What is in My Everyday Backpack


And what should not be in there!

I have a bit of dislike towards tag videos and posts that come mainly from the world of Youtube, because we have already seen it all. But, there is one tag I am very fascinated in, and that is the “What’s in my bag!”

I find it so interesting to see what people, women mostly, carry with them daily. It’s like an intimate look into a persons life, via random, more and less useful items. And now you get to look into mine! I already mentioned doing this yesterday, when I touched on the subject of preparations and a survival kit of sorts that I carry with me.

I got my backpack straps fixed the day before yesterday because they were giving out, and I emptied the bag to my floor before that. This is the real mess that was inside it, nothing censored.

I'm cleaning this up as I go. The polaroid camera stays home most of the time, so out it goes, in comes the Nikon and Sigma 18-35mm. I can fit in the other lens too, barely, but I usually choose one lens for the day and stick with it. See the Tamron lens cap? Never owned a Tamron, but dad found the cap from the ground and I keep it as a spare for the Sigma one. I have a polarising filter hanging in the bag too but haven't yet used it. I have two power banks in now because I just bought a bigger one, a 10 000 mAh, for travel purposes, definitely don't need both in here. Receipts, extra coins, and the spoon can go away too. One of three gum packs can stay home too...

There is a method to my madness, let me show you!


Left Pocket: electronics; spare power and battery, charger cables, headphones.

Back Pocket: Cash, coupons for movies/theatre/culture stuff, my "business card", wipes. Funny fact, I never carry a wallet, I have cash in pockets and all the plastic money and drivers license in my phone case.

Center: The big stuff, camera, sunnies, which I hardly ever use, THE emergency kit (see next pic for details), pens, cash always laying on the bottom of the bag, and then what ever additions I need for the day, like a water bottle etc.

Right Pocket: the girl stuff; dry shampoo, powder, bobby pins, hair ties, a tampon and lipgloss/lipstick, usually there is a lip balm, but they are all in jacket pockets atm. There is also bubble gum and a spoon, if I want to buy a yogurt or ice-cream on the go, it happens you know. Oh and a lighter, sometimes cigarettes too, but I don't smoke on the regular.

The elusive emergency kit, very personalised and important to me:


Most of that is probably very self explanatory. Some girls stuff, a pair of panties, bandaids, more bubble gum and cash, contact lenses. The pink vibrator looking thing is actually a travel perfume case, it has Tom Ford Black Orchid in it, smells mysterious and dark. Eye drops so I can knock someone out, or to use on my dry eyes. A condom, which I was surprised to notice isn't expired yet! No sex life here. A measuring tape for you know, obvious purposes, and if I need to tie someone up.

A stack of various baby wipe type of things, super useful! Spill something, or feel icky after a plane ride? Baby wipes save the day and make you feel so much fresher. Without a doubt, one of the most important things in this set.

Do you like my dealer tin? I got it from my uncle who used to work in a casino, dealer has something to do with poker, but I thought it would be funny to put some basic painkillers and allergy medicine in it. The tin next it has a sewing kit, safety pins, heel tabs and one earring(?) Another fun fact, I don't wear earrings.

In the two pictures above is pretty much the basic set I have with me, if I leave home for more than a grocery store run. I change it up depending on what I do and what time of the year it is. For example, heading to UK soon, that is why there is a adapter plug thingy, and on the winter time I might have in reusable hand warmers (they are magical) and in the summertime I might throw in a bikini. Usually I carry some little snacks too, like flavoured water, little smoothie and a chocolate bar. This all might look like a lot of stuff but the only big and heavy thing is my camera.

Do you think I'm missing anything from my everyday bag? A handgun? Taser? Give suggestions below!

What interesting things do you carry in your bag?


Gosh, I love that bag, it's beautiful! And yes, I'm with you, I love the "what's in my bag" tag, it's way too fun, I love to know what people have in their bags. I used to snoop my girlfriend's bags when I was in college, and they would laugh because I found it so entertaining heheh!
Great post!

It's one of the best purchases I ever made, been using nonstop for almost two years! I think people have such individual taste in what they need with them every day that it makes the inside of ones bag interesting.

Duct tape. Roudariteippi. Jeesusteippi. Same thing. A needful thing to have. Didn't see that one there.

Oh and don't believe that movie cliché where you could silence someone by duct taping that persons mouth. Doesn't work.

That is too big for my little carry on, but a good suggestion otherwise. And I knew that one, tried it once.

