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RE: The Ultimate 'Smart Contract'? A Universal Declaration of Independence & Decentralisation for Balance, World Peace & Increased Prosperity.

in Ureka Community6 months ago

Wow! this didn't just come out of the blue and clearly required a lot of thought. Hat's off!

Centralised power can seem convenient, but almost always yields a loss of real balance and a loss of power among those involved.

This centralised power only came about because because we allowed free will for bankers to wreak havoc on our planet.

Understand that these seemingly powerful people who continue to try to prevent the will from being free are only using the power that other people have been giving to them.

It was (is) all by consent, we participate(d) in our own slavery.
It's up to us to walk away.

“I freed a thousand slaves; I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves,”

Thanks Brother.

 6 months ago  

Thankyou for reading and responding here, too!

I put about 20 years into researching and exploring what is needed to liberate Earth, but got hugely sidetracked along the way by life events. I'm now making a return to the liberating business :)

This centralised power only came about because because we allowed free will for bankers to wreak havoc on our planet.

One of the key points about free will is that where people's choices and actions involve denial (as is the case with the banking systems), the will is not truly free. The phrase 'no-one is free until we are all free' is relevant here.

One of the missing puzzle pieces needed to appreciate why the actions of the bankers is not an expression of their own free will is that our will expresses as feelings - internally, to each of us. We feel attracted to or repulsed by ideas, people and events and this is part of our process of discerning what is needed for us.

The backlash to the enslavement of humanity by these systems has only just started. If the people who designed these systems had allowed their wills to be truly free, they would have been guided away from tyranny and towards empowerment that helps everyone. This would have ensured their own survival in ways that would not have impoverished so many and led so many of them to want revenge.

I would not put 'bankers' anywhere near the top of the list of types of people likely to survive significant global system shutdowns. They may have far more resources than most other people at present, but they will not be able to continue holding that position once others awaken and reclaim lost power. It is likely that through this process of healing, the intense imbalances and denials will make life very difficult for some of these financial enslavers.

My advice to them is to learn now to free their own will for the first time and to listen to what they have habitually denying for so long, while living 'high on the hog'. They are in the unfortunate position of having the nature of their operations exposed for the first time, leading many to hate them with unprecedented intensity. On the other hand, they temporarily hold power positions which they can use to help to rectify the situation. As is the case for everyone on Earth, they constantly decide their own destiny path by their choices.

It was (is) all by consent, we participate(d) in our own slavery.
It's up to us to walk away.

To some extent, yes. That is how the enslavers have presented the situation to each other too. Even in human made 'legal' rules, we cannot consent to a contract if we are not conscious of the details of it - such agreements are nullified. Most of most people is unconscious at this point, which arguably means that few people can truly consent to any agreements!

However, it is absolutely correct that everyone has created their own enslavement and it was done through them denying their own free will, their own real feelings about the situation and thus also denying them their own options for liberation along the way. The complexities of the 'legal systems' that have been put on top of this situation are not as relevant as the energetic realities within people that has them dis-empowering themselves with every breath, instead of the opposite!

Yes, that is a great quote from Harriet Tubman. Unfortunately, the twists and turns within the mechanisms that create economic/financial/ideological/political slaves has vast numbers of people thinking they are smart/free/respected when in reality none of that is true!

Bless-sings to all! :)