Travel with me #80 : A visit to the Staniel Cay Yacht Club and enchanting hidden "sandbar" beaches!

in #travel7 years ago

Dear Steemit friends:


Sometimes it's hard to decide where to go given the limited time you have in a place you travel to. Indeed we are all limited by a finite amount of time and that is what makes life so exciting. The fact that we can't be two places at the same time, (and yes, I know Quantum physicists will argue otherwise) means that we tend to enjoy things more when the most precious commodity - time, is spent unabated on things that we ourselves choose.

Given the reality that I only had less than 2 weeks in Bahamas, and around half of it was at the Atlantis resort, it really only left me with less than a week to explore everything else. Quite a monumental task given that Bahamas has over 700 named islands and cays, and that is why as I mentioned in my previous article about whether to visit Atlantis, I recommended that first time visitors spend an adequate amount of time there but forget not that Bahamas is so much more than this one resort.

In fact, as amazing as Atlantis is, I would even suggest to avoid it for non-first time visits. Such a conclusion came from the epiphany I had, reminding me that I really didn't spend all that much time exploring the majority of what Bahamas has to offer. This is no doubt one of my small regrets now that I've been back for a while and reflecting on my journey's there.


On one of my last days in Bahamas, I had the pleasure of visiting Staniel Cay Yacht Club, in Staniel Cay, Exuma and once again be spoiled by an absolute eye feast of the serene natural landscapes we have now come to know Bahamas for.

Crystal clear, pristine blue waters stretching endlessly in all directions, mini islands greeting us every few minutes. It's no wonder Ernest Hemingway adored the Bahamas and spent three of his summers of 1930's in the Bahamas.

Far from being a nobel prize winner in literature, I can at the very least, appreciate Bahamas for being a muse to my writing.

After travelling on a rocky bumpy speedboat for nearly 1.5hrs, we finally arrived at the Staniel Cay Yacht Club.

Although it is known for being a low key getaway location offering many bungalows, villas and many a Yacht adventure, my visit would be a short visit to their signature restaurant for a quick bite to eat before heading back out to the seas.

Inside, the restaurant is decorated like an accomplished helmsmen's humble abode. On the ceiling, there are too many flags and burgees to count. It's certainly very impressive, and I do wonder what the backstory behind all of these are.

The pool table gives the bar at the restaurant that nitty gritty feeling of authenticity. This is not a fancy restaurant and nor is it pretending to be.

The service wall shows an interesting plaque of USCG. Do any of you know what that means?

It is of course the United States Coast Guard, and here, the Yacht Club has proudly been a part of the maritime service for many years as shown by the number of services badges awarded to them.

Because my trip was a prepaid excursion, I had to choose my meal option beforehand.

You can either have a grilled Chicken Burger with chips and salad.

Or, the Classic Beef Ham Burger also served with chips and salad.

Suffice to say, the meal was actually really pleasant, although I do wonder whether the meal was really worth the $40 odd extra dollars.

Never the less, it was time to move on, and everyone else seems to be very satisfied with their meal.

On the way back to the boat, I'm really happy to once again see my friends the Nurse Sharks being friendly with the visitors. I instantly recall my experience swimming with them at Compass Cay, and with the weather being so hot, I had an insatiable urge to jump in to greet them again. Sadly, on this occasion my hesitation got the best of me.

The mini harbour is absolutely beautiful, there are little huts built facing the sea all around the landing area and just in-front of them, mini boats with cloth shade roofs ready to take out small parties of people on their own adventures.

My own adventure, begins with a can of Coke. You have no idea how refreshing it is to drink an ice cool coke under the blistering heat. By this time, my own skin was turning a similar shade of red to the can. One bottle of SPF 50+ spray on Tan Lotion is clearly not enough.

Back on the boat, and ready to discover some more of the paradise!

A very short ride on the speed boat, and we pull over at what appears to be a natural shallow kids swimming pool. Upon further inspection, you'll quickly realise that this is actually part of the ocean and the waters here are really shallow!

