Universal Psycho-Pedagogy, Pt.5 – Ancient Civilizations

in #spirituality7 years ago

Continuing from part 4...


The history of the first civilizations on Earth starts way before this planet was ready to harbor life. This was already explained before in previous parts of this series from an evolutionary perspective. Here I’m going to zoom in more on the genetic perspective, beginning from the era of the intergalactic wars. It was a time when we can find there was a more practical reason for us to have come here, and that without a doubt shows our origins to be really from the stars. For those who don’t accept this and still affirm we come from Earth on a purely Darwinian perspective, it’s best to remember that this planet also came from somewhere else – from the Sun, which is also a star. Most importantly, it’s also useful to keep in mind for the sake of neutrality, that we were the ones who chose to come here.

So why is it that still today we are often hearing about the lost city of Atlantis? Why was it such an important place in our history and why so many books and movies about it? Why is it also that more and more people are starting to remember their past lives from those times, and why is it that some people say the history of Atlantis is now repeating itself again, as a result of karma that needs to be cleansed? Why did it disappear suddenly and is it a sign that the humanity of today is also destined to disappear in the same way?


A map showing the supposed extent of the Atlantean Empire. From Ignatius L. Donnelly’s Atlantis: the Antediluvian World, 1882.

Since before the time of Hyperboria, the first prototype civilization prior to Lemuria and Atlantis, there were plans to achieve the Integration process in all species. This was a plan formulated not in this planet. In our galaxy and others adjacent the objective was to Transcend through a joint evolution between everyone. Since there were very advanced extraterrestrial civilizations already this unification was the only thing they missed in their next step of evolution. So there was a search in coming up with a way for everyone to be united, and many races looked for suitable planets where all the races could be accepted genetically. It was here on Earth that they really started to create civilization prototypes where it was possible to live and transcend through the blood, this is, from the inside. It was then when the first primary civilizations came to be, of which Hyperboria and Lemuria were useful to understand how to unite, but the one civilization that united all the different species the most was Atlantis. I say the most because not every race was subtle, nor beautiful, pacific and far from perfect as many of us think. But that was one more reason for the plan of Integration to have a purpose, which was of uniting all aspects, the “good” and the “bad” within the galaxy. It would not be an easy task but even so, Atlantis was the one to achieve it the most. Let’s see how all this started in more detail:

The Orion War


The constellation of Orion is a key part on our purpose here on Earth. The conflict began when one part of Orion was in agreement that “the darkness” – as the process of Density explained before, should be accelerated in the various planets of integration. And in seeking for a faster way to transcend to another level of consciousness, many wanted for one of these two races to lead the mission: the Greys, who were known for doing things fast due to their advanced technology, or the Reptilians who were known for being very strong. But there was also another part of the Orion sector that didn’t want any of this to happen, and defended that the evolutionary process should be respected and also because time is always relative according to each dimension.

Meanwhile on the planets of the Greys there was a lot of energy consumption going on because of their technological advancements, to the point that eventually they couldn’t avoid killing their own planets anymore. In searching for a way to survive, in the parliament of Sirius what was proposed was that the only way for them to survive was by passing their genetics and information to others, and with this they should follow along with the plan of Integration of all species. It was decided that there should be a genetic union of all species in one place, so that everyone as a community could transcend from the interior of their beings. But since some races were too dense and aggressive, they could only bind with dense civilizations. That was how coming from different constellations some of them arrived here on Earth and started “shaping” for the first time humans as we know today. They first started experimenting in other planets like Arcturus, but ended up having to come here when Mars which was also dying and the beings that lived there (the true martians that were not green) communicated with the parliament of Sirius that there was a neighboring planet evolving to the capacity to harbor life. This planet was Earth, for the reason that water had arrived here. So from Arcturus they decided to start again from fresh on a virgin planet where nothing had happened before. All species agreed to unite here and give birth to a dense civilization. For this to happen the dense races had to come here first, as the more subtle ones “waited” for a proper physical vessel to emerge. Among these dense races it was the Annunaki who came first. They were the ones bringing the seed to fertilize the planet, this is – to mix the stellar human potential with the dense hominid species already living here. The first dense human is bred as a result of a conjunction of many extraterrestrial races and from then on the creation of a dense civilization begins to take place. This is the point where all of our mythological stories come from.


