Greetings, this time I have the pleasure of presenting you with a piece of the nature of my beautiful region Zulia State if of Venezuela, land of grace. My brother wants to show his experience in the Botanical Garden of Our state.
These photographs are part of the shot he had for his university being these unpublished samples, I hope you enjoy them as much as I liked them!
These photographs are samples of my beloved brother Yilmer Villalobos beautiful work thank you for your contribution
Hola... Qué fotos tan mollejúas jejeje... En serio, están muy buenas... no había oído hablar de un Jardín Botánico en Mcbo... Algún día, cuando pueda volver a ir pa allá, te prometo que me daré una vuelta por ahí...
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yomismosoy’s Blog
claro que si, nos seguimos :) tiene apenas como 3 años ese jardin