On Always Moving, and Perspective: Water Under the Bridge — Some Photos of Vancouver and Some Realizations

in #photography7 years ago (edited)


In the end, it's all water under the bridge.

What does it mean to you? We often hear the expression used when we aren't feeling our best, but in the end, isn't it a metaphor for life as it is? Positive or negative, our experiences wash over us and slip away, growing softer as they recede. I was flipping through some of my photography while listening to music and mulling over the last week and thought I'd share some stunning photos of a Vancouver landmark that most people will never have the luck to see from this angle.


Craning my neck to peer at the underside of the Lions Gate Bridge, floating quietly past the edge of Stanley Park, I realized that one of the busiest places in the city looks calm and serene from another angle.

If you're having a hard time right now... how can you find peace, gather your turmoil in your hands and turn it over and over until you can come to a better understanding? Water under the bridge, in my mind, is much the same. It's not easy, but let this (whatever this may be) wash over you, carry you a ways ahead — with a bit of luck, past a different perspective — and then continue off towards the horizon.

Vision blurring, the sky overhead an ominous mass. When things are pressing in on you... try to think of them as water under a bridge. Double exposures where the good and bad overlap in your life that are in shift and flux and will ultimately continue moving away from you. Let it carry you as far as you feel you need to go, and once you've seen something new, start moving for yourself again.



The things that hurt us, confuse us, overwhelm us — when directly overhead or underfoot... they are roiling, seething, full of uncertainty. Practice letting that water go, off under whatever bridge you need it to, and let it blur away on the horizon line. It still exists, out there somewhere, but it is softer, more serene, and a blended part of your whole ocean of experience.


And you are still afloat.

good luck today, friends.

All of these photos are my own, taken on my travels all over this pretty blue marble of ours.
I hope you like them.


Nothing like being on or in the water to make you feel at peace. You know Crimson as much as I love your awesome presence on PAL there is a selfish part of me that wished you spent more time blogging! Remind me to forward you the time machine link so you can get your radio shows prepped and do everything else you do for MSP and still have time to travel the world taking beautiful pictures and writing wondrous things about them.

thank you, truly. I am working on balance. I came here to share this sort of thing, but I happened to find I can do greater good elsewhere. But I know to continue being more helpful and more fulfilled, I have to do better at balancing my posting as well.

Your comment means very much to me.

Very nice shot of the lions gate bridge. I have been there before and it ist quite impressive.

Que sera, sera. That's some solid philosophy.

ebb and flow, ebb and flow

The verbiage and style you used in this post to describe a feeling was on the level of an author as opposed to someone who more identifies as a photographer.

I'm sure many of us would be happy to see you write more often. Solid work, for real.

maybe someday I will; I used to write quite frequently. I feel as though if I'm going to put something on the chain, it should be meaningful to me, so rarely do my pictures go up without quite a bit of prose. I hope that translates into value for others.

Beautiful. The element of water represents emotions so that's a great way to deal with them...water under the bridge.
Thank you <3
Also, that bridge photo is awesome.

much easier written than done, but we all float on~

Some of us float on like a leaf on the water, never knowing where we're going or where we've been...

"if only..." thoughts... This is a useful reminder, so thank you...@crimsonclad - well you certainly managed to skool me on this one XD... I've been wrestling with extreme discontent and lots of

So... now I'm going to go lighten the mood by re-visiting the SNEK post!

Dwelling on the past is a waste of time. If you hold on to what has to come to pass and forget it's a new day, you are losing on the present that is meant to prepare you for the future. Good you shed light on the topic.

A good point; dwelling on and looking back at are a fine distinction. I think there's as much to be said for reflecting from a distance as there is to simply letting it all run through your fingers and out of your life.

That first photo was tripping me out. I couldn't figure how u got the underside of the bridge with water above? It's the sky duh, really looks like water.. Very cool pic tho and post

it's a double exposure! (but thank you)

Oh very cool, see i dont know much 😊 I googled it tho and now I do. Very tricky @crimsonclad

Great pics of Home Sweet Home! and super cool dbl exposure shot -- i too was trippn for a moment...

if it made you do a double take, that's exactly all I could hope for :)

Yes, this is exactly what I needed today. <3

well, I'm glad if nothing else, that it appeared at the right time <3

Thanks for posting. I love the photos: allowing the past to gently float up and come to the light of the present moment.

another good way to look at it!

Double exposure.
Clear but concealed?
Fulfilling but frightening?
Over exposed or perfectly developed?

Double exposure.
Confident or confusing?
Convergence or cognitive dissonance?
Caressed but slapped.

Double Exposure
Moving targets captured in time.
Focused on the future.
To make sense of the moment.

Double exposure.
Two points of view.
Two sources of light.
One beautiful agreement.

Nice work, Crimson. Way to work with those magnets and atoms and combine them into a serene yet uncertain juxtaposition of infinite depth and interchangeable power.

it scares me that fellow steemians seem to have this depth of wisdom and patience. this could have been written for me. i am sure it applies to everyone. my water is a clusterfuck filled murky torrential mess and the bridge is out. and i wonder if maybe i was just meant to be this way, to serve the purpose of destruction and regeneration, the need to build new bridges.

well, I mean, it's easy to look up at the bottom of the bridge when you're in a boat.
I didn't always. There was a lot of flailing and sputtering and panic before I learned the best way to not drown is to not struggle...just to wait and float until you're ready to swim with purpose.

i don't know how to not struggle. i'm too afraid of the water.

And sometimes it feels like drowning...
Just one of those days...


so for now, let it carry you and conserve your strength. When you're ready to swim again, it will keep moving away from you.

I know now what brought this on - reading the Gen chat around 5 - an attack on GW, it seems. Unkbeknown to me - but it explains my uneasy feeling - sensing somthing was not right. Deeply saddened.

Loved your post after finding it from @mikepm74! I am including it in upvotable 35 almost with a tip!

thanks, Jerry! It was a very important post for me to write. I appreciate you and mike including me.. it means a lot.

@crimsonclad Steemit is gonna adjust a great deal of lifes, it's transformed mine and several Other folks but that is certainly just the start..

The bridge photo is absolutely gorgeous, thanks for sharing!

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