Don't go to town just yet..., plain sight isn't exactly plain.

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Life is the plainest yet, the most unreasonable entity ever made known to man.


You are definitely not built for the plainness of a thing and talking about life, pheew... that turns out to be the worse one.

Looking back at the journey we are in and the process we have been through, you will agree that there are series of unfortunate events that helps spell the doom and the good.

Last night, I was working on a major project for STACH (no details released yet) I stumbled on something that kinda threatened the process flow and I wondered if I was making the right moves.
Agreed, I understand my process flow and as a human with excessive flaws, I make series of mistakes and even when I see it is a mistake that I can avoid, I still find myself making mistakes.

This happened and I know the guy, in fact, I begged him to be smart.

Someone once said, that he is covered with his plans because his father has lands and properties scattered all over the country.
Music 🎶 to the ears right? Well, it was sweet sound for sure and I listened a lot to the "beats".
When his father died he did get covered

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Then he went to town.- The guy after getting his inheritance, turned into a wild cat. Partying, drugs and the sex aspects where orgies never end became his lifestyle. I attended one of his crazy parties and I had fun., 6 properties, some farm lands and #100million in 2004.

Okay, this is supposed to be a plain sighted transaction right?
Dude got into some monies and instead of making the best of his situation and doing something great, he got stupid.
Money is the most insignificant aspects of existence and happiness but it is just so sad that instead of letting it stay the way it is meant to be, we magnify it and give it sizes of epic proportions.

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8 months after the supposed plain sighted living that was supposed to change lives, dude started selling stuff.
Oh yes, the parties started getting light and the binge drinking, the sniffing and fancy living kept going from fun to boring.

Moving down the line some odd months after, dude was depleted completely. Long story short, everything gone in plain sight.
Last I heard, dude drives a taxi bought for him by his Personal Assistant who back then in the glory days, was responsible for carrying bags and running errands.

Story was the PA was "helping himself while the stupid rich fool was living in plain sight.*

Let's talk about you NOW.

The earnings are coming in, small or big, they are coming in and we know what that means. These earnings are free and we should not go live in plain sight like we are making no impact.

Are you using your Steem for the good it is intended for? Is it in any way impacting those around you by reason of you using it for good gains?
Is everything to you about the chews and the drinks? Hope you are saving and making the best of your time?
This all is in place to make you financially, socially, physically, emotionally and spiritually responsible; be wise.

I Feel Blessed!

Steemit, Magic, Blockchain, 3D Fantasies.

Steemit is magic, a fantastic fantasy playing out in Blockchained 3D and many have their glasses on but only few know when to take them off.

Blockchain is the new existence pattern that is breaking bounds and making stars of the Creative Commons who have been subjected to societal humiliation and neglect.

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Open sourced, secured, immutable, fast and innovative. What else can be better?
I has this weird feeling that we will be traveling to the Blockchain to take up residence... physically.

The magic art is still something I cannot explain or lay hold to understanding.


Abracadabra is the word and then the screams, not for fear but unbelief. Did you just bring a cat out of your hat? Do it again!!!

The 3 dimension lifestyle is really interesting and has the ability to turn serious minded individuals to play ones.

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You see things designed for you and not what truly is.
See what your mind shows you and not what the world wants you to see. The deceit of life was not created by the Almighty, it was created by man and formed to take roots in the most difficult parts that becomes really hard to change.

See the dreams you dream in the dark recesses of your mind come to bear on Mother Nature.

Did I just write in plain sight? Is this what living is about?

Make the world a better place for someone today!



The sun that shines today is the sun that shone when thy father was born, and will still be shining when thy last grandchild shall pass into the darkness.
Richest Man In Babylon

The rules of wealth never changes. Thanks for the advice

I have always lived by the principle of being an investor and not a consumer. If one learns how to make their small monies work for them, it will be easy to scale up that knowledge when the big bucks start rolling in. It is a simple concept that we can learn quite easily and teach others to do the same. That way we can all grow together.

Consumers do nothing but consume and that tends to poverty. Those with an investor's mindset are those who rule the world and ultimately, the consumers. Cheers.

Very true.

I am totally agree with this. Like on my feet agreeing.

It is very important the morals we teach our younger generation. Knowing how to use the gifts and blessings that come your way is a function of what you have been taught and heard. This is a lesson for everyone to rather invest than to spend. Irrespective of how the monies came. That guy was not well taught by his rich father or he was taught and refused to heed to wise counsel. Hmmm! Living in plain sight.

Thank you @ejemai for reminding us these facts.

Thanks for reading and helping share the words with your comment. We are a function of what we truly are inside and not what we receive; without the right mindset the education will go to nought.

Very true @ejemai you said it all.

What a foolish dude in your write up, easy come easy go money.

Money is the most insignificant aspects of existence and happiness but is is just so sad that instead of letting it stay the way it is meant to be, we magnify it and give it sizes of epic proportions.

I totally agree with you on that.

We now live in a world of 3D. Saving is the right approach while one impart lives. @ejemai, you are doing a great job.

Foolish indeed he was. Impacting live has its benefits and it is the best form of investment anyone will embark on. Do the right thing everyday. Thanks

Thanks for sharingYou are no doubt a prolific writer @ejemai. Just what we need to remind ourselves of.

