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RE: People keep saying HF19 increased post values. Mine have all gone DOWN though?

in #steem7 years ago

Interesting points. Last night I perfected my own private block chain interface to the Steem chain. Let me look after my morning client and team meetings and see if I can produce some of that correlative data.


sounds good, ok - what language are you using to make the interface? i briefly looked at how to use the steem repos on github to make an app for steem and concluded that the JS library is the one i would use.

I too tried various API apps, but I want core block chain functionality and most API implementations so far are incomplete over in the python and php camps. I ended up settling on core steam.js in a node.js architecture for my integration engine. I will likely be building out my apps a couple different ways though. As in things like laravel, codeigniter and wordpress, depending on the app, with my blockchain interface underneath it.

I whipped up a little working interface yesterday in a few hours. I'd link you to it, but it only does one function right now, retrieving your personal steemit account records from the block chain. I am building on that now, and implementing every single one of the chain's available methods. I hope to finish doing that by the weekend, fully tested and begin skinning apps on some of the domains I own around that core integration interface library from there.

excellent - i saw in the notes for the JS code on github that it looks very simple to do calls that retrieve account data, for example - just like any other simple API call - has that been your experience? If the code is so simple, are you inspired to make your code available for wider use?


First, consider this link nearly already dead as soon as I post it, so look at it quick, a day from now, or maybe hours from now, I'll have already coded past this and the test link will effectively evolve away and be gone.

As for "my code" and "release to public" well, I'm using steem.js in my core, which is already public, and will use frameworks for apps of various types depending on the app Im making's goals and needs so it may be a framework like node.js, laravel or codeigniter or a CMS like wordpress or drupal or joomla and all of THOSE are already public too.

Anything remaining that makes it "my code" would be my business and NO :P You can't have that. Get your own business bud :D :D :D

I'm sure you know what I mean :D

sure, yes - i'm just not clear exactly what you are intending to build - so i thought that maybe it might fit into the category of a solution for what i outlined here:

Im working on 3 different apps right now, and yes, one of them would fit that post title.

I publish about the first one i started from time to time, a game/contest/challenge directory, but the other two are still top secret.

ok, i see - i just want to make sure that effort is not duplicated.