How fitting that the excursion was named hidden beaches, it appears we have found just that - a hidden beach emerging from the ocean surrounded by the clearest shallow water I have ever seen.

At low tide, Bahamas reveals these secret sandy beaches to us known as sandbars. The waters are so shallow that when standing up, they only come up to my shins!

Strips of sand formations are revealed as the water recedes on low tide. I can safely say at least at this moment, this is my own personal beach!

I'm not usually a bird watcher, but this lone seagull was so beautiful standing there alone, waiting to see if it could find any crustaceans in the sand to eat.

Traversing between "Islands" is a matter of walking just a few feet from one sandbar to the next.

There are many small islands surrounding the sandbars, making it feel like a private enclosure, truly secluded from the rest of the world. With the waters so shallow, I could literally walk on water straight to the main islands!

There is something different about shallow water. It almost doesn't feel real as I sit down and have only half of my legs submerged. Frequent beach goers will be dumbfounded by the "lack of" water, and yet, all around it is all I can see.

Where did it all go?

Do you remember those mini inflatable swimming pools that we used to paddle around in as little children?

That is the feeling that I had as I rolled around in the shallow water, struggling to find a spot where I could fully submerge myself under the water.

It's a beautiful thing when nature can remind you of your youth and not only that, make you behave like time never passed by, and you are just a little child playing in a summers paddle pool.


After turning a light shade of red from paddling around the sandbar beaches all day, it was time to come back home. Back at Magaritaville, I didn't realise that they had a tiny pool for customers. It almost looks too deep and uninviting after paddling around at the sandbar all day.

Just by the restaurant, we have a local preparing some Conch salad, his displays of the conch and starfish really drew a lot of attention to his offering.

A nutritious end to a marvellous day at the hidden sandbar beaches of Staniel Cay.

Thank you for joining me on my experience to Staniel Cay and the majestic secret sandbar beaches. Most of us including me are quite used to the idea of going to the beach and paddling around in shallow but submersible water. Who would have known you could enjoy a sandy beach in the middle of the ocean surrounded by water so shallow it barely covers your feet?

Just another one of Bahamas' examples of paradise and I'm really excited to do more exploring like this in future visits.

As always, I really appreciate an upvote if you liked my post, a follow if you like what what you see and want to stay up to date with my activities, and do please leave a comment to let me know what you think!

要说海岛里的一股清流,巴哈马可能是比马尔代夫还要浪漫的伊甸园,纯色的蓝天,干净的海水,洁白细软的沙滩。这里除了是《加勒比海盜》的拍摄取景地,著名作家海明威也曾在这里生活了3年,并写下了最终获得诺贝尔文学奖的《老人与海》。今天我很开心,可以继续带大家体验我和海的故事,感受自然海岛的魅力。今天我要带大家去埃克苏马岛的Staniel Cay探索一家有趣的餐厅用餐。Staniel Cay有机场和码头,是前往猪岛最近的有飞机,又有码头的岛。这里是一个非常值得细细品味的世外岛屿,岛上的游艇俱乐部港口停泊着来自世界各地的富壕们的游艇,看的我眼神呆滞,好像从来没见过这么多奢华的船,如同能够在水上移动的小别墅。在这里有一家面朝大海的彩色木屋,就是我们今天探索的目的地——Staniel Cay游艇俱乐部餐厅。

