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RE: Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are great for the environment! Don't believe the mainstream media!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

We know this..but again...Bitcoin is about anonymity and removing onself from the entire banking financial system. If you can exchange money (after your initial credit card purchase) without being tracked by the government...then they cannot tax you. This is massively exclusive system heading towards tax evasion and privitazation of currency.


But it opens it up to everyone. Right now only the rich get those mega tax breaks.

Rich people and coorporations already know how to avoid taxes. Most of the taxes are payed by the working class that is getting repressed from their own taxes.
If government is doing a good job, they could make a law that you can join their state for the free sake with all the positive and negative aspects. Only then you have to pay taxes; better call them member fees.
That would be the challenge to make good policy again!!

Why do you need to pay taxes to pay for Govt services.
Govt could issue it's own money to buy or pay for those services.
Currently, what Govts do is BORROW money from private Bankers (by issuing Govt bonds / Gilts ) Govt should PRINT, not Borrow to pay for Govt services, then there would be no debt, and no need to pay taxes to repay those debts.

You're making a serious error in thinking that printing money is any kind of solution to debt. All it leads to is the dilution of the money supply and eventual inflation, which is even worse for the average person. You can think of it as government borrowing from the future value of its people's money instead of from institutional debt holders.

If you want to see where printing money takes you - and I think the post actually mentioned these examples - take a look at what happened to the Zimbabwe dollar throughout the '00s, or what's been happening in Venezuela recently.

u think that the Bitcoin will turn into a one world currency?

Bitcoin was just the pappa, there are 1000s of other coins, and some are completely anon.. fiat money in 2 years max will be worth fuck all. Clever people buy now because it's obvious :) anyway it only takes 51℅ to wakeup so all good!

We need anonymity to make Democracy safe." Hmmm, we are definitely living in the twilight zone. Democracy is supposed to be open and PUBLIC for the people. Apparently, we have extremely intelligent computer dudes that never took a basic government 101 course in college. What a DISASTER.