Jesus resurrection is the biggest lie and fiction ever invented!!!

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

The Christian trinity is just a fiction. God, the Holy Ghost, and the only begotten son, Jesus Christ, all are fictions. Jesus Christ is ninety-nine percent fiction, one percent reality. Out of this whole trinity only Jesus Christ has one percent of reality as a human being. But all the miracles are invented. His walking on the water is nonsense; his raising the dead is absurd; his virgin birth, immaculate conception, is illogical, unscientific; his resurrection is a fake and a fraud. He never died on the cross, so there is no question of a resurrection. He simply escaped from the cave, it was a conspiracy between the Roman governor general, Pontius Pilate, and Jesus' followers. Pontius Pilate himself was feeling bad because crucifying Jesus was not his desire. But he was absolutely helpless. The tradition was that at every Jewish festival, when criminals who had been sentenced to death were crucified, the Jewish rabbis, particularly the chief priest of the great Jewish temple of Jerusalem, had the right to ask one of the criminals to be released as an act of mercy. Three persons were going to be crucified. Two were murderers. One was the worst kind of criminal, with seven murders and rapes and all kinds of crimes on his head, and he was a drunkard, though a very strong man, Barabbas. And the second man also was a criminal. Pontius Pilate was hoping that the Jews would ask for Jesus to be released. He was absolutely innocent; he had not committed any crime, he had not done anything illegal. He was absolutely innocent. But the Jews were very angry because he was proclaiming himself to be the son of God. And the Jews don't believe that God has any family, because once you have a family, there is no end to it. You have brothers, and you have brothers-in-law, and you have sisters, and you have sistersin-law, and it goes on and on. Then God will have a wife, then God will have a father and grandfather, and who knows where the line will end? God will become a joint family. Faraway cousins will also claim divinity. So the Jews don't accept any trinity. God is alone; he has no son and no Holy Ghost. So the Jews were angry that this man was proclaiming himself to be the only begotten son of God. Why  "only"? What happened to God? Did he become impotent? Can't he create, just the way Hindus go on creating? One dozen children is normal in India. Two dozen seems to be a bit of an achievement. God had only one son, not even a daughter for the son to play with? It is absolutely against the Jewish mind; hence, they could not ask that he should be forgiven. Pontius Pilate was not a Jew, so he did not understand what the problem was. He was a Roman pagan and they did not believe in any God. So what was the problem? There is no God. And if this man is a little eccentric and thinks himself to be the son of their God, there is no harm in it. The harmless declaration simply shows that he is a little bit out of his mind, eccentric, a banana! But you don't put bananas on the cross. You enjoy bananas, you don't put them on the cross. This fellow is a little foolish; enjoy him, but he is innocent. Laugh at him, but crucifixion does not seem to be just. So Pontius Pilate was waiting, but the Jews did not ask; on the contrary they all shouted, all the rabbis -- and there were two thousand rabbis in the temple. It was the great temple of the Jews which was destroyed. And the archpriest of the temple was almost the king of the Jews -- they all shouted in unison, "We want Barabbas to be released." And Barabbas could not believe it himself. He was also thinking that this young fellow, who was only thirty-three... and he had heard him, he was always talking around the place. He was moving around Jerusalem on his donkey, and whenever he could get an audience he would start talking. He was a street sermonizer -- so once in a while Barabbas had heard him talk, and he liked him, the fellow was nice and he was saying beautiful things. He hoped, of course, that he would be released, but when he was told by the Jews, he could not believe it. He was shocked. When he was taken away from the cross he still could not believe that it was real. He looked back again and again, walking towards the pub. And within seven days he had killed another man. So Pontius Pilate was very willing, and the cave in which Jesus was put was guarded by a Roman guard. The Jews could not do it because it was their Sabbath day, on which day they cannot do anything. The crucifixion happened on Friday, it was an arrangement. The whole credit goes to Pontius Pilate, not to God and resurrection. It was arranged that on Friday -- because Saturday is the Sabbath day of the Jews; they don't do anything, everything stops -- on the Friday the crucifixion was delayed as much as possible, because until Pontius Pilate comes the crucifixion cannot happen. He went as late as possible, so the crucifixion happened just after twelve o'clock in the middle of the day. And the Jewish cross is such that if a healthy man is on it, it will take forty-eight hours for him to die -- because it is a very slow process, a slow torture. Blood starts moving from the hands and the legs. Only four nails are used: two in the hands, two in the legs. So slowly the blood oozes out. And blood has a tendency to get dry. It has a chemical element that dries it; if you don't have that chemical then your life is always in danger.  There is a disease called hemophilia where your blood goes on flowing, it does not dry. That was an important factor in the situation before the Russian revolution. The Czar's only son had hemophilia -- the only son, who was going to succeed. And this was a problem, because it gave power to Rasputin, a village priest, absolutely uneducated but with some knowledge of hypnotizing people. He was called again and again; whenever the son started bleeding -- any small scratch and the blood cannot stop by itself; it won't dry -- Rasputin had to be called immediately. He became so powerful that the czar, the emperor of Russia, was almost dependent on him. The wife of the czar was just a worshipper of Rasputin, and he was a villager, who knew nothing except a small strategy of hypnotizing people. So he used to hypnotize the boy, and in hypnosis he used to tell him, "Your blood will stop." In hypnosis everything is possible. Hypnosis is a very powerful method, and he was the only person who could make the blood stop. No doctors were able to do anything; there is no cure in any medical science. So it takes forty-eight hours for a person to die on the Jewish cross because the blood goes on again and again drying; people have to remove the dry blood so that fresh blood starts coming again. It takes forty-eight hours, and Jesus was only six hours on the cross -- from twelve to six. As the sun was setting he had to be taken off the cross, because on Saturday nothing can continue. Everything stops; even crucifixion has to stop. In six hours a young man of thirty-three cannot die. This is a scientific fact. And no Jew would be ready to guard, because that would be against his religion; he would be doing some duty, some work. So a Roman was on guard -- that was perfect. The stone was removed and Jesus' followers took his body -- he was alive, just wounded -- they took him out of Judea, which was a very small country, and kept him away for a few days till he was cured. And then they suggested that he should not go back to Judea: "They will crucify you next year, they won't leave you." So he came to India. He had come to India before -- that's why India was known to him -- from thirteen years of age to thirty. The Bible has nothing to say about what happened to Jesus in those seventeen years, where he was. He was in India studying, in Nalanda, in Takshsila, and he was in Ladakh and perhaps Tibet. Buddha had died just five hundred years before; still his fragrance was around. Takshsila and Nalanda were two universities, the ancientmost universities in the world, which were mostly teaching meditation, because Buddha's whole message is meditation. So he was learning the Eastern approach. These seventeen years are missing, there is no record in the Christian Bible. But there were records in Ladakh, in a Buddhist monastery, of his second  visit.

