Why you should keep posting even if you get low rewards

in #steemit7 years ago

We recently had HF19 and it apparently made some massive changes to our voting power and posts payouts.

Many of you may have noticed a drop in your potential payouts on your posts, which has led to a lot of complaining and pointing fingers at the whales for taking all the profits.

I heard people saying all kinds of things these last couple of days. Some wanting to take a break from Steemit and others contemplating a complete stop to do other things.

I kept telling them to relax since HF19 has only been in effect for less than TWO WEEKS, and that’s hardly a measurement for how things will be in the future.

Well now, it seems that things might not be so bad after all.

@penguinpablo just made a great post on why your potential payouts are going down. Check it out it’s good reading.

@gamerveda also came up with some possible answers that can help clarify this mess.

I know a lot of people have questions about these drops in potential payouts, so thanks for clarifying guys. We all appreciate the work you put into these posts.

And with that out of the way I would like to address some of the critique people have towards Steemit and HF 19

My main concern is that some people start panicking as soon as they see the potential payout of your posts go down. I get it, it’s unpleasant and you are disappointed. So was I, and I respect how you feel about it, but remember we are still only in Beta and the developers need to test out what’s the most efficient and fair way to run Steemit.

No system is perfect, but we are a part of something that could potentially be the next big thing in social media. No one promised you big earnings or that it wouldn’t be a bumpy ride. So please, I ask you all to have faith and be patient. I’m sure things will work out in the end and we will have the greatest social media platform in the world.

Keep posting even if post payouts decline

I have only been here for a very short time, so maybe I shouldn’t be lecturing about this stuff. I’m aware of that and I try to be humble about it, so if I come across otherwise please accept my apologies and let’s move forward.

I see people here making anything from 5 cents a day to thousands of dollars a day, and I have heard stories of how earnings fluctuate wildly over time.

It’s crazy, and it may seem unfair, but remember your earnings are relative to:
• Market prices of Steem and SBD
• Your skills as a poster
• Your number followers and their vote power
• Your own vote power
• And perhaps a hundred other factors I can’t figure out

It’s difficult to say that any one thing is responsible for your decline in post payouts. It’s probably not just HF19, It can be a number of different things.

Those who are truly successful here have put in the work necessary work in order to be in that position. They don’t own their success to some hardfork, they carved out their own success. You can do the same. So keep working, even if your post payouts should only be about 5 US Dollars a day.

That’s 1.825 US Dollars in a year. It sure beats sitting in front of the TV doing nothing for an entire year, if you ask me.

I haven’t even taken into account the potential rise in the price of Steem. Let’s just say it doubles in the coming twelve months, that would earn you 3.650 US Dollars in a year.

And then there’s the interest you get if you convert your profits to Steem Power.
I won’t tell how much it is because I think you should calculate it for youself. Simply enter your Steem Power and number of days and se what kind of magic happens :)

Owning Steem is the same as owning a stock in a company. And you should see yourself as an investor who has been given the opportunity to shape how you would like Steemit to become. I call it an active ownership investment where we are all partners.

So don’t stop posting, and don’t post for just the rewards. Posting on Steemit should be a fun experiment where we all interact with each other and create something beautiful along the way which should benefit us all in the long run. We need to have new posts coming out regularly, and we need interactions to further the development of Steemit and our investment in it.

Do you want to chat with other Steemians and have your posts promoted on several media platforms? Then click the links and drop by Steemit Blogger Central

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Great read! Oddly enough I've started to post more since the Hardfork. I have also noticed quite a few people asking for follows in the comments of posts that are doing well and not upvoting the post. I understand the anxiety of declining payouts but that should be more motivation to work hard and continue to post content. That's if the potential of this platform doesn't motivate you enough.

I have noticed an increase in asking for followers too, and I can't figure out if it's just because so many new Steemians join or some other reason.
Keep posting that's the thing ;)

click here!This post received a 3.2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @cryptodan! For more information,


Well written and thank you for linking to my post too!

Absolutely agree, just like anything else in the crypto space, or with growth of new platforms there are euphoric highs and depressing lows. As long as we are consistent and focus on developing ourselves, our content, our relationships, and help others to do the same we're only strengthening the fundamentals of our community.

So that means when we hit those euphoric highs again, we'll all be benefiting like never before.

Wonderfully done, very positive in tone, the way I like to read content during the brief downturns in the crypto space :)

We are all on a journey here in crypto space and no one knows were it will take us.
But we all hope that it will take us somewhere great.
We shouldn't feel entitled to money or success, it will only take away the true beauty that is the journey in it self :)Thank you for your uplifting and generous comment @gamerveda.

When it comes to payout I don't compare mine to big accounts but to the accounts which will be created in the future like two hours down the road, two days, weeks and years to come.Incredible article my dear friend @cryptodan. Yes the main goal is to keep posting and keep ourselves positive. I don't post here for money as my first objective but to share and learn. I learned a lot about crypto currencies and alt coins since I joined steemit in December last year.

