Conspiracy, for what?

in #science7 years ago

Conspiracy. Sparking this word to people nearby can trigger a variety of responses. Good, curious responses or hasty response make it a righteous mecca. Or maybe there will be a wonder, what kind of creature?

The meaning of "conspiracy" is a plot or a conspiracy. In the popular world, conspiracy is better known in its form as a "conspiracy theory", which is interpreted freely means the theory of a plot or a conspiracy. More specifically, conspirators or conspiracies of certain groups that supposedly want to control the crowd.

From here it may soon seem the reason conspiracy can be popular. Just imagine, there are certain groups that control the intentions of the people, and we can not disturb them. Regardless of the degree of truth, this is certainly a very interesting material to be used by those who like to blame the situation. Are living conditions stagnant without improvement? Blame the Illuminati-Freemason conspiracy that does not want a developed country. Failed to rank in class? Blame the conspiracy of school teachers who hate you. You stumbled and fell on the street? Blame the stones for blocking your steps.

Many parties are often accused of being a conspirator. Usually, the defendant is the party at the top of power, or in more contemporary language, the "elite". This could mean the government, the big companies, to the "secret" organization that supposedly operates to be the mastermind behind all the plays. Then, the alleged thing is supposedly his control is outside the wider community, "the commoners". For example, drug companies make toxins called vaccines, or agricultural companies engineer the genetic components of food to launch a "specific agenda." Then, not to forget the rising theme: The "global elite" conspiracy masked the "flat earth truth".

As the history goes back to Ancient Greece, the question of the Earth's form reveals itself to the surface in recent months. Armed with several YouTube videos packed in such a way, some of us are slowly affected and join in, about how "Western science" through NASA-like institutions has "lied to us all" and "covered up the truth". Okay, we can be surprised. We can certainly protest. We can certainly compose so many arguments. But for now, let's go back to something more basic:

Why would they bother conspiring to cover up the "truth"?

Logo of the 2013 Flat Earth Society.wikipedia

Let's say Earth is really flat and we've been lied to by the "world of modern science". What are the benefits of "the world of modern science" by "hiding all the facts, and pretending that the Earth is round? What kind of benefits will be created, until "the world of modern science" is willing to deceive mankind all over the Earth? What will they gain from creating so many rounded Earth images, fabricating things from heliocentric (because the Sun is circling the Earth) to a bloated Earth at the equator?

Basic economic theory says people do things because they expect benefits from them. To make people willing to do the business of this size, of course, the benefits must also be great.

Let's count for a moment, peel a world where people say Earth round with the intention of lying. In general, in the real world, we can assume a highly educated person will say Earth is round. This means 6.7% of Earth's population (Harvard & Asian Development Bank, 2010), or 460 million people. If only 0.5% of all is actively talking about the Earth round, meaning that in a flat Earth scenario, there are 2.3 million compact people lying around the world with the same narrative. Does it sound reasonable? Would not it make more sense if we thought, they are all so compact because Earth is not flat?

Even if it is true, how do they keep the lie so as not to 'leak'?

Let's say that the 2.3 million people above conspired to publicly deceive the "truth of the Earth form." Since our samples are taken from university graduates and are equal, we can assume they are not easily indoctrinated or told to lie for the rest of their lives. That is, to completely silence it entirely, it will require enormous funds.

This does not yet include everyone who works to form all the imagery of planets, satellites, even to galaxies and nebula in the sky-because in the "flat Earth conspiracy" scenario, they are just computer fakes. In essence, it also means paying all astronomers and geologists to "design" around Earth lie through scientific arguments, complete with all theories of "essay" and "mock" research.

In fact, designing such a structured and tidy lie like this is very difficult, more difficult than 'just' collecting scientific facts from research and organizing them into a single entity. Nevertheless, there is something even more difficult: to keep these lies visible as facts. Just imagine, which is more difficult: traveling abroad then telling your experience, or making a travel story abroad and making it look like a fact? That is with the record, the perpetrators do it themselves.


In this global deception agenda, there are millions of people working together to ensure the public keeps accepting their lies as scientific facts. That is, the information provided should be compact. Not only that, they also need to make sure none of their colleagues are leaking "the truth" without their realizing it. Otherwise, due to the fact of a speck, it breaks the conspiracy of the bundle.

How can we make sure none of these 2.3 million people are secretly leaking "the truth"? Though taking care of new students who count still thousands of just troublesome mercy. Since our sample is taken from university graduates and equivalent, it can be assumed that anyone who leaked this "truth" is able to include proof that he said what's wrong. Whether it be proof of a "cover-up" of "truth", or evidence of a "global deception attempt". But, until now, has there ever appeared such evidence? So, in this case, there are two possibilities:

this global deception business is perfect,


indeed they are not lying.

Which makes more sense? You can conclude yourself.

In this position, presumably we do not need to elaborate further to imagine how much money will be disbursed. Obviously, the effort and funds that need to be deployed on a regular basis will be enormous. If so, what are all these efforts for? The proponents of conspiracy theorists will soon give the answer: the global elite through the "new world order" agenda wants to fool the entire Earth population through "modern science" so that they are more submissive and more easily subject to their control.

But if so, know where they are going from there?

The "theories" of conspiracy do not just come along with big bombastic titles. He came along with all the details that the conspiracy theorists encouraged to support, justify and spread their views. Interestingly, often these details are not accompanied by referrals, much less credible referrals. Ask the source of the conspiracy issue at a particular source on the bearer, and it is not impossible that they tell us to "open-minded," "do not submit doctrinally," or at worst, "find it alone." Obey the last input, and we find ourselves spinning in place, re-encounter the details we question without clarity.


If this is the story, where did all the details come from? There are so many opportunities in which information about this kind of "global deception agenda" leaks into the crowd, as discussed earlier. Unfortunately, those "lucky to get it" are blog authors who do not explain in detail how the information got into their hands. Does it sound reasonable?


Finally, I do not write this article to refute point by point argument "supporter" flat Earth. However, if you read and contemplate the questions scattered throughout the writing, you may come to the final question, like me.

Conspiracy, for what?


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It is really incredible to see so many people believing in all sort of crazy conspiracies.

There is a famous guy called David Icke and he is like the master of all conspiracies. He believes in all sort of conspiracies about the moon being an alien spaceship, about our leaders being reptilians, and this guy is I think about 70 years old!

But of course, he sells books, and tickets to his speeches, so it is in his economic interest to believe, or at least, pretend to believe in all the crazy things he talks about.

I mean conspiracies can be fun to get our thoughts rolling, but believing something so extreme without any backup is not to wise in my opinion.

my conspiracy theorists love everything about it.
the person who believes that a moon is an alien plane to me is already too extreme, maybe he is a sick person who dreams too many odd. :), people who believe it would be sicker than him :)

Its not a "belief" of a conspiracy if you can prove it it with facts, you "know" its a conspiracy

One positive aspect we can draw from the attraction of most people to the disclosures of facts concealed by them is that it signifies the human instinct of the true truth is in fact still there, and no one wants to be deceived, is it? Now, on the sides of the disclosure of this corporation's "hidden crime", conspiracy theories must be recognized to have positive benefits for society and humanity.:)