Do Vaccines Cause Cancer?

in #vaccines7 years ago

Do vaccines cause cancer? This may sound like a crazy question to some, but we can’t make progress without asking questions, right? We should never be afraid to ask questions, no matter how bizarre they may seem at first. Oftentimes, the first question we ask leads to a whole set of other questions that eventually leads us to some groundbreaking revelations.

As a vaccine researcher, there are two things I’m realizing most of us have in common. If we lived in a developed country, we are vaccinated, and we have a substantial risk of cancer. I’d like to discuss this possible link because we are not just receiving a few vaccines in our lifetime, or a just seeing a few cases of cancer popping up – WE’RE RECEIVING A LOT OF VACCINES AND SEEING A LOT OF CANCER.


In the U.S. 90 to 95% of American children are fully vaccinated. Why are we getting so many vaccines? For starters, the U.S. health authority, the CDC, recommends 70 doses of vaccines to children by adulthood!

People are under constant pressure to vaccinate their children due to marketing campaigns and state requirements for school enrollment. Additionally, some adults must get vaccines regularly in order to hold certain occupations, particularly in the medical field.

Make the Connection

Cancer rates have steadily risen with the expansion of the vaccine schedule. My mother, born in 1970, had a third of the vaccines the children born today are having. Is it just a coincidence that with each passing generation we are seeing sicker and sicker people? Is it just a coincidence that our children today have the highest rates of cancer than ever before? For anyone with kids, these stats are nothing short of scary.

In 1975, cancer in children occurred in 13 children per 100,000, and this has increased to over 17 children per 100,000 since 2005. Big pharma has a lot of power. But also, the same people that profit from cancer and sick people in general are the same people who are pushing vaccines.


Vaccines have never been proven NOT to cause cancer

In fact, vaccine safety does not even include testing to see if it has the potential to cause cancer. All vaccines have this disclaimer on their package inserts:

“[insert vaccine name] has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or potential to impair fertility.”

Whether you’re a fussy parent, or not, this piece of information or disclaimer, should make you take a step back and say, let me look into this more before allowing the doctor to vaccinate my child. While I personally do not have children of my own, I love children, and empathize with all parents who are faced with these hard decisions.

Every parent wants what’s best for their child and will do whatever it takes to keep them safe. In nearly every direction we turn, the message being spread is that vaccines are a necessary part of health care and the best way possible to prevent disease. What’s a parent to believe, especially a new parent? Nine times out of ten, they will believe and trust their doctor’s advice on vaccines and assume they are safe.

But not only are vaccines pushed with vigor by the belief they prevent disease, vaccines like the HPV vaccine, Gardasil, have people lining up to take it with its claims that it can prevent cancer.

I’ve talked about Gardasil in previous posts, and in this one I highlighted the questionable nature of Gardasil’s safety and the fact there are no long-term studies proving Gardasil can save lives.

In fact, Gardasil can actually increase cervical cancer risk. This vaccine that is marketed as anti-cancer boldly proclaims:

GARDASIL has not been evaluated for the potential to cause carcinogenicity or genotoxicity. (Source)

Now that’s a head scratcher! If I want to keep my child from getting cancer in the first place, then why the heck would I let them be injected with something that may or may not cause cancer??

So, can vaccines actually cause cancer?

The very way some vaccines are made raises questions. For instance, some viral cultures are grown on cancerous tissue. Just to give you an example, the polio vaccine created by Jonas Salk used what’s called HeLa cells which were derived from cervical cancer cells in 1951.

In 1954, the U.S. Armed Forces Epidemiology Board (AFEB) clearly had concerns about using cancer cells to make vaccines so at that time they made the decision to use normal cells instead. On the FDA’s website, this briefing details the matter:

“This decision was based on concerns about the possibility that human tumor cells might be contaminated with occult oncogenic agents that might be transferred to vaccine recipients, an event which might in turn increase the risk of cancer and other neoplastic diseases in vaccinees.”

And, let’s not forget that the oral polio vaccine was tainted with the cancer-causing virus SV40. SV40, or Simian virus #40, was discovered to be carcinogenic in 1960, and shockingly, around 98 million Americans received the vaccine between 1954 and 1963. Nope, the polio vaccine was not immediately pulled, the government turned a blind eye to the discovery.

I wrote about this very issue with the polio vaccine and how the SV40 virus has been found in human cancers in two different posts last month, so feel free to check them out below:

The Contagious Cancer Virus – Do You Have it?

The Polio Vaccine's Link to Cancer & the Monkey Virus that Contaminated it Found in Human Cancers

So, yes, we do know that vaccines can cause cancer, we learned this from the polio vaccine and even more importantly, that passenger viruses, like the SV40 virus, are a big cause for concern for vaccines in general. It is this risk of viral contamination that have made some of the vaccine overseers scrutinize vaccines.