It's so great to have this platform where we can share knowledge and learn from each other.
I'm sure you will prosper here my friend ;)That's very kind, it means a lot coming from you, so thank you @mathworksheets.

Yes my friend @cryptodan, there is no match for steemit. I am thinking of another account named accountant or accounting where I can share my accounting skills and post the templates I created and use for household budgets, income statement, balance sheet, cash flow so and so. It is great so great that I have no words to explain the greatness of steemit.

What a great idea!
I believe that many people are struggling with household budgets, it's especially important to teach this to the younger generations :)

I am looking into creating this account!

Good advice @cryptodan. Sometimes I want to just post a data chart of my posts over this past year so people will see you may need to post consistently for months before you even see more than $1 on a regular basis.

With steem higher than it was last summer, times are actually quite good for us, especially newcomers.

I've heard that it was quite tough going here last summer, so I'm glad were over that at least.
You should totally do a post on that, maybe throw a introduceyourself tag on it as well :)

upvoted man,, great post,,, yes we need to be patient and really focus on quality of our work.

Thanks, I'm glad you see it that way to bro.
If we all do that, well forget about Steemit going to the Moon. Then there would be no telling where we would end up, perhaps another galaxy :D

Upvoted and Resteemed by the xx_Votes_Plus curation trail! Want more earnings? Follow @dropahead in Streemian https://streemian.com/profile/curationtrail/trailing/396 and/or fund @dropahead with more STEEM POWER! Keep steeming!

On Rewards

<h5><span>Like the 10 minute offering solicitation in the modern church, we on Steemit have have a laser like focus on the return on Steemit efforts, i.e. rewards that we receive on Steemit,solely in terms of money. <a href="/@cryptodan">@cryptodan <h5>We've bought into the Google AdSense model of monetizing the internet for content creators & thrown curation into the mix as well. <h5>We've not managed the expectations of newbies: <em>Make money; get rich on posting on Steemit. <pre><code> Steemit is sold as a new, improved monetization channel for content producers. Which it is. But, is not Steemit more than AdSense glorified on the blockchain? <h3>Steemit is more than monetization <h4><em>More than AdSense glorified on the blockchain <h5>1. _Assign a value_to the interactions I've had with people from Sylhet, Bangladesh, Armonk, NY & Caracas, Venezuela on one post. <h5>2. <em>Price in the learning opportunities that I've had from people with different cultures, languages, goals & freedoms & financial standing. <h5>3. Monetize <em>the opportunity to make the world a better place for everyone. <h5>4. Wearing my copywriter's hat, Steemit has catalysed breaking both writer's block & creative inertia in me. If I aspire to produce at least one Steemit piece per day that I am proud of, over & above, promotional pieces for friends & clients, I need to focus. No dawdling, in the guise of inspirational serendipity. <h4><span>While, I don't anticipate that I will be able to make a living off Steemit, like <a href="/@sweetsssj">@sweetsssj, in the near future, making money is not the only reason that I'm on Steemit. <h5>Was Paul McCartney a prophet for our times? <p dir="auto">

Thank you for this post, it's crazy how so many people are threatening to jump ship over getting...less free money than they got 2 weeks ago?

This is an amazing social media platform that has the BEST and most supportive community I've ever seen and I think that the money incentives will keep it that way. People have to like you on this site if you want to make money, and most people hate trolls, idiots, and genuine assholes.

Where else are you going to find a platform whose internal logic naturally discourages trolling, and rewards forming positive and genuine relationships?

Steemit all the way, and thank you for the interest rate calculator, super helpful.

Because we can get anything for free and suddenly we feel entitled. It's sad! I completely agree with you!

Yeah, the platform has a funny way of preventing those types :)
Thanks for your input ;)

interesting tips. Great

Thanks :)

First of all the increase we saw in pending post payout and vote value was much more than what could be expected from the changes HF19 brought to us. Secondly, I think the decrease in value we see has also to do with the decrease of Steem value at the exchanges. The main reasons why the decline in rewards I've posted a couple of days ago here.

You are right of course, I didn't take into account that the potential post payout had already gone up massivly before, which gives a potentially bigger drop. GOOD POINT :)
Thanks for sharing your insights @edje your thoughts are much appreciated :)

No probs :)

Given that I usually make <$0.25 for my GOLD posts, I am not too concerned if I only make $0.20 going forward. That said, for the love of all the kittens on the Internet, check out all my brilliant posts. Smiley winky face.

