People keep saying HF19 increased post values. Mine have all gone DOWN though?

in #steem7 years ago

Hey Again, Steemitizens!

When HF19 was filling our feeds with news, the consensus was that everyone saw posts become more valuable after the fork.

Now I know the market is tailspinning across all crypto's right now, so I know my account value and all steem-valued things like post rewards are lower, even if the stats to produce them were otherwise equal (votes, comments, etc)

But over all, last week, and this week, I see almost a $200 SBD decrease on my average posting income for the week. I did about the same amount of posting, with about the same amount of votes and comments on them as last week.

So what's with this HUGE decrease. Posts that earned 20-30 dollars last week, are met with similar scope and topic posts this week that are only making the couple bucks I get from @randowhaling them.

My follower count is up a lot, and growing. My content hasn't really changed in style, type, topic or frequency.

And HF19 was supposed to make the votes I get worth more?

So why am I in an income slump?

Anybody? Is this happening to you too?

What's up?

And just like that, this post is over.

Full steem ahead, steemitizens!



Steemers are more cautious with votes to others, I guess! My votes also have gone down. Great post man! Cheers! Upvoted!

Thanks! I think you are right. And you got yourself a new follower, just for taking the time to read my post! :)

It seems to be true!

@sircork - It is true that HF19 showed a big increase in pending payouts that existed when the HF19 hit us. Thereafter, there has been a general decline. I do not have sufficient monetisation of my blogs yet to get hit too hard but I have observed the phenomenon. Perhaps it is because 1) Steemians are cautious and have overcorrected to avoid upvoting huge amounts 2) Steem price has gone south a bit in last few days (as have prices of all other cryptos in general). This may be affecting pending payouts too. 3) There is a huge increase on amount of posts. So there is less to go around in terms of Steem available each day.


I have posted an outlook on burden of life with my original pictures. I request you to take a look when you have time. Your views, experiences and comments on the subject would be very welcome. Thanks

My votes doubled in value, and I do monitor using them slightly closer, but not much. I use them when I do, and when they lose value, oh well. Which may be what other people do too, so that my usual voters who actually have higher value votes, already used ten before my post and end up giving me less than before the fork when their little bit went further into the reading day. Hmmm.

As you pointed out to me in a comment to one of my posts, about your questions and this post, for those who may like to get some answers, read this post here.

Yes everyone interested in my post will find complete answers at @edje's post, and I was running out earlier, so after responding to him, failed to follow up and link it here. Good call @edje!

click here!This post received a 2.2% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @sircork! For more information,

@sircork you're not alone. you need to buy some steem or conver your current balance to steem. In 3.5 day's time you'll experience a change - hopefully!))

I've probably bought more steem than 90% of steemit users. And I move it in an out to bittrex a few times a week. I day trade steem as well, and have for some time even before actually joining in to the steemit/app eco-system, I was trading steem. Because I like coins with purpose, like steem, or sia or library credits. Anyway, I do hope for a change back to some predictable stability and post value, or many of my full time plans for my software company and myself are in danger here.

@sircork I guess it's all on purpose. I also had a post that was rated as undervalued on the 26th. So we've done some had work that has been acknowledged. In any case I believe there's something fishing somewhere in terms of upvote and steem power. I am still trying to figure it out myself. On the other hand, Steemit is currently being crowded daily with too many posts and your post might not get a good view in order for viewers to appreciate and support your content. I agree with you that something has to be done soon. @steemit-board.

As much as I'd like to deserve the new nickname, it's @SirCork, not @SirCock HAHAHA :D

We will see how it all pans out. I am not saying I deserve ANYTHING extraordinalry for posting and curating, but I am committed to this community, making software to support it and web apps for the users and working really hard to contribute and invest. I am 100% a steemit evangelist with influence in communities beyond Steem's borders. I need this to work long tail and I want it to success long tail. But we need to fix the site UI and the fundamentals. It's painfully obvious geeks like me made this eco-system but its like the internet in 1992, no one else understands it yet. The nerds in charge are protective of their positions and out of touch with "Joe Public's" expectations of FB/twitter levels of professional UI/UX and this is before we even GET to the discussion of the complex coin structure and economics that folks like us that are already here are discussing now.

@sircork sorry about the fat finger - corrected. I also mentioned you in a post you should see it. it has all the answers.

I wonder if it has more to do with the influx of new users like myself who found out about the platform with the recent spike in cryptocurrency prices? I started mining ether several weeks ago and that got me interested again in earning crypto. I'll bet quite a few people like myself joined the bandwagon and possibly that could be a cause for an earning decline. :/

Maybe, but that also means more followers and upvotes. Daily steem generation is fixed, so adding people dilutes the daily allotments to us I guess, but it still seems like things at an individual level should be more stable in the short term than they appear, with the "more people" thing taking a bit longer than just mere days to topple the stability, wouldn't it? This is not my area of expertise.

