The Ultimate 'Smart Contract'? A Universal Declaration of Independence & Decentralisation for Balance, World Peace & Increased Prosperity.

in Ureka Community6 months ago (edited)

This is an updated version of a draft document I wrote in 2013, before crypto and decentralised systems were very evolved. The purpose is to provide understandings that are necessary for humanity to liberate itself and to build lasting peace, balance & prosperity.

The document is not complete and is not intended to be a 'one stop shop' solution for the major and longstanding problems on Earth. Instead it provides valuable and needed puzzle pieces which anyone can pick up and use in their own lives as we heal, balance and evolve - individually and collectively.

A Universal Declaration of Independence & Decentralisation for the Balancing of Living Beings, the Allowing of Lasting Peace & Increased Prosperity.

Validity of Law

Laws are accurately defined as: 'Limits which cannot be broken'.

  • Most human made laws are not actually laws, but rather they are rules, which can be broken.
  • Breaking these rules is possible, whereas real laws cannot be broken.
  • Breaking real laws is an impossibility as they are inherent to the nature of reality.

Many real laws are either not being understood or are being denied by many on Earth at this time.

Since real laws can neither be created nor broken - people who wish to govern those who openly and fully consciously volunteer to be governed must recognise now that they can only work with rules and are not able to create or edit actual laws (regardless of what existing frameworks of belief, presented as fact, may claim).

The only valid rules on Earth are ones that always fully support the allowance and co-creation of balance, peace, happiness, free will, free expression & natural abundance for all involved.

Any idea that is presented as a rule, but which places limits on free will or hinders free will, must be adjusted creatively to ensure respect for free will.

This objective requires that maximum possible care and attention is present to ensure that no overpowering of and thus no denial of free will is caused or supported by the idea which is being proposed to be a rule.

Where details are overlooked/omitted and where ideas being presented as rules are imbalanced in ways that, on balance, limit free will – they are not valid rules.

No rule or regulation is valid if any intention or action that is supported by the rule or regulation does not nurture, allow and respect the free will and free movement of all the living beings involved.

The will of all living beings can only be free when any overpowering of any/all aspects of all the involved living beings has ended.

A definition of 'any/all aspects of all involved living beings' is:

“All desires, living bodies, spirits, hearts, feelings, emotions and minds of the vast range of forms of beings that are existing; including and not limited to those that are commonly labeled as: 'humans', 'animals' & 'planets'."

Free Will

For free will and free movement of all the involved living beings to be totally respected, all involved beings need to be allowing their own free movement and their own free will, plus also allowing the free movement and free will of all other beings.

This enables the maximum ability for people and other life forms to both survive and to move freely to the place that is right for them. Many of Earth’s problems stem from unnatural limitations being placed on beings who are not located optimally for their own needs, survival and growth.

Compassion and willingness to help is not balanced if the intention exists within those seeking help to take advantage of others in ways that increase imbalance or to deny them their own ability to meet their own real needs. Each situation is unique and needs to be felt into and understood more deeply than is commonly happening at present.

Where the intent and will of a living entity impinges upon, controls and/or overpowers the free will of other beings involved - the needed harmony and balance has been lost. Here, balance must be sought and allowed to manifest compassionately through the change, movement, expression and creativity that are fundamental and eternal elements of the continuum of the one life, God, the multiverse and all that is.

The intentions being held here can make the difference between success and failure. Those who intend balance can internally navigate towards it, while those who do not will never know real balance.

No living being is obliged to respect or follow any rule or regulation that denies any/all aspects of all involved sentient beings.

A requirement of harmony and balance is that living beings must not overpower their own will or the will of another living being.

Invalid Laws

Companies, corporations and other 'non living legal entities' are not living beings or living bodies; they are created, conceptual entities that are caused and created by living beings.

Therefore, any rule or regulation that allows and/or supports 'non living legal entities' to overpower the will of living beings, through any means, including and not limited to financial, monetary, contractual or statutory means is by default invalid.

Only interactions that directly involve living beings are honourable and can be truly honoured.

The definition of non living legal entities includes and is not limited to:

  • Nations
  • States
  • Counties
  • National Governments
  • Banks
  • Charities
  • World Religions

These ideas are, today, seen as radical by many people. However, those who consider them without judging them and who let them sink into their feelings in an honest way - without distortion - will recognise their meaning, intent & value.

Resolving Conflicts & Finding Real Balance

Many initial points of resistance to the understandings shared here will arise in the context of conflict resolution. Where does one person’s free will begin and another’s end?

These are valid concerns and questions.

