This Trap Called Conditioning...

in #life7 years ago (edited)


We tend to go through life taking things for granted. Never wondering why we think the way we do or we do the things we do.

When we think about conditioning we tend to think we are the ones in control. We ignore the impact out environment has when looking at ourselves and take many processes, fundamental to our development for granted.

Our language and culture, for example, is something we don't have any say in. We grow up learning a certain language and framework on which we'll keep building throughout our lives.

It's fascinating to see how we don't build houses on a weak foundation, but never question our early on built-in framework.

Yet, these dynamics define our everyday interactions and decisions, as our actions (and thoughts) happen subconsciously and our conditioning lays down the foundation of these processes while growing up.

We accept it as part of our story, our identity so we can feel unique and special.

Being aware of these processes and some insight in Neuroscience can highly increase the control we have over ourselves. This is why I recently started looking a bit into this area and will be posting on this as well in the near future!

No worries, I got us covered! <3

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Spot on! Most people don't want to be aware I guess! They are just comfortable with the way things are in general.

Ye, I guess it's easier to stay in a comfort bubble than to take responsibility and take your own life in hands...

True! That's why in the grand scheme of things we have leaders and followers. Most people like to be told what to do and only then they get things done!

So true! The ones that take their lives in their own hands, that do create their own paths, are the ones that end up ruling those who don't! Funny if you come to think of it, as it's those people we tend to look up to....

You said it! :D That's how it goes! Also, most people when they criticise others for something good about them or for their achievements usually end up working or listening for these achievers when it comes to their own good.

ye!!! A lot of people are unhappy with their lives and it hurts them to see others accomplish the things they would like to have themselves, so they look for things they can critice others on to make themselves feel more superior.

It's kinda sad, as we all just want to be happy and by not being honest to ourselves and take action we end up being stuck in this bubble of dishonesty and sadness cause of the things not accomplished...

Such a vicious circle...

It's saddening and yet true. All that you said just now!

We all go through this. I certainly do and yet sometimes they are your own friends who do this to you. :(

This is a great concept to stress and to be aware of in our modern world. With the digital age and the near complete interconnection of all cultures we have to be aware of how we were conditioned by our native culture and how that conditioning causes us to treat people who we view as different from ourselves.

So true! Our conditioning has so much impact an how we view and interact with the world!

Being aware of this and start questioning it,is a huge step in recognizing what to keep and what to let go off ,and this will also translate in how we act towards others like you said! :)

Cool will follow you as it seems interesting :)

Awesome thanks! :)

We are conditioned from birth through operant and classical conditioning and this continues throughout life. Studies have looked at the power of conditioning but even as adults some still expect rewards for certain types of behaviour. I am fascinated by the power of conditioning and its become part of natural human behaviour. X

Yes indeed! We get rewarded for walking in line and punished when we try something else and since we are very social beings dependent on others, we highly value validation from others...

I wonder what the world would be like if we werent all pre programmed to be open to conditioning.....

Or if we got raised questioning everything! :)