一走进俱乐部,最吸引我的是头顶挂满了五颜六色的旗子,可能是各个俱乐部的旗帜,我在想会不会是世界上每个游艇小分队的旗子,只要来过Staniel Cay,都会升起他们的旗子挂在屋顶留作纪念。整个餐厅的装修风格,绚丽多姿又温馨,年轻有活力,应该没有人不会爱上这里。餐厅里一派热闹的景象,人们享受着美事,啤酒,说说笑笑,看着球赛。饭后还可以打会桌球,太悠闲的度假环境了。墙上除了挂着各种留作纪念的合影,还挂着吉他,鲨鱼雕像,还有大奖杯,和许多巴哈马本土的手工艺术品。而最大的亮点,是这一面贴满了美国海岸警卫队各个支队的队徽,都是警卫队曾经支援过这里而得到的奖章,满满一面墙的荣誉,不禁为他们感到骄傲。食物上桌了,让食欲爆棚的鸡肉三明治和牛肉汉堡,还有大快薯条,分量超足,绝对不用担心吃不饱。饱餐过后,走出餐厅欣赏下码头的风景,这里总是处处都带给我们无与伦比的小惊喜,不知道是意外还是巧合,我们的游艇边围着一群可爱的护士鲨 (这是我和护士鲨们游泳的文章)这些鲨鱼不会咬人,性格温顺,长相可爱,有着萌萌的大脑袋。其实这世界上大部分的鲨鱼都不会主动攻击人类,有些攻击,也只是因为他们以为自己要遭到威胁才会发生的。记得中国有句古话,水至清则无鱼,大家看到了这副场景,又会不会打破了原有的观念呢?如此清澈的水里,浅水里,不仅有鱼,而且是鲨鱼。你们是不是已经在感慨世界怎会有如此清澈无比的海水,听说巴哈马的海水是世界上最清澈的海域。那么接下来我就带大家去一个神奇的地方,来见证一下如同自来水般的巴哈马海水吧。


There are 7 pages

Pleasant view!

It's so Refreshing to read Your Post @sweetsssj btw I 😙😙🤔😙Love that Rainbow Purse super Cute

thank you !! Just doing my part to help liven up the content on steemit! :)

(I got it from Topshop, I think the brand is Skinny Dip) 😊

you are are doing long posts, i don't have time to read anything... maybe you can make it shirt?

first in Steemit
split in the sea
and on the shore ;)
only you can pull that off :)

haha thank you! I need to show some of my skills sometimes! :)

It's always enjoyable to read (and watch the photos in) your long posts - keep up the good work! :)

thank you jaki01, really appreciate you telling me that, its always very encouraging 😊

looks like you are on holiday you aren't posting daily like before?

oh i'm about to embark on a new journey, so I'll be slightly less active until I get settled! Don't worry new post coming today :) :)

lovely quote!

click here!This post received a 3.1% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @paasz! For more information,

I just love sandy white beaches of Bahamas and the Carribean! Great post! And you are just beautiful:)....

On the second thought, the beaches are almost as beautiful as you are:).....

Nice post!

I love your post @sweetsssj :) If you like traveling i hope you enjoy my trip to Norway!

wow, what a wonderful post that is, thank you for sharing :)

thanks jrlo :)

Upvoted and followed, thanks for sharing! We are planning a trip to Costa Rica in the not-too-distant future; have you traveled there, or plan to?

Your photos are always so vibrant and done well in composition. I like your writing style as it is very fun and easy to follow along. Anyways great post today and what a way to seas the day. =P

thank you ebejammin, so kind of you to compliment my pictures, and thanks for taking the time to leave a comment too, much appreciated :)

@sweetssssj You are into a different mood in this trip. Really having fun good to see you so thrilled and active. Very beautiful sky and yacht. Your pictures are amazing. Nice shots , loved your Classic Pose. What a jump on the beach you had , that's breathtaking . One is the Moses loved post so far. Keep it up. I enjoyed this, you are giving us some serious traveling goals. Love and Take Care.☺

Looks beautiful! The water is so clear.

soo beautiful, beats a paddle pool in the garden!

the 1000nd vote from me! I like you very much, you should come to Bulgaria and capture its beauty too - check this out

thank you raven5478! Lovely post, upvoted!

You're work is a true inspiration to new Steemians on the platform. I have decided to produce images with the deep dream AI algorithm. If you would like me to take the images down, let me know.

