Growing in grace

in #stach6 years ago

Romans 12

  1. For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

As pride drives a man unto the mansion of demotion and shame, humility is the vehicle of progress and greatness. If God decides to turn His merciful face on you and make you His epitome of grace on earth, learn to serve with utmost humility. As much as the Kingdom life does not permit us to underestimate ourselves due to the greatness of whom we carry, it is equally an abomination to think of ourselves more highly than we ought to.

Do you remember the life and ministry of Christ on earth? He neither wore the garment of pride nor underestimate His person in the Godhead. Let every man therefore learn to be honest in how they estimate themselves. Has God given you a gift in order to profit in His body?

Use it humbly. Never look down on a man who do not have your kind of gift; he's also unique in his own gift. The grace and gift of God in us is not for pride, but for profit. Never idolize yourself because of the grace you are enjoying in Christ. Be modest and humble. Pride never exalt a man, humility does. Grow in grace in humility. Enjoy your day.


Amen. Praise to God for that.

Thanks for sharing the message of grace.

Truly inspired!

Truly in honesty lies the best policy. We should at all times ask ourselves before taking some actions, WWJD (what would Jesus do?)