Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are great for the environment! Don't believe the mainstream media!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

BTC environment.png

Hello my fellow Steemians and Crypto investors,

We have all seen the FUD fake news hit pieces on the mainstream media about how Bitcoin’s energy consumption will ruin the environment, impoverish us and kill all the children! Like fellow Steemian @bethwheatcraft would say “Oh the humanity!!!”.

In fact, all this “excessive energy consumption” by the Bitcoin network amounts to less than 1% of all the electricity consumed by electronic devices on standby.

btc mining.jpg
Bitcoin mining is a threat to the planet because it consumes less than 1% of all the electricity squandered by appliances and devices on stand-by? If we want to stop wasting so much energy, perhaps we should start by mandating near-zero stand-by power consumption for the hundreds of millions of devices which are not in use that are nonetheless sucking up electricity every second of every day. Charles Hugh Smith

It’s all fake news, like most “journalism” lately… So, rather than stop using Bitcoin you should run and unplug those chargers right now, you child murderer you! Haha!

FIAT currencies are the real polluting, poverty, war and economic crisis generating evil!

If Bitcoin, or any other deflationary currency, became a reserve currency it would be a great net gain for the environment. Mining energy consumption would actually be nominal.

Well, let me tell you that what has really been damaging the environment, impoverishing us and killing the children for thousands of years is FIAT currencies. Yes, it is those worthless pieces of paper that are abusive to humanity and the environment and here’s why:

At their core FIAT currencies are taxing schemes to defraud wealth from the people, especially from the most vulnerable, the elderly, that always see their pension money fade away into nothingness. By inflating their currencies governments stealthily introduce new taxes that normally people would angrily reject if they knew about them.

The value of all fiat currencies goes to zero over time. U.S. dollar used as example here but there are much worse offenders. Venezuelan Bolivars, Zimbabwean dollars anyone?

  • Need to fund wars and a huge parasitic military? Print more fiat

  • Need more taxes to grow the government without riling people up? Print more fiat

  • Need to stimulate a stagnant economy overburdened by government? Print more fiat

  • Need to fund grandiose white elephant unproductive projects such as ghost cities and streets to end up in a desert dune? Print more fiat

Who cares if the value of the currency keeps falling? Everyone is happy buying worthless plastic crap from China made by slave labor with all this new “money” flushing the economy.

This is why the FIAT system is so harmful. Since people always expect their money to drop in value, rather than saving it, they keep buying worthless stuff they don’t really need and this ends up hurting the environment by the over consumption of precious resources our children will have to pay dearly for in the future.

These mega factories would produce only stuff we really need in a deflationary currency environment

This is a huge, actually the biggest, strain on the environment ever. The mega factories keep churning out plastic trinkets, harmful chemicals that last a thousand years, to produce cheap stuff we don’t really need and people keep borrowing to buy them, instead of saving for their future and that of their children.

But Deflation is evil! Isn’t that what mainstream media and economists always say?

Sure, aren’t those are the same mainstream media and economists that always advise the public to buy stocks right before every stock market crash?

To a mainstream economist a Deflationary Spiral is the greatest capital sin. Check out the Wikipedia page...

They have their interests at heart, not yours. When they are telling you deflation is evil, it’s because it is! For them, their sponsors and the government they depend on to bail them out with their printed fiat, not for you. How would failed industries keep getting bailed out and government spending more than it can afford if it weren’t for inflation?

But, people wouldn’t buy stuff with deflationary currency. Muh job!

Wrong, people would still buy stuff, just stuff they really need, that has real value and is produced by sustainable industries. Also, people would save more, accumulate wealth and invest much more carefully in ventures with real potential, not the risky crap investors currently haphazardly throw their money at.

Bitcoiners are a great example of this. Even though they are great hodlers, they are also great spenders that tend to invest in projects that advance humanity and diversify their holdings into productive projects all the time.

Check out how these Bitcoiners are spending their wealth in Puerto Rico video by fellow Steemian and Libertarian @dollarvigilante

Another example: Adam Meister of the @bitcoinmeister channel, one of my favorite Bitcoin podcasters, is always talking about how he travels the world frugally, spending on only things he really needs, living the life while getting wealthier and planning for the future. He does spend, just not on crap like most everyone else who lives on fiat!

These 14 billionaires just promised to give away more than half of their money like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett Eventually, all wealthy people have to spend their wealth!