Would it be weird to wrap it around something thinner like a pencil or an old lipstick case? So that it would take less space. Every Saturday evening one would use couple of hours to re-wrap the tape if one for some reason would have used it all out during the week?

Oh, toothpicks! I don't mean wrap the tape around one, I mean you don't have those with you. I have. Always.

Lol!!! this is a lovely post!!!! :-) I truly enjoyed reading (and seeing) it :-)
One thing though, I would leave the Hoya Circular Polarizing filter IN your bag! You can’t fix it in postprocessing, and the effect is sometimes amazing...

Thank you, I'm happy to hear you found this interesting! Yeah I think I'm gonna take it with me just in case, it's not like it weighs that much. Maybe I'll try it if I can get myself somewhere with a good view over the whole city of London.

Especially on a day with a blue sky with some fluffy white clouds, preferably with the Thames in the frame ;-)
You’ll carry it with you then ;-)

I'm a little sceptical about the blue skies in London ;) though the forecast does promise pretty nice weather at the moment!

Lol!! True that!!!!! :-)
But I live in Belgium, it’s really not that much better...

So, by all means, do enjoy the good weather and the possibly blue sky while you can!!! ;-)

Thanks for sharing the content of your bag! Let me check if I should add something new to my backpack now :)

Girls have a set of necessary things in the bag a lot more than the guys, it's normal. I only wear the most necessary things for work and comfort.

Wow! Next time I'm in trouble I'm not sure if I should call an ambulance or eveuncovered?!
You are obviously well prepared for just about anything.
Thanks for the peak... I think most guys are curious, weather we admit it or not.

Yeah, I also have a camera all the time to capture beautiful moments.

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oooo waw

I have children and I don't even have baby wipes in my purse. Impressive. Where is the pile of crumbs from the bottom of the purse, and the 50 or so crumpled receipts? Man, you've got your shit together.

I think the crumbs are still inside the bag, and I throw most of the receipts out immediately. How can you survive without baby wipes!?

A few crumbs in the folds of a purse is perfectly acceptable :) I try to throw out the receipts but they always burrow themselves amid the wallet/phone/keys so that they are hidden until their numbers have multiplied unreasonably. I do keep baby wipes in the car though. Although the purse would be better. Noted.

that was great, you seem ready to bug out at any moment, the #prepping guys would be totally impressed. Are you allowed to carry a taser or a pistol in your country?

No to both :(

perhaps put a roll of quarters in one of your black socks. ;) or whatever the equivalent of quarters are in your country.
good if you need to do laundry or use a vending machine too.

Or I could use my camera as a weapon, it's very heavy.

And before you ask, I have insurance.

go with that then as a first line of defense, then you can smash someone good and get a new camera!

Sounds like a win-win to me!

That's a lot of things to carry around everyday!
You'd find my bike documents and an earphone in my bag :P

Give suggestions below!

A pepperspray?

No pepper gas for crazy followers? ;) A lot of things You have, I could say You are a very organized woman! Well done!

I'm not actually sure if it would be legal to carry some in Finland, have to look that up.

I see mention of snacks, water...
Maybe spare laces? Not only helpful if you snap one, but in an emergency, spare laces and two sticks can make a splint for a slip on some wet rocks and a twisted ankle!
I always carry a small, pocket plastic rain poncho

Man, girls carry so many things!

I carry like... no bag, my phone, earphones, wallet, keys and... yeah that's it.

My dog when we go for walks.

Lol. Good post. I make sure when I go on trips to bring a sewing kit (more for first aid haha). It's always good to be prepared. Also glad you organized it. The first picture was killing me. Best wishes Eve!

Fun! My "SUB" (Super Useful Bag) contains quite a bit more than this, but I like most of what you have going on. #inspired

I would love to see what yours holds!

Wow! Killer work. And well put together.
And as to painkillers? That's a careful one as you might get some court issues if you don't have a valid prescription.

And having a gun is great but I didn't see a knife.

And a good flashlight. And lighter.

Would love to talk more with you. Got discord?

Haha, they are just basic over the counter stuff, no prescription needed. I have no need to carry a knife around on a daily basis, but if I go to the woods, then I always take one. There is a lighter and a little flashlight pictures there.

Discort is for people I’m already familiar with, you I don’t know.

OK then. I'll keep my mouth shut. Sorry for the invitation.
It won't happen again.