Witness Vote Removed: @nextgencrypto. It’s a Shame that Some Individuals are Flagging Content for Mere Difference of Opinion.

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

Edit: I am pro-no-government (read: geographical monopoly on violence).

flaggedHopped on Steemit this morning and saw that @dbroze had been

for posting his interview with Dr. Andrew Wakefield regarding vaccine injury. This is a high profile figure and we have a Steemian interviewing him regarding a topic that affects all of our lives, basically.

The accounts associated with @berniesanders, @nextgencrypto, etc, flagged the post into oblivion for “draining the rewards pool.”

I took the issue up with this same heavily vested individual in the @yougotflagged thread. He said basically he just disagreed so he downvotes all of this “nonsense.”

I mentioned that I understand there are no rules for flagging, but I appreciate those discussions that are being flagged, and don’t appreciate my upvote being wiped out, or the comments and posts being made invisible.

This same individual has flagged the mother of a vaccine-injured child’s comments invisible as well and is effectively killing discussion here on Steemit.

I fully support the freedom of @berniesanders to flag whatever the hell he wants.

This is a stake-weighted, decentralized voting platform and should stay that way. I support @berniesanders in his right to do this.


I fully disagree that conversations I value related to the health and well-being of my child (I want to hear both sides and value the discussion) are “nonsense.”

My vote for @nextgencrypto is removed. I find these knee-jerk reactions to be ultimately detrimental to freedom of expression here.

UPDATE: Now my 100% upvote on Derrick’s post about being flagged has been wiped out, as the post has been flagged into oblivion by this same hyper-religious fellow. No worries, I didn’t need that SP.

So, to this individual hell bent on removing the value/money/time placed by authors and voters in posts they esteem: with all due respect, fuck you, and fuck off.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


My post was flagged to oblivion and it was very difficult for me to decide to put the photos of myself and what has happened because of a mandatory flu vaccine. My life has been a challenge since then and I don't want anyone else to go through what I have to. It is sad that there are those out there with total lack of empathy for others. https://steemit.com/vaccines/@marymg2014/putting-a-face-to-the-dangers-of-vaccines

Thank-you Mary for making yourself vulnerable,
and not only talking about, but showing pictures of how you have been injured.
It is pretty bad when someone makes a post invisible because the person is talking about a injury that they have endured, and are still enduring.

This world needs more empathy.
You have been disabled by flu shots, and you have the right to share your story with others.

Just remember that there are MANY, many, many people here who care about you,
and care about humanity.

Thank you for your kind comment and genuine concern.

The fact is that because of the flu vaccine my ongoing reactions are life threatening and have landed me in the hospital. I do not understand how swelling in the throat causing difficulty to breathe and anaphylactic blood pressures of 250/180 are antivax bullshit. Who thinks that way?

So sorry to hear this. Still being new to Steemit, I find it hard to believe. It make no sense to me that this is happening on this platform. I thought this platform was all about rewarding others.
🙁hi @canadian-coconut and @marymg2014

I appreciate your kind thoughts. Hopefully we can figure this out as a community and move onwards and upwards. There are so many GREAT people here.
p.s. I have enjoyed watching your videos with Stan.Thank-you @bluerocktalk

I wont ruin the surprise, I'll let you see it for yourself! 😁
~ bluerocktalk🖖THANKS @canadian-coconut! There are tons fo great folks on here, love it! Well you might like this, I added another @stan interview, but also added a promo with @stan... You must take a look at both. I think you'll get excited about both of them, or at least one of them-lol.

Indeed you are right. people care and flagging doesn't matter!!

From this point on if we all use as much voting power as we have to support anyone facing censorship, (even though we don't have as much in our wallets), we have the numbers and we can come back from this.

There's a dolt down below who voices his 'superior' opinion. lol. You'd appreciate the quote I replied to the person who commented to them-

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” -Mark Twain

I keep sneaking on, but I have family to attend to, I'll reply to your other comments when I get home :)

Take care - they have been going hard out and have a $2.50 wallet now so you are picking a fight with a whale!

Well said @sift666!

Together we stand divided we fall.

I love that! Isn't that what Steemit is all about? Or supposed to be?

You're right, and you're wrong. Theoretically, there is the stake available to counter this censorship.

Practically speaking, even with the furor over @michelle.gent's flagging added to this, given the fractured nature of the community, many of whom are more focused on their personal rewards than on contributing to the community, I do not expect such a rally.

I am in, whether there's a rally around it or not - but I'm not here for rewards, rather for the community of censorship free society.

I'm prolly about to get flagged to oblivion myself, now, as I have spoken forthrightly, and strongly, directly to the flaggots who've undertaken these outrages.

So be it. I've never spent a satoshi of Steem, and had no intentions of doing so anyway.

I'll be sad about my rep, though =/

"rather for the community of censorship free society."

Sadly, if the creators had wanted a censorship-free society on Steemit, they should not have allowed for the ability to censor to be built into the platform.

In the white paper flagging is clearly described as necessary to allow a decentralized community to control spam, plagiarism, and such toxic simulacra of free speech.

They further describe how the community can resist the kinds of censorship considered here, and flag wars were born.

However, their calculations considered that 30% of rewards, and thus stake, and thus VP, would inure to the general community, and probably less than 1% of rewards actually do today.


(the author rewards chart dates from just prior to HF19, but is probably applicable today)



Thanks to @arcange for these charts!

Rather than a small or moderately sized group of folks being able to succeed in preventing abusive flagging, even should 10,000 krill rise up to try under current conditions, they would be unable.

The oligarchical concentration of rewards has rendered flags nuclear weapons in the hands of whales, and less than pea-shooters in the hands of krill.

This wasn't the stated intention of the devs.

I was under the impression it started off as a war against bots votes. ( of which I wholeheartedly support, btw)

It seems to have turned into something much darker...