I'd like to leave you with this question: Are vaccines worth the risk?

If you have not made up your mind about vaccines yet I encourage you to do more research and keep following my blog. I love making friends here on Steemit, so please follow me.

As always, think before you vaccinate.

Images: 1, 2

Recent posts:

From Pro-Vaxxer to Ex-Vaxxer: Ali, mother of 3, says her son's life FOREVER changed after MMR vaccine.

Could You Be Falsely Accused of Child Abuse?

Hundreds of Children Died After Taking Hexavac Vaccine - Did the Government Lie About These Deaths?


In 2002, the journal Lancet published compelling evidence that contaminated polio vaccine was responsible for up to half of the 55,000 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma cases that were occurring each year. Such statistics are never discussed when the success of a vaccine program is announced, yet it is a health outcome of the vaccine that should be taken into account

Maybe some of us will be lucky and get Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. "Our data indicate a strong association between Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and SV40 and thus a need for innovative therapeutic approaches for this hematologic malignancy."

Bone Cancer? What's next? "The data from the current study indicate an association between osteosarcoma (OS) and SV40. These data could be transferred to clinical applications for innovative therapies to address SV40-positive osteosarcoma (OS)."
"Significant association between human osteosarcoma and simian virus 40."

"These data suggest that there may be an increased incidence of certain cancers among the 98 million persons exposed to contaminated polio vaccine in the U.S.; further investigations are clearly justified."

"Some oral poliovirus vaccines were contaminated with infectious SV40 after 1961."

And its linked to cancer. #truthtrain

nice article.

And here the tl;dr:
The answer is NO

""Cancer rates have steadily risen with the expansion of the vaccine schedule. ""

Good observation. If I may, cancer rates have also steadily risen with the steady decline of pirates. Back in the good ol' days when pirates ruled the seas the word "cancer" was literally unknown. That can't be a coincidence! Bring back pirates!

Very good point, @trumpman. We should never jump to conclusions, which I never want to do. In the case of vaccines, I believe they are not the one thing to point the finger at in terms of why cancer has increased. It would be foolish to say that only vaccines should be considered as a factor for increased cancer rates.


This is playing with lives, when a kid dies of a simple disease that can easily be countered by vaccines because mom and dad are against it, then comes the regret.

There is a reason life expectancy is getting higher, and that's because we can avoid being (terminally) ill or recover better from physical accidents. With the help of medicine and it's field of vaccines.

Just guessing, but i'd make sooner a correlation that the cancer rate is higher because we are just with more people on the planet. more people = bigger numbers in the statistics.

Oh and the ever increasing exposure to pollution. Just ask families living next to "clean" coal power plants and if there is cancer in the family...

What about when a kid dies from a vaccine?

If you watch the VAXXED youtube channel (link below) they are collecting many stories of "coincidences" where kids die fairly horrific deaths shortly after getting immunized. Especially if they are getting vaccinated when they are sick or receiving multiple jabs at a time. How many more coincidences have to happen before it is actually studied properly in a Vaxxed vs unvaxxed study of the entire vaccine schedule.

You may be interested in doing some research on nagalase. Apparently it is an ingredient in vaccines and stops the body from making vitamin d, thus leaving it vulnerable to cancer.
That's what I read anyway...

vaccines can also deplete your body of all vitamin C storage.
just call it shaken baby syndrome when most likely it was vaccine induced scurvy.

then when neurotoxins (aluminum + polysorbate 80) cross the BBB doctors want to give you Tylenol
which depletes Glutathione hmmm

Oh wow, @thename. Thanks for sharing this, I will have to look into this more. I have not heard of this before but this is certainly worth doing some research on.

You have some nail biting question there, there is quite a few studies showing clear association but the confusion come about that this isn't a black and white some subject vaccines actually help and in others vaccines cause serious harm...we have a dilemma as more research is needed in the matter....I am still of the belief that the patient must first understand the vaccine and its objectives, and if they agree to the vaccines then they understand the risk it may carry

Hi @daudimitch, more research is definitely needed. But unfortunately, as you probably know, research requires incentive, and typically the incentive is money. The vaccine companies also produce drugs and as the public is becoming more aware, these companies are heavily tied in government regulatory agencies. Studies are very expensive, and this is why there are still so many people without treatments or drugs suffering from lesser-known diseases. If a study were done that found vaccines to be harmful, however, there's still room to edit or pull them altogether.

This type of scenario was done in the Token study, which focused on the Hexavac vaccine. The English version contained 160 pages while the German version was just 7 pages. The more comprehensive English version mentioned 100s of deaths occurring after the vaccination but the German version simply stated the vaccines are safe and multiple vaccines pose no significant risk in the infant mortality rate.