I am not sure myself as I just started, and have been trying to learn as much as possible about the platform. I bought my login details using AnonSteem which is a pretty cool service.

I've been mining and running businesses using Crypto since 2012 and I can assure you every week is a new week. I have experienced at least 3 major exchange hacks, huge swings and many other obstacles. I wouldn't be too worried about 1 week of earnings. I can only see upside with certain new currencies like Steem/ETH/DASH/ZCash etc...

I've been in cryptos since 2010 and tech since 1985 professionally. I know what you mean, but in this case, it's i feel like it is not just "market factors" affecting post values, it's steemit changes. And HF19 and rapid user growth and a lot of things... but it's a concern, as I move my software company operations towards creating more steem ecosystem apps and re-apply human resources from other client projects outside the crypto space. so what happens here, for me, is very important. Steem is something I am betting some short term company decisions on, so i need it to stabilize some.

I guess it's happening to the rest of us as well. My post rewards that increased after HF19 dropped by at least 33%. My new posts aren't getting much income at all. Maybe people are just voting less these days.

The less voting thing is the thing I'm guessing too, I guess? :D

Or maybe they're just voting for themselves.. :S

I actually QUIT doing that after my first few days here when I figured out it was counter productive to long term goals. But not everyone is looking at this with business acumen. I suppose.

Hey @sircork. Thanks for bringing this up here for everyone to talk about! There is definitely something different since a couple weeks ago.

I posted an article right about when HF19 went into effect and it got a huge payout by someone who had a lot of SP (to the tune of about $125 for his like). The total payout for that post after 24 hours was $134.

If you look at my blog, you will see that post is worth about $75 now. Has it lost in value, or is it because of the value of SBD? I still haven't been able to figure out the workings, though I stay up at night starting at my ceiling trying to figure it out.

Moreover, since HF19 +2 days about when people started reassess their strategy on steemit, I have made very little from each original post.

I'm not too worried about it as at this point, I did not expect to be taking monthly vacation from my Steem payout, but it is a bit daunting nonetheless

Eactly this. I had a 150 dollar post dive to 60 bucks. It's not the market crash, it didn't go THAT far down on steem. And it's coming back up. So what the hell? It's bugging me to death.

Same here. And you want to hear something else to further screw up your humpday morning?

Seems some people who have totally obliterated their voting power are going back to old posts and comments they'd previously upvoted and undoing. I got HUGELY curious when I saw a notification on steemd, so I tried it out on a post of my own I had previously liked - and sure enough unvoting from less than 7 days ago gives your voting power a small boost, depending on how much the vote was initially worth!

I would love to start knowing all the trade offs and changes from the fork. Seems people's expectations are way off

That is a VERY interesting observation!

Thanks for that insight on vote removal, I'll research that further.

I hope you do a post if you find anything of interest.

You can bet I will. And you'd win that bet. IF I find something worthy of talking about on this topic anyway.

Take this post itself for example. At the time of this comment, its had 15 views, 14 comments and 9 upvotes. Last week this would have been a $10-20 post. It's currently at 39 cents. WTF!

i agree on the basic pattern here. we need to correlate all the available data to understand this - such as how many new users there are and how many more posts there are etc.
one thing to point out is that before the hard fork I promoted a post that was at about $60 (by spending $20) and it's post count doubled over the following few days.. however, the actual payout level WENT DOWN! So this phenomena of payout reduction is not purely a post hard fork thing.

Interesting points. Last night I perfected my own private block chain interface to the Steem chain. Let me look after my morning client and team meetings and see if I can produce some of that correlative data.

sounds good, ok - what language are you using to make the interface? i briefly looked at how to use the steem repos on github to make an app for steem and concluded that the JS library is the one i would use.

I too tried various API apps, but I want core block chain functionality and most API implementations so far are incomplete over in the python and php camps. I ended up settling on core steam.js in a node.js architecture for my integration engine. I will likely be building out my apps a couple different ways though. As in things like laravel, codeigniter and wordpress, depending on the app, with my blockchain interface underneath it.

I whipped up a little working interface yesterday in a few hours. I'd link you to it, but it only does one function right now, retrieving your personal steemit account records from the block chain. I am building on that now, and implementing every single one of the chain's available methods. I hope to finish doing that by the weekend, fully tested and begin skinning apps on some of the domains I own around that core integration interface library from there.

excellent - i saw in the notes for the JS code on github that it looks very simple to do calls that retrieve account data, for example - just like any other simple API call - has that been your experience? If the code is so simple, are you inspired to make your code available for wider use?