Never mind, I'll wont be staying quiet for anyone. Never have, never will!

I would practically die laughing were the bots like @yougotflagged waging war on bots.

The irony!

This is terrible. Something is very wrong in our community if you are not allowed to share your own life story and your beliefs.

Mary is pro-bullshit.

Pro Tip: Dont get your medical advice from Steemit, or the internet. Especially not from wacky fruitcake Mary.
Ugh, the real work of medicine is spent undoing the disinformation people like you spread.
Blaming your food allergies on vaccines....really.
NO DOCTOR anywhere is able to associate the two, yet you've done what science cant do. You deserve a Nobel. Or a greeting card.
OK, a sticky note congratulating you on your achievement.

Intelligence Tip: Never take advice from someone whose only backing is name-calling, sarcasm, appeals to authority, and not one iota of evidence, anywhere. I don't detect any grasp of real science in you - and I have no position on this issue because I do not have the relevant data yet. I will certainly be checking out the sources you ridicule with your flailing emotions, because obviously there is something deeply threatening to you there.
You deserve nothing but derision for an offering like this, even if your argument is valid - my suspicion is, likely not. Truth will out, as will stupidity. Good luck, you've got quite a learning curve ahead. Db

It is interesting that every single person who voices their disagreement with anti-vax always resorts to name calling and can't seem to have a polite discussion about it.

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”-Mark Twain

never underestimate the far reach of big paharma and trying to keep it's death grip on it's ailing customers..

They love ill people. Not much of a market with a healthy population...

Quite agree lucylin, and I am detecting the strong odour of shill here as well. This may be a paid hitjob, or simply a sleepy drone, either way the consequences are usually dumbass, and they didn't let us down here as usual. Db

@scoobysnax And I guess you are helping 'undoing' the disinformation? Are you a doctor/ scientist and have you done your own independent research? Do you even know what the ingredients are in vaccines? Did you read the inserts of all the vaccines? Because if you did, you would find that food allergies are among the side effects. Fact is that even in the medical world they don't know EVERYthing yet about vaccines and their possible side effects. That is why they have to keep doing those studies. How often did medicine get the stamp 'Approved' only to be removed later? Look at Vioxx...It was deemed very safe. Well, until people started getting heart attacks and died that is. Why would you think this could not be possible with vaccinations? If you love science, you will have to agree that nothing is set in stone just because the CDC says so. Read this study by Yale medical/ Penn State medical. This was only done this year, they didn't know this before. I just don't understand how people would think that something else couldn't come up in a study elsewhere. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2017.00003/full

Thank you for sharing that study although the researchers involved in the study still recommend following the CDC guidelines for vaccination this study opens the door for further research. Good find!

I know my eyes were opened about the potential dangers of vaccines during my 20+ years in practice.

Mine when my daughter was vaccinated... But yeah, to most all these similar stories are just coincidences. If my child had a bruise every week, they wouldn't call it a coincidence any more and have at least cps come in to investigate. But if something similar happens to many people after vaccinations no one even bats an eyelid.

I believe that the "powers that shouldn't be" know the damage being done.... I can't decide if it is pride or something else that allows this assault to continue. It concerns me because there are 300 more vaccine being developed and there is no accountability or liability for the pharmaceutical industry and I do not know of any other industry that that that widespread protection and makes the money they do.

Money - just money I'd say, with eugenics an extra bonus

I think that is the one thing that should raise eyebrows at least: the fact that they can not be held accountable. And it is not pride, it's money. After all: they're huge co-operations, they're in the business to make money, not to help people. The rabbit hole goes very deep with this one. And there are a lot of connections with other subjects. In fact, I've been researching this for longer than I can remember.

I suppose they are all wrong too: American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI)https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/814826

I am glad I do not stoop to name calling. Blessings to you and yours.

It's amazing when plankton throws it's weight around! :)

You sure as heck stoop to spreading disinformation and fear, though.
NO ONE in the medical community supports your anti-vaxxer position. It is nonsense, it is anti-fact. Choosing to protect the population from debilitating diseases isnt a "difference of opinion".

Your post = profiting from harmful disinformation.

You are either really stupid making that statement saying no one in the medical community... - are you retarded or something? (too many vaccines maybe?lol ),

You have not done any research regarding the subject if you think that is a valid statement.

Or you are a paid shill from big pharma.
(which makes you lower than whale shit at ebb tide)

You are making shit up.

There are medical professionals that do disagree that vaccines are safe. Science isn't a monolith. It is composed of people who have differing views, and it is HEAVILY politicized, and polluted with money, particularly medicine.

Your comment = ignorant attempt to censor those you disagree with.

You haven't displayed ANY knowledge of the issues, but have merely regurgitated what you've been told.

You're good chattel. I'm almost jelly of your masters.

When one must resort to ad-hominem attacks, one shows one's lack of reasoning, facts, or validity. How many times has "science" been proven wrong? How many times have they had to start over? Even the CDC now acknowledges there can be negative reactions to some of the components in vaccines.


NIH scientists find link between allergic and autoimmune diseases in mouse study


Hundreds of studies demonstrating link between autoimmune disorders and vaccines.

