The Time is NOW! Words and Poetic Advice to Make the Most of Today

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)



We have all the time in the world must be one of the most deceptive lines of all time.

Our time is indefinite, it could change in a second, end in an hour, nothing is certain only death.

The best thing we can do in our lifetime is to make the most of every minute we have. The earlier we realize this in our lives the better.

We need to discover our goals, explore who we are, what we want and just go for it. We only have one chance and if you have a dream, even if its to save up and visit Disney Land, do it. Even if it seems impossible, do it by taking action steps towards it, as setting the wheels in motion lets the world know you are serious, it's not just a pipe dream, it's not pie in the sky, but a dream worth pursuing and that will happen.


If your dream is to be basking on a beautiful sandy beach somewhere and you are watching an episode of Eastenders and feeling miserable and depressed and that soap is the epitome of depression, then choose to spend that time more wisely. Why not write a post for Steemit, that half an hour writing could just be the start of a savings fund for that dream holiday, a world cruise or a parachute jump to get the adrenaline pumping.

Don't just sit on the sofa, or in a daydream on the train, use that time effectively, read a book - not a fiction one, but something you can apply in real life and that means something to you.

Let's use this time on this planet, this realm to become the best versions of ourselves and striving to improve ourselves.

One thing we can do to start making the most of our lives is to look at how we spend our time and to see if we could work smarter with that time, I wrote a poem in the doctor's surgery yesterday as my appointment was late and this is where the idea of this post came from:


Contemplating Waiting

Waiting, no time for waiting
Late appointment, contemplating
What to do with the time
Wasting it is a crime

So I decided to write
To describe my plight
Of time ticking away
I won't get back today

Or even, ever again
This time is slain.
Lost minutes in a sea
Of not improving me

Now I'm wasting words, of course
Time is a precious resource
My thoughts have been penned
Time for this poem to end.


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Never leave time to time. It profits.

Love this post. I would add.. It's never to late to start but it's always to late to wait. It's not about how long you live, it's about how you live.

I agree totally, especially as you start to get older. When you're in your 20s you think you have all the time in the World, even though your parents warn you haven't! I try and make the most of everyday, a good practice is to write your goals down and spend the first few minutes of the day focusing on them. Thanks for this, upvoted.

The poem is so cute :) Time is definitely a very precious resource and one that is ticking away every second. If we do not make the right use of it now, we are likely to have only regrets. A lot of us complain about why we don't have what we want. Turns out, we aren't investing in the effort that the particular goal or desire needs. If we aren't working hard and most importantly aren't clear on what we truly want, we are quite likely spending our energy and time doing something less meaningful and thus aren't able to achieve what we want. To build a meaningful life, we need to straighten our act and make good use of our time and take action now because it is now or never!

And just like you didn't waste a minute when waiting for the doctor and wrote a poem, I do the same. I have my phone with the esteem app installed all the time and even when I am stuck in a traffic jam or in a situation where I have nothing to do or when my son isn't around, I just brainstorm ideas for my next post and write a draft on it.

this is a poem which tells is so true thanks for sharing it @hopehuggs

Amazing poem you have written it is very nice to read :)

I think that information and time are the main resources of any person. The main thing is to set clear goals and spend your time as productive as possible. Working on some goals, we invest our time. In my opinion, the main investment of time should be in the family.
You put up time in your family and children, give them your care and love and eventually it will come back to you.Hi @hopehuggs

Let's use this time on this planet, this realm to become the best versions of ourselves and striving to improve ourselves.

Nice words

Thank you @hopehuggs, it reminds me of another poem:

Waiting is only waiting
if you give yourself naught to do.
When it could have been done thinking,
And planning your getting through.

So take those moments wisely,
And see your mind does work.
For too much spent at leisure,
Trades clarity for murk.

Then when you work is over,
Each task marked through and ticked.
Your leisure feels much better,
knowing the whole list has been licked.

Something I wrote with the help of my grandmother when I was getting ready to leave for college!

Beautiful poem.
"Our time is indefinite, it could change in a second, end in an hour, nothing is certain only death." - you are so right about this.
It came to my mind when I read somewhere, if we had 86 400 dollars every day to spend, how would we spend it? Would we just waste it or use it effectively? And it refers to 86 400 seconds in a day... Are we using it effectively or wasting it? :)

as they say

Do not postpone today's work to tomorrow

Fully agree with your comments here!

I try every day to challenge myself. Do something that will make me grow as a person. Do something that will put a smile on someone else’s face.

We have very limited time in our lives, and we owe it to ourselves to make the best of that time. You also owe it to the people around you.

Think about it, chosenor be unhappy or chose to go on adventures, inspire others, challenge yourself...the choice is yours.

Great post, thanks for sharing.

time is very precious and you said it very beautifully time to use it wisely

wonderful poetry skills you got dear its amazing