View Through Your Lens, Contributed by @Olawalium

in #poem6 years ago


Every time I wake up, I try to, with new hope
Sometimes we don’t know how long our body can cope
You want to view life through other’s lens and scope
For a while, it looks so perfect and you feel dope
But it’s not real, because everyone struggles, so it’s not perfect, nope
You have to live life for yourself
I am not against you picking up the lessons here and there
But life’s struggles and burdens are yours alone to bear
If properly managed you can survive it and not feel the tear


Don’t be deceived when you see people looking perfect under the wears
You don’t know the long hours over the night they have shed tears
Never try to compare your life with others
Every man with his worries and burdens to bear
If not why did they say the rich also cry
Then why do you think you won’t get rich?
Their preparation meets opportunity
Step up and be ready, all you need to do is to try
In the land of extra miles there is no traffic


Quit the blame game
It is becoming lame
When your trouble came
You wallow in pity rather than tame
Trouble also comes with fame
If you want I can give you a name
Oh, you want names? It’s all the same
You want out? That’s so lame
Why? Generations after will surely have you to blame

Stop viewing your life through other people’s lens. It is not easy when they have everything that you seek, but you need to know they didn’t get there without some efforts. They had so many struggles which they also overcame. You wouldn’t know because you only saw their success and not their efforts.

​With a little more push from you too, you will break even but you need to view failure differently and stop beating yourself up too much. It is okay to struggle, but it is not okay to resign to fate and not fight.

You can live with losing the good fight, but you can not live with not fighting it.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


There is only one thing we truly own while we are here on Earth. One thing that can never be taken from us and that we carry with us every single place we go every day of our lives. This thing is our perception. Our perception is completely unique to us. No one ever, anywhere, will ever have the exact same perception of reality as we do because there is no two people whose lives have been exactly the same

Your opinion is your opinion, your perception is your perception–do not confuse them with ‘facts’ or ‘truth.’ Wars have been fought and millions have been killed because of the inability of men to understand the idea that everybody has a different viewpoint.” -John Moore

When we begin to challenge and question our perceptions we will find that our life changes dramatically. We become more accepting of others and the happenings of our lives to the point that we no longer find ourselves resisting unplanned events, or people who we may view as different than ourselves.

Brilliant as usual. Yes, our views or perception matters a whole lot. That is what makes us unique. When we surrender our view, our life changes dramatically as you have said. This is why we need to view life through our lens. We can learn off others, but our ideals should stand firm.

Thanks a lot brother.

This is really good. This is really good and i repeated that comment twice intentionally.

When we viee our lives through other people's lens, we are building a life of frustration as it leads to unnecessary comparison and anguish. We can learn from others but we should run our race separately. We should use their success, if any, to motivate ourselves. Good one @communitycoin and @olawalium

Hahahaha that "twice" part got me laughing. Yes, a life of frustration is building up when we view our life through other people's view/lens.

Thanks a lot for that. Really appreciate you sir.

I really liked your poem and your writing style! We tend to compare ourselves with other people a lot, and that can leads us to have envy, which is a negative emotions that fill us with bad energy! If we want something, let's fight for it! Don't care about the people around you!

Sweeeet comment. You broke it down in simple form. Love it. Thanks a lot for that, i really appreciate your comment and kind words.

Disappointed, where the opposite fact with hope is running around the brain and memory. Make a deep cut until you finally blame yourself why you should expect it. If we look at it from another point of view, from the disappointment arises hope to continue to struggle and create new hope.

Expect to make you more alive, which makes you struggle beyond your own limits. Imagine expectations as long as you live, which will make you better.

Hopefully ..., the word that I want to keep fighting. Hope for a better tomorrow. Look forward to the life that keeps you in the world. As you expect from Him you will feel this life better, and you will be grateful for it.

Hello @communitycoin and my dear friend Ola @ilawalium.

Wow! This poem is so amazing. I can feel the depth of your soul and a lot of passion within. You are more than just you are. I can see you are full of positivity which drives you to reach the top.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful poetry, very inspiring to your readers, like me.
Continue your advocacy of helping others too, my dear friend. Hope to see you soon my Ola @olawalium.

Chilleeeeeeee!. My Chille-d friend. So good to see you here. You have no idea how excited i am to hear from you. Thanks for your kind words always. I miss you so much.

Hello my der OOOOOOOOLLLLLAAAAA!... Oh my my! I miss you too very very much. I am always here my dear for you, I know you too. I am happy always to see you. Please take care my dear Ola! Woohojoooo!. :) Thank you my dear.

See me smiling from molar to molar. I always get excited hearing from you. I hope you know we have a lot of catching up to do, yeah? Thanks my darling. Hugs.

Yes my dear friend Ollllaaaaaa! Me too, you always make me smile and happy. haha. I can't wait to catch up with you my dear OOOOLAAA!... Thank you my dear. Super hugs for you!!! :)


beautiful poem, I loved your way of writing.

This warms my heart. Thanks a lot @cruza24. What a cheerful smile you have there.

So rhyme and full of lessons.

Those that resigns never have a good story to tell but those that push more and never quit succeeds and those are the one that have sweet story to tell


Thanks a lot brother, always appreciate your kind words.

You are awesome, keep posting such contentsThanks @communitycoin for sharing such a heart-touching and meaningful poem. It describes perfectly the situations a successful man have gone through.

Really glad you love the poem. Means a lot.

Awesome bro'

Awesome comment. Haha

well done✌️
@communitycoin heart♥ touching #poem I wants to also mention @olawalium for great initiative

Thank you so much for your kind words. Really appreciate it and glad you like it.