Vaccines can cause autoimmune disorders. Guillain Barre is just one. Feel free to browse the US federal government's Vaccine Injury Compensation Data...

sometimes you just gotta say fuck it. i did when i argued the flat earth stuff. the information i have shows that it is true. i'm prepared to be disproven but at this point it seems doubtful. i got downvoted into oblivion in the same manner, for simply not having the same opinion, and these people were posting all this anti-flat earth stuff, so i went in to debate them. that is how you come to truth.

instead of debate, i got slammed, nothing i said was good enough (but they upvoted stupid agreement posts with zero content). i kept going. i kept getting downvoted, i reached a reputation of 15. then someone saw what i was doing and came in and upvoted me and downvoted them. to be honest i was rather upset, but i kept hope that things would change, and they did.

you gotta be prepared for a fight, but keep it clean, never name call, never put them down with fallacies, and always stick to what you know.

personal experience are very valuable to me, tho i'm already convinced vaccines are bad. we are nothing but energy, all is thought, we can fix ourselves by changing our minds about the world.

i hope you realize this, even tho it seems things are irreversable, i'm convinced they are not. just last night i was unable to breathe... i blamed my vaping, but i believe the mental stuff. so i silenced my mind, i just felt where it was tight, i continued to keep my mind on it without judgement. it was hard work keeping my attention on it. but in the end my breathing cleared up, my throat relaxed.

i believe we are all connected to source, we are all powerful creators, and we must remember this so that we can regain what power we truly have to heal ourselves.

least you think i'm completely crazy (which i understand, given materialistic perspective that i once had) .. if you are at all religious, you can look to Jesus who said 'all that i do you can do, and more'

I, oddly enough, appreciate your comment here. I am a rabid 'round Earther'. I have endeavored to undertake discussions with FE'ers, and been astounded at the refusal to engage in substantive debate they evidenced, to the point of writing them all off as disinfo agents.

If you AREN'T simply intent on misleading folks down a barren rabbit hole, I have a post in my back catalog that contains the essence of my rational arguments against a flat Earth. The only reason I engage with you is that I hear you saying you want to know the truth, and I think you'll be different from disinfo agents.

Lemme know if you care to discuss it.


I am also a 'rabid round earther', but respect anyone willing to discuss things properly..

(I have neither the scientific acumen or motivation to really research the subject, tbh).

One point@klevn, mate.

Fractals. aside from the actual FEarth premise, where is there in nature that isn't a fractal?
(fractal - same pattern reproducing itself)

For me, that in itself is enough to validate a global earth. - from atoms to the universe. (and the earth included)
It's a fractalization of round things, going around other round things, in their own orbits, within orbits, etc - you get the picture.

Flat earth just doesn't fit into this natural order of things. Just my take on it, for what it's worth ( which probably isn't much...lol)

I'd love to discuss it. could you link me what you'd like me to consider? with the holidays it might be a minute, but i'd be happy to engage it. i'm actually really frustrated with what i consider disinformation about what the flat earthers believe. i can sum up my understanding here, and link my stuff later.

  • nasa seems to be fake (have much to back this up)
  • suez canal is completely level over 100 miles (curvature of earth says it would have 80 feet of drop, minimum)
  • gyroscope, on a spinning earth, rotate 360 degrees every twenty four hours.. it would never stay still because we are moving in so many directions, per globe earth theory, but this is not the case... gyroscope, a good one, will remain perfectly still. impossible for globe earth model...

those are my main 'proofs' .. i absolutely believe a huge conspiracy, worth trillions across the globe, is being committed against the people of earth.

yes i believe satellites are in fact weather balloons or drones... i don't have answers to how, but without confirmation there are many possibilities that seem likely.

north and south pole have always been 'computer generated' on weather maps. when i was a kid, they were simply black discs up there covering the poles.. i researched why and found that hiding the poles is actually build into the software that is taking the pictures... now days they 'fake it' so the black discs don't look so obviously that they are hiding something.

take care, and hope you have a wonderful holiday .. (if you live in u.s.a. otherwise have a great day ;)


((((((Hugs)))))) Mary.

I'm not an anti-vaxxer but I'm very much a supporter of free speech (even for those I disagree with), investigative journalism, and against censorship.@kafkanarchy84, thanks for speaking out about this and I want to emphasize that, like you,

I think it's important to note that @dbroze is a known journalist and author, we should welcome diversity to the platform.

I can't speak for Derrick but journalist often interview people from a wide spectrum and just because you do an interview with them does not mean that you endorse everything the interviewee has to say.

I think it's always healthy to question authority in all its forms and we should openly debate and express out opinions.

Thank you for having the backbone to step up in defense of freedom of expression.

much respect

... I'm not an anti-vaxxer but I'm very much a supporter of free speech (even for those I disagree with), investigative journalism, and against censorship.

That's it!

First of all, thank you for supporting freedom of expression, dialogue, and debate here. It means a lot more to me than I can probably put into words.

I don’t generally use the term “anti-vaxxer” because it’s used to marginalize individuals and kills conversation. I feel the same about the term “pro-vax” and “pro-vaxxer,” generally.

My son is not vaccinated. My wife and ai have made that decision as individuals and parents and are confident we are doing what is best for our son. That said, I am not religious about it. That is my number one fear, that I would be, about anything.

If I am making some kind of mistake, or not thinking things through properly/am unwaware of critical evidence, I want to know. That is part of why I so highly value hearing different viewpoints.

I think the discussion has become both intentionally and unintentionally) polarized in some severely toxic ways.

But yeah, as you said, Derrick is a well-known figure as is Dr. Wakefield, of course, whether one thinks that’s for better or for worse. And one of the things I’ve always enjoyed about this platform is the openness and dignity of discussions and debates.

Strangely enough, I like that @berniesanders is using his voice in the market here on Steem. I just disagree and think it’s detrimental to the platform, so I’m using mine back.

The respect is mutual. Thanks again for kicking ass!

Great point - I am about as anti-vax as it's possible to get, but I'm also anti-flat earth too and I try to unflag their flagged posts because most of all I'm anti - censorship.

Thanks so much for your support and take on this whole situation @kafkanarchy84! It was beautiful to watch the way Steemit responded to the actions of this one person, and the support that came in not only for myself, but for many other creators discussing issues where a solid debate is extremely important.

Couldn’t agree more man. It was beautiful. Hopefully Bernie will come around, but who knows. Either way, for yet another day, the market has spoken. Glad you brought this to everyone’s attention. @canadian-coconut as well. Mad respect for all you do!

thanks my friend!