The need for clarity here is a significant part of what has caused and justified the creation of human-made judicial processes throughout most human cultures.

All beings are meant to have a free will, from which to derive guidance and to ensure their own survival. Their will enables their own uniqueness - so with a truly free will there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution for many forms of problems that can arise.

Failure to respect this has meant that systems of human made rules have consistently failed to respect free will fully – which has led to a massive loss of collective power over time.

Where conflicts arise, there is a need to understand and appraise the situation with balance and the needed respect for free will in mind.

  • Where has free will been denied?
  • Why was free will denied?
  • Can those involved learn from their mistaken overpowering of free will and adapt to no longer deny free will? (Without the solution seeming to require even further denial of free will – in the name of creating what often amounts to little more than an image of balance).

From here, a foundation can be made to seek the called for changes, without the risk of causing further problems with solutions that miss the mark.

Centralised power can seem convenient, but almost always yields a loss of real balance and a loss of power among those involved.

Decentralisation is necessary now in order to allow the balance that can secure the future of life on Earth for all who are choosing to live.

Power (accurately defined as: the ability to act) has never been balanced on Earth and as yet the power remains unbalanced. So it follows that conflict resolution that is balanced (meaning ‘non-overpowering’) has seemed elusive for as long as humans have existed.

Finding and creating balance with other people is a matter of self acceptance, free/open communication, receptivity, openness to new ideas and sustained intent to act to carefully remove limitations and to create balance.

While movements to evolve towards this needed new reality are underway, many people are not aware and/or are not participating at present.

Natural and unavoidable processes exist, as an inherent part of to life on Earth, which will enable those who choose real balance to eventually experience more of it for themselves. Those who do not choose real balance will experience an ever increasing degree of difficulty as a result of their intention to continue denying things – including denial of their own needs through the denial of free will.

The proof is in the pudding and those who explore these ideas in their own lives will experience the benefits that real balance brings to their lives.

There is no need to seek approval from others to live in real balance.

Effective approaches to conflict resolution depend on the non overpowering of free will and, in turn, this requires deep appreciation of the real needs of those involved.

This is one of the most difficult sticking points at present, since few people understand or are accepting their own real needs.

  • We do all need clean air, water, land and food.
  • We do all need the ability to express openly and safely.
  • We do all need our own power, such that we are not depending on the actions of others in order to feel safe and to survive.

We do not need to utilise the Earth’s body (natural resources) in ways that aim to self aggrandise or that seek to project an image of our own supremacy in order to ‘win’!

The perceived need to win - as if life is a constant struggle/contest - originates in a lack of self acceptance, coupled with unprocessed fear and associated belief structures within individuals. These have, in some cases, taken on a form that seems unchangeable due to mass conformity - but change is both possible and needed here.

Real needs are self evident and can be understood by those who learn to fully accept their real feelings, plus who sufficiently clear their own distorted and judgemental thoughts.

The truth neither needs to be convincing nor assumed, it must be felt to be understood.


While there are those with power on Earth at present, who see the need for this process and understand its validity - there are many who reject it and who themselves seem to have too much power to be challenged.

Understand that these seemingly powerful people who continue to try to prevent the will from being free are only using the power that other people have been giving to them. Once you reclaim your own real power - that you have been, for so long, giving to other people – the situation can change.

It falls to the real will of those on Earth who are currently feeling oppressed, crushed and denied in so many ways - to feel the significance and meaning of these words, to awaken, to respond and to take right action that leads to real balance.

Real balance on Earth can come from the inner reality of individuals leading the way in opening a new space for transformation of their outer reality - such that free will is recovered and restored.

This is the only possible path to peace for Earth.

All other options which include forms of denial will lead to destruction far more quickly than many have been allowing themselves to notice.

May we heal, balance & evolve – safely and compassionately.

Truthfully expressed from heart, will, mind & body of one aspect of the eternal living God... Commonly known as:

Ura Soul

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Wow! this didn't just come out of the blue and clearly required a lot of thought. Hat's off!

Centralised power can seem convenient, but almost always yields a loss of real balance and a loss of power among those involved.

This centralised power only came about because because we allowed free will for bankers to wreak havoc on our planet.

Understand that these seemingly powerful people who continue to try to prevent the will from being free are only using the power that other people have been giving to them.

It was (is) all by consent, we participate(d) in our own slavery.
It's up to us to walk away.

“I freed a thousand slaves; I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves,”

Thanks Brother.

 6 months ago  

Thankyou for reading and responding here, too!