Ok I checked out your post and followed lol :D

I think the thing I have noticed myself is that voting power lowers too quickly. Before hf 19 I just voted on things I liked and didn't worry about the payout I was providing because I am still a minnow. When the fork changed I began to notice payout difference and began to feel like I have to limit my time on steemit because I would loose to much voting power and wouldn't be able to contribute my 2 cents. I do realize that this is such a small amount but I enjoy getting that feedback that I contributed. I guess I will just watch the vote counter :)

I guess there's no other way around it at the moment.
Who knows what the future will bring?
Thanks for your input :)

@cryptodan This is really encouraging, given the high expectations of newbies. Great post! thanks for pointing this out! would probably reference you in one of my up-coming posts.

Let me know if you do, I will drop by then ;)Thanks for the kind words @simeonburke, you are more than welcome to reference me, that would be great :)

I was just being sincere, Thank you for the permission though...))

Chasing the dollar will run you off of Steemit! Good post, hopefully many will read it and be a bit more patient

Thanks @timbot606, fingers crossed for that ;)

Very good post CryptoDan I am starting and I am just about to write my first post and I will surely keep on posting and studying how to do it better. Thanks!!

Let me know when you have postet your first write up and I will give it a read :)Thank you for the compliment @alden.sathyanand, and thank you very much for the reestem as well. That's very kind of you.

Sure man, thanks!

Thank You for sharing this discussion on the ins and outs you are seeing and the other comments by those here, I have not posted here yet and prefer to look and learn first. Something I learned early in life is to never judge myself or my works to another, each of us are unique individuals with potentials others will not understand so to judge our self against someone else is to lessen our independent value as a human. Upvoted, resteemit to share your work.

I really appreciate the resteem as well, thanks a lot :)That's so true @weetreebonsai, and that could be a great topic for your first post as well :)

Hmmm I am not ready to start my own topics for I fear if I do I won't slow down and learn more about this community building taking place here ;-) I have been told by several of my real life friends (authors) I need to step out and not worry about my government killing me (tin hat foil wearing prepper/grayman).

Just dive into it :)
It doesn't have to be anywhere near perfect, and the best way to learn is by doing.
Am I right? :D

Hello, nice article .i am new on steemit community and i am trying learn more from your blog. thanks

Glad to help out :)

This is a great article @crytodan. I get annoyed at how some people expect everything to be so easy and that this is a get rich quick thing. They probably had 1 amazing month now because of one to two hard weeks everything is imploding.

I get that it's frustrating and it's OK that people went their feelings.
I'm not perfect and sometimes I do some silly stuff as well lol :D
We just need to remind each other that things are not that bad when we get frustrated ;)

Outstanding post! I came here with no steem, and every day I have more steem than the day before. If I were to quit steeming over the payout not meeting my expectations, that would be a true loss!

It would be a loss indeed!
Thanks for the kind words :)

Upvoted - inspiring post - to never give up @cryptodan

Thanks @pandamama, spread the message when you see someone struggling ;)

I'm really trying to do that - some of my posts needing a little love @cryptodan - and never giving up haha

Never been wrong @cryptodan

Thank you very much, I try my best lol :)

Thanks for the encouraging words @cryptodan. It is disheartening to get low payouts when others are getting hundreds or even thousands. But I know I shouldn't compare myself to others. I'll just keep posting whatever happens. Thanks again. 😊👍🏻

That's the right attitude, you are the master who makes the grass green my friend ;)

Thanks Dan, following you

Thanks :)


Can you ever earn MORE on a post after the 7 days, or does the post payout completely stop after 7 days? Like for example, someone finds something you posted a month after you posted it - could you earn money on it?

Second question - Speaking of the decreasing size of the pool payout - what happens when more and more users are here posting more and more content? Does the pool size increase to handle the influx of users? Or does the money suddenly become even harder to attain because there are more people battling for the same amount of money?

  1. No, it does not reward you that someone votes on your post after 7 days. This may change in the future, it has changed before. This includes comments as well, they also pay out after 7 days and can't earn any rewards for votes after that.

  2. The rewards pool is constantly filling up with about 46,000 coins every day, independent on how much the value on the market is. The network wish to generate an even amount of new coins every day. If there is a higher demand on pool rewards there will be less "coins" per user, but most likely a higher demand on them will mean a higher value per coin. Source


Proud Supporter of the Cryptocurrency GridcoinVote @sc-steemit for

I like that ;)Thanks for sorting out the questions @sc-steemit, solid answers in good time.

That's what the community does, help, teach and learn from each others :)
Looking for unanswered questions are one of the reasons I browse all the new posts on steemit, and to find very good content as well off course @cryptodan :)

thank you, very cool

is there a specific time this pool refills?

Thanks for the point about the need to keep on posting even if your payout may seem low.

