Today’s Travels- Day Three on a Trip Across Europe: Munich, Finally!

in #travel8 years ago


A little worn out from our long flight, but determined to enjoy the day, we walked to our hotel from the train station. That in itself is a learning experience, being that we hadn’t been on a train before. Thank God all the signs are in English!

Walking from the station out into the city of Munich is like exiting a cave into the sunlight. You feel set free after so many hours confined to a small space. We stretched our legs as we pulled our suitcases along the street to our hotel. Note to the weary traveler: if you choose to take a suitcase, spend a little extra for ones with good wheels. More than likely, you will beat the tar out of them!

Arthotel Munich – very fun, clean, great staff and has the best breakfast spread we experienced on our whole trip! They are the reason I now eat mozzarella balls for breakfast. Yum! Wish I had taken a picture of it. I was much too busy chowing down.

How do you NOT stop and sit in these chairs?

No, I don't get anything cool from them to share this with you - just thought you might want to know that we had a great experience there.

Off to explore our very first European city…in the rain. Without umbrellas.
Change of plans. Off to make our very first European purchases…umbrellas!

One of the most unique fountains in Munich – so pretty!

The Old Town in Munich is extremely charming, with history dating back to 1158. Entering the town square is taking a step back in time. As we were buying German candy and ice cream (of course!) we heard the clock in the tower and ran to the Marienplatz.

The clock has huge figures of men and women that dance the "Schäfflertanz". The "Schäffler" supposedly were the first to dance in the streets after the plague ended, and they fill you with delight - and some cool history.

Dinner at a small bewhouse was pretty good - if you like sausages. And sausages.

Now, look - I'm 50% German. I was excited to try authentic German food.
Alas, it turns out not to be my cup o' tea (I'm 50% Irish, too!). But, when all else fails, have a Bavarian pretzel!

Fat and happy, we retired to our room a little early. I'm not gonna lie - missing our international flight, spending an unexpected day in NYC, flying 4,029 miles over a span of 10.5 hours and exploring a part of the world that is completely foreign can really take it out of a person!

It was a great day - and a great sleep!