I put about 20 years into researching and exploring what is needed to liberate Earth, but got hugely sidetracked along the way by life events. I'm now making a return to the liberating business :)

This centralised power only came about because because we allowed free will for bankers to wreak havoc on our planet.

One of the key points about free will is that where people's choices and actions involve denial (as is the case with the banking systems), the will is not truly free. The phrase 'no-one is free until we are all free' is relevant here.

One of the missing puzzle pieces needed to appreciate why the actions of the bankers is not an expression of their own free will is that our will expresses as feelings - internally, to each of us. We feel attracted to or repulsed by ideas, people and events and this is part of our process of discerning what is needed for us.

The backlash to the enslavement of humanity by these systems has only just started. If the people who designed these systems had allowed their wills to be truly free, they would have been guided away from tyranny and towards empowerment that helps everyone. This would have ensured their own survival in ways that would not have impoverished so many and led so many of them to want revenge.

I would not put 'bankers' anywhere near the top of the list of types of people likely to survive significant global system shutdowns. They may have far more resources than most other people at present, but they will not be able to continue holding that position once others awaken and reclaim lost power. It is likely that through this process of healing, the intense imbalances and denials will make life very difficult for some of these financial enslavers.

My advice to them is to learn now to free their own will for the first time and to listen to what they have habitually denying for so long, while living 'high on the hog'. They are in the unfortunate position of having the nature of their operations exposed for the first time, leading many to hate them with unprecedented intensity. On the other hand, they temporarily hold power positions which they can use to help to rectify the situation. As is the case for everyone on Earth, they constantly decide their own destiny path by their choices.

It was (is) all by consent, we participate(d) in our own slavery.
It's up to us to walk away.

To some extent, yes. That is how the enslavers have presented the situation to each other too. Even in human made 'legal' rules, we cannot consent to a contract if we are not conscious of the details of it - such agreements are nullified. Most of most people is unconscious at this point, which arguably means that few people can truly consent to any agreements!

However, it is absolutely correct that everyone has created their own enslavement and it was done through them denying their own free will, their own real feelings about the situation and thus also denying them their own options for liberation along the way. The complexities of the 'legal systems' that have been put on top of this situation are not as relevant as the energetic realities within people that has them dis-empowering themselves with every breath, instead of the opposite!

Yes, that is a great quote from Harriet Tubman. Unfortunately, the twists and turns within the mechanisms that create economic/financial/ideological/political slaves has vast numbers of people thinking they are smart/free/respected when in reality none of that is true!

Bless-sings to all! :)

Powerful piece!

these seemingly powerful people who continue to try to prevent the will from being free are only using the power that other people have been giving to them

As more and more people remember who they (we) truly are, this game based on false code crumbles.

 6 months ago  


Yes, re-membering is fundamental to our liberation. Memory itself is a function of the allowance of right movement of emotions and feelings - so, again, any distortion or limitation on this process will hamper memory and prevent evolution/freedom. This is probably part of why the powermongers from Europe sought to dominate and kill off the tribes of the world, who often hold stronger memories of the distant past within their group than the powermongers liked.

Rather than accept reality and learn the needed lessons, many of these groups (often using their false vision of God as justification) have been seeking to rerwrite 'history' in their image and to their own specification. This has been going on for so long now that the majority of people have fallen for it without asking many questions. The recent uncovering of an 8 mile long piece of ancient art, showing humans alongside giant animals in ancient times, is just the tip of the iceberg!

an 8 mile long piece of ancient art, showing humans alongside giant animals in ancient times



 6 months ago  


The distortion has reached unfathomable proportions. I've been to a few stunningly beautiful ancient sites in Mexico, Egypt (several times, as I'm a passionate scuba diver), and Australia, and I roll my eyes every time I think of all the "rebranded" history lessons we have been spoonfed since early childhood. If you become the observer, you notice the level of ridicule, and yet so many Divine Sparks buy into the narrative and continue to follow NPCs.

 6 months ago  

Absolutely, yes. We are in a process where the tribes of Earth - so long denied and forced to hide out of fear for their lives - are finding a voice to be able to share their understandings with those who will hear.

Gradually, bridges will be formed that help to harmonise the various groups on Earth and more people will come to remember who they are and just what they've been up to for the past few millennia of incarnations on Earth!

You've put a great deal of rational thought into this, which I can respect. However, I reckon an agreement between people can only pertain to people. While you have attempted to be more inclusive, I note you seek to include only creatures very similar to people, and have excluded less anthropomorphic species. I think this exemplifies the reason for my qualification, which is that we can only speak for ourselves due to our biases.