Thanks for sharing your travels with us. They are a real dream come true and we really appreciate the hard work.

What a nice view, I played around with the image a little

Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by trailofwhales from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the

If you like what we're doing please upvote this comment so we can continue to build the community account that's supporting all members.

I always like every post from you.
And I will always remember every suggestion and input you give.
But first I apologize if it offends you.
If I may ask, I look at every photo you upload, why are you always seen alone?
I think it would be nice if you can enjoy the holiday with our friends.
Because it will feel more adventurous fun.
It's in my opinion.
But every human being is different, and I can understand it.
But I still like every photo you upload.
Thank you very much.

thank you aroyl, I really appreciate that.

I started this blog about my travels, so I like to keep it focused mainly around me. Although I will introduce my travel buddies and photographer soon :)

A very memorable adventure of course while you are in bahama, and in the middle of a schedule that is so dense you still have time to share the beauty of the island in bahama. Terimaksih has been willing to share the beauty of bahama with all steemit friends. Miss @sweetsssj

thank you riezky, very memorable indeed, and hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing about it!

Great post again . Just started 35 days ago. But you only travel And make blogs... Wow thats great.. i hope i get a resteem from you once in the next year So i could really make metselde ready for the us holiday in 2019😉

Hello @Sweetsssj i want to review this

This was out third visit and, on this occasion, we stayed for a week. We have noticed that a significant number of the guests have been to the Beach House before and that some stay for a week or more.

The Beach House looks West over a lagoon, sand bar then the sea. The owners and most of the guests watch the sun set each evening, either from their own verandahs or in the garden which borders the lagoon. This very pleasantly occupies an hour and a half before the communal meal around a table at 7 pm. The food is excellent, with Rosi and Nazir joining their guests at the table. There is a backwater to the side of the property. A basic canoe is available for guest use and we found it quite idyllic spending an hour before breakfast gently canoeing up the backwater and watching the numerous birds.

We had one of the rooms overlooking the lagoon. It is simply furnished with comfortable beds and a hot water bucket shower. There is no air conditioning – just a fan – but sleep was no problem!

Rosi is very knowledgeable about the Theyams taking place in the area and will make the necessary arrangements. It does involve a very early rise but is well worth it.

There are still very few westerners in the area so the beaches remain delightfully quiet. The beach in front of the homestay can get slightly busy but the beach to the South is always quiet.

Lunch is not provided but rations can be obtained from the local village, fifteen minutes away on foot, or at one of the other homestays in the area. There is also a fridge and kettle for communal use. Morning tea and coffee are also available from 7 am and afternoon tea from 4 pm in the dining area.

We'll be back again

Thank you @sweetsssj @steemit

hello, is this your experience?

No, today I am reading your post at that time my friend said to me I also gone at there and shared his experience with me and I shared with all the steemits.Hello @sweetsssj

Hello my favorite traveller @sweetsssj nice visited in your traveled. Sorry I was come late to update it. But I will always check it out and resteem your post. Everytime I see your post, my spirit burning to travel like you. I dont now how to say it. Iam only can to say take care and good luck my senior. Give ur fun travel story for us. Thanks for everything Mrs. @sweetsssj

Joe! Thank you for dropping by again,(and so often too) I love sharing with you guys, you are so supportive and i always enjoy reading and replying to your lovely comments! Thank you so much!

Ahaaa cool....
Thanks for reading and replay it.

I have told you before I love travel because of you.
Everyday I have learned your blog about travel. How to be delicious traveller like you. Your travel blog very interesting. I like it so much. Iam gladly to join your blog. You are welcome my Senior travel.
I have bad travel yesterday. Our car is broken on street. So I can do anything. I just post my picture and video around me. Many blessing for you @sweetsssj.