Mankind’s forbidden history: Clay tablets, dating 2000 years before the Canonical Bible, from Ancient Mesopotamia, tell the story of the Anunnaki — an ET species of humanoids who arrived on Earth in flying ships and genetically modified the human species

It is also important to mention that between all species, even within the races of the Greys as well as the Reptilians, there were those who wanted to help with this transcendence plan and some that didn’t. So we can’t say that all Reptilians are bad, the same way as today we can’t say that all humans are bad for the planet. Since even within the same races there were different sides, it was one more reason for conflict to happen. Basically some wanted a faster evolutionary process and others wanted it slower by respecting each one’s time. Those who wanted it to be faster are the ones who generated many of the conspiracies we have today, about them using us to feed them as human batteries or as tools for their own ascension only. In reality these negative Annunaki coming from the planet Nibiru, did planed for the takeover of all planet with ET technology and to capture humans for genetic experiments to create a worker race 28,000 BC.


Equating the planet Nibiru with the word Heaven, as used in the Bible, is an important detail when re-examining prayers like “Our father who art in Heaven…,” shining a whole new light on who the Father in Heaven actually was, namely Anu (ruler of the Anunnaki and father of Enlil and Enki). Thus, the prayers must have originated from Anu’s extra-terrestrial children on Earth.

Some of the ancient statues on the Nuku Hiva Island seem to depict beings from other worlds. Some ufologists believe the many statues in that area actually depict two alien races: The Reptilians and The Greys.

Many questions and misinterpretations were raised between the different races, which aggravated the situation that lead to a war in defense of the planets of integration. In the end, there was only one mutual agreement to be respected: that after the first part of the Integration plan had been completed, none of the extraterrestrial races should have direct contact with the humans again, and we as a new species should evolve and achieve transcendence on our own.

Zeus and his ray which was in reality a weapon of blue alien technology

But before that pact went into effect many races had direct contact with us for a long period, passing unto us their genetics, culture, language, society, art, technology, etc. over time. The races that were more pro-humanists and vowed for the freedom and natural evolution of humans wanted to help in our awakening, and those who were against it and wanted to be in control of us defended that if we would be free we wouldn’t know what to do with ourselves. Between the pro-humanists was Zeus, who was an Elohim. The same Hebrew Elohim race of the Divine Council from the bible, known to many as a God and also with several other different names like Enlil, half-brother of Enkhi and son of Anu, who was Kronos or Yahweh. In reality he just belonged to one of many extraterrestrial races. His intention was to reproduce constantly with the humans so that the DNA would be mixed and humans would be endowed with more power.

The state of this planet was studied so that it could generate knowledge about the magnetic force of the planet, since every planet has a specific composition. The relation of Earth with other stellar bodies in the solar system, with the Sun and with how everything moves in our solar system was also studied. Then, from all the galactic races of the different constellations which constituted at least 22 races, all of them traits were put into 12 strands, which corresponded to the birth of 12 tribes that ruled 12 specific sectors of the planet. This planetary dodecahedron, what it did was to ground here on Earth the energies of will, of creation, of transformation, etc. so that those genomes would germinate. The sector of greatest energy and shock of all the energies was in Middle East. This is why still today there is conflict in the Middle East since it still vibrates there the same frequency of the conflicts from other places in the galaxy. So inevitably there was also war on the planet at the time, and that war made the popular characters we now know from mythology – Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, etc. to begin a war among them. They were not Gods though, but only very tall, and that’s why we also know them as giants and we know that this was the era of the giants on Earth. The fight was to see who had the right to be responsible and in control of the humans and who would win the right to guide them.

But this fight was way beyond of just about the human evolution aspect, it was even beyond the importance of these so called Gods, it was a galactic and universal matter. For all of the beings mentioned in the previous chapters – the guides, the masters, angels, archangels, other extraterrestrials – Atlantis emerged as their cosmic travel destination. Instead of us going to them, they were the ones who needed to come to us. Why? Because for them to keep evolving they needed our experiences here in the physical realm. This is also another aspect on how we descended from them as they reincarnate in us. This descent to Earth that we chose to do, came from an agreement of many races and species to deliver part of the essence of their beings to us, so that we could internally keep the tools that would assist all races in the collaboration of the transformation of everyone. This is how big the real and unknown history of Atlantis is and how important we as descendants from many extraterrestrial and angelical races are, together with planet Earth.


