familyprotection rebloggedtaliakerch (76)in #familyprotection • 19 days ago2,500$ FOR EVERY ORPHAN"Fratti's case" is the most loud scandal connected with kidnapping of kids abroad during last 20 years. The woman Nadezhda Fratti, an Italian due to the origin and Russian due to the place offamilyprotection rebloggedtaliakerch (76)in #familyprotection • 27 days agoKIDS ARE BUSINESS"Resource" families are a new juvenile innovation. Now kids have become even more profitable business than they were before. In the Moscow region, officials announced the strengthening of thefamilyprotection rebloggedtaliakerch (76)in #familyprotection • last monthA NEW CPS "TRAIN" IS MOVING..November has become a fatal months for one more family who has lost 5 kids at once thanks to .... anonymous denounciation. The Tyumen Regional Parents' Committee received an email from Tatyana Vyatchininafamilyprotection rebloggedtaliakerch (76)in #familyprotection • last monthCPS RUINED THE FAMILY AND "KILLED" DADAn outrageous case of juvenile justice in Novosibirsk happened not long ago. It's that very case when CPS mistake can NEVER be corrected because the father of the family died....He was killed by CPS. pcfamilyprotection rebloggedtaliakerch (76)in #familyprotection • last monthFOREIGH ADOPTIONS ARE BEING BANNED In my country the question of foreigh adoption is very hot but still there was no law that stopped and forbad it. The only law that made restrictions for foreign adoptions was Dima Yakovlev law (as it'sfamilyprotection rebloggedtaliakerch (76)in #familyprotection • 2 months agoWHAT IS GOING ON?? - CPS TAKE AWAY KIDS, BAILIFFS TAKE AWAY KID'S FOOD AND BEDSIt seems to be just somebody's bad fantasy, but it's our today's news. What is happennign with this world?! We all know that poverty is one of the main reasons for CPS to take kids away from their nativefamilyprotection rebloggedtaliakerch (76)in #familyprotection • 2 months ago"GO TO THE HOSPITAL OR WE WILL INFORM CPS"That's what doctors say to parents who don't go to hospitals as often as the system demands it. To tell you the truth, I was shocked when I read this news. It looks like the System has gone absolutelyfamilyprotection rebloggedtaliakerch (76)in #familyprotection • 2 months agoMORE ILLEGAL SCHOOL NEWSNews from schools. Now schools don't want to have responsibility for kids health. Society, CPS, authorities and all the rest make everything possible to make kids go to school and to be a part of the commonfamilyprotection rebloggedtaliakerch (76)in #familyprotection • 2 months agoTEACHERS ARE MADE TO VISIT KIDS AT HOME FOR ... GETTING INFO!![]( **Teachers are made to visit families at home for getting necessary information. **They have a special list of questions which should be filled with parents replies. One of the main question is -familyprotection rebloggedtaliakerch (76)in #familyprotection • 2 months agoJUVENILE JUSTICE NEVER SLEEPSNo matter what is going on around, CPS never sleeps. When people are in danger, and the only question is how to stay alive and healthy, what are CPS doing? CPS are sending threats to parents informingfamilyprotection rebloggedtaliakerch (76)in #familyprotection • 3 months agoHAPPY COME BACK OF 4 KIDS TO MOM"Absence of work and good living conditions" - that was the CPS explanation after taking away 4 kids from their mother. Their mother encountered difficulties, and as a result the children endedfamilyprotection rebloggedtaliakerch (76)in #familyprotection • 3 months agoONE MORE FAMILY IS RUINED BY JUVENILE JUSTICEWhat is the end for this long family's fight that I described a month ago? As a rule all figths with CPS last for months or even years. This story isn't an exception. First attacks of CPS began many monthsfamilyprotection rebloggedtaliakerch (76)in Home Edders • 3 months ago"PROFESSIONAL PARENTS" MAKE BUSSINESS ON ORPHANAGESStories about "professional parenthood" are endless now. The more money the state gives to adoptive parents for orphanages, the more stories about parenthood bussiness appear. And this correlationfamilyprotection rebloggedtaliakerch (76)in #familyprotection • 3 months agoA MOTHER LOST HER BABY BECAUSE OF .... SALAD!source A woman from the USA had real hell when she lost her newborn baby because of... salad she had eaten before the birth process. How is it possible? The problem was in her salad dressing! An Americanfamilyprotection rebloggedtaliakerch (76)in Home Edders • 4 months agoSHOULD UNSCHOOLING PARENTS PROVE THEY GIVE EDUCATION TO KIDS?It's one of the main questions for all unschooling families. Most of parents are afraid just to have an unschooling status and be free from the system. They are afraid to attract CPS attention who canfamilyprotection rebloggedtaliakerch (76)in Home Edders • 4 months agoCPS ATTACKS ON UNSCHOOLING FAMILIESIn my country unschooling education (family education) has been legal for about 20 years already. It's legal and protected by the law and the Constitution. But not always and not anywhere. Tatarstan isfamilyprotection rebloggedtaliakerch (76)in #familyprotection • 4 months agoCPS LIE IN HUNTING FOR KIDSI follow Pelevin's story - a family that has lost 3 kids because of CPS hunt. Kids were taken away some months ago because of "poor living conditions" (not news, a traditional scheme). In fact,familyprotection rebloggedtaliakerch (76)in #familyprotection • 4 months agoCPS ARE EAGER TO CATCH KIDS AFTER LIFE TRAGEDIESWhen people face life tragedies, they hope for help and empathy from people and state. But as a rule officials and CPS hunt for such families and are always ready to catch them in their "trap"familyprotection rebloggedtaliakerch (76)in #familyprotection • 5 months agoFRATTI CASE: 500 ORPHANS - TO ITALYThis scandal happened 22 years ago. But the case was so loud that it's still alive. And this this woman doesn't accept her guilt. And still she is not in prison. The criminal case against Nadezhda Frattifamilyprotection rebloggedtaliakerch (76)in #familyprotection • 5 months agoORPHANAGES PROMOTE NOT NATIVE PARENTS BUT FOSTER FAMILIESWhen we face juvenile justice system, it appears that its outrage touches not only CPS actions, but orphanage activity as well. They were always side by side and had the same goals. I've read some news