Oligarch-Owned Media Outlets Really, REALLY Want You To Love George W Bush

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

There's a major breaking news story being reported on by both liberal and conservative mainstream media outlets across America, and it urgently needs your attention.

The major news story can be summed up as follows: a former US president went to a wedding where there was dancing, and that former US president joined in the dancing. He bent his knees in time to the beat and moved his arms a bit. The song he was dancing to was Dead or Alive's mid-1980s hit "You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)".

That's it. That's the whole entire news report.

That's right, all the plutocrat-controlled media, from the Murdoch-controlled Fox and Friends to the Brian L. Roberts-controlled Today Show to the Zucker and Bewkes-controlled CNN to the Phillip Anschutz-controlled Washington Examiner to the Koch-controlled Time Magazine urgently wants you to know that former US president George W Bush is capable of bobbing in time to music like a normal human being. It is very important to these oligarchic lackeys that you be made aware of a few seconds of video footage showing a war criminal dancing around being happy with no visible blood on his hands.

This is just the latest episode in the mass media's endless campaign to endear a Hague fugitive to the unwashed masses. From his appearance dancing and frolicking with Ellen Degeneres last year to Bezos-controlled op-eds about how much everyone misses him, these oligarchic propaganda firms have been working tirelessly to ensure a rehabilitated image of the 43rd president.

And it's been working. A CNN poll from earlier this year found that Bush's approval ratings have done a complete 180, and he is now on the receiving of warm, gooshy feelings from 61 percent of the US population. His approval among Democrats has shot up from a mere 11 percent in 2009 to 54 percent today, without his having done anything during that time period except paint pictures of his feet.

Bush hasn't changed since 2009. He's still the guy who deceived the world into decimating Iraq and killing a million human beings, and no amount of rhythmic knee-bending is ever going to change that. The man hasn't changed, but the perception of him has. This is because public perception of the Bush administration is being very carefully managed and manipulated. And this is happening for a reason.

These oligarch-owned media outlets are working to make the public support George W Bush for the same reason they did so after 9/11: because wars are planned, and the oligarchs stand to benefit from them.

Iraq-raping neoconservatives have been increasingly elevated to positions of power in the current administration, and with Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State and John Bolton as national security advisor this administration is now arguably packed with even more neocon bloodlust than the Bush administration was. There is in my opinion no reason for such insatiable vampires to be elevated to such positions unless wars are planned, but good luck trying to point to the Bush administration as a way of sounding the alarm to Trump's political opposition about that now.

The US-centralized empire is built on and sustained by endless warfare. Without endless warfare, the foundation that the US oligarchy is built upon would vanish as America is forced to develop a real economy that isn't propped up with the barrel of a gun, and the oligarchic kingdoms would collapse. This is why nearly all US media is owned by billionaires and dominated by plutocrat-funded foreign policy think tanks. This is also why liberal and conservative mainstream media outlets always unite in approval when it is time for war.

Iraq was part of a preexisting plan, and so are many other Middle Eastern countries. The US-centralized and plutocrat-owned empire is according to its own data fast approaching post-primacy, and it needs to disrupt all potential rivals to its hegemony as quickly as possible to prevent that from happening. The Iran hawks that are filling this administration, the Russia hysteria, the Syria lies, the North Korea panic, all fit together in this same agenda.

They are rehabilitating the image of the Bush administration because they want to have another one.

I remember toward the end of Bush's first term people in conspiracy circles were saying there might never be another presidential election following reports that the administration had been looking for ways to postpone Election Day in the event of a new terrorist attack. It turns out that those conspiracy buffs were right all along: Bush never left office. He just changed skin color a couple of times. From pale to brown, from brown to orange.

And now that everyone has forgotten the horrors of the Iraq invasion and a new generation of soldiers is coming of age, they are ready to start ramping up the action again. We are now being pummeled with relentless narratives about what Russia, Iran, North Korea and Syria are up to, all with basically as much evidence as we were given for Saddam Hussein having weapons of mass destruction, and all serving the agendas of the US-centralized empire to disrupt geopolitical rivals to avoid post-primacy and the rise of a multipolar world.

George W Bush is evil. Everyone who facilitated his wars is evil. The decimation of Iraq was evil, and is unforgivable. The people who inflicted this evil upon our world are not the people who should be in the driver's seat. We need to take our world back from these monsters.

