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RE: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words: Take 8

in Freewriters2 months ago

I understand you are angry but perhaps you can also understand that not everyone has access to the news! Your country shuts down, Pakistan does, Europe is restricted by what is allowed to hear (all social media are under the restriction of the new EU law) next to that we are drawn into wars we don't want and for sure not want our sons and daughters die for a handful of greedy old men.

So while you are angry we are too. Perhaps for different reasons but we fear for our lives as well.

I wish you all the best


What kind of world are we living? Will it be ever better for the future generation? Or will we always be the pawns and sacrifices of the greedy old men?

We will be the pawns if we accept that, there are always some who don't.
I watch 'Silo' did you see it? On of those many films.. Is it a warning, our future, brave new world? Interesting to me are those few creative ones who do not a cept but live in their way under the given circumstances or give up everything... Leave and all they own is freedom.