Hello dear @sweetsssj how are you ? I look you are so busy in traveling. Sorry my dear friend. I am calling for you. I have latest post, but it's miss your coming. Your help very supporting my dear senior. If you are free visit my blog and teach me to improve it next post. Thanks for your kindness dear senior @sweetsssj

It looks awesome ! You should visit Mallorca as well.
Maybe this video can convince you ;)

wow, that looks fantastic, I have actually got Mallorca on my bucket list! As soon as I get my Shenghen visa, it'll be one of the first places I go!! Thank you for that :)

Awesome ! I hope it is not too difficult.
Let me know, when you visit Mallorca, than I will show you the best beaches :)

a wealth of photos makes this post stunning, @sweetsssj.

I liked the fact that you focussed on one aspect of your trip to the hidden beaches, so that the shallows, flats and sandbars became a theme.

The mix of videos and stills allows you to give a mini tour of the island and the various amenities.

This was a more reflective post and the subtext was your epiphany. You stood back and saw the bigger picture and realized that a resort stay tended to restrict your focus and prevent you from experiencing a wider range of places and events in the Bahamas. That was insightful also for the readers, enabling them to be proactive in planning their own trip to the Islands.

You also were very practical in assessing the dollar value of the pre-paid meal with its limited fare - a subtle hint for future travellers :)

Again, this was an excellent post - you give real value here for prospective Island visitors and do not merely provide escapist entertainment. It was educational as well. I didn't realize you actually did swim with the sharks!

thanks john, I really like picture heavy posts as you might have caught on by now.

I'm glad you find value in my posts, you're one of the fewer people who spend time reading carefully and as always, I appreciate that very much!


well, you're readable. You spend as much time on text as on photos or vids or GIF's and I appreciate that. You rarely make a grammar mistake (Okay, here's one you always commit - you put the apostrophe in it's when it's not needed - ex. It's a hot day makes sense (the apostrophe signals that a letter has been left out - the "i" lit. it is a hot day. But in cases where you express belonging or possession, you leave out the verb is For ex., the cat licked its paws.)

One recurring grammar error is no big thing - most people don't even notice it. But knowing you, you want everything to be perfect, which it never can be, but I'm giving into your need. Now, please don't obsess about it LOL!!

Another awesome post @sweetsssj thank you for sharing! My favorite was seeing your gimbal setup and how you use your phone! Do you use any other cameras like go-pro for your actions shots and pictures? Would love to hear more about that!

thank you joe! You are so good at spotting the details! I actually use my GoPro for the water stuff usually, my gimbal doesn't work in the water even though the iPhone 7 plus I use will do just fine submerged in water.

For the rest of the time, I use my action photography camera the Sony A9.

It looks like you had a great time in the Bahamas! You got to visit Atlantis then go to all of those great shops and take boat rides. I will definitely have that on top of my bucket list lol. And those splits you did were impressive! You're just having fun everywhere and making the most of life, I like it :)

It's been one amazing trip I must say, I'm very grateful to have had this dream opportunity, so I do hope everyone can enjoy it through my posts and hopefully visit themselves one day!

Wow!! You really know how to enjoy life. Nice beach, nice scenery!

This is all so far away.

Great read and thanks you for sharing.

Beautiful place and Very colorful pictures! Yellow Bikini looks great on you! Upvoted and Resteemed! :-)
Check out my new post too!
Doesn't It Look Strange "The Wonder Women"???

thanks for that ahsansaeed :)

You are Welcome sweetsssj!

so much work you put into your posts - great job

thank you xgrosz, really appreciate you seeing the time and effort I put into my posts, gives me lots of motivation :)

someone is having fun at least ;)

Dat bikini body though!