 6 months ago (edited) 

There are numerous aspects to finding peace and balance on Earth which require people to go beyond their existing limits, both in perception and belief. A world where all humans are friendly, yet continue to abuse animals is not actually possible since there is an inherent feeling of anguish, pain and trauma that continues to grow within the emotional body of the Earth as a result of this. It is not possible to avoid it fully, so people have been creating ever more illogical denials in order to act as if it either doesn't exist or doesn't matter.

In short, a person who overpowers the will, whether it be in a being shaped like a horse, a pig or a human - is not balanced. In all such cases, there is potential for re-assessment, new understanding, growth and evolution.

I recommend everyone to watch and rewatch this documentary about proven animal/human telepathy/telempathy:

While I do not agree about their conclusions of the origins of animal/human communication - the reality they are sharing is accurate. I have direct experience of these abilities myself.

If there were only one change a person made after reading this blog and watching this video, I would like it to be in response to the realisation that not only are animals actually 'people with different bodies' - they are, in truth, spirits - as are we - and some of us have lived lives as animals too.

We have a long way to go to heal this situation, but there is still (a limited amount of) time to do it.

I have a pet I treat admirably. My pet loves me. However, my pet is a violent sadistic predator.


It's just nice to me because I feed it, give it clean water, and pamper it obscenely. It doesn't have to work for a living in any way, so it kills and eats things only for fun.

I appreciate you have well considered your perspective, no less than I have mine. We have previously discussed these matters, and I believe it is unlikely we will be able to close the gap between our perspectives. I consider myself part of nature, with a role to fulfill killing and eating other creatures. When I pointed out you cannot live without killing and eating other creatures, we were no longer able to discuss things reasonably. I do not wish to enrage you, or for our mutual respect to be degraded, so I would prefer not to further discuss these specifics.

 6 months ago (edited) 

There is a gap between the conscious self and all of the pain, trauma, rage, terror and other emotions that the conscious self has chosen to reject and avoid (deny) - this is the reason why even scientists acknowledge that most of most people is unconscious and there is little awareness of why or what to do about it - we do it to ourselves and try to 'act normal' in the process.

This then, therefore means that any topic that relates to survival and death (among other topics) has the potential to trigger a cascade of phenomena within people when they focus there. Most people are not bridging their gap between the concious and unconscious, so this is less noticeable in them - they simply appear energetically dead in comparison to someone who is building the internal bridges necessary to be whole and to reach full potential.

There are many unsavoury facts that are uncovered when building this bridge within self, not the least of which is that almost everything we have commonly believed about 'nature', 'self' and 'being nice' is not only incorrect, but has been killing us.

If I am enraged in the face of unwillingness to explore the areas that I understand as paramount for survival, then that rage is a survival rage that seeks to liberate and to stay alive.

However, I have known about this epic gap for many years and have chosen to allow myself to be distracted away from what I knew was the optimal path for me to walk through all of this - which includes the publishing of my own book that can defuse a lot of conflicts before they begin.

I am now focusing once again in that direction and am defusing my sub and unconscious programs that have mistakenly believed that I need to correct everyone that I understand to be holding death dealing beliefs. The best I can do is lay a path that others can choose to study and follow if it makes sense to them.

I have become convinced we are participating in a communal consciousness, and that most of the reasons for everything aren't so much withheld from us, as we are just incompetent to understand them. I have endeavored to be spiritually and psychologically unperturbed by my, and humanity's, incompetence. The very limited intellectual and spiritual capacity we have to know and understand seems to me to be best applied to things in our wheelhouse, in our pay grade. There's so much we not only can't know, but also we can only get wrong, that the further we stray from simple truths the deeper in the weeds we get.

I can't authoritatively direct you to acceptance of your place. I don't believe, because of the above, that I can authoritatively direct me to mine, but I'm on the hot seat and have to do the best I can, at least for me. I bear you nothing but good will, sincerely hope you far exceed my expectations, and have no desire to discourage, dissuade, or divert you from achieving the very best and greatest understanding and practice of living you seek and intend.

For me, a simple man, our place in terrestrial life is very simple. We can find it written in stone, in artifacts our deep ancestors have left behind, in the conversation I had with an incredibly nervous doe from ~2M yesterday. Life is a single organism, an unbroken chain of living cells from the primordial to each and all those living today. We have an understanding innate to us, the owls and mice, the hunters and deer, and the shrieking toenails we have to trim from time to time. There is surely more to it, more than I can ever piece together from lifetimes of mining the great works of my betters for the precepts and principles that a better kind of man may come to be. That is not my geas, and if it is yours, I sincerely commend you to it.