Thank-you for getting this info out there.
I have resteemed it too, as I want to see this get into Trending.

I should thank you. You are the one who told me about all this. I think it’s super important. Thanks for all you are doing here!

Well, you are welcome then!
Since he is running as a witness, this information is more important than ever.
If he doesn't want scutiny placed upon how he votes, than he should not be running for a position that requires people's trust and accountability.
You are helping to keep him accountable. So thanks so much for that!

Second that. Resteemed with INTENTION. Seeing what he has done to @chron's post is sad. He is an unvaccinated teenager speaking from his heart. And that's not okay? I mean. Really.

I think there are more people here dedicated to freedom than not. I sincerely hope the liberty loving whales get after this ASAP.

So, I also think down voting people for posting information you don't agree with is shitty and infantile. Any other way to kick back, though? For those of us down here at the bottom, we're basically resigned to watching the sparks atop mount Olympus. You can go and down vote his stuff, but maybe that's an infantile response. In any case, it seems I can do nothing, which is doubly frustrating since we're talking about vaccines which I've been fighting ignorant attitudes on for almost 20 years. Is it so horrible to want them to be safer? I'm so tired of assholes. Just tired.

I hear you. It is EXTREMELY tiring.

That said, defensive retaliatory flagging is totally legitimate, in my view.

What I hope folks won’t do is beg for more regulations or attempt to make Steemit something mirroring a statist government in the interest of “fairness.” That would ruin the platform and destroy it, economically.

This can go three ways, as I see it:

  • Those with the power to kick back, whether an individual or groups of individuals, take action and blackball this user.

  • This user and those of his ilk basically take over, killing conversation/expression on the platform and thus driving the market elsewhere (killing Steemit).

  • Users request centralized regulations and stray from sound economics and stake-weighting, resulting in corruption and lackluster content due to hyper-regulation. This also would kill the platform.

is speaking. It’s fucking beautiful. This “whale” can keep draining all his funds while we keep reinstating the poster and reaping curation rewards. He earns nothing, as he himself has said, from flagging. He’s just working himself into a hole, ultimately.Actually, as @dbroze ‘s post is already back up to 24 dollars, the market

I don't recall discussing this with you, but I noted that a couple times you have mentioned that delinking stake from VP would harm the platform.

Since this is the ONLY thing that can secure the witnesses from being essentially bought by someone with deep enough pockets, and taking over the Steem blockchain itself, I am a strong advocate of delinking SP from VP.

I know this is a segue, but I am most interested in hearing what reasons you have for your position. In my conversations with Stinc, top witnesses, and 'influencers', on and off chain, I have not been convinced that I am wrong.

I want to be, or be able to be more certain I am right.

If you feel this segue doesn't belong here, I would be happy to discuss the matter at the time and place of your choosing.


No problem. Thanks for your comment.

Yeah, as the whole platform, from its inception, has been a stake-weighted voting platform, changing that would indeed destroy Steemit as we know it.

The whole idea is that the vestors and bloggers who have invested the most, or blogged hard and worked hard to earn the most Steem Power, have the most say.

Should these “top dogs” engage in market action detrimental to the platform, they are ultimately harming their own investment, as such actions would drastically decrease—or destroy altogether—any hope for a real ROI.

This model also allows for less powerful Steemians to work hard, network, and gain power, as well.

If we take away the very foundation of what Steemit is, which is stake-weighted voting, it becomes basically like any other social media site (save the blockchain aspect) where power holders are decided arbitrarily and governance is more centralized. Math and economics no longer fill the rule of objective order-keeper, but instead are replaced by this or that individuals’s arbitrary judgements about what is “good” or “bad.”

As such, individual Steemians lose autonomy and the ability to progress independently and make a niche for themselves, as they have no real fair say in the rules of the game.

As it stands now, if someone is unhappy about stake-weighted voting, they may choose to find a new platform with what they deem to be a better model. This would be a market signal to Steemit that there is a problem. One that, if not heeded and diagnosed, could potentially be the end of the platform.


I saw @dbroze's post and noticed it was at decent earnings, and I do like that. I'm glad that people are willing to give their Steem to support him and also wage this battle. I think it's probably more productive than flagging wars. Like I said, though, it's still a bit like watching the sparks on mount Olympus. Still, appreciate people like you and @canadiancoconut fighting the good fight.

You are right. I want people to have the same chance I had when I joined to work hard and climb that mountain in a spirit of general support. This BS does not help, and is alienating new users, it would seem.

I am a new user AND I am a licensed medical professional. There are so many things I want to reveal on Steemit about the medical establishment that I am very hesitant because of people like bsanders.

People have no idea how much BS there are in the medical world and the shady practices in clinics and hospitals.

People also don't understand that most of what we ARE taught in med school are not even considered when we practice medicine except those doctors that think independently and remember their foundations.

Please do post it!
Just be sure to drop me a link to it on Discord or Steemit.chat, so that it will be sure to get enough votes that Bernie can't make it invisible.

I am still learning Steem and I have not tried Discord or Steemit.chat. Do you need to register first?

It makes me want to stop wasting my time there are other platforms where I can share my story. That big fat whale must have worked for BIG PHARMA for have serious mental health issues and is on their drugs.

I was thinking the same earlier when I saw you got flagged and some others as well for vaccine related stories. You'd almost think it's a government paid shill who comes in and flags content that might maybe expose some truths.

Some people will sell their soul for money, you may have just hit the nail on the head. I feel sorry for anyone who attacks others especially when they are down.

Please don't get discouraged by annoying flies, birds or thugs. I learned to take my time and save my works on my harddrive - and then spread it to a multitude of other platforms. Your thoughts are worth spreading! Yet first back-up. Then spread from a saver position. m2c


Image credits: Andreas Bohnenstengel, Licence CC BY-SA 3.0 DE, found at the German Wikipedia page on "Diversity (politics)"

Thank you for the advice.

