in #charlesfuchs7 years ago

Influence is the "new power" - if you have influence, you can create anything you want... think about it ~ Charles Fuchs.


One of the most important things to do on "Social Media" is to create a following. I learned many years ago that your thoughts, ideas, opinions etc... etc... really don't matter if no one hears or sees it. 🙇

For Example, Let's talk about Steemit. The most complaints that I see on this platform is the lack of engagement and upvotes people get on their posts. It doesn't even matter if you have the best content in the world, if no one knows about it.

So where am I going with this, you need to learn the skills to attract people to you and the best way to do that is to make connections with people everywhere.🌎

As easy it sounds, building a following and getting people's attention is one of the hardest things to do on Social Media with billions of people also wanting that attention. 

A fellow Bossman Steemian @grantcardone said to me to once many years ago that if you want success in anything you do in life, you need to get people's attention by being "Omnipresent". 

So what does that mean? *Omnipresent, refer to the quality of being everywhere at any moment in time.

The reason why you need to be on every "Social Media" platform because each platforms brings in different types of people. I've been using them to bring in hundreds of people a month to Steemit alone! Can you see the power of that?

What is also important is that I have tons of Steemit Followers that reached out to me on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and some by email (people still use those?) 🤣

We even built this "weird" friendship that will last a lifetime! Many have already told me that they will visit Las Vegas in 2018 and that we will have to meet up and get some drinks 🤪🍻🍹

With that being said, stop bashing other "Social Media"platforms on what they are... but instead, use them all to build a huge following and get your message out about Steemit.

So are you following me on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Snapchat? Shooot, I may even open a tinder account just to be more "Omnipresent" locally. 😅

On every post that I do on Steemit, all my Social Media links are listed below! If you have the time and want to connect, be sure to add me up and we may build a friendship that can last a lifetime. 

Hope this help you guys out to become more social and active everywhere. The future of Social media will be based on "Influence" and the people who will listen to you.

If you don't have a following, stop the complaining and start doing... one person at a time, it can up pretty fast!

Keep on STACKIN! 💞

P.S. For those who are interested in following my "Daily Activities" that I do in very "short form". Follow me here: @charles-fuchs


I agree with you maaaa man!

You are one of those "friends" haha .... Connected on other Social Media platforms, When ever you get to Las Vegas... I got you bossman! :)

Hopefully soon bo$$!

Thank you @stackin. It is really very important for engagement and i never thought about it.

Yes! I try my best to respond to lots of posts and comments but it gets overwhelming at times. Thanks for stopping by :)

I will not go tinder for you. However, if you want to follow me on the book of faces or insta grams then let me know 😉

Hey now, whats wrong with Tinder LOL... my facebook is maxed out with thousands of people waiting but you seem cool, I'll delete a few today and I'll add ya HAHA

You see, if you have thousands why should we add you? You can barely keep up as it is. Can you have too much followers?

That’s why they call me STACKIN! 😂🤑... I may just let my content do the talking and not respond so much. You just gave me an idea for my next post lol

Im brilliant, is should start charging for it!

This is a jam man, though @grantcardone didn't give me the same advice as you, but I learned this secret from following him and seeing all that he's doing online.

Grant Cardone, James Altucher, Gary Veynerchuk, all these guys has something in common with you @stackin; they are everywhere on the internet with a high degree of influence.

I'm taking this more seriously and adding it to my resolution for 2018.

Thanks for sharing.

You are so right @bania, they are all leading by example. P.S. You forgot about Tai Lopez lol

I just saw you have your own hash tag, and that...

That's just awesome 😂

I had to make my own hahaha

Put some respek on that name 😂

Just checked out your blog, keep up with those VIDS man... you're doing awesome bro! Pretty soon, I have to Respek your name haha

haha thanks just trying to be like you 😏 let's get up there together bro, everyone will put some respek on our name. Keep up the awesome work man!