With deflationary currencies the economy would revolve around real productive industries since unproductive ones wouldn’t be bailed out and would disappear as they should in a healthy capitalist economy.

You’d still have a job, a much safer one that is, because the periodic boom and bust crises caused by easy money printing wouldn’t exist. There would be pain, of course, but eventually people would move on with their lives, retrain and get job in productive industries. Also, their money would keep growing in value, they’d still spend it, just on the stuff they really need to survive an thrive.

So, when you compare Bitcoin's measly energy consumption with that of the countless unproductive factories an

That's the kind of real spending and wealth accumulation will make people happy, not another plastic toy from a Chinese mega factory that’s dumping their waste on the Yangtze river and will sooner rather than later end up in our oceans…

All the plastic crap we buy ends up polluting our oceans

Like our beloved childhood friend Baloo would say, on a deflationary currency people would go by with just the bare necessities of life

So, what do you think? Are deflationary currencies evil as mainstream economists paint them to be or is it fiat currencies what has been holding humanity down for thousands of years?

Do you hold a different view? Please do comment, make you points below and prove me wrong so we all gain in knowledge!


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"At their core FIAT currencies are taxing schemes to defraud wealth from the people, especially from the most vulnerable."

Best way of explaining the paradigm of fiat currency I've seen to date. What is even worse is that the inflation figures are deliberately miscalculated so the voters don't even know how badly they're being screwed out of their purchasing power. FIAT / central banking = PURE EVIL!

Upvoted and Re-steemed.

Thanks @techwizardry! I've been following you for a while now as well. regards!

How will the Bitcoin make any difference to me, the man on the street, who has only regular money in their pocket?

i'd rather mine bitcoin than mining gold or any precious metals that will only destroys our trees, sea, soil and the environment itself.

Dont forget about the millions of lives suffering in undeveloped world, working for pennies

good post everything in reality is bad

Bitcoin will increase privatization and the full-on nightmare of capitalism will be here. Enjoy. Your Bitcoin may be going up in value, but the world will soon be completely dominated by corporations with this type of payment system.

You speak as if the world isn't already dominated by the full-on nightmare of unchecked capitalism. Corporations already dominate the world. At least crypto gives the little guy a chance!

Of all things, "Crony Capitalism" is the worst, I think - and unfortunately quite real, some of the biggest corporations consider politicians to be mere puppets that can be controlled for giving the corporation even bigger power. For instance, there seems to be no upper bound on how much of the tax money is directly or indirectly subsidizing Microsoft - for instance, our schools and universities are efficiently tax-paid mandatory institutions where the masses are being instructed to become good users of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office. It's an extreme subsidy - of course anyone in their full minds will choose Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office when that's products 99.5% of all the (potential) employees knows how to use.

I absolutely don't believe crypto currencies aren't going to solve all world problems, it will solve some problems and induce new problems.

To me, I find it important getting rid of the credit card oligopoly, to get rid of the need of "trusted parties" taking a big cut in transactios for doing very little useful work ... I do believe blockchains may help with this (hence, I'm very positive towards blockchain technology as such), but it's absolutely no trouble-free "silver bullet".

In credit cards the seller pays a fee. In bitcoin the buyer pays. The store should be able to offer lower prices if they accept crypto. We should expect a discount from a store that offers both options.

Yes, it's a big problem. The credit card duopoly have standard conditions that the merchant should carry all the fees and give the customers the same price no matter the payment method. I believe that in some few jurisdictions there are regulations in place forbidding such agreements, i.e. in Denmark they do push the credit card fees over on the end-user.

I was a big user of credit cards for quite a while and a very early adopter; quite many of us are efficiently bribed to use credit cards. The prices in the shops are the same no matter if using credit cards or not, but the shop pays hefty fees for accepting credit card payments. In addition the credit card companies rake in penalties and heavy interests from those who aren't able to pay the full credit on the due date.

Quite some of the credit card issuers efficiently pays their customers to use the credit card - sometimes with up to 1% kickback on all purchases, sometimes even higher kickbacks on some of the purchases, often with a free time-limited credit, often with other perks, such as access to airport lounges, free travel insurance, etc.

In Norway we were very quite early adopters of plastic payment cards with magnet strip, we have a national de-facto standard ("Bank Axept") for debet payments, some of the banks were even experimenting with smart chips on their banking cards around 1990 - decades before it got normal.