Thanks for sharing
The pictures of your travels is always pretty amazing and detailed!!!
You right , we have limited time but we travel with you.
I'm a real fan.
Keep on , Steem on , you are our mascot.
Hey @sweetsssj @geemo-from-paris

thank you geemo, that's very encouraging and I will do my best to keep your spirits high.


hahaha merci beaucoup !!! ;)
You already do yur best for ;)
Up voted and resteem your post ;)
Did you know Paris ?? have been here already???
Take a look to my 1rst post about atypical party and places in Paris ;)
The content is very interesting and very very nice , you gonna like it for sure ;)@sweetsssj


I have actually blogged a little about Paris just a few months back, you can scroll down my blog and have a look! :D I do intend on revisiting soon, it's such a beautiful city, and so romantic as well. I'll take a look at your blog, i'm interested to see it from the perspective of a local! :)

Your blogs and pictures are simply amazing. I love the way you take the reader on a journey with you. It makes me want to travel and experience the same things. Thank you so much for these wonderful posts. In an imperfect world, you bring beauty and joy to your followers!

aww thank you billybarraza, that's really such a wonderful comment and i'm really flattered and honoured to have the pleasure to have readers such as yourself! Thank you for the support!

wow! looks like paradise! i would like to live my entire life there!

Seems to have been a Yellow is beautiful day for you. I can only imagine the thrill of getting a private shallow pool in the middle of the ocean with a hidden sandbar. It does look like you are wading in a small inflatable pool right in the middle of the ocean. The picture of you standing on the sandbar in a yellow bikini is very stunning - looks like a sea goddess right in the middle of the sea! The water is so clear even near the docks. In the picture where the nurse sharks are swimming close to the dock, the water is clear almost like glass. The picture of the lone gull is nice. I love taking such pictures as you know. On ground - I loved seeing the picture of the maritime flags and USCG badges in the restaurant. The conch shell and starfish collection also was nice . Last but not the least - your reference to quantum physicists disagreeing about not being able to be in two places at once was hilarious !!@sweetsssj -

Where to next after the Bahamas? I look forward to another exciting blog from you.

Update at my end is that I am doing a 'Photospeak' series with my memories from Africa - with just a photo with minimal words - Letting the picture speak for itself mostly. I would be honored if you can take a look at Photospeak #1: Man vs. Nature and Photospeak #2: African landscape when you have time and provide your valuable comments. Thanks

vm2904!! Sorry for answering so late my dear, I'm about to go on my new adventure so just preparing for it has made me less active on Steemit today and yesterday, but fear not, I have a post coming soon!

I'll take a look at your post too :)

No need for apologies among friends. I know you are very busy with 100s of comments and also with preparation of new blog. Thanks for taking the time to respond. Will await your visit to my blogs but please do not worry about it. You can visit whenever you have time. Thanks

Great pictures @sweetsssj. Very colorful. You look beautiful in yellow. :)

thank you! I always thought as an Asian, being yellow doesn't suit wearing yellow clothes / bikinis. I guess not!

I can't wait until our trip to the Bahamas! You once again have my upvote.

thank you sequentialvibe, I can't wait to see your blogs about it! It will be lovely to see how our different perspectives line up!

I appreciate how you take the time to respond to pretty much every comment that you get. Very professional!

Seeing all these pictures of you traveling really makes me motivated to get up and start going somewhere. I've always wanted to do it and you're posts inspire me to do so. Keep posting about your travels please!! :)

Aww thanks isaac, that's such a high praise to me actually, I'm really glad you're getting the travel bug, it's something that will enrich your life forever. The experiences really are priceless, and even better, now with Steemit you have a place to document it all, not only for your own viewing pleasure but for all of us too!

Awesome post, jealous that you get to see the things you do. Cant wait to see your next post!

There is a lot of fun in Staniel Cay! Thanks for sharing the pretty photos!

you're very welcome cqf, glad you enjoyed :)

I love the analogy to being children in the little pools, so fitting and so true 😃
You found a wonderful piece of paradise there, even if the burgers were $40 bucks 🍔 🍟 🙂What a truly hidden gem in those sandbar beaches @sweetsssj.

thanks sandstorm, I hope the whole of steemit don't go rushing to it now, it won't be so hidden after that!

