I prepared another set of street art photography. Maybe you think that I have posted on the same topic too often but I know that most of my followers will never have a chance to visit this places.
That's why I want to show you as much as possible. The Dubai city is growing at an astonishing pace and it looks like money is not the problem there. Architects are carefully chosen and they know their job.
No coincidences at their work. Everything is perfect to the single small detail.
Is this just a random old working truck parked on the sand?
Or the old metal barrel on the street, where homeless people make a fire to warm their hands in the winter?
Like in the movie from the sixties.
Another workshop.
It looks simple, isn't it?
You need the wall made of wooden planks and some spray paint.
And don't forget to bring the right artist of course. And some money as well.
Scrap metal art or just scrap metal?
North beach?
No thanks.
Different cultures can't hide.
We turned left.
To the food wagon park, of course.
Some Franch food.
Or maybe Greek?
Italian Ice Cream. Cool.
Fairytale for good night.
Probably only for kids over 6 years.
We just passed this one.
Although the bar stools look fancy we couldn't find the beer taps. I mention the cultural difference early in this post.
Sorry. No alcohol on the La Mer.
Iconic Smile for us - just a letter T for the Arab speakers.
Hi! Hope all is well. I have a favor to ask if you would be able to upvote the below post. It is a charity event to raise some funds for school kids from the Philippines. I am personally giving it the most I can and was hoping for some other larger accounts to give a helping hand too. It would be fantastic if you could do the same and/or possibly get in touch with some of your contacts to share some love too. I will also make a separate post tomorrow to give it some more attention. I am upvoting this comment to bring it to the top of this thread for others to see as well and possibly get involved too. Thank you so much for your consideration. Have a great night. Tomas
Introducing Gift In Kind PH | Bringing hope to children through education
Stay cool ...
Interesting scenery, Am now craving to go to Dubai because of the beautiful aesthetic they got and I also heard that the people are very accommodating, great pictures from the master of photography @oldtimer much effort has be invested into this production thanks for sharing this post boss .
A really.intresting post and such amazing photographys...thanks for sharing it with us👍
Dubai is really an incredible place to be...thanks for sharing with us here, just like you said "not everyone of your followers would have the opportunity to visit places like that"
hopefully be a fun tripphotos taken by a professional person @oldtimer.
I would like to visit dubai the city of gold
Remarkable to find such in Dubai. You could have stated a dozen other cities throughout the world and I would have believe it. I gravitate towards wood thus the french bulldog on the planks would look great in my backyard! Thank you @oldtimer. Have a great weekend.
Remarkable to find such in Dubai. You could have stated a dozen other cities throughout the world and I would have believe it. I gravitate towards wood thus the french bulldog on the planks would look great in my backyard! Thank you @oldtimer. Have a great weekend.
They need to put my old hummer there 😂😅
Together, with my grandad's bike
Dubai...one of the fascinated place to be.....a must visit for all....
good post. I will come back to see more good information.
good job.
Upvotehai @oldtimer
Dubai es una nota.
Me encantaría poder ir algún día.
Parece que en Dubai todos pelean por tener lo mejor de lo mejor.
Todo lo que presentas es arte y de la buena.
Me encanto la Vespa triciclo y el camión Peugeot.
Saludos y Gracias por el artículo.Hola @oldtimer
Interesting pics! Glad to know a little piece of Dubai because of you!
Hi @oldtimer
excellent post...i like you ,i would have believe it.
This is the first time I have seen any of your photos, which I think are very cool. 🐓🐓
I always taught Dubai was a city a tall building and arab money, didn't know art and culture applied. Well @oldtimer you've educated a soul
You are in a fascinating place but through your lens it is like traveling and being there with you enjoying those wonderful places, I loved your photos, thanks for sharing them with all of us who belong to this platform. regards
nice shoot. When I see your photo, I become aware of the beauty of dubai. I hope one day can travel to dubai.
Yeah dubai is one true beautiful place to go to, and also some world's greatest street artists bond together to paint some art on street walls, they aim to educate and inspire people. This kind of thing is really much appreciated. I upvote this one :)
Very good post @oldtimer. I really liked the Volkswagen
Thanks for continuing the Dubai tour! Such an amazing place and your detailed account of the city makes me feel like I know the city!
Who knew Dubai would be such a great place for pop art and culture. I hope one day I might see it for myself. Thank you for this great share, Oldtimer:)
In my opinion you are not posting any repetitive work and we can find something different in your every post and you said right and your work is appreciable because you are introducing us with beautiful places which i personally never explored so it's an enjoyment and it's reflects as it's an journey through your post.
And in my opinion you said absolutely right about the architects and money, after watching this place i want to say that, it's not just amazing and artistic but inturn it's reflecting as created with mathematically calculated artistic place where we cannot point out the mistakes.
Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
A really.intresting post and such amazing photographys...thanks for sharing it with us👍
very nice photo dear
it is a beautiful Dubai
@oldtimer dear You are a very nice person and your work is very good thanks friend,please help me friend
Really wonderful pics from Dubai.
Very right, many people wont be able to go but atleast to add into bucketlist, we should have something amazing about that place in our mind. And these pics really excites for a trip.
Thank you so much for continuously sharing the cool pics
Such interesting and captivating images. I love that art can take on so many different forms and is completely in the eye of the beholder. You must have had a field day taking pictures during your trip. They certainly don't get old. How is the weather out there? It has been getting pretty how here in Ottawa but the rain won't stay away long enough to really enjoy it.
We had 28 here for the whole week. Dry and sunny. Perfect if I don't count in the mosquitos in.
Feels a bit like disney land. Everything is perfectly manicured.
You right. It's nice to visit once just to see what can be done with willpower and money.
Ovim postom poveli ste ceo svet u zanimljivu večernju šetnju, (bez sagorevanja :) kalorija) i pokazali detalje na koje mnogi ne bi obratili pažnju. Čini mi se, bar iz vaših prikaza, kao da žele da imaju, u minijaturi, karakteristične segmente iz celog sveta kod sebe. Neodoljiv je STAY COOL. Italijanski sladoled sa trenutnim efektom sreće, i grčka ponuda. Nikad nisam razmišljala da li je kafa, with mastic or without mastic. Mnogo novih saznanja.
Sjajne fotografije, lep tok priče, kao i uvek… Hvala vam @oldtimer na deljenju originalnog materijala.
Wow . Amazing . Thanks for share this .
Resteemed it : - )
Wow . Amazing . Thanks for share this .
Resteemed it : - )
Well buddy thanks to you for making it look great and allowing your followers to get a glimpse of Dubai .Yes probably many would not be able to be there while your images sure make us feel like we are there along with the journey of yours.
Thanks a lot !
Permit to resteem
Permit to resteem
Hehe ... ne, nisem se še naveličala Dubaja. Res zanimiva lokacija, tako da prosim še za kake slikice. Res ne vem, če ga bom imela kdaj priložnost videti. Ravno to mi je zelo všeč pri Steemitu, da lahko vidim različne lokacije, osebne opise in doživetja, to je nekaj popolnoma drugega od katalogov iz agencij. Hvala ti, da deliš lepe izkušnje z nami. Prvi dve fotografiji sta še posebej pritegnili mojo pozornost. Mogoče zato, ker se prva lepo poda k tvojemu imenu 😉 in fletno izgleda, druga pa definitivno zato, ker je lepa gesta za tiste brez strehe nad glavo ... izgleda malenkost, ko pa mraz pokaže svoje zobe jim gotovo prinese vsaj malo olajšanja.
You have a great eye for the industrial look I love the variety of the street art you found in Dubai.