I don't like the Norwegian "Bank Axept" standard as it's a proprietary solution that have had sort of a de-facto monopoly in Norway, but at least it's a lot cheaper and better than the Visa/Mastercard duopol - and it's gradually being pushed out. The shops pretty much needs to support the international credit cards both due to tourists and due to fellow Norwegians using credit cards - and due to the bribes, more and more people choose credit cards without support for "bank axept".

We know this..but again...Bitcoin is about anonymity and removing onself from the entire banking financial system. If you can exchange money (after your initial credit card purchase) without being tracked by the government...then they cannot tax you. This is massively exclusive system heading towards tax evasion and privitazation of currency.

But it opens it up to everyone. Right now only the rich get those mega tax breaks.

Rich people and coorporations already know how to avoid taxes. Most of the taxes are payed by the working class that is getting repressed from their own taxes.
If government is doing a good job, they could make a law that you can join their state for the free sake with all the positive and negative aspects. Only then you have to pay taxes; better call them member fees.
That would be the challenge to make good policy again!!

Why do you need to pay taxes to pay for Govt services.
Govt could issue it's own money to buy or pay for those services.
Currently, what Govts do is BORROW money from private Bankers (by issuing Govt bonds / Gilts ) Govt should PRINT, not Borrow to pay for Govt services, then there would be no debt, and no need to pay taxes to repay those debts.

You're making a serious error in thinking that printing money is any kind of solution to debt. All it leads to is the dilution of the money supply and eventual inflation, which is even worse for the average person. You can think of it as government borrowing from the future value of its people's money instead of from institutional debt holders.

If you want to see where printing money takes you - and I think the post actually mentioned these examples - take a look at what happened to the Zimbabwe dollar throughout the '00s, or what's been happening in Venezuela recently.

u think that the Bitcoin will turn into a one world currency?

Bitcoin was just the pappa, there are 1000s of other coins, and some are completely anon.. fiat money in 2 years max will be worth fuck all. Clever people buy now because it's obvious :) anyway it only takes 51℅ to wakeup so all good!

We need anonymity to make Democracy safe." Hmmm, we are definitely living in the twilight zone. Democracy is supposed to be open and PUBLIC for the people. Apparently, we have extremely intelligent computer dudes that never took a basic government 101 course in college. What a DISASTER.

absolutely true but we'll still be a small fish in this pond

Tax = theft = threat of violence = evil

And you will be poor with that kind of socialist mentality in any situation. Free Market Capitalism is the greatest thing ever that has lifted billions of people from poverty. You may be confusing it with Crony Capitalism, a whole different animal and a huge cause of the issues I'm describing in this post. Wake up my friend, liberty is the way!

Nice to found a likeminder! Followed and Resteemed. Anyone that doesn't have faith in crypto,obviously has a lot of fiat or still very conditioned and/or hasn't been poor properly and worked years for paper.

Like everything Crypto is also not forever,but a great investing opportunity to finally get real currency's, silver and gold ;)

Great content!

agreed!! The only good thing right now is the timing. We know this thing Crypto before more than half of the world realizes its potential

The universe loves the poor after all :) No god will save us, just Crypto!


just saw your username ill go check out your nomadity :)

i m clearing my doubts tho... isnt it so Bitcoin definitely makes it easier. You can hide your currency without governments or banking institutions from knowing and they cannot confiscate it. Cash is used under the table...that is true, but it is not a NEW currency that is not printed by a central bank. It is not regulated like fiat currency. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Bitcoin is not related to any government and it will inspire privatization. The Bitcoins are "traceable" on the "bitcoin system"....but they are private institutions and the government or banking institutions cannot gain access to it. it is not a viable idea and beg people to not purchase them. it's another bubble and a scam.

yeh btc can be traced , and if you look long enough and have the capability's, its 100% traceable.. thats why vpns are worth paying money for !

so decentralizing our currency will cause mass centralization?

it costs $1000 of electricty to create / mine 1 bitcoin, so it is not as green as you think.. but if you are mining with wind or solar power then yer it is as green as you can get..

If Bitcoin indeed is an alternative currency free of the extablished currency system, then people should not be thinking or talking about it's exchange rate against the US dollar or any establishment currency.

Anyway, there have been many alternatives to establishment lifestyle, economics, society, etc adbocated over the past decades or even centuries but what have they done to really make the world a better place for all?

In the 1960s, the hippies thought that they could create a cooperative, collectivist community - an alternative society based on love, peace and music and lead to a paradise on earth but is our world today any better than back in the 1960s?