That's why you're a Boss!

You know it 😂

7k a week on steemit right now not bad ;)

The Crypto Markets are hot, wait til 2018 :)

I had to give up every social media site except instagram and Steemit because I was spending too much time on my phone and computer, and too less living my life!

But you are speaking the truth! I really like the quote about being everywhere at once!

Same here, been less active for the last 6 months because of Cryptos. I need to get back on those other social media platforms to keep my people's updated :)

Haha I'm kind of waiting to really blow up here before I start promoting on other social media!

I really agreed with your thought here

You need to learn the skills to attract people to you and the best way to do that is to make connections with people everywhere.

The best way to seek attention is to create connection.

Thanks for sharing this

Totally agree :)

i am right behind you how can i miss this ..its important to follow you

Appppreshhhh the support! :)

In fact, It's very complicate for me to be as you says " omnipresent " : how can you managed that @stackin ? when I found steem, I stopped being on Facebook. Now I am back overthere only to post promote my english post blog. I had already abandonned youtube (because of the trolls over there) and I have never been on others social media (except a bit on pinterest).

Same here, It's hard to keep up. I've been slackin on my FB, Instagram, and Snapchat. I took like 6 months off but need to get back in gear lol

@stackin love the motivation! Like I like to say... “there’s always room for improvement” 😄

There will always be someone better than us, we just have to better than the "average" :)

Sometimes people who make great content have less power of attraction than others.. in order to find out have to meet up with people in person. Some people may not have the ability to create good blog post but they do have better attraction ability. So the best way get to know people is to meet in person.

Cheers! Great idea @stackin, by connection people through social media will open door to meet in person.

Totally agree with you, it’s called social media, people need to get social 😎

Is this real account of @grantcardone?

Yes, 100% Him! 💪🏼🙌🏼😀

yeah that great ......and i follow you insta..you have too many follower bro...you are a celebrity....and yesterday you posted in facebook steemit group...

This is very true man @stackin.

This is something that alot of people know but Some people are not social naturally, so they have to learn it.

I'm a total introvert but whats worse than that, not having a voice lol

Yah, really.

I think people have very different approaches to social media, and of course there is no one size fits all. But you provided some good for thought.

I navigate the social landscape in a very different way than you have described; I use LinkedIn purely for business and professional purposes, Twitter as an extension of LinkedIn, Facebook purely for connecting with close friends and family, and Steemit for blogging and content curation with an emphasis on creative writing. I don’t want to suggest that I present myself as a different person on each platform, but my purposes are very different. For example, I don’t imagine sharing my Steemit content on LinkedIn; I guess I feel like that would be like trying to sell fiction to a high tech trade magazine. But if all aspects of your life are aligned, it would work very well.

Totally agree with you, all social media platforms and people are different. I act totally different on snapchat than on steemit. Snapchat is more fun and raw. I see your perspective :)

I do sort of wish they all connected up somehow, though. All those platforms and methodologies are a lot to manage!

You are right. Every social media has its own audience type and to be everywhere means more exposure and more followers. Thanks for such a useful post.

You said it way better than me 🤣

But honestly having that much influence isn't easy

You have to try, and try and try.... then try some more :)

I'll take note of that. Thanks

Resteem & upvote done!

you are absolutely right

Good job and upvote

i agree with you, nice one.

you have a good strategy mate! i wish i was like you..

I already started to follow you by snapchat

Influence definitely is the new power!!!

i like the thought you told about omnipresent! it really help when you found everwher at same name, thanks for the suggesion.

you are ruling all over

the importance is very high now i know why

to rock everywhere you need to rock the world too

time to build the following

Wow!... That's a lot of work. But it's worth it. Not even in this attention economy we live now will someone hide himself in a cage. I have to take this up, come 2018

I am so glad I read this post. I am very encouraged. I want to create my own community on steemit using other social media platforms I am not on presently. Thank you so much for this post.