First, consider this link nearly already dead as soon as I post it, so look at it quick, a day from now, or maybe hours from now, I'll have already coded past this and the test link will effectively evolve away and be gone.

As for "my code" and "release to public" well, I'm using steem.js in my core, which is already public, and will use frameworks for apps of various types depending on the app Im making's goals and needs so it may be a framework like node.js, laravel or codeigniter or a CMS like wordpress or drupal or joomla and all of THOSE are already public too.

Anything remaining that makes it "my code" would be my business and NO :P You can't have that. Get your own business bud :D :D :D

I'm sure you know what I mean :D

sure, yes - i'm just not clear exactly what you are intending to build - so i thought that maybe it might fit into the category of a solution for what i outlined here:

So I actually noticed an increase in the value of my paltry rewards from on average $0.35 per post to, on the day of HF19, $1.09 per post. Sadly the values have dropped back down again although I had put that down to the volatile crypto prices? One minute my account is valued at $220.00 and I start planning my retirement and the next its at $197.00

Until it was pointed out to me that every-time you vote you lose power I was being a good human being and upvoting with mad abandonment, these days I'm fairly selective what I upvote.

Clearly I'm lower than whale pooh at the moment, my best post paid $92.13
I think I'd faint if one of outpourings raised $200. :-D

P.S. I know absolutely nothing about crypto currencies by the way.

In your case, at your level of SP and views and followers and such, similar to mine, I would suspect you are especially prone to voting method changes and market prices. When a post gets up in higher values though, minnow vote values matter less and whale votes matter more, and the market can move a few cents without crushing your post so maybe there is a curve on how all these factors affect an individual?

My personal opinion is that these so called Whales are a bit like doing the lottery, the odds are pretty stacked against you. To compensate getting as many Minnows and maybe the odd Dolphin to upvote you stands far more chance of success.

You could of-course sell your integrity and do a post with 38 totally bemusing, poor quality, animated gifs and watch the shaved gibbons upvote it like crazy. :-D

Are you busting my chops for my Steeme posts ;) (steem memes I produce myself and post new 3-10 meme sets of once or twice daily?)
They get upvoted like crazy! LOL

Ahahahaha I didn't realise you churned out vote fodder. Good luck to you.

I churn out... everything. I have meme posts, story posts, opinion posts, fiction posts, research projects... you name it. But I always try to make them witty, engaging and readable. I also believe in giving people what they want and when i saw that a 4 hour research project post on some steemit tool, (one of my biggest $ posts yet, to be fair) wasn't doing much better or in some cases worse than a 5 meme original content new meme post (I call them steeme's, actually) would take less time, make more money AND be more fun to make and have comments exchanges on, well.... I must admit to selling out a little to all that fun.

Good post. I have noticed the same thing. I had a video post from open mic that was approaching the $200 mark, but then started going down and settled blow 140. Im definitely not complaining about the good payout (at least, good for this minnow), but seeing it fall like it did is confusing. Lol

I can partially explain that. You see the more voters you have, it can actually lower the payout share... remember, you get 80% and the curators/voters/comments get 20% of a post anyway, so the more voters, the more money but also the wider split shares... make sense?

It does. Thanks. Im so green i could hide in short grass, but things are starting to make sense. I think. Lol.

Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by Sir Cork from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the

If you like what we're doing please upvote this comment so we can continue to build the community account that's supporting all members.

i really feel pity for you got 51 votes and got just 4.61 $...we all are have a hard time ...i new in here a very small fish but iam doing full time steem n i was about to leave steem if dont read your content so this is just because the market value right?...

Partially market value, and partially because the post was flagged down by a whale who is jealous of my increasing success who seems to have a disagreement with myself and several other users I know who got into a bit of an argument with him about his treatment of women on Steemit, which was abusive. When we defended some of the women he harrassed by flagging his comments, he flagged our posts and it has damaged my income on several of them because of his voting "weight".

Be nice always. I did the right thing, and I am now going to just accept the losses from his rage flagging and hope that eventually he gets bored and goes away.

Don't let that discourage you. There will always be trolls and bullies on social networks and they will always be jealous of those of us with integrity, backbones and some popularity. I guess you could say, being attacked by a troll is a form of flattery and a proof I am doing something right? :)

i really appreciate that you stand for the truth and someone's rights... it does not discourage me at all and other then that i found it seem like that the steemit to going to become centralize is a public currency right? ...and not come under any government but they made this mistake over here and made some people they have the power to judge... if they keep this concept far way then they will become ....

It's not new, it's as old as the internet itself, on fakebook and twigger and myface too. Back in the day on BBSes and all. It gets worse with scale, however, here it affects placement, visibility and money, so it's going to escalate quickly into a war if there is no precedent set for managing bad actors.