Lillie's Collection #2: What We Truly Need- A Loving Family Connects All!

in #art6 years ago (edited)


Inspired By My Little Niece's Art Collection And Observation

Me: Tell me Lillie, what is it that attracted you to this Art piece

Lillie: It is simple and beautiful.

Me: I know it is simple and beautiful, anything aside that? why did you get this particular piece?

Lillie: Was just stalling you!, well, the main reason I collected this art work is because it has A SUN, A CORN, A CALABASH and a HOME.

Me:O little Angel, I still don't get you

Lillie:It's quite simple Uncle, I think all we need to have a happy life is on this Art Work. A plate of corn, a calabash of wine and water, a beautiful Sun radiating hope, love and strength. And also, a Home, the most important one!. (Written from a recorded video I had of her last year.)

I feel like I am one of the luckiest guys in the world, I've got those that matters around me. Lily and my little sibling inspire me all day long, and I am really happy they both got inspiring hobbies!. After Lillie explained why she got this art Piece last year and the context I somehow began to see, my inspiration bar heightened after re-watching the video today.

We humans seem to trouble ourselves with the luxury of life and fail to appreciate those and what truly matters around us, if we've got food, the Sun of hope and strength, a calabash of potent drink reviving us whenever we feel pale and an ever encompassing loving home, we've got more than enough. The idea of a Family being the center of connection and care for a child and other members isn't just an idea, it is a realistic idea cored deep into the nature humanity itself.


Don't let the simplistic nature of the art work short-sight you, it in fact speaks more than a few words, it tells a story, a really beautiful story of human connection and well-being, with the home at the CENTER of it all. The home is a unique part of humanity, without it, humanity would fall into a state of dis-humanity. It sits at the center of everything that matters, everything we ever needed, the love we duly want and the care every child can swim in.

This is the reason why every family deserves to be protected, so it can provide the due nourishment in all facets to make the future of humanity as bright as possible. No child deserves to be separated from the ever warm love and care of their parents and no parent should leave without their sunshine(kids). In all things, no matter the odds against the family unit, lets stand firm and promote family preservation. With food, water, sunshine of love and care and a home connecting all these, we should be satisfied and safe!. The government needs to leave our families alone in our simplicity and beautiful diversity, we all have a part to play to achieve this dream.

Note: The Images are a snapshot of my little Niece's simplistic art collection and were snapped by me(@kryptocoin) with a fairly moderate smartphone camera. .

About Lillie

She would be 12 soon, dreams about being an Artist and a writer with a taste for modern and ancient arts works, she has been collecting varying Art Piece since she was 8, she believes Art would change the world for the better, and hopes to be part of that change!

Raise A Loud Voice For Family Preservation

Peace to you all,
( @kryptocoin )

If you truly care and passionate about helping families and children worldwide facing CPS injustice, an healthy step is to JOIN the @familyprotection community.

Images: Original

Thank-you @kryptocoin for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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Lillie sounds like a beautiful person. Children see things much differently than us adults. We need to be reminded of the importance of the simple and valuable aspects of life. She has a good hold of those and shows them wonderfully in her response and artistry. Thanks @kryptocoin.

You are so right!

If all or even most adults could retain this sense of great joy and wonder about the world around them what a different world we would inhabit. Her view initially sounds very simplistic but is far from it, she has the right of it, imagine if even one world leader had this kind of psychology the ripple that could create throughout this planet would be immense and beautiful.

I nominate Lillie and those of her ilk to be the future leaders to guide us where we really should be heading!

Yes!, We need to be reminded. She sounds so matured most times and when it comes to her taste in Art, I am always playing catch-up. Thanks for reading through and your support Troy.

I think she is right the beauty of art does have the ability to change the world for the better...

I suspect from her simple observations and older than her years wisdom Lillie may well change the world for the better herself. So many people are pretentious about art and exhibit great snobbery. They buy based upon the artists name, fashions what their friends and family will think of their great taste.

The greatest and only reason to ever buy a piece of artwork (unless it is for investment) is because of it's beauty or the message it conveys to you when you look upon it. The interpretation that Lillie gave to the featured piece speaks volumes to me and it suggests a wisdom way beyond her years and an appreciation of life and joy itself.

She could teach most adults a thing or two!

I have been reading some harrowing stories today about the initiative that you mentioned @familyprotection and I am overjoyed to stumble across this simple story of a happy family experiencing great love and happiness. I believe I was somehow led here as I needed to read this right now...

Take great care and always enjoy your family they are truly a work of art too and life's greatest gift.

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