Back to the future: one of the giants, as one of the fathers of the 12 strands took them all and went in seek of refuge so that Hades wouldn’t destroy them, hiding them in a little island in the Atlantic named Khefislion, or Khefis, which later originated Atlantis. From these 12 strands that were safeguarded from the chaos happening in the war of Middle East, 12 family tribes emerged and over time spread through other archipelagos like Cape Verde, Azores, Canaries, etc. With their growth they started dividing all the islands among themselves, this was how the civilization and colonies of Atlantis were created for the first time and how after a proper dense human body was created that the rest of the intergalactic races began to incarnate here on Earth. Their objective later on in history was to eradicate the Elohim from the planet once they entitled themselves with the right to reclaim the planet because they were the ones who were “born” here. In a universal perspective, they just forgot that all of us belong to the same Source.

What did this create? Another war, the Atlantis war. When this war starts these human tribes begin by taking control of Africa, Europe, North America, Central and South America, until they arrive in the Middle East again. Once they arrive there the Elohim were already very few and since humans were in much more greater numbers it eventually led to their disappearance from the planet, as some were buried alive, punished, etc. to only be remembered as “the giants”.


Humans begin to conquer the world and when they arrive at the Indian and the Pacific they found vestiges of a few colonies of Lemuria, which was a subtle civilization on which their bodies were not dense like of the humans. Their goal was to prevent Atlantis from conquering the entire world, because they didn’t want history to repeat itself with the same kind of control coming from the Orion wars and the involved planets. Although Lemuria wasn’t in favor of achieving peace by the means of making more war, they waged war with Atlantis too but since they were much less in numbers they lost the battle and had to go to the poles where they disappeared, knowing that their time had arrived.

The Lemurian Civilization connection with the Asian culture

Eventually Atlantis took control of the whole planet and they did put an Atlantian base in each of the 12 sectors of the planet. The problem was that Atlantis as the first civilization that gathered all the extraterrestrial genetics in the same body, was destined from the beginning of its conception to not last. Major internal conflicts within the Atlantis tribes began to emerge although to some extent they were a perfect civilization. But since its planned birth it was known that it would collapse, the purpose of which its creation was to make the civilization spread and explode its seeds all around the world populating it through all its colonies, which they did. All of us until to this day are descendants in some degree from Atlantis.

In terms of genetics, the Arcturians were the ones who contributed the most with their genetics and that is why we look more like them and also why up until today they still are closer to us, continuing to have very subtle contact. These are a kind of race with more perfect face features, tall, with little expression and normally very fair skin. They can even walk among us and be taken for humans. We are terrestrials in the sense that we have been evolving in a Darwinian way but only to some extent, as evolution didn’t come from Earth but from somewhere else. So there will not be an evolutionary record where one can find a specific skull that is the missing link from ape to man simply because most “upgrades” were not done here on Earth, they were done in another place.

Today there exists many alternative theories that aim to explain mankind’s speedy evolution. The Ancient Astronaut Theory is perhaps one of the most controversial of the bunch.

One of the 12 families named the Homois, which were considered the third family of Atlantis, was the first one to separate themselves from the rest of the world because they were banished. They traveled the world after their own freedom and arrived in Iberia, being the pioneers in mobilizing the other families to the awakening of a new consciousness. Another family from the Canaries Islands which were the family of what we know today of Osiris and Isis, also decides to migrate near the Homois and established themselves at the Mediterranean, on the entire vale of the Nile river. As they took control of the Nile they decided to only open the doors of the river when the Atlantis Council would recognize that their sons had grown up and should do whatever they wanted. But the Atlantis Council didn’t, accusing the Homois from being deserters. So a new period of war began this time in the Mediterranean and Central America over control. History repeating itself again.

Meanwhile a great climatic change along with big movements in the Earth plates happened, which in reality was caused by a misuse of Atlantic energy. This energy came delivered from a constellation that was known in Orion by the name of Trevet. They had a very powerful energy capable to turn everything to its atomic state. It was a blue energy sustained by 4 principles and it could only be stable within these 4 principles if there were priests constantly singing around it. The frequency of the chants could not wane or stop because otherwise that energy would destabilize and everything would disappear around it. This energy was first mainly used to produce light and for moving and displacing things, like used in the Pyramids of Egypt. Until it eventually was used for attack, which was the same as causing an effect similar to the atomic bomb. A lot of this energy was used in the wars where it was seen rays causing mass destruction to the colonies fighting against the control of Atlantis, until the energy auto consumed itself and destroyed the Atlantis capital that submerged in the waters. The Sirians warned them about the abuse of this crystal technology in the Earth’s core but these groups continued to force massive power generators into the Earth and Crystal Caverns. Several power generators exploded and ripped apart the surface continents of the Earth, more powerful than the previous Cataclysm at the time of the Lemurian Holocaust, killing many humans again. The planet Earth tilted on its axis, which damaged all Planetary Gates, this was the Planetary Grid Network, portals and Stargates on the planet. Subsequently, all the Pyramids and ET technology disconnected and went offline. Flooding and cataclysm destroyed the Atlantian colonies and much of the Earth’s surface. This timeline is also referred to as the Atlantian Flood.