Thanks for reading, clear-eyed rebel. My daily articles are entirely reader-funded, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking me on Facebook, following me on Twitter, bookmarking and getting on the mailing list for my website, checking out my podcast, throwing some money into my hat on Patreon or Paypal, or buying my new book Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers.

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The former First Lady also seems to approve!

I feel like this picture sort of encapsulates the whole notion of a "2 wing of the same party" mentality. It's difficult for me to understand why regular people actually believe that rich, elitists who take corporate money by the bucketload give a fuck about them. It's such a weird thing to see "old daddy statesman Dubya" being carted out as a good person, a venerated leader from our glorious past. I feel like reality simply doesn't exist anymore and we are all just hanging around, waiting for someone to walk through the door and tell us these times we live in are just one huge, elaborate joke.

Absolutely...It really is quite amazing how grown adults can be manipulated so easily into backflpping on their previous perceptions and opinions, of someone who is a wanted war criminal in many areas of the globe. Words cannot explain this.....those mind bending psychoanalysts have expertly used the long history and study of the human mind, to weaponise mass media and popular culture into whatever position they deem necessary. They have perfected the art.

I feel exactly the same danielshortell. I feel like the guy in Zoolander said: am I taking crazy pills here!? Having a clue can be a bit lonely. Good to see you all noticing too. : )

Yeah, right? Lonely, I hear you. In my community I'm completely surrounded by normies, so basically the only person (in the flesh) who seems grounded in reality is my wife. Argh...

Same here, only my wife, because together we've basically been on our own trying to work out the truth. So we've kind of synchronized our thinking more or less as a result of our study and research.

Yep, I hear ya brother. We sort of go off into our own spaces, learn what we learn then get back together, share and try to make sense of/interpret what is actually going on. It'd be nice to do this exercise with some people in our community (we recently moved from nyc to a small community)...we've made a couple connections with people who are starting to ask some of the right questions but they still have a way to go ...

nyc - fascinating. We've lived all around, mostly in larger cities, even in Costa Rica for two years, but we're in a smaller community here as well. My wife's pretty introverted and I'm worse. We know one local guy that's amazingly with it, so that's always nice to visit with him whenever it occasionally happens.


I follow you @suzi3d, @hagoodman and many more journalists.

Yet everytime I check my follow has been undone. And i need to follow again.

So i'd like to know who else has noticed this behaviour.
Specially the people who make good comments below.

Also since I started my own blogging about Julian Assange I see the same thing happen to my best followers.

I hope this is being noticed already and if not, then please have a look at it

to everyone who cares please have a look at MAKE WIFI NOT WAR

Thank you for your attention

foxandfriends FOX & friends tweeted @ 27 Mar 2018 - 12:54 UTC

Bust a move! Former President George W. Bush tears up the dance floor at his nephew’s wedding https://t.co/O8YnrrpYam

TIME TIME tweeted @ 27 Mar 2018 - 16:40 UTC

George W. Bush tearing up the dance floor at this wedding is a true sight to behold ti.me/2GdCgT6

dcexaminer Washington Examiner tweeted @ 27 Mar 2018 - 22:21 UTC

WATCH: George W. Bush shows off his dance moves at nephew's wedding washex.am/2pJS9cQ https://t.co/jI1qdiHNzj

TODAYshow TODAY tweeted @ 27 Mar 2018 - 12:08 UTC

twitter.com/i/web/status/9…George. W. Bush hit the dance floor at a family wedding last weekend! Wonder what @jennabushhager thinks?…

CNN CNN tweeted @ 27 Mar 2018 - 19:53 UTC

Watch former President George W. Bush bust a move on the dance floor cnn.it/2GfyeJK https://t.co/8JWDbQdLQi

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

In the age of Trump, Dubya seems to look mighty sane. Even competent. Liberals are even lamenting for the Dubya years. But now they have a stark reminder of those heady days with the return of Bolton, who now has a much more like-minded hawk as his boss, and is more dangerous than ever. But don't forget who uplifted Bolton to national prominence in the first place, folks.

"In the age of Trump, Dubya seems to look mighty sane."

Strongly disagree. I don't even want to think about the horrors that Trump will have to inflict upon the world in order to make Dubya "look mighty sane", but he certainly hasn't done them yet.