Yes it is. And I can say this is always what comes up for me in zero regulation conversations. I want the market to regulate, but there's always some dick cheese with a lot of power who wants nothing more than to fuck people over simply because he can. Here's somebody just posting info, worked hard to get it and write it, and some asshole gets to pull out his magic wand. It just feels like a microcosm to me.

You may be onto something there, because as long as the monopoly on violence outside of this platform exists, this platform will always be threatened by individuals with resources from that entity, namely, government.

It’s an experiment. I hope people won’t fail to understand that they are the market. There are those aware with enough funds to fight back. And others can band together. Smaller users may eventually leave out of frustration (I hope to God they won’t), but even in that case, the market will have worked perfectly. The platform will fail, and then the investments of the abusive parties are dead as well. Sad, but fair. And real.

This is just one dude with some cash, though, as far as I can tell. This place is full of stubborn bastards who are in it to win it. I wouldn’t give up yet.

I'm not gonna give up. It's not in my nature. And I'll say whatever I wanna say, bullies with money be damned. I'm pigheaded like that. I understand we're the market, but when people have crazy money, which equals power in our world, there's so much potential for danger. I agree with you that regulations ruin it, but I don't feel like we have a good solution yet. How many things do we let them ruin? How many people do we let them stomp on? In any case this little microcosm is fascinating.

Wah wah wah. You shook Beta.

I really like your comment SSM, so I upped it and am now following. My article on vaccines last week was constantly disappearing from my blog page and it was driving me crazy, along with posts I did to raise awareness on Monsanto. Censorship on Steemit sucks.

Thanks. We just keep showing up and speaking up, right?

The fact that people are being flagged in Steemit for a difference of opinion on a topic of an extremely legitimate health concern is beyond disturbing. This is what Google and Facebook do, and this is exactly the reason that many of us have come to the Steemit platform instead.

I now see that the "vaccination storm troopers" have decided to attack your blog post as well. This is ridiculous. Clearly they don't believe that you have a right to free speech, a right to your own opinion, and a right to choose what goes into your own body. These are inviolable rights of each individual that clearly they don't care about being protected for everyone.

I invite all of us to become more compassionate toward one another. Even trying to expression compassion to those posing actions that go in total opposition to our well-being.

I think the best way to change thing is not by trying to destroy what we disagree with but just like in Judo, using the energies of the open against them, again not to destroy them but to turn them over to our way of seeing things.

If they are acting in contradiction with the laws of the universe they will end up in dead-ends, disempowered. Disempowered people aren't a direct threat to anyone but themselves. It's truth and compassion that empower. Truth can only come from each individual.

"People don’t choose violence because they want the violent solution, the choose it because they don’t see any other way." [1] - @dantheman

The same thing that Dan has said about violence can be said about irrationality. People don't rationally chose to be irrational, they might chose it because of weakness of character or other "reasons". Truth or rationality is dependent on the individual. We can only say what is rational from our perspective.

Just like predators need to kill to survive and pray want to escape to survive both are living their truth. The pray might consider the predator to be selfish to want to eat them and the predator might consider the pray to be selfish for wanting to escape. Both old the same truth of wanting to live. Only the perspective is different. It's the exact same situation. Both truth are truth even if they contradict one another.

We all need compassion. Pray and predators alike. We are all acting in fear and love of life. Life is a paradox.



Still, I am not a cow. When the wolves come for me, they'd better watch out. I mean this strictly in regards to the meat universe, although, far more defenseless here, I am no less intransigent, obstreperous, and curmudgeonly.

I will make a difficult meal, and digest poorly =p


Oh I sure invite everyone to defend themselves with all their might when there's no other possible option. I think avoiding the use of force whenever possible is the logical thing to do.

It's normal to disagree with others. Vaccination is a heavy topic, I'Ve heard all sort of reasons of why people don't get vaccinated. My reason: it can kill me. It's simple, I'm so allergic to so much and anything chemical, there is so much I cannot take if I want to stay alive: No vaccines, no medication, no contraception pill, no anti-biotics. I have to go the all natural route. Of course, I will advocate going all-natural for healing. I also know that many natural remedies can be taken in combination with medication, prescription drugs as it were. I also understand and respect that not everyone takes the same path. My path was set for me before I was out of my mother's womb. I too don't appreciate people in convos I've had in person, who try to convince me to try these things that will kill me and don't seem to get it. It would be stupid to be downvoted for such a thing.

You are utilising your freedom of expression and sharing an experience which has determined your stance on this topic. It will inform and inspire. Why should your voice be made unheard just because it is different than someone else's. You have every right to express yourself.

Regardless whether a person is pro or against vaccines, they have the right to argue their case and on why they think people should or should not take them. We have the right to choose what we inject or don't inject in our bodies. We have the right to choose whether to agree or disagree with a person.

No one has the right to take a person's rights away just because we disagree with them.

As for vaccines, maybe they work for other people, but no one will convince me to kill myself. It's a matter of life and death for me. But I respect everyone who wishes to take them and I respect those who wish not to take them. Everyone has different reasons for either choice. Key word: choice.

As for vaccines, maybe they work for other people, but no one will convince me to kill myself. It's a matter of life and death for me. But I respect everyone who wishes to take them and I respect those who wish not to take them. Everyone has different reasons for either choice. Key word: choice.

Amen and amen. Thanks so much for saying this.

I’m fascinated by your story, and impressed by this rational, level-headed, and well articulated comment.

Followed. Great to hear from you here.