$40 dollar burgers and chips, oh my.. to think that's the only thing I could even remotely complain about says a lot about how good this excursion was!

I think it'll be safe for a while 🏝 ☀️
And regarding the cost of lunch in paradise at a Bahamian yacht club, let's just refer that to the #FirstWorldProblems department 🤣

It's cool that steem can help pay for this fantastic traps.

Great tour which as always tickled my fancy garnished by your excellent narratives and diction!
upvoted as always...keep steeming hot my Primadonna!@sweetsssj wow,,,over 700 island and cays in bahamas to explore...Staniel Cay Yacht Club, in Staniel Cay, Exuma! a real natures always wetting my appetite with the nice array of food...guess the cost of the meal is because its mainly served to tourists who came with enough dollars to spend? in china, that same type would cost how much in dollars? the clear shallow waters and the nurse sharks looks very charming..i wished you didn't hesitate but jumped inside and video the reactions of the sharks...guess the tour guards will not permit it..

thank you ken! I think most Chinese people may pass on paying that much for a burger.. but actualy it was quite nice, and you're not just paying for the food, it's also the privilege of entering their place of heritage and seeing all the history behind this club, and also the beautiful surroundings too!

i love your blog posts so much and like you very much as a person because of your boldness and originality garnished by your apt narratives and quest for perfection. I am leaning from the master herself...keep it up
So which area next will you blog on or are you taking some whalish brake as a big whale?

I went to the same place and the burgers and sweetpotato fries are just amazing!!@sweetsssj you should come to berlin and enjoy our great burgers and sweet potato fries. It will taste wayyyy better and won't cost as much! Here is a pic of a friend from her instagram feed:

Nice one as usual @sweetsssj, this your sandbar beaches experience is amazing, the food really look delicious, the cold can coke in that hot weather, it is very necessary, hope you got one for me???? The pictures are lovely, the shallow beach, reminding you of your childhood, old memory running through your mind. The way you spread you legs in that beach got me worry that you might injure yourself, but I quickly remembered that your born into it. You content is always inspiring and entertaining. It is very easy for travelers to chose a nice vacation place through your blog and they won't regret their choice because you usually give all the information required to know about every place you visited. Good job. Upvoted.

thank you hynet, I love the picture of the coke too, makes it really contrasting to the blue background don't you think? I read a few introductory posts about people who joined because they saw my articles when looking for information about Bahamas, that's so good!! I hope we can all help with bringing new people to join our growing family, that would be great!

Yes my dear, you right, the colour of the coke and blue background goes together, we must work together to build a great family. i have being visiting your blog to see if you have post new things. the truth is that your content have help a lot of people in the world, not just only steemit members. Please do make out time to check you steemit chat. i sent you message there. take care.

Hi @sweetsssj this beach is very beautiful and i think you enjoy a lot there,the view of the beach is very refreshing and the water is crystal clear,i also like your friends "nurse sharks",and the food is looking very crispy and yummy, and i also like the pic of that lonely "seagull",and as always you share all your fun with us😊 keep it up dear, waiting for your next adventure.

thank you!! Next whole new adventure coming very soon :)

Ya i am waiting for some new surprises

@sweetsssj Marry Me

The beaches look amazing. Great post.

thanks fooge! :) :)

i love all the beautiful pictures

thanks newschannel428! I had to pick and choose from thousands of pictures!

I mentioned you in my latest blog post, pls check it out.Wow my dear @sweetsssj you know I like the yellow swim suit on you a look amazing there plus your sweet smiles-pls keep it up. I replied late because I was out of town however no worries as I have you in my so I always upvote your amazing contents. Great pics as usual, thanks for sharing.

I know you like cats. A new photo for you!
Hi my friend @sweetsssj! As always, gorgeous photos!

Thanks for all the good post you do.I have always enjoyed your post. I am doing a video guide for new people on Steemit and I used one of your post in my video. I give you credit in my post here,

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