 One Russian explorer, a hundred and fifty years ago, saw the records in the Ladakh monastery of Buddhists where Jesus was described exactly: that he visited the monastery, he remained there for three months, that he was a Jew, and he had come from Jerusalem, that he had been crucified but escaped after six hours... everything was there. And this Russian wrote a book, which is available, in which he describes the whole thing. But as Christians came to know this -- and the country was under British rule -- they destroyed those pages from the Ladakh monastery in which Jesus' description was given. Just those two pages are missing. And one can see that two pages are missing because all the pages are numbered. And you can see in that Russian explorer's book that exactly those two pages are mentioned with their page number. It was the British empire which destroyed those two pages to make sure that nobody claimed that Jesus was here in India and Ladakh and perhaps Tibet. But there is a grave in Kashmir, near Pahalgam... it is such a coincidence that there is Moses' grave, and just by the side of it Jesus' grave. Both came to India. Moses came in his old age in search of the lost tribe of the Jews, who had come to Kashmir and settled in Kashmir. He was too old then to go back to Jerusalem, and Kashmir really looked like God's land, it was so beautiful. There is nothing comparable to Kashmir in the whole world. He remained and died there. Jesus came and he remained long enough... he lived up to one hundred and twelve years of age. Everything is written on his grave. Those two graves are the only graves of Jews in India, because in India there are no Jews. And the inscription is in Hebrew.   In India nobody knows Hebrew, and in India only Mohammedans make graves; Hindus burn the body. But Mohammedans' graves have to be directed towards Kaaba; the head has to be towards Kaaba. Even when dying, the man cannot be allowed to have his feet towards Kaaba; that would be insulting. So in all Mohammedan graves the head is directed towards Kaaba. Only these two graves are not directed towards Kaaba because they are not Mohammedan graves. Out of all the graves in India -- I have looked in so many cemeteries just to find one grave -- only those two graves are not directed towards Kaaba because there were no Jews. And all other Jews who have settled there since have been forced to become Mohammedans. When Mohammedan rule came over India they turned all the Jews into Mohammedans. Only one Jewish family has been left to take care of those two graves, because Mohammedans respect both Moses and Jesus. So that family, traditionally, generation after generation, has been taking care. And the name of the nearest village is Pahalgam; in Kashmiri it means the village of the shepherd. Jesus used to call himself the shepherd, and used to call humanity sheep. So Pahalgam makes sense; it is the village of the shepherd. And just outside Pahalgam are those  two graves.

 So Jesus never died on the cross and never was resurrected. All that is just fiction created by Christians. No contemporary literature of Jesus' time even mentions his name. You cannot believe it -- if a person walks on water, cures people just by touching; if blind people start seeing, the deaf start hearing, the dead become alive, do you think the whole country will not be talking about him? All the newspapers, all the literature will mention him. Such a man cannot be neglected. But no contemporary literature even mentions his name. So only one percent seems to be real -- the carpenter's son, Jesus Christ -- out of the whole  trinity.


I beg to differ. I would venture to argue that the state and it's promises of safety and protection are the greatest fiction ever perpetrated.

i agree with you, the world needs a new man a man without greed jealousy angry hatred a new born man who will have love bless piece and sharing it to the whole existence...To get this new man, we need to be enlightened, through meditation.The only medicine for our minds our hearts are meditation,look at the roots of meditation its medicine for the mind.Be blessed!


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Looks like a copy and paste special from someone who knows very little about Christianity and religion.

Live in your lies :) with your fictions about CHRISTIANITY.. Its maybe copy paste, but the truth is the truth copied or not


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