Thanks ;)

I used to not be as level-headed regarding certain things, I used to feel forced because I didn't know how to explain certain things. Younger, I would fall into the trap of justifying myself, looking for validation and approval at every turn. Then, I sort of ran into a narcissist who utilised that very effectively. Since then, I have learnt so much about myself and about respecting my body.

I'm not saying that in person, if confronted with someone who enjoys being difficult, I might not be as calm in expressing myself, but I know myself, I know where I stand, for this at least (and several other things too now). I also know that everybody's journey is different and that there are those who have a talent in articulating arguments well on why something is good for you or bad for you, whereas I am good at sharing stories, and my experiences and what I learnt along the way. That can be as helpful to someone who is searching for answers, which is why today, I share.

Oh, and I followed you too ;)

I couldn't agree more. People should have the choice. If there are people who made an informed choice to vaccinate themselves or their children, that should be up to them and I respect that. If a person chooses for whatever reason not to, it should be respected too. The problem is that people will start screaming 'herd immunity' right away and point their finger at un-vaccinated people during an outbreak of the measles or something else. But the whole idea about herd immunity is still not proven, there are no hard facts that it works or even exists. So maybe if people instead of trying to make others see their point of view by force (as it is done too often), try to educate themselves about this subject, all that finger pointing won't be necessary anymore. I absolutely respect your choice not to kill myself. And I absolutely respect the choices of those who decide to vaccinate their children and themselves. As long as I'm not expected to, I'm happy with that.

Well exactly. Some people will never get it and when it comes to a point where I have to tell a person that getting myself vaccinated is the same as stabbing myself with a knife, I try not to go there and I leave the conversation, because it will take a toll on me and drain my energy. I gave too much energy away already to other people and need to recuperate what I lost. It's not worth arguing sometimes with some people. I've learnt to whom I can talk to about these things and share my point of view and experiences and to whom I should not talk about it and avoid the topic altogether. I've also learnt it's okay to say "I don't wish to discuss this" or "This is private and does no concern you" with anyone asks if I plan on vaccinating my children or anything like that. If people cannot respect me, then they do not deserve to be in my life.

By the way, I gave you a follow. Your blurb intrigues me, I shall have to check out your posts.

haha, thank you. I follow you too :) My latest posts mainly consist of steemfest photos, because there was just so much to cover. But will get back to serious soon :)

I find all this in-fighting that is ramping up in recent weeks quite depressing.
You're dead right regarding the debate over vaccines and to flag someone who's child has been directly affected is in poor taste.

The vibe on Steemit has changed just in the last few weeks and has been demotivating for me. I have written at least 3 decent sized posts every week since I arrived in May however I've not written a single one in 4 weeks now.
Opinion flagging, abuse and spam is ruining what was a beautiful thing, if this shit doesn't get sorted out soon this will become a blockchain Facebook!
What's the fucking point of that?

if this shit doesn't get sorted out soon this will become a blockchain Facebook!
What's the fucking point of that?

Lol. You said it man. Fuck that.

Wow. This makes me really sad and I find it pretty disturbing to find this kind of behavior here on steemit. Thank you so much for letting us know about this whole situation, since we deserve to know who is destroying this platform and who is contributing to it.
I am so sorry @marymg2014 for what you went through and I am very thankful for sharing it with us. People need to stand up and tell their stories that need to be heard, so thank you.

Once you give someone angry power on the internet, they use it for evil 😔

I wrote a vaccine article which he downvoted, he labelled my post as "anti-vaxxer bullshit" on his daily roundoup of dissapointed people who tried hard to make content which informed people of the truth.

At first I was annoyed, then sad, because I found your post and have a bad feeling about what kind of vote he will surely give you...

If you disagree with someone, you don't try and push their face into the ground without warning, you reason with them.

The above asshole I am talking about is most likely a narcissistic who feels pride in saddening other people.

Another theory I have is he may be a shill for the medical industry or a rich doctor?

Thank you for raising these points @kafkafnarchy84, we need to help our blockchain before it dies along with this flagger's morale.

Upped & resteemed mate 👍

There are many of those out there too, so there is always a chance they got on here as well.That's what I was saying earlier too @chron, that it could just be some government paid shill who does this.

Always worthy of consideration.

I’m sorry to hear that man. Thanks for the support. Don’t get too worried yet. As I say, there are a lot of stubborn, principled bastards around here ;)

He downvoted you, what a snake!

I fully support his right to act in an infantile manner.

Oh yes! Steem on! :)

Screenshot at 2017-11-21 01:54:50 steem logo from website.png

That is exactly why there's a downvote option - to express a difference in opinion.

Amongst the other reasons, yep. And I am of the opinion that the disagreement this time was bogus. Fair and fair.

Alright, fair enough. I think downvoting posts based on a difference of opinion should be accepted by the community. I'm a long time Redditor and I'm disappointed I'm not able to express a negative opinion as easily as I do a positive opinion.

I do as well man. Are you aware at how it is being done, though? It’s totally fair. This is Steemit. Stake-weighted voting. One powerful dude is wiping out a zillion tiny users’ upvotes for content they value. People are getting sick of it and said fuck off. It’s free market and free market. I love it.

Well said! Each should be allowed his opinion whether or not it is agreeable
to the other.
Not that it means much but I've also removed my vote for this witness.

he's more like a "shitness"

Ha ha ha, Excellent!

Given what I was just talking about regarding other flags for content, I am with you 100%. Flagging serves a purpose on the platform; it's a counterbalance to the upvote function, and it should be based on stake. That being said, what I want to see happen - what needs to happen lest this turn into Facebook 2.0 - is for the community to stand up and declare that this kind of behavior is garbage. I'm glad to see everyone addressing this as loudly and vociferously as we are. I may not agree on the particular issue of vaccines and their effects, but by God, what kind of arrogant dick thinks they have the right to tell anyone else "man, you really messed up voting this up. Here, let me fix that for you, since I know better."