I certainly don't think Dubya is better than Trump, but there are loads of people of the liberal persuasion who do, since Trump is a blowhard rapist toddler. That's the point I was getting at, but I may have been unclear in my execution. My point above is that Bush WAS NOT a sane, even-keeled leader, and he's the one responsible for the rise of Bolton (among other horrible crimes), who is now in Trump's inner circle.

Bush started two illegal wars of aggression, both based on lies. And you think Trump is worse than that? He's a bigoted buffoon and I hate that he's president, but come on. Don't be ridiculous.

No, that's not what I said, and if you'd read past the first sentence you would have realized that.

Economic factors may take some spring out of the Easter Bunny's step this year and the final days of a campaign can get a little salty.

Could this be the end of Email Overload?

I scream, you scream, you know the rest... enjoy it from the desk or the couch.

Poor source, I know, but don't hate the playa, hate the game.

The most frightening thing is how effective the campaign has been. That approval rating amongst Democrats is astonishing. I can't believe that people are still tuning into the mainstream media, have such poor abilities of recall, and have minds that are so malleable.

Most people aren't tuning to the "mainstream media". The average audience member of CNN or Fox News are literally 60+ years old and few actually read newspapers or anything. Most people get their information from social media, and polls show that trust in mass media is at an all time low anymore. Only about 1 in 4 people even identify as a Democrat too, so even if 100% of them could be tricked into supporting Bush, we still have them out numbered by a wide margin.

Sometimes I forget the momentum of change over there in the US. We just don't see that here in your grovelling lapdog land of Oz (Australia).

.....like it has to be some big conspiracy theory and not just that the world has a 24/7 news cycle to fill.

No one I know is liking George Bush any better except those who liked him to begin with. If you didn't learn from the media collusion to elect Hillary that you can't trust polls well then there's a deeper desire on your part to sell despair.

This is chilling.

It continues to be common to hear remarked that W’s invasion of Iraq was a mistake, a failure, had unintended consequences, or should have been handled differently. It should be clear now that the consequences were as intended, that the country be destroyed, and broken up into smaller, non-secular entities, which would compete with each other and have as an entrepot for whatever redevelopment emerged, Tel Aviv. The country of Iraq, both the size of it (and the ability of a that-sized country to maintain a standing military force); and the secular nature of it, posed a threat to non-secular Israel. The war was about the removal of that threat.

Likewise, the destruction of Libya removed from the region a country which could assist other nations beleaguered by Israel’s expansion. As it stands now, the destruction of Syria has been thwarted. The rehabilitation of Bush may be a piece of a strategy to reverse Syria’s victory, which will be accomplished, or will fail to be accomplished, as a result of a war with Russia, Syria’s ally. (Hence the need to demonize Russia unsparingly.)

Bush, his advisors, and his backers, didn’t make a mistake with Iraq. They set out to destroy the country, mercilessly, and they succeeded in their mission. This followed on the heels of years of crippling sanctions from the Clinton administration, sanctions which raised humanitarian concerns. Condemnation of W’s war, if it is to be thoroughgoing and comprehensive, should also include condemnation of the Clinton Administration’s posture toward Iraq. Likewise, Obama did nothing to reverse the course or effects of W’s invasion, and carried on the same war by proxies in Libya and Syria. (Obama’s first State visit to Turkey likely involved discussions of this.) To the degree that Bush is evil, Obama carries the same mantle.

You are correct when you write, “Iraq was part of a preexisting plan, and so are many other Middle Eastern countries.” The only reversal we have seen in this plan — apart from the victory of the SAA and their allies — has been at the initiation of a U.S. administration, with Secretary Tillerson’s refusal to certify the result of a plebiscite which would have rent an “independent” (independent, but allied with Israel) Kurdistan from the carcass of Iraq (and would likely have been later conjoined with a remnant of Syria).

With Tillerson gone, and his replacement — replacements, really: both Bolton and Pompeo, as both positions have influence in these matters — presumably more loyal to Trump, but otherwise indiscernible (Bolton objected to the Qaddafi-removal strategy in Libya), we’ll have to wait and see. Trump’s executive authority will likely be a factor, so all this incessant ragging on The Donald would seem to serve primarily to empower the faction that boosted W into power, and has been pursuing the Greater Middle East Strategy.