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RE: Ashes to Ashes, Votes to Dust: Making votes count

in #steemit7 years ago

Now I won't waste it on the few comments I get on my posts.

I would not view your vote on comments on your post a waste. You are doing pretty good, 118 followers since joining in March. I am sure a few of them were likely people that commented on your content. Voting on comments (at least a few of them), and replying back to your audience is a good way to build a loyal group of followers. Take a minute to think about it. Would you continually provide an upvote to an individual that had good content, but never in your last four visit upvote any comments made or even replied to any comments? Can you imagine being in a comedy club and the act you just watched was really good, lots of applause, and the comedian does not even acknowledge the audience and just walks off stage with out so much as a thank you. Are you bringing your friends to see him the next night? IF you want to grow you have to engage with your audience. You don't need to upvote every comment, you do not need to reply to every comment, you should upvote the best comment/s and reply to a few of the comments, that is how you get repeat customers, they took the time to read, to comment and to likely vote on your post, you need to acknowledge them.


I think you are wrong. Here is why. I was upvoting all of my comments. Obviously a mistake. Those votes would be more useful on the cementers blog for now. When I have more SP I can go back to that. Many followers are small fish like me. those pennies matter a lot. It is more considerate to be mindful that they get a tiny bit of pay out.
Also If you take a peek you will see I respond to everybody i feel at my level I absolutely do need to respond to every single one. Maybe for someone like you who gets more traffic that is unrealistic, but at my level there is no reason not to engage with every comment I get.
I know you are trying to be helpful. I feel you have made assumptions and misjudged without looking at my history. Would you continue to visit a comedy club where a heckler remained unaddressed when the rest of the audience was enjoying the show ? I truly do appreciate you trying to help. At the same time I can't believe anyone would just assume I am being rude to my followers.

I apologize, I did not mean for my comment to sound rude. I honestly do not think a vote on a comment is a waste. A comment back on good comments are needed, and I did not mean to imply you did not reply to your commenters.

There are a lot of different strategies to growing on steemit.- - - As for Hecklers, at every opportunity - (thank you) - I plug for an upgrade to the "mute" button to a "Blocked" button. It would work like the mute button, only no one would see any comments from that person ever on any of your pages when you have them "blocked". Of course this "blocked" button would not prevent them from downvoting your page. A new steemcleaners blacklist would need to be added that would address retaliatory downvoting however.

Thank you so much for that. I shouldn't have said you are wrong. I disagree for my situation but your way is great for you. When I am a bigger fish like you I can do the same.
I was a bit crushed to find out I have been upvoting every comment and my votes all turned to dust. That is a lot pennies that someone would have loved to have had. I do feel that I wasted them. Now I know better I will stack them where the intended person is sure to receive something.
It means a lot to me to try and make a difference here. I have no power so all I really have are my little comments right now. For you the right thing is upvote everyone and return a few comments. For me it is opposite for now. I comment a LOT. I have only made 8 posts and 360 comments.
Strategy is something I think about a lot. I am always open to advice and truly appreciate you taking the time for me. BTW I have a little sidekick who resembles your avatar :)

I try o help a lot of the new users, because there was not a lot of help when I first joined. I can not tell you how many times I read or got told also, "What my post was good enough for a comment but not a vote?" I hated seeing that, and I have a few people on mute that used that line. I have also been flagged, and lost reputation over it, just for asking a question that was slightly out of context, and received very little help for that. So I do understand about wanting to try to help, because I did also, and now can, and do try.

I comment a LOT

Likewise, I love to comment. There is so much good stuff, and most of my comments actually do go on post that get very little attention. I like stuff that is pleasing to the eye, nice pictures and art, they do not get enough attention sometimes comment wise, but I am getting much better at my picture and art work comments.