Yep. I agree completely.

And this is such a good point:

I may not agree on the particular issue of vaccines and their effects, but by God, what kind of arrogant dick thinks they have the right to tell anyone else "man, you really messed up voting this up. Here, let me fix that for you, since I know better."

Right. And you know, I know not all will agree with me on the topic of vaccine safety/injury, but as you rightly note, that is not the important issue here.

This has always been a platform of freedom of thought. Steemit should set the example for other media to follow. Can we please find respect for other peoples content. Bullying should not be allowed and we just need to put on our big boy and big girl pants and uplift each other and support each other. Whales should set the standard for minnows to follow. Lets all stop this flagging war and pour out the love. Pass the peace pipe and treat others the way you would want to be treated. STEEM ON!

Every people need to share their topics that consider necesary to enrichment the network and learned to others the best way to lived with better health conditions specially if it without vaccines that are not good source for all people.
Best regard@galberto.

This is all due to anti-science fearmongering that hurts people. Harmful disinformation shouldnt be welcome. You need to be flagged.

Thanks for your opinion. I was flagged. The market still wants to hear what I have to say (see payout). I’m happy, you’re happy.

exact same reason I feel compelled to speak out about vaccine injury.With all due respect, though, @scoobysnax. I know you think this should be flagged because you care about people. I believe that 100%, and that you are a good person, 100%. This is the

If you made a post about the benefits of vaccines and the morality of the current vaccine court, I personally would not flag it, though I would view your post as “dangerous, anti-science fearmongering” as well.

I think it’s better to talk human to human, as adults, than to mudsling and attempt to erase the value others have ascribed to a certain viewpoint.

Cheers, my friend.


I agree re the "differences of opinion" and down voting.
Imagine what will happen here once the "mass" start to arrive.

You may be onto something here. I am staunch supporter of stake-weighted voting and the free market, so I am just waiting to see what the market does about this. If every one here becomes a “bernie sanders” the market will likely go elsewhere. In other words, these guys will shoot themselves in the foot due to the social and market ramifications of their actions.

I want Steemit to succeed not to fail, there should be an elected witness who is in favour of this free market you speak of.

There already are such witnesses.

And look at the rewards on this post now. The market is a powerful force, when allowed to function.

Everyone has the freedom to do what he wants, but how he works so will get it

A very unpleasant incident, indeed.
This community should be able to support any kind of debate without such regrettable actions.

I'm with you on this one, KA. I thought the point of steemit, along with vlue for content, was to have a non-censored blockchain? I support your post and have upvoted. Following. @dakini5d

Screenshot at 2017-11-21 00:31:36 steemit freedom of speed v02-strikeout.png

You may want to think this through some time again.

I can see how you want to support the freedom of a lunatic to burn houses, villages and their inhabitants. Yet why would you want to support such lunatic in his right doing this? There is no such right! In other words: There is no wrong being done right.

I once learned to distinguish between freedom and made-up-rights from falsely affirming Evelyn Beatrice Halls infamous quote, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." for a long time. Than I made up my mind. This has been a long way home.

Today I've unsubscribed me from this nonsense. And that's after pondering a long long long long time on Ayn Rands following lines in Atlas Shrugged, after investing to read the book from front cover to verso.

"He felt an anger too immense to identify except as a pressure within him: it was a desire to kill. The desire was not directed at the unknown thug who had sent a bullet through the boy's body, or at the looting bureaucrats who had hired the thug to do it, but at the boy's teachers who had delivered him, disarmed, to the thug's gun—at the soft, safe assassins of college classrooms who, incompetent to answer the queries of a quest for reason, took pleasure in crippling the young minds entrusted to their care"

So why should I support people taking pleasure in crippling unprepared minds? They have plenty unvoluntary support. Why should I voluntarily join those forces? Please tell me this!

Please think it through! It may take some brain-strain, but it's worth the freedom.

To your best

“Brain-strain.” I’ll pass on the (veiled?) snark. You’ve perfectly missed my argument here, I’m afraid. I am speaking of Steemit, and not of houses being burned down or young minds being crippled in universities (Atlas Shrugged is one of my all-time favorite books), by violence-based nation states.

I am adamantly opposed to Sander’s actions as delineated in this post. It may take some “brain strain” to understand, but just because I am opposed wholeheartedly to what he has done, doesn’t mean it violates anything regarding Steemit and the freedom of action afforded thereby to each individual user.

Thanks for reading.

You're doing the "Right" thing my retracting "Consent."
That witness should drop off the list entirely... IMHO.
Highly rEsteemed.

Oh no, don't be afraid, please. That's when I wrote brain-strain. And please don't take it as a snark. I'm in with what you are saying. I just wanted to make clear(er) the little detail of supporting ones opportunities or simply leaving them alone (and care for the good and fun stuff) - for them to have their freedoms anyway.

I have another good read. If you like Rand you may like Russell as well. ... And then there where none. [1] You may easily find a better copy in your favorite library, your (online) antiquarian bookshop or some audio project like Librivox. And I may expect you've read it already. It's a short read.

Screenshot at 2017-11-21 02:16:35 steemit myob.png

[1] http://www.simpleliberty.org/research/and_then_there_were_none.htm

fuck yes! Tell em, I'm a victim of bernie sander's banana as well!

i understand how you feel in this flagging issue... it really might kill motivation by some folks to post their views on diverse topics as steemit is an info bank...for fear of being flagged to oblivion, it may surely kill serious contents here...i think there should be a complaint unit in steemit for authors to complain when flagged and if teams review it they remove the flag and penalize the person that flagged..this way we checkmate flagging excesses... my own thought...
thanks for sharing and being bold on this delicate topic...glad to be following and we need more of such posts...

Well, @kenhudoy, you are free to form such a committee. That is the essence of Steemit.