I wish everyone did know the risks before they accepted vaccinations. But we are all up against an unfair fight. The people we trust, such as our doctors and government health agencies, they are not giving us the full disclosure on vaccines.

Vaccination is a billion dollar industry and the special interest are only seeking to full their pocket....the people capable of enacting change don't have the financial muscle to take on the job and they themselves find themselves taking orders when their jobs are under threat....this 'vaccine scheme' is apart of a much bigger problem under health, its has move away from being patient centered to what makes sense financially.....for-profit medical school is another pack of cards with special interest sucking blood all over it, you would soon realize this cancer cannot be contained

For the record that's my area of study, my degree and certification is in Medical Sciences and my area of interest is Immunology so I have an excellent grasp of the subject....I am just approaching the subject matter with a open mind and taking note of the points being made...vaccination is still a controversial topic within the community with many points for and against it...From the early days of Louis Pasteur to Edward Jenner, the subject has remain controversial...the experiment of Jenner would cause quite a stir today but its probably one of the single greatest discovery...I have work along with doctors who would not take vaccine for anything and others that are strong believers... I am certainly not barking the horn because I have a degree and , what I am saying that the financial incentive overrides the intention to do good of many of these vaccines, as vaccines distributed without going through the necessary rigorous testing....We cannot also be ignorant of the fact the vaccination help contained the Spanish flu and the very Polio you speak of....Nonetheless, there is what is known as idiosyncratic reaction to vaccines all of which are well documented and there are special interest groups that just pump the vaccination slogan to gain financial rewards often times some of the vaccines they back has shown no efficacy in dealing with the illness...Once again I would say, the big problem with Healthcare, we have moved away from the days of William Osler and now everything is financial and that's the problem.... to summarize vaccination remains a controversial topic with points for and points against, patients must first be educated and once they agree I see no problem with that but I cannot agree throwing everything down someone throat as I am aware of the special interest who seek financial gains without regard for anyone health....your erroneous statement "molecular biology propaganda books" is out of place as we rely on these very scientist to better understand the mechanism used by these viruses to evade the immune system....the understanding of these viruses are changing constantly and many of these viruses are quite ancient and play a more critical role than previous thought, so I certainly appreciate the hard work that these guys do...I certainly agree with your statement "there were still those that claimed to have isolated the Polio Virus" as that methodology wasn't develop but we cannot use that counter the work that is being done presently....


They got me, I ran away with their propaganda thinking that I am know better off than I was before...I have fallen victim to their indoctrination and I am believer that viruses exist

There are studies showing that those who have had normal childhood diseases have LESS of a chance of certain cancers. For instance those who have had chickenpox have less of a chance of certain brain cancers than those who have not had the chicken pox. People are discounting the importance of the immune system to exercise and learn uninhibited so that the body can do the best job that it can at spotting invaders. Our society is giving up short lived acute disease in exchange for chronic disease... and it is NOT going well.

I talk about vaccines frequently as well. Please follow me!

I think that's a fair statement. People are definitely taking big and unknown health risks in exchange for trying to prevent something that's pretty benign. I'd much rather get the flu or chickenpox than have a vaccine for it... And my top preference would be to work on building my immune system so I'm not susceptible to catching it in the first place.

If we are so scared of these viruses invading our children or ourselves, why do we forget about just eating well and focusing on boosting the immune system?

I'm sure the viruses and toxins in vaccines contribute to cancer, but the other issue here is that harmless childhood illness like measles and chicken pox are being found to provide protection against cancer. There was a study not too long ago that showed kids who got chicken pox were protected from the worst of brain cancers. Well.... now that we vaccinate, guess what is on the rise? Deadly brain tumors. I don't think I go a week without seeing someone posting in my FB feed about another kid with DIPG. This is a fatal "Extremely rare" tumor. Well... they need to do the math because it's not rare anymore.

Hi @jennywebster. This is a really incredible connection because brain tumors are on the rise and children are no exception. I actually had no idea about this before but looking into it, I'm amazed. This particular article really makes you re-think the "danger" of the measles:

"A patient with supposedly incurable cancer is now in complete remission thanks to a new experimental treatment she received at the Mayo Clinic: Killing cancer cells with massive doses of the measles virus."

The reason why there are more cancers today because people are living longer.
In the past, we don't have much cancer because people can't live long enough to get cancer. Nowadays, our lifespan are extended so statistically we should be having more cancers around (especially when we have no cures/vaccines for cancer).

Then why are babies and young children developing Cancer if what you’re saying is it takes time for Cancer to develop?

So great fun that more people are realizing the connection that Vaccines have with Cancer. I just finished up my post regarding how my friend reversed their Hepatitis B / Liver Cancer / Fatty Liver