Sportivity is The Treasure For Life

in #sportivity6 years ago

Games or competitions usually require high fighting power to compete with each other. But in that case we as human beings who are cultured cannot forget one thing that is very important, namely the value of sportsmanship. Not only for the implementation of the competition but also in living life.

This can be seen in the picture above, which was quoted from the (01/18/2018). The Marathon runner, who was nearing the finish line, stopped immediately when he saw his competitor, Chandler Self fell next to him. The woman known as Ariana Luter volunteered to fail to become the 2017 Dallas Marathon champion by helping participants who were left behind and together ran. Until he let the woman he helped stand, he continued the Marathon championship and became a winner.

The athlete who turned out to be still in high school said after the competition, "All I think about is helping him. So, I help him and he seems confused at first. I might not overtake and leave him just like that, "explained the winner of the second place in the athletics competition.

There are always sweet fruits that are harvested after we sow the seeds of goodness. Unexpectedly, the young girl's actions reaped a lot of praise from colleagues and even the organizing committee of the sport. Finally the Champion, Chandler admitted that the real winner was Ariana. Thanks to the extraordinary sportsmanship he showed.

Winning a battle is indeed a dream for everyone. The right strategy in order to realize dreams is always arranged nicely. But which one we will choose when faced with a choice that is promoting ethics and conscience or just meeting the needs of the heart to be proud of themselves.

Today we are often blinded by expectations and achieving high feelings without regard for people around. The ego that forces you to become Sang number one without seeing the process feels nurtured to soar. So that over time humans become resources that prioritize the end product. Basically every human being wants to achieve success. However, sometimes they forget about a number of things that are important foundations in achieving them.

Humility and sincerity are important keys to unlocking treasure chests that are hidden in themselves, namely sportsmanship. Keep recognizing your own weaknesses and the strengths of others to be a powerful formula in living your life to achieve success. However, of course we continue to improve personal quality.

Sportif is synonymous with sports activities because generally all branches of competition for the body require strict and compulsory sportsmanship norms. Accepting one's defeat and the victory of others is a form of sincerity that is invaluable. No wonder sportsmanship was made the Golden Rule in every match designed by the international soccer federation (FIFA).

Quoted from the Proceedings of the National Seminar by Nuryanti (2017) from the University of Cokroaminoto Palopo, the true sportsmanship of the supreme identity possessed by humans takes into account the patterns and behavior that are good habits to prevent bad behavior in social activities. It is undeniable that this can be a reference to boost honesty and fairness in human reciprocity.

Commitment in striving to achieve success is indeed a necessity that is planted in the heart so that we will continue to be enthusiastic in undergoing the routine. Nonetheless, pawning moral standards to achieve personal gain is not the best solution in navigating the ark of life. Therefore, sportsmanship is the latest answer in mastering the mind not to place desires in the top without ignoring moral values ​​when interacting with others.7bfO5yYI4UgnlzA7.jpg