You are most welcome, and keep working at it :)

Yes... we should make a posting. Sorry I just stop by, I little tired after had to help my brother for couple days. Anyway nice posting! :)

I think it's good you take time to help your brother.
We have to take good care of our families :)You show me great support @happyphoenix, no need to excuse yourself ;)

That's a great post, so much positivity and a better way to look at posting on steemit. Thanks for inspiring and steem on :)

I try to stay positive and share my outlook with all you guys.
Thanks for your nice words and for dropping by ;)

I thank steemit, because it also gives rewards by my humble publications. Although I don't have much, I give you my vote.
I thank steemit, because it also gives rewards by my humble publications. Although I don't have much, I give you my vote.Hello @cryptodan. Thank you for your message. It is very human. I came to steemit for giving me the opportunity to share, make friends, and have active mind.

That's a great way to see your journey here on Steemit.
Thank you for your, and I wish you all the best here :)

This 4 times quicker drain is what really concerns me. No one wants to vote anymore :/

Yeah it's a problem for those who don't have the slider bar for adjusting their vote %.
They need to make it available to everyone here :)

I think that's an exaggeration. Yes, many people probably stopped voting on many things and I thought the same thing when the HF 19 was goin in to place. But I think the change was good because:

  • New users, minions, can reward other posts higher per vote. Further voting will just dilute their voting power just as before after 40 votes, just that it's only 10 votes today.
  • Wales can just vote with less power, ie. 4x less voting power per vote and still be able to vote just as many times as before. Instead of voting at 100% they can vote at 25% and give just as much as before.

People just continue voting as before since it doesn't really matter that the voting power was changes to 4x the power as before HF19.


Proud Supporter of the Cryptocurrency GridcoinVote @sc-steemit for

wooow...what a great piece. It keeps us steeming hot. FOLLOWING YOU NOW

Thanks @patrickpeace, welcome aboard :)

with pleasure. Its a very encouraging post indeed

thank you for the information it answered quite a few questions i had.

Feel fre to ask if you have any questions and I will try my best to help out ;)

thank you im sure i will have many questions

I like how you labeled us as 'active investors'. It really rings true to our role here :))

Even though there is a lot more value in writing posts other than rewards, when the rewards are low, it does still effect a bit of a dampening effect on us Posters..this was a good reminder about all the other value plus the future unforeseeable opportunities that being an active investor in steemit carries.

Thanks for the encouraging read, @cryptodan :)

I agree, it can have that effect. That's why must remind ourselves of why we are here in the first place.
Your comments are always very thoughtful, so thank you for sharing your thoughts :)

Takes one to know another @cryptodan :)

So, here's something worth re-steeming! Thank you for the nice explanation @cryptodan!

That's most generous!
Thank you :)

Thanks! Much obliged to you for sharing this!

Thank you for sharing, that's most kind of you :)

I could not agree more. Good post!

Thanks :)



You are welcome🙂

I post anyways regardless what happen, just enjoy meetin all kinds of peeps! Interesting Aloha Al

Thanks for dropping by ;)Great outlook on things @coffeedrinker51!

Nice post! :)

Thanks :)

Well, only 49,950 STEEM to earn before I am independently rich!!

I hope you make it :D

Quite reassuring. Thank you man.

I'm glad you liked it :)

Very interesting. Thank you fo sharing your knowledge here in steemit, everyone really needs to have their availability here so they can focus on the quality of their works..looking forward. Thank you bro.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and the kind words as well :)

Very nice post and well written but only one question I still don't know what hf19 is.

Thank you
It's an update of the Steemit software basically :)

great thanks for sharing

Thanks you are most welcome

Staying active and interacting plays a big part in this community. Thanks for the post, following and upvoted.

Thank you very much :)

Thanks.... I won't stop posting :)

Great to hear that master @yoda1917 :D

THIS IS A FABTASTIC POST DAN! Seriously (got my sole upvote for the day. Haha) you posted what problems there are and some possibilities to why they're there. You reminded people that they have to work to get this reward! These are all fantastic points and you laid them out eloquently!

One thing to remember for everyone is that - you can be blogging someplace else and get ZERO for it! Be happy with your twelve cents! Hah

And spot on with the twelve cents lol :D
Keep rocking girl, you are awesome!Thank you @farmstead, that's a very generous comment and I feel privileged to have your vote :)

I gave you a big upvote for the good post (well big for me anyway).

I am tenacious, so i wont give up when the going gets tough, but not earning, or earning substantially less after getting a "hit" can be frustrating.

I make earnings goals, and sometimes I lose sight of the most important thing - have FUN!

One thing you didn't mention is that there is more than one way to skin a cat.

Are you making $5 per post consistantly? Do you have time to do one more post a day? Will that drain your followers interest in you? Two $4 posts are better than one $5 post.. :)

Have a great weekend!

That's a nice way to see it, there is also the possibility to make series on a single topic.
It can draw more attention to your work and have people coming back :)
You have a great weekend as well buddy ;)Thanks for your vote, and the compliment @snubbermike :)

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