Karma Cleansing

The fall of Atlantis was mainly due to their resistance in following the course of nature and trying to outlast the cycle of life. This cycle was planned and destined to them since from the stars, which was that when the age of Virgo would end on Earth and the age of Leo would start, Atlantis would “pass on the baton” to the following civilizations giving them independence by good will. Atlantis didn’t want to give the independence away out of good will and chose to keep the control within the 12 developing families. This made all the 12 families to turn against each other and in disagree with their “fathers”. From economic crisis, to different philosophy and ideologies, this is basically the same which is happening today with us, as we are now seeing that old systems are no longer working in our societies and a change is necessary too.

The technology of Atlantis at the time was nevertheless less advanced than the technology we have today. But in terms of technology of the Being, they were much more evolved than we are. But we can’t desaprove or think negatively about all the technology we have today, since now it’s the greatest level of technology in the history of humanity that we ever attained. The negative side of it is that it makes us focus too much on the external world and give less importance to our interior as beings. We should consider the technology more as a mere extension of our physical bodies like the Atlantians did, hence why there was not much technological development but a great development of the Being, or Self. And even despite that, they ended up destroying themselves. Why? Because of control, and this control is what makes up to this day one of the major issues of all time that we need to transcend in our blood – we need to transcend Alfa Draconis.


Alfa Draconis is a system in the Orion constellation that originated all of our human chakras to be off balance and in disharmony. This disharmony can be explained by the Dracos. The Dracos species are potentially capable of shape-shifting and have extremely developed Psionic abilities, which allow them to possess or enter bodies through consciousness projection. They managed to plant too much emotion in the human seed fortuitously, while the other races were still debating how to create the perfect civilization. In a neutral perspective, the goal of the Draconians was with good intentions though, because they wanted for our bodies to have a lot of energy and power. So they inserted a lot of energy in the seeds, which unfortunately couldn’t cope with this purpose, thus making later all the chakras be in disarray and generate a very strong sense of survival, which brought about fear and control. This was how the civilizations on Earth were all based on fear and control, and still are today.

To get rid of this fear implies that we learn how to use our emotions. And to help us on this there are the Pleiadians and the Arcturians, as they are the ones who can assist us better in going back to the center of ourselves. They’ve been already doing this for a long time, through the mysterious appearing of important figures and messengers, such as Hermes, which also has many other names in other cultures like Thoth. These messengers contributed with what some call the delivery of the word, or of the verb, passing down occult vocals, consonants, knowledge on healing frequencies, etc. and whom all mystics hold in high esteem as having taught many other ancient and profound secrets. Hermes was seen as the father of almost all Western secret orders with the mission to help in the human liberation on Earth.

But another major issue was that with the coming of the galactic night, this is, the period opposite of the golden ages, humanity forgot all about virtuous spiritual practices and disconnected from a great consciousness. When we stopped seeing and forgot how we were created from everything, our minds started to create and see the duality of the good and evil in all things, and just like what happened in the Orion Wars, history was repeating itself.

The Orion Wars are embedded in our collective unconsciousness to this day, this is why we also create a lot of artwork and stories of similar events that all seem very familiar and come to us from memories and dreams at a cellular level. A great example of this is the movie series Star Wars, where there is also a great duality between the forces of the good and evil, and the critical moment of the revelation that Darth Vader is the father of Luke Skywalker. This is the same conflict and resistance in our minds that forgot all about the sense of neutrality. In the same way as it became impossible at the time of the Atlantis war for humans to accept that they had Reptilian fathers too.

