in #survival7 years ago


The ocean’s so deep and chillingly cold and his whole body trembling.

He was going deep down at 60km per hour and there’s nothing he could do to stop the flow of water all around him, dragging him deeper and deeper to the way yonder like a sinking ship.

Then alas, after he felt like he’s gotten to the point of no return, his whole body start plunging upward in opposite direction at the same speed; everything seems like a dream yet he knew this was no dream but the harsh reality of life under water. He was gasping for breathes the moment he found himself at the opening of the ocean again and he struggled to steady his stride against the water currents all to no avail.

He paddled, he fumbled with all the strength left inside of him just to stay afloat scampering from place to place, yet he just can’t seem to swim against the torrents of water engulfing him dragging him now downward…

"I must stay afloat, I must fight this current, I must not go down, I am a survivor. I need to rise above the ocean current if I must survive, I cannot afford to give up the struggle to stay alive, I must not drown in this pool of water." He keeps trying to reassured his tired arms and legs, his heavy lungs and water fills stomach; salty water with that thick stench coming from oil pollution's.

His whole life flashing right before him like snippets from that drowning ship called Titanic. He hated every bit of this flash memories playing before him and he struggled to cut every bit of it short by focusing on the task at hand; I must swim ashore. I must survive this fate!

Then he first felt his feet wobbling and getting numb not sure if they are still part of his body or if they have already deserted him and looking for their own path to survive without him, then his arms both gave in calmly after minutes of ceaseless paddling frantically to no where but staying static at one spot in the middle of nowhere.
His eyes getting weaker and heavier from the concurrent blows and splashes of water and silently everything around him turning black and gloomy. And his chest stop beating rapidly like it once was when he first went deep down into the ocean in a splash and then…

Everything around him now moving so fast, yet so slow and also very still like a fainted picture, he finally gives in to the yearning of the call below… And down and down he goes. He tried to pray, then he realized he was beyond prayers, then he hoped… for a miracle!

What a life! A wasted youth fill with endless dreams of changing the world; now everything going down with him deep under the ocean never to see the break of dawn again.

He cried for his lost soul, he cried for his unborn child… What a wasted life!

Filled with nothing but pang of regrets and tons of it… If only?

image credit: google.com/image/drowning