Awwwn, this is profilic sweet words of support coming from you. Thanks.

The story of the dude that squandered his inheritance is still stuck in my head. These stories aren't old, because we hear stuff like that happening all the time, question is, didn't man's hear or know about such stories?

And it frightens me to say that we might make the same mistake if some mad money should drop on our laps oVer night.

It is what it is. Stories of how carried away we get when money comes suddenly never gets old. Cheers

Totally creative write up. I love the way you transmuted an offline story to compare an online story. I hope more people really gets the message you are trying to preach here because it is not about getting money, it is about creating idea and investing in your idea to help others

You are right, getting money is not the ultimate, ideas creation and gifting is worth more than money. Cheers

Good life lesson indeed. Thank you for sharing this with us @ejemai

Wow thank you very much for such an insightful massage God bless

Thanks for reading.

Great write-up dear. Most times, stuffs gotten for free with out inputting hard work is soon gone to the winds and regrets follow later. If our earnings from the blockchain is not prudently utilized, then a life of regrets awaits such a one. This indisputably, is an opportunity of a life-time, we should grab it for the betterment of our lives and those of others. Thanks for sharing.

Freebies always end up being misused by those who cannot exercise their free will that enables for creative thinking.
Prudently utilizing the earnings one make from the Blockchain is certainly the right way to go. Cheers.

One thing we all should keep in mind, life is not always what we want to be (gold, silver or diamond) were ever you find yourself now, just give thanks.

The dude should be locked up in a mental world to get his mentality fixed.

Thanks for the lesson @ejemai

Are you using your Steem for the good it is intended for? Is it in any way impacting those around you by reason of you using it for good gains?

Its an issue we we really need to face. We have a dieying world out there. We shouldn't bury it but help it grow. thumbs up

Wow what an insightful message, it teach us to rather invest than to spend irrespective of how the monies came from, the young man failed to understand that the inheritance he received was supposed to be his seed. @ejemai you are doing a great job.

very important & good post.
u r always write the very nice & teaching post for us thanks @ejemai sir

I feel you @ejemai, experiences like the one in your post help people learn, the one it happened to, the people who witnessed it and we that you've just shared your message with. I feel a certain change of orientation after reading this. I hope others do too.

The events of live is lessons waiting to be learnt, but unfortunately, many still never take time out to learn. Hopefully, we have good learners here. Cheers

its an amazing writing....Love your writing skills and yes steemit is a very fantastic platform.and it has alot of potential for entrepreneurs.

Steemit indeed is fantastic. Knowing how to flow with the tides is what makes it really fun. Cheers.

Beautiful wrote everything and yes sometime inspite of knowing that we are doing mistake we continue doing mistakes☺

Mistakes come with living and no matter what we do we must have some along the way. Mistakes become terrible when we fail to look in and learn from them. Thanks

This kind of post brings out the moment of reflection in you. This is a wake up call to all that we should live for tomorrow today and not the other way round.

This post blessed me.

To say this is awesome is an understatement. I really really really do love this piece. I think I have something insightful to start my day with.

Thank you so much. I think we should wake up daily with an insight to our day.

The problem with a lot of us is that we lack foresight. Life isn't just about the now.

A stress free tomorroweans work today

A lot of us don't respect the law of seed and harvest just like the young man you talked about. He failed to understand that that the inheritance he received was supposed to be his seed.

Thanks for sharing @ejemai. Wishing you an amazing weekend

As long as the world remains, seed time and harvest time will never cease. This is one important factor of creation that is mostly ignored, but since we know now, we will become better and lead by example. Thanks

Masterpiece! Your writing is out of the world. I dove my hat for you. Resteeming this!
Hope to meet you at the ibadan seminar

Thanks bro you are too kind with the words and thought. See you in Ibadan for sure.

Nice write up ....... All my life hoping to meet you anytime soon ........ @saturday is the code.

Very insightful post and well articulated. Going through this post remind me of the essence of planning in life.
Like the popular saying goes "he that fails to plan, plans to fail
Thanks @ejemai for sharing this wonderful piece with the public

nice and attractive post thank you for being creative

your all post so good and informative thanks for sharing


the story is very baguz, I sangay like your story, teimaksih @ejemai has shared

Your posts are really informative I commend your effort in sharing to fellow steemers

@ejemai, that part you captioned as Let's talk to you caught my attention, yes it did because you aptly captured the need to impact on others around us as steemit avail us the opportunity. I'm working hard to earn more, impact more and save more. But let me also request that we come together as a nation to build a stronger steemit Nigeria, the impact will be Lauder than doing it alone bro. Am aware of the efforts of @ehiboss, but great minds like you can as well join forces. Imagine the upvote you will get if we have a platform for all Nigerians to come together. Please check the suggestion I earlier made in a post @sunny4glow. Thanks for the success hint.

Your writing hand is artful.

Amazing post as always. Have a blessed day.

What a superb and awesome post ejemai!especially when you said“see what your mind shows you and not what the world does",it is amazing to know that,the world will always show you something but what your mind shows you is always greater.Thanks man!