I am sure many will flock to avail themselves of such a service, and I am not kidding, or being snarky. Further, I believe it will be a boon to Steemit.
Srsly, do it.

This kind of flagging has long been producing self-censorship, and since the platform is infested with pandering, this is hugely magnified. Steemit has perhaps the worst user retention rate of extant social media platforms, and I think flagging contributes to that.

Your idea could change that.

sure....but i think this idea should be created by a steemit known witness who has enough free steemit power to unflag someone who was unjustly flagged... it should be supported by @dan and @ned for it to work and have some unbiased umpires or even the community as umpires...

@dan is gone, and @ned isn't gonna do it.

You have the ball.

ok @valued-customer will look into that and thank goodness i have you as a worthy partner;)

I have heard of an app?,ext? idk..not techie...think you can find it in the 3bars on top right.. for tipping.
Would that be effected by the flagging? or would they loose that too?
IDK just a thought from put of the box..
Thought it might tipp the balance in the flag wars to favor the poster...

Haha see my most recent post ;)

Yeah, it's very frustrating. Now that Steemit is actually working people have decided to become dictators of rewards. As if Steemit doesn't have enough issues.

He has every right and freedom to do what he did. And the market has every right and freedom to kick back.

Correct, fight back then.

And by 'the market', you mean 'the few steemians with enough SP/invested $' to have any chance of 'kicking back'.

This is a stake-weighted voting platform and always has been, so yes. Except it's a lot more than a few.

More than a few, you say?

Of all steemian accounts, how many have more than 2k SP? 5k SP? 100k SP?

I started out with zero, homey. Make some changes if you don't like it.

TOTALLY avoids my question. You said more than a few. Are there more than a few?

"I started out with zero,"

Great. Let's hope the accounts associated with berniesanders or equivalent doesn't come wipe you out.

I hope they don't. I don't like that they can.

It's bullying dicks like @berniesanders that are helping to keep Steemit from ever hoping to achieve mass adoption.

"I don't like what you said so fuck you. Oh also steemit is great because there's no censorship!"

Why would anybody spend time/effort trying to grow a steemit account when some bully can wipe out all that hard work/time/effort in an instant, on a whim. No protections, no recourse. Steemit is not a friendly place, and it's certainly not a safe place to create content.

Fuck you @berniesanders, you are an enemy of Steemit.

You have been flagged, likely because you are attempting to take advantage of the reward pool. Please see my daily post for more detailed reasoning. Thank you.

I fully support and celebrate your freedom to be a total inept. I <3 free markets. You’re digging yourself a hole, Bern.

He’s not diggin any holes you shook Beta.

Such a cop out. Why not put on your big boy panties and debate?

There's a line where "mere difference of opinion" becomes dangerous and destructive nonsense.

Sure, and Steemit allows for downvoting if one feels that way.

Actually, Steemit allows for people with high SP values to downvote if they feel like it. The vast majority of steemians don't have a downvote/upvote worth enough make a scratch against them.

Yes, that is how Steemit was designed. High SP = more influence.

Yep. And it's a flaw that's killing Steemit, in the sense that those with influence can easily wipe out somebody with less influence.

So those people leave. People that see it happening leave because they don't want to invest into an account that can get easily wiped out.

And then pro-steemians defend that bullying? Weird, and doesn't attract more users.

Who is defending bullying here? Stake-weighted platforms are built on the idea that those with greater stake have greater proportional influence. Saying this is "killing Steemit" is like saying that fire is killing the sun.

I agree that power is abused, and am open to corrections being made there, in regard to large accounts wiping out smaller ones in one fell swoop, but the stake-weighting aspect is not the problem.

"but the stake-weighting aspect is not the problem."

How is it not the problem when it's possible to wipe out a smaller account?

I'm not saying stake-weighting on the whole is bad, I'm saying the ability to wipe out a smaller account is bad.

Cry me a river

You're right, children literally dying doesn't matter

You associate with freedom huh? Not good. Not gonna turn out good for your account here.


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they have an agenda.

not sure what to do about it, but making people aware is a step in the right direction.

I have to agree with your thoughts. I think there is an agenda behind all this.

Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @kafkanarchy84!

  • Comments - Ranked 9 with 103 comments

I think it's funny that anarcho-libertarians are painted with violence and chaos and destruction, but so-called "civilized" people are the ones who use the force of the state against those they disagree with, oftentimes, for nothing more than simply disagreeing!

This issue is getting ridiculous! I'm fine with the downvote, but I don't think it should hide the post unless it is spam. I've been reading some interesting ideas about how to solve this issue by changing the way reputation works and I just posted about it if you're interested. We need to come up with some sort of solution. ( I don't want to link spam so you can just look at my blog if you're interested)

Oh poor little joe. Wah wah wah

RE: the graphic at the top - is he "pro-adults getting mumphs, because some people didn't vaccine their kids, so now adults have to worry about maintaining their vaccinations again?"

Anarchy and anti-vax nonsense are bedfellows....only because anarchists dont study medicine. They understand ZERO of the mechanisms and just post hysterical crap. But it's mind-virus and it hurts others.
Flag it. It's the exact same as advocating for sharing needles or anti-condom use.
Viruses DONT CARE about your views. They just infect whoever isnt inoculated.

why can't folks just get along with each other and uplift one another instead of flagging each other? We can do better. We are steemit not Facebook or Twitter. Let's stop the bullying and respect everyone's opinion. That does not mean you need to agree with them. But come on people. We serve a higher standard and appreciate principles. PROMOTE THE POSITIVE!

This happened to me as well. I had to go into the appeals Steemit Room and chatted with helpers. The Bots are not Bots they are human.

It is similar to BTC and BCH mining pools becoming so big and powerful that they are actually centralizing then hassling smaller miners. This is why I like BTG BicoinGold so much is has messures that keep very large mining pools away.