Dr. Stallman himself laid the foundation for free and open source software governed by the GNU General Public License which he drafted and today, it's estimated that there are over 3,000 Linux distributions providing for huge number of choices but Microsoft Windows still has over 90% share of end-user PC operating systems - why?

I've been using Linux on my PCs for about five years now and I don't ever want to go back to Windows but at the same time realise that whilst a monority of us enjoy its benefits, not everyone will take to it, so I'll just have to be content with being a happey Linux camper.

Bitcoin may solve some people's problems with purchases, payments, as an investment, store of value, etc but it's not going to bring down the establishment financial system, eradicate powerty or bring world peace.

Also, considering that as the number of Bitcoins created increases towards the 21 million Bitcoins limit, mining them will require increasingly powerful computers which most peoplecannot afford, so it is no social leveler.

If we want a permanent change, it will require a drastic change in the establishment financial system, not an alternative currency.

Such revolutions have happened before and long before there was the Internet.

Those changes were the American War of Tndependence, the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution an dthey were won by the tip of the sword or the barrel of the gun.

That little?

Wow, just 1% of all electronic devices on standby? That's amazing, upvoted!

I also think its a fake is bitcoin mining threat to community?when
Its benefiting the whole world

Lol. It seems kinda funny. How's Bitcoin gonna kill us all. Governments and the media are killing people. Who cares what the media is broadcasting. I believe nothing by what the media says. Bitcoin is the future. Crypto currency is the future.

Why should anyone be paying attention to "fake news" and it's sister channels.

che aaas her jaaay wataaaan...
One thing he did not get. Tax evasion is a good thing. Stops the government from using all the money for their wars and tyranny regime.

All I want to say is; we can always generate "green" electricity in a matter of months or weeks, but trees take years to fully grow. The transition to email had a positive impact, why won't Crypto?

as a Cuban I think that bitcoin is a perfect weapon to combat the centralized economy of communist dictatorships like Cuba where the whole economy is false and imposed. Greetings from Cuba and live the bitcoin!

I keep getting told time and time again that Crypto and Bitcoin is a bubble, it has no value, it will all end in tears etc etc yawn yawn.

In the 70s the gold standard went out the window when it finally occurred to the powers that be that there wasn't anywhere near enough gold to back the vast amount of paper fiat that was being produced.

Dont believe the FUD the media feeds you, keep your coins, HODL and finally buy the dips.

Upvoted and resteemed. Speaking of frugality and it paying off long-term...

Wow, this is from way back! You won't believe me but I watched this video a while ago while investigating into Bitcoin. $250 dollars per Bitcoin, no one could see 19k by 2017 back then haha! The audio was really bad too, ha. Still love you thoughts on socialist forced Obamacare, such a good riddance! regards Meister!

Some good points in here. Although, what do you think about the overall feasibility of long term functionality? I have not given enough thought into what happens in 20 years with these business models when all the coins are mined and such... Some currencies have been around for thousands of years, is bitcoin one of those?

Great post! The picture still comes out in favour of cryptos even if you isolate what all that power draw is being used for, which is providing security and verifying ownership in a trustless manner. Traditional finance manages this by employing legions of auditors and accountants checking and double-checking every cent that moves between people and the institutions themselves.

Think for a moment about the environmental cost of all those employees: their commuting to and from work every day alone probably far eclipses the impact of crypto mining, before we even mention the buildings they have to work in, the electricity needed to run them and the massive server farms they still need to run anyway!

And not to forget alternative consensus algoriths other than proof-of-work that are far less power consumptive at the cost of a little more centralization and slightly less security, such as proof-of-stake (and STEEM's own delegated version).

Wow what an amazing analyze..Yes bitcoin is getting popular day by day and it profitable..There my shit things going on different places like many people especially children are dying in Syria because of airstrike in Syrai .Many people are killed everyday.The world is getting more and more polluted day by day by ours activities and we haven't left even the water,land,and soil which provides us everything.Poverty is increasing but no one is there to tell them about any cryptocurrency and some countries are very jealous that their people we get rich so they have banned them..It was lovely seeing your post ans steemit is the best cryptocurrency by my experience..Thanks for sharing it..@cryptoeagle

You make some interesting assessments and I enjoyed your style of writing. With that being said, while it is certainly true that Bitcoin doesn't kill us, I argue, it (or other cryptos) could be better for the environment with a different algorithm (like proof-of-stake).