Let’s zoom in better on how the history of Atlantis is constantly repeating itself through time:


As said before when Atlantis embodied on Earth, there were 12 royal casts, families, orders, tribes. These 12 belonged to the same caste of Atlantis. Between these 12 families 2 of them were very close to each other, similar with what we know of the Judah and Aria kingdoms. But the Aria had nothing to do with the Germans and the Judah nothing had to do with the Hebrews because it was much before that. They were very close neighbors and of the same place and technically belonged to the same family. After the sinking of Atlantis the reason for its sinking led to conflict between the 12 families again. Why? Because they ran out of territory and started blaming each other for the loss, and the crisis and the fall of the empire. They were all forced to seek refuge in the colonies and in doing this the families transformed and became new empires.

Over time they tried to impose a new way of doing things to avoid what happened in Atlantis to happen again. At this point a cycle of war ends with the sinking of Atlantis, and these 12 families were now responsible to begin a new cycle of transcendence, so for that they should all gather in one place again to gestate a new humanity and give birth to something different. So from time to time these families would arrange for meetings so that they could share information with one another. All of them had developed very fundamental knowledge which later on led to the Kabbalistic, and the Bon in Tibet, and a lot more specific information on how to transform reality, how to use numerology, geometry and other things. This new place where it was suppose to be a new humanity was in Europe, of which the womb of Europe was Germany. Within the geography of Europe, Germany represents it’s uterus. It was this territory the chosen one and aimed to re-unite all of them so that together they could all assume the responsibility of what happened to Atlantis instead of putting the blame in one another, and therefore liberate this karma and transcend to another level.

From an universal and cosmic level, what we wanted to do in Europe was to unify it and transcend the division of the 12 families. Most of them moved to Europe to live so we had to help to transcend the conflict of cast division of Atlantis through the unification of Europe.

Swastika symbol around the world

The war of Germany with the Jews which caused W.W. II was still part of this ancient gene and karmic cleansing revealing itself after 12,000 years of history. Hitler was a German historian and studied all about this ancient information and philosophy, and he did want to unite Europe indeed and that what his purpose – to transcend the karma of the division that happened before. The problem was that the politics of that time generated a lot of crossed interests that interfered with this purpose. Instead of the transcendence that was meant to happen what occurred was another conflict. Hitler became a tormented man and his life full of contradictions. This was how many symbols including the swastika was taken from Asia, and its meaning reversed from something that was meant to give strength and fortune, to something that would incute fear in the masses. This fear is still present in our minds today as many of us only relate that symbol with the Nazis and don’t even know its origins. Also many of the technology the Germans had were not theirs. W.W. II happens as the refusal to transcend 12,000 years of a history that was not resolving.

The Nazis wanted to create an empire that failed though, and thanks to this failure the European Union was created. So ultimately the goal was there and it was achieved. The purpose of Hitler in uniting Europe was fulfilled, except from a human perspective it was done in a negative way. There are many misinterpretations about this war and of how the facts are told obviously because some won and others didn’t.

A New Hope


The new age in consciousness and the turning point of all this is nevertheless starting now, when we are just beginning to remember, allow and accept by recognizing that there is no evil or good, but neutrality by coming to center where it’s the only place where we are all the same. This recognizance is the first step in the purpose of using emotions correctly, and a hope that the history of Atlantis won’t happen again in the permanent project which is the humankind. All that is constant creation and transformation is a project, even more so on this planet which is the school planet of our universe. Here the last lesson is to experience Integration and only with experimenting with the opposite poles we can reach Integration. All the chaos humanity already lived and is living today is necessary until we are ready to achieve Integration, once we reach it then we will finally know another level of consciousness and the ascension of the entire planet will be a sure outcome.

To accomplish this purpose, we have in our genetics hidden codes from races and species that came from other places. This is the inheritance they left to us for when we would need it. These genetic codes only activate themselves through a specific frequency from the individual Self. They are not codes of survival, which only activate when we need to survive – when for example we need to lift something to help someone in peril of life – but they are codes of the essence, therefore cannot be activated at random or that easily. It is when we connect with our essence that our gifts emerge, like telekinesis, past life memories, telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc.

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This is great news. Well done!

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cool shit but from my perspective your past and future timeline(S) are only as lineral as you think they are . hell i had a video change competly the other day. from just rewatching it again only 48 hours later timeline shifts are real ur shifting threw them every nanosecond

yea those orion fuckers knew how 2 party but im not playing the blame game here with oh this or that person should've done this or that i should've or whoever ur god u create ur reality so no shit u can make it insanely awesome instantly!

very fasinating article though u should give a speech about that or maybe a video or something? or better yet teach that in a school and fuck schools by the way they dont honor ur free will 2 learn what u want when u want when u need it.