Magical Pasta Night! So this gluten free spaghetti is awesome. I cooked it with Coconut Oil and just dumped spices in it to create a savory masterpiece. Pasta gets a bad rap because even if you are the type who farts a lot after eating a ton of garlic covered can go gluten free and take Beano. You can also just not put Garlic in it and keep it pure with some oil and a little bit of chopped Basil and some fresh grated Parmesan.
Let the good vibes flow and enjoy some Pasta! Soon there will be Hemp Pasta called Rasta Pasta (TM) and the white paper is real soon after I do these 9 other jobs first. See you around! ;)
That sounds nice. Though I put garlic in just about everything.
Except Ben made me destroy the chametz. Which seems like a waste of food, especially since I'm not fleeing Egypt on short notice.
I will travel the see in the crypto yacht to waste all the chametz
I am excited about all the upcoming #cannabis initiatives that are out or will be soon. Could always take some ginseng to battle that flatulence too...
Or just let it rip...tater chip!
ginseng huh? never heard that and will give it to those who suffer from gas , I'm a lady so I never fart
cosmic noodle
Thats me convinced i am having some pasta with m,y Lunch tomorrow :)
pasta initiative
Pasta motivation lol
haha, gotta be motivated by something (other than the price of steem) amirite? :P lulz
Your absolutely right :)