My thinking about paying for prostitutes/cam girls is that : if I would try them I may not even like it as much. In that case my money would be wasted. And if I would like it I would probably want to repeat/ try a new girls. So it is not so much the price of a one time that is high but the likelihood that it will not be a one time thing. And those 50-100(?) eur would quickly add up. So I rather use my money on the things I know I enjoy- like Berserk manga or HBD.
During the years I lost A LOT of hive to blackjack and dice at Hive slot games. So I think that my fear of spending too much for prostitutes/cam girls is well founded.
Ah, now I understand a little better. That's a good point about it not being a one-time thing (unless it's so disastrous, you never ever wish to repeat it, but then why pay for it expecting that outcome anyway?). No doubt, it's more fulfilling using your money for the things that enrich and bring value to your life.