The story of Iwan the village boy

in #story7 years ago


this time I returned ... present a story that hopefully we can take the lesson

al story drunk dr of a little boy who is still sitting in grade 4 grade school 9 years old named iwan and have a younger brother named yusuf ... who was 6 years old sitting on bench sd grade 1 he lived only with his mother's mother because father its been died 1 year ago .....

iwan was his first known as a child who is obedient but since a year the death of the father changed his character ... become a rather naughty boy just still nurut same mother ....


he often gets cases in school like fighting .... stealing money and friend snacks as his. even the mother is tired often in the call to school and iwan is often in mad mothers but he did not fight but still repeating his deeds. his mischief does not get there ... He also often keeps the citizens in
his village was restless with his act and his actions until one time he stole his first mango in the garden of a skipper in his village, but not caught and he sold it to the money market he could use to poya, gambling with the circle an adult in his hometown until one day he sees his mother. if he was gambling he was immediately angered and forcibly returned by his mother.

mother: astagfirullah iwan ... you are gone too much, why are you gambling nak ...?

iwan just paused

mother: where do you keep the money iwan ...?

Iwan paused not to admit that the money was the sale of mango he stole in the garden of a skipper.

his end by his mother's way of making a decision to beat him with a cane he beat up iwan to admit his acts. his sister yusuf crying to see the kaka

yusuf: bukkkk already bukkkk already kasian brother

mother: let biarin ..... let your brother detect and acknowledge his deed ...

iwan still do not acknowledge his deeds to the back of his fill with bruises bruised blow ....

he was crying and he screamed .... at the end of his iwan who had been sweating admitted his mistake and he told his smua ..

the mother even embraced iwan ... because feel sorry to have hit iwan.

mother: nakkk mother please iwan do not do like this anymore (while crying)

iwan: (hugging the mother while crying) yes buk ...

after a while the anger of the mother has muffled to the presence of getting better.

after 3 days passed the incident iwan seemed to change, he no longer naughty in school and he is more polite it makes the mother happy ....

Then ......