10 Ways To Come Up With Blog Posts When You Are Feeling Uninspired

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

You finally have that blog you have always wanted. The problem now is that you have run out of things to say. This is not how you imagined things would turn out. You are desperate for content ideas. Well, this post's objective is to give us 10 ways we can come up with articles for our blogs.

Take a walk

It has been proven that walking helps us get our creative juices flowing. When you are looking for ideas, a walk is one of the effective ways to get yourself out of that uninspiring mental place and become creative. Wether it is just a walk on a treadmill in a gym, your own house or a walk down your street, you are very likely going to be breathing with excitement not just because of the physical exercise but also because of the mental product that you have started making.

Don't waste that shower time

When you are in the bathroom you feel some kind of freedom that you hardly get when you are outside. Could it be because your clothes are off and you are in your most natural state? whatever it is, we know that a lot of things get resolved and birthed in the bathroom. Taking a dump does not quite do the same thing, so maybe it also because of the water pouring on your body. The positivity and everything you feel there helps you get ideas. Don't let this go to waste. You are a blogger now. Everything is important. Grab your pen as soon as you can and write that stuff. It might change the world.

Carry around a notepad, voice recorder or something

There are so many ideas you get in a day that you lose because you did not write them down. Having them recorded somewhere for future use is a wise thing to do. You might not even think it is such a wonderful idea at the moment, but if you go through your note and see it later, it might begin to come alive and become something really important you cannot wait to share with people. Of course, not all of them will eventually become blog articles, but if you don't note them down the ones that will may also not get that chance.

Read through your blog comments

When you are running out of things to write on, reading your own blog comments could give you the next thing to write about. Some of your readers may ask questions, critique your work or just express a wish for a particular need to be met. You can easily rise to the occasion and publish an article that answers a question or provide a solution to the problem brought to your attention.

Visit other blogs in your niche

Reading other blogs in your niche is helpful. Looking at them as a reader, there are questions that are most likely to come into your mind. There are things you might not agree with that you want to share with your readers. Even when you agree you can give them your own unique angle. There are articles written by other bloggers that might need to be updated in the light of present trends. You can be the guy that does that. Inspiration can be found everywhere, even in the hands of your competitors.

Get a friend to critique your blog for a fresh angle

You need a fresh pair of eyes sometimes to see the world better. A friend called me some days back because he was interested in starting an internet radio. He wanted to know what it would involve and if I would like to run one. I think I would love to be involved in it, but I don't know in what capacity, wether as a producer of programs or as an on air personality. I have always been a radio head, but I have almost forgotten how much I used to be into it. Well, seeing myself again through his eyes made me start thinking of all the things I wanted to do along that direction when I was younger. So I am basically exploring that part of my life again. So, back to blogging. Getting someone close to you to read your blog might help you rediscover what makes you tick. At the end of the day, we want to do what intererests us but we also should know what interests people about us. People want to listen to you talk about things, but not about everything. Sorry. Of course, you should not take the opinion of everyone you meet seriously, but I guess there are people in your life who are interested in this part of your life who can give a valuable suggestion. We all get jaded sometimes and there are people who can help us out of it because they know what makes you special.

Look at your most popular blog post for inspiration

You probably by now have that one post you are at least modestly proud of because of the reception it got. You saw the number of views and upvotes it had compared to your other posts. There is apparently something you did right in that post. Was it the subject matter? Was it the way you wrote it? Was it the number of facts it contained? Or was it simply because it was in a niche where you were most comfortable. Maybe this is the time to revisit that post and get inspired by it. You know what they say about not changing a winning formular? This might be the time to live by that rule. There a lots of reasons why that post got mad reception. You are in a good position to figure it out as the writer. Use it to inspire yourself when you are lacking inspiration.

share a personal secret

There is always something going on in your personal life you wish you had the the nerve to share. Now that you have run out of stuff to write about, perhaps this is the time to work up the nerve to share it. It could turn out to be the easiest thing for you to write. You are the one to decide how much information you want to reveal. There are probably many personal things you want to share. Perhaps you could begin from the least personal so that as you get people's reaction, you can decide if you wish to go deeper or not. It could lead to a string of blog posts that get your blog bubbling with life again. As has been said, whether or not to do this is for you to decide.

Answer a question on quora

It takes literally just seconds to create a Quora account but the benefits to you will last much more than that. Quora is a place where people ask any question in the world and get answers from fellow users. You just choose the niches you are interested in and you will get questions and their answers on your feed. So, you can use it as inspiration for posts. Go there and look for an unanswered or already answered question and publish your own answer here on steemit. It is as simple as that.

Use your calendar

There many events and occasions that are going to happen this year. With national holidays, events in your niche and many other things on your calendar, some of the days for the year have practically written their own blog posts. Just note them and prepare articles in advance.

There are other ways to get inspiration for blog posts. This is just ten we can all explore whenever we feel like we have run out of things to say. You know you have it in you to keep that engine running. Happy blogging people!


I like the shower time.
Ive heard some wicked thoughts from the bathroom.
My "Reflections" play came from the bathroom.
Thanks for this.

Thanks for reading. So you're a playwrite? Where can I get that play? Is it published here?

Sadly,its handwritten..
And you know "easy" it is to look at a fullscap and type!

These are all very true, I have found. One of the most effective things for me is making comments on other people's posts. In the process of answering what they said, whether I agree but especially if I disagree (lol), new idea starts to flow

Yeah, although I am yet to write a post that is inspired by my comments on other people's posts, but I can totally see how that could be possible. I am all for getting inspiration wherever it is available. Thanks for your insight.

So totally true.

Nice Post my Brother. God bless you for this.

Thank you for reading, sir. I am glad you like it. God bless you too

Taking a walk works wonders for me.Especially if I'm able to find a place to get as close to nature as possible. With all the tall trees,leave-canopy above, and open field below.
That zoo and spider building /parks and gardens areas provided me so much of such inspiration back in school.
Thanks for a great post my steemit boss
and pal of life from long time "imo river"
Keep being awesome.

The good old days! Yes, I too used to enjoy taking a walk in school then. Do you remember those bats? I have never seen wild life so close and so awesome to behold. I hope all the trees that attracted them are still there.
Lol at "imo river". Respect! my boss and brother from another mother.

Serious nostalgia mehnnn.
How can ever forget.Till my last days, trust me those memories will be by my side. Those serene and peaceful environment. Lush lawns. Architectural masterpieces, the peeps, the halls and of course, the beans. Lolz. Awo beans mehn. Beans like no other.
How can I possibly lose all that.
The memorabilia is for ever young.
They live right here.

This post is as helpful as ever. I am running right this minute to Quora, because I am running out of things to write about. Thank you! @rabamaker

I am glad you consider the post helpful. Thanks for reading.

Great write-up! I can relate with these points. Walking is indeed a very creative exercise, and many an idea have i lost because I didn't note them quickly enough. Oh, the point on answering a quora question is so obvious many who have never used it, (me inclusive) would want to beat themselves!

Yeah, that Quora idea is just so obvious. Everyone should be trying it!

Insightful post welldone

Really on point and helpful.

Thanks, I am glad you find it helpful.

This post is very usefull to us all. Its given me areas where i can just create an idea
Keep it up

Thanks. I am glad you find the post helpful.

This is so so true... Taking a walk has been the most effective one for me... And thanks for sharing...

Yeah, it seems many people can relate with the taking a walk idea. Thanks for reading.