A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words: Take 8

in Freewriterslast month


Source picture for the A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words contest

What I see

A man is standing on a mountain peak over clouds, looking at a distant light source.

What I feel

The darkness will be removed when the light arrives, but how long will we have to wait? How much bloodshed we would have to see?

Some Talks

It is not a story. I am not in a state of mind to write a story for all the things that have happened in my country Bangladesh for the last 10/12 days. If you know, then you know, if you do not know, you will probably never know. But if you are interested, you can search as several international media covered it.

We are going through a hard time. For their rights, the students raised their voices. The arrogant fascist government has taken the hard line. The government has proved its student wing to attack the students who were protesting. They were ferocious and even beat girls, when the next day, the common students fought back, and the government sent police, and border guards who rained rubber bullets, tear shells, and sound grenades. Throughout the history of our country, whenever the oppressor crossed the line, the students were the ones to bring them down.

To prevent organizing students this so-called 'Digital Bangladesh' was cut off from the internet, yes, we were kind of out of the world for 5 days! In the meanwhile, all they did was genocide and clean up the mess. The government issued curfew and the Army has been on the roads since then, they were given the order to shoot at sight! The official record says the death toll is around 200 but who knows what is the actual number?

We all can hope that the sun will rise and shine upon us and will bring back peace in this country. But, will that be enough for the mourning families who lost their sons, brothers, and much more???


I understand you are angry but perhaps you can also understand that not everyone has access to the news! Your country shuts down, Pakistan does, Europe is restricted by what is allowed to hear (all social media are under the restriction of the new EU law) next to that we are drawn into wars we don't want and for sure not want our sons and daughters die for a handful of greedy old men.

So while you are angry we are too. Perhaps for different reasons but we fear for our lives as well.

I wish you all the best

What kind of world are we living? Will it be ever better for the future generation? Or will we always be the pawns and sacrifices of the greedy old men?

We will be the pawns if we accept that, there are always some who don't.
I watch 'Silo' did you see it? On of those many films.. Is it a warning, our future, brave new world? Interesting to me are those few creative ones who do not a cept but live in their way under the given circumstances or give up everything... Leave and all they own is freedom.

Such a pathetic story everywhere. In Nigeria the youths are planning a nationwide protest. The atmosphere is not stable anywhere, my dear friend. The government have played games with our intelligence for long. I feel your pain as I Kno you equally feel ours from Nigeria axis.

We can just hope the Almighty put some good in the oppressors.