My ULOG DIARIES #1: Magnificent Saturday!

in #ulog6 years ago

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What a Reality! A dream come true

I am a lover of God, a Christian, a Catholic to be precise, I am a professional photographer, a music lover, a student in one of the reputable Institution here in Nigeria, and I will soon round off with my programme.Woooow!!!!! This is for real! I am so glad to be here, what a nice community, my friend @pinheiroemmanuel told me about this community, @ulogs, which is the brain work of a mighty man of valour @surpassinggoogle, A Man with a large heart, so kind and generous, you are nothing but a blessing to this generation, you are the answer to the prayers of this generation, may you continue to live in the light and glory of God; God bless you, your family (husband & children), and your extended families. I count it a real joy, a rare privilege to meet you sir, May the heavens bless you.

Ma Routine for the Day

My rising everyday is between 5:00am-6:00am, but weekends rising may vary for me, if I have a job to do, that is Photography work/job, my rising is 4:30am so as to meet up with clients event. I cover events like birthday, wedding anniversary, conferences, seminars, workshops, retreats, wedding, graduations ceremony etc.
My plan for today is to spend some time blogging since I am also a blogger, also I look forward to establishing my own photo studio, photo laboratory, and school of photography, in about 15years from now or less, God bless me.
I am a lover of knowledge, I love giving respect to existing works done by other people, also being innovative, I would also love to become an entrepreneur in few months from now, before the end of the year.
I love singing, though I was once a chorister, but I left the choir because of other life engagements, responsibilities, since I have to look after myself. I believe in self, financial and economic independence, for me I regard Job to be Just Over Broke, hence, I will never be a liability to anyone, but I will become an asset to myself, my family and the society at large. I am the only daughter in my family, and I am strong, I took the strength of my parents especially my Mom, the rugedity of my father, and the simplicity of their lives, love for humanity is what drives them, that is my driving force too, always doing and wanting to do something so that I can become an employer of labour, empowering the youths, my generation is all I crave for and all I'm working towards, and I will never stop until I achieve it, good better best, may I never rest until my good is better I can never rest. I do not think or focus on what the society, the government can do for me, but rather what I can do impart my generation is my watchwor,my focus.
I have gone through many, countless ups and downs of life, but my love for humanity, providing solution(s) to out of many problems of humanity/society keeps me going, I have learnt never to give up until I achieve my desired life goals. My mission is to be a force to reckon with, I will be heard, I will never be sileced. Every life obstacles I shall conquer.

Saturday is Magnificent, Why?

I noticed and wonder why many people are always scared of weekends especially on a day like Saturday, but one thing I have come to realise is that God is the owner of all times and seasons, but He has given man the power to dominate, to rule, to bring to bear, to bear fruits that will last, abundant commanding of results has been given to man, we can always achieve this through our thoughts, through which we can affect our circumstances, we must embrace a sane mind, sane thoughts, think and feel good about ourselves, for only when we do this, things will work in our favour, all days are good according to the creation, but Man's influence are the conquences of whatever comes out of it; be it good or bad.

The simple truth about the law of attraction, is that whatever you give, you attract, whatever you attract you become, we must learn to attract good thoughts about our lives, our lifestyles, our culture, our belief system, our moral values and principles for living, we must embrace satisfaction about our job, we must be contented with all God has given us, while we shun darkness of greed, we must abandon exploiting people or using undue influence, the world won't be a better place when we constantly believe that until we make ourself become/feel superior while we make others feel inferior, let us embrace a life of giving and living not for ourselves alone but also simplicity of character, kindness, compassion and spreading love to all whether they regard it, whether they deserve it or not. Christ gave us that as the new commandment as against the law of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
It is worthy of note too that the attitude with which you perceive your each day affects the other day and on like that, if you feel so sorry, so bad and battered about yourself and today, definitely it will rub off on tomorrow which is Sunday, constructively, objectively analyse each day, forget about what didn't work out yesterday, having carefully analyse the reasons for today's failure, believe in yourself and say that tomorrow is going to be better and the day after tomorrow is going to be the best, work hard, be flexible when alyou should be and be rigid when you should be, burn all bridges of negative thoughts and influence behind you, believe in the good of other people,never leave a kind word unsaid, never fail to appreciate people for their good work, their hard work, encourage, motivate, do not water down other peoples' effor, sometimes you learn to sacrifice, you may have to lose sometimes to let other people to win, don't the winner card always, compromise in a good way to affected people's lives positively, whenever those around you falls, help them get up back on their feet, tell them they are unstoppable, enjoy life, lie life without regret,let go of the past, forgive your self about the pains and regrets of the past, and focus and put your heart,mind, soul and body to the future. It will be a magnificent Thursday if only you would make it be.
Saturdays does not have eyes, nor hears or body, but you are the one will make it obey you, whatever you say to it, whatever you ask it to do, it will do, no day should be worshipped, nor adored than the other, we are the ones that give them meaning, everyday would be meaningless, without Man, we are the reason, the meaning to the works of nature and all things created are to serve our good, and purpose. Help someone today.


classy writing ! definitely touch a pure heart. keep posting.