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RE: Oligarch-Owned Media Outlets Really, REALLY Want You To Love George W Bush

in #politics7 years ago

I feel like this picture sort of encapsulates the whole notion of a "2 wing of the same party" mentality. It's difficult for me to understand why regular people actually believe that rich, elitists who take corporate money by the bucketload give a fuck about them. It's such a weird thing to see "old daddy statesman Dubya" being carted out as a good person, a venerated leader from our glorious past. I feel like reality simply doesn't exist anymore and we are all just hanging around, waiting for someone to walk through the door and tell us these times we live in are just one huge, elaborate joke.


Absolutely...It really is quite amazing how grown adults can be manipulated so easily into backflpping on their previous perceptions and opinions, of someone who is a wanted war criminal in many areas of the globe. Words cannot explain this.....those mind bending psychoanalysts have expertly used the long history and study of the human mind, to weaponise mass media and popular culture into whatever position they deem necessary. They have perfected the art.

I feel exactly the same danielshortell. I feel like the guy in Zoolander said: am I taking crazy pills here!? Having a clue can be a bit lonely. Good to see you all noticing too. : )

Yeah, right? Lonely, I hear you. In my community I'm completely surrounded by normies, so basically the only person (in the flesh) who seems grounded in reality is my wife. Argh...

Same here, only my wife, because together we've basically been on our own trying to work out the truth. So we've kind of synchronized our thinking more or less as a result of our study and research.

Yep, I hear ya brother. We sort of go off into our own spaces, learn what we learn then get back together, share and try to make sense of/interpret what is actually going on. It'd be nice to do this exercise with some people in our community (we recently moved from nyc to a small community)...we've made a couple connections with people who are starting to ask some of the right questions but they still have a way to go ...

nyc - fascinating. We've lived all around, mostly in larger cities, even in Costa Rica for two years, but we're in a smaller community here as well. My wife's pretty introverted and I'm worse. We know one local guy that's amazingly with it, so that's always nice to visit with him whenever it occasionally happens.

Hmm, looks like we may have a couple things in common :)