I wrote about that topic in my article Going green for mass adoption of cryptocurrencies.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention - mining isnt something I know alot about so I just followed what mainstream media has told me - that its going to destroy the environment with all the enegry consumption.

Teaches me to be more critical when thinking and reading articles

many researchers within the economy field say that all currencies have an average age of 30 years, so in the modern time let's make more its the The ending of $$, but it can take a lot of years before a new one is here. am 100 sure its going to be something
on the blockchain. and The media are looking for big headlines so the are going to make big headlines and modify truths to their advantage

We need to see another update about how the searches on Google for Bitcoin as perhaps a sign when this thing will turn around.

It appears pricing and searches tend to mirror each other.

It's actually looking good! I haven't had a chance to write a post about it. Any publicity is good publicity and Bitcoin has been getting lots of bad articles on the MSM


Yeah Bitcoin has been slaughtered in the news yet that is no surprise.

The MSM gloats when Bitcoin gets creamed. Of course, they are nothing more than an arm for the banksters.

Let's hope the interest picks up very soon.

Active addresses are going up too. I'd say this is a very good time to buy the dip. Let the MSM roast Bitcoin, they are only getting more people to know about it and other crypto currencies haha


Yeah it is amazing how quickly things are moving ahead.

We are seeing so much happen. Even our very own STEEM is hearing from the developers...twice in two weeks..a new record.

Manna is taking off two...over 20K will be paid tokens tomorrow....about double last week...a nice jump in 7 days...they also have 60K in queue waiting to be manually approved.

Like with STEEM it seems approval process when you are giving some tokens away is a pain in the ass...have to prevent bots from signing up 100,000 accounts.

The pricing action of late in all crypto sucked (my up swipe on the app broke again I guess) so it will be nice to see a sustained run..just not sure when it will come.

Vander Photography
I always laugh when I read those FUD articles. The more they shill, the more I believe cryptocurrencies will help us regain freedom.
Steem on!

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I do agree with what you are saying, but there has to be some sort of regulation in this market for it to replace fiat and for currencies like bitcoin that just seems incredibly hard to do

FUD indeed. Hopefully it will become apparent that "wasting" all that energy to secure a public ledger is actually really important for the future of humanity.

Mainstream Midea is an Ugly Bit..
Cryptocurrences are the future of money indeed, and could solve a lot of social problems made by the real ones who are bad for environment like Fiat money hhhhh

Interesting read!
Although Bitcoin may be the biggest "polluter" in the crypto space there are other coins that require much less energy. NANO (formerly Raiblocks) for example uses way less electricity than BTC.

I have always thought that capitalism helps people to progress. and someone who lives in a socialist system - who he hates - tells you. You also have to be a little focused and know that all things in excess are harmful. In the end, many manipulate the truth to benefit their interests. In my opinion, it is just market manipulation, creating noise.

Full power upvote and share.

Lot's of good points. I would like to see you edit this down to a small tweet storm and get these talking points out there to counter the FUD.

IMO not only is Bitcoin mining an infinitely more efficient and morally effective way to run an economy, but it has really interesting potentials--I would say inevitabilities--in working hand-in-glove with renewable energy adoption. That's a helluva twofer: financial and energy decentralization!

"rather than stop using Bitcoin you should run and unplug those chargers right now, you child murderer you! Haha!"😀😀😀😀😀😀 nice post!

You really got the Media where you want. Haha haha there is nothing like having the facts and rubbing it in. I like your write up, it is an interesting read.

Lets just hope that any cryptocurrency gets widely accepted in the western world. The problem is that old people will not use the new technology and thus the whole thing will not get accepted.

Thank you sooo muchh ffor writing this post!! people need to realized the Fucked up world we live in !!1! i resteem upvote and follow!!! thanks alot!!!

Thank you, for giving me another reason not to trust the mainstream media.

They say a picture speaks a thousand words. The picture with caption 'All the plastic crap we buy ends up polluting our oceans' has shocked me to my core. I had it was that bad. Thanks for sharing.

Nice counter argument and perspective to bitcoin and other proof of work blockchains. Although it will be good to see if POS is something that can make them even more efficient.

