Assisted yoga: It's a dog's life

in #funny6 years ago


On occasion I have had a sore back. Either from improper lifting, poor posture while using the computer, or just slept in a funny position. I am not a fan of using too much medication and usually will try to stretch the aching muscles out. This particular episode seemed resistant to my usual methods so I thought I would try something new. Yoga.

Many people I know swear by yoga as the cure for a lot that ails one bodily. I had never attempted it but thought it might be worth trying. Anything to relieve that back spasm.

After a couple google searches and few youtube videos (I like to do my research) I set out for a big patch of carpet just in the hallway outside the bedrooms. Easing myself carefully into a prone position I pictured in my mind the videos I had just watched. The ones meant to relieve muscles in the affected area.

Enter the fellow in the picture above. Moments before he had been sound asleep in my room little yips and paddling paws showing he was fast asleep. His name is Max, I introduced him in a previous blog I invite you to read. He is 85 lbs of lab/shepherd love machine. For his size he can move remarkably fast.

Before I could roll over and escape (almost impossible to do quickly with a back spasm) he was on me. A new game! he thought. He pinned me to the floor and began to lick my face from chin to hair line. As I do have a slight allergy to dogs, mostly their saliva, I discourage this behaviour but he had me at his mercy.

There were exclamations of: NO! STOP! You licked my eye! Pffffft, not the mouth! before I could get away. I now make sure he is locked in the kitchen before I attempt such endeavors. Yoga can be a dangerous venture!

Live long and prosper,


Good @itallstarted, you are on the right way.

Maybe he thought he was helping!

AHA! Right? Dogs always interfere with my yoga practices if they are around.... xD

LOL! I hope you are able to get a good practice in on your next experience! What type of yoga do you practice?

I don't know what it is called but it involved laying on your back and bringing your knees up to your chest. You lace you fingers around your knees and rock your legs from side to side.

Ahah a back roll? Its a nice back massage for sure.