhappy with their lives and it hurts them to see others accomplish the things they would like to have themselves, so they look for things they can critice others on to make themselves feel more superior.

It's kinda sad, as we all just want to be happy and by not being honest to ourselves and take action we end up being stuck in this bubble of dishonesty and sadness cause of the things not accomplished...

Such a vicious circle...

It's saddening and yet true. All that you said just now!

We all go through this. I certainly do and yet sometimes they are your own friends who do this to you. :(

Sadly that's true as well! We are not perfect either, but I like to think the first step is being aware of this...

*sends hug

Absolutely right! I'm just happy I'm not a sheep, everything else can wait. Knowing this is a great relief in life!

*sends hug back ;)

One has to start somewhere, right! We'll be ok! ;)