... very well stated content(S!) ... BIG THX* 2 cryptoeagle* ... for all of your sharply worked out statements ... -_-

In fact >>> TIME is on our side, because aaall the "blockchain systems" work by/with "sequences" ... and therefore "time" will not apply in the "traditional way" anymore, where "economic shiftings" take decades to evolve ... !!! Exponential growth in ( "crypto/blockchain tech" ) ADOPTION leads to glo-ba-lly growing DEMAND ... the foundation of the "internet movement" was/is/will be the foundation on which EVERYTHING! is possible NOW! ... -_-

Yes Fiat currency were always far harmful compare to those currencies which are linked through block chain technology.who can forget Frank D. Roosevelt confiscation of gold in 1933.

yes sir i didn't believe mainstream media... bitcoin & cryptos are always great for all. 👍& btw sir your app is really great .. ☺ but can you give a tips about you app?

I wrote an article on the same topic a couple weeks ago with a few statistics regarding energy usage of financial systems:

Interesting and thought provoking article!! Should we be prepared for the centralized worlds banks 'Fed Coin' which will be dressed up to the layman as the next major cryptocurrency..... ??

My point goes to Petro is a currency backed by the minerals of a country, which is the impact it has on others that does not have a backup as they say physical, what consequences will bring future.

Good point. I just want to show you one side that maybe you didn't think yet. Petro was invented after people started to survive because of Bitcoin (socialism in Venezuela is starving people to death, just google it). Nicolas Maduro, the dictator from Venezuela didn't like it and basically banned Bitcoin mining and put a lot of miners in jail. After that he created Petro, so he could control the whole sh*t. So, IN MY OPINION, Petro is not reliable at all. Besides he already killed a lot of people during protests, it's not really possible to know how much oil they have. On the other hand you have really high electricity costs to only generate 1 Bitcoin, and a huge demand worldwide. So I guess Bitcoin is backed up by way more reliable factors than Petro, for example. And Bitcoin saves lives :)

You are right but there is something you do not, you know about the electricity in Venezuela that is the cheapest electircidada in the world, that's why a concern competes with the cheapest electricity in the world and with a much more economic support than the other countries here. Electric power consumption is much economical that uses, does not exceed 3 dollars. and respect ah study carried out by oil exporting countries discovers in the strip of orinoco the largest reserve of heavy oil of the mudo is to say that its proseso to take it has Libyan oil on passes ah 300 years of production, fly I do not agree with the Nefarious government I only see, eporceso petro in this world of the crypto currency, conmpetimos with economic power, oil reserves and it is not that decubrimieno diamond reserve and no more than is a country of petroleum explotacion since we know that uses no longer has and less china.

I know buddy how cheap electricity it is in Venezuela. It's crazy cheap. But the problem is serious countries and companies won't do business with Venezuela while Maduro is the "president". Petro can indeed gain value but I just don't think it's reliable. People can make money with Petro but I would never help a project like that with my money. Yo soy brasileño/italiano y conozco la situación de Venezuela, que era uno de los países más ricos en 1990 en América del Sur. Quiero que el pueblo venezolano vuelva a vivir tiempos gloriosos. MORE VENEZUELA AND LESS MADURO.

Wrong, the Petro is not backed by anything but the word of a corrupt, isolated and bankrupt government. No one will ever collect a single barrel of oil ever for a petro. It's a scam

Totally agree with you. And that corrupt government could use Petro to finance very bad stuff.


Ok! Will comment later.

1% ? I call big bullshit on that!
Everyone that i know thinks about it or mine themselfs and that includes older people as well. Non tehnical.. On top of that since bitcoin rush i get power downs all the time in my city and i know that mine is not the only city that goes trough this
But anyway. Calling bitcoin green or not green is just stupid. Everything that consumes electricity is neutral. Power production on the other hand can be green or not. I think that media should talk more about how we provide power instead of talking about what we do with it

I wouldn't say BTC mining is great for the environment but I think it's not as bad as other stuff, and BTC mining is giving people freedom during harsh times, like in Venezuela. So basically Bitcoin can save lives

Personally I think the Bitcoin energy talk is just another way to attack Bitcoin. There are endless numbers of industries that damage the environment. Want something that will shock you? Check out how damaging the fashion industry is to the environment...

These are just haters!
Don't Worry Crypto will destroy All these fake news :)
I"m Crypto <3
I bleed green !

Dam. People even awake people haven't realised that all electricity is a SCAM. They know that because of Tesla's work, the same people who know his work ,are printing the fiat still.

Check out earth battery's! Or saltwater battery's!

Fuck the system,long live P2P!

You have a way of making me understand crypto like ABC

I can not wait for the day the rich capitalist realize how poor they are because they did not accept Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as they were taking off!

You are right, the mainstream media is just ignorant.

I agree with you. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies are more stronger.

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