Since Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life, What Will You Do Differently Today? All Answers In The Comment Section Will Be Up-Voted.

in #philosophy7 years ago

The above is a very personal question which I will try to answer with a poem and my reflections.

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Today I resolve to change
I will take the time to be still
To be silent and just mediate
In order to know God more intimately

Today I will give more of myself
To whoever I may meet
For it is in giving
I receive the gifts that life offers me

Today I will try not to judge
Rather I will try to understand
To be more accepting of myself and others
Allowing myself and others to be who they are

Today I will be more mindful of the choices I make
For the consequences will affect me and others
I will be aware of all my actions
For I sow what I reap

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My Reflection

I think that I have put myself into a spot by asking a thought provoking question which I try to answer honestly. For me, the most important word in the question is "today". This is because many a times, I did not appreciate the power of and practice the awareness of the present moment.

Where I am today is the result of my past choices and actions. So to some extend, the position that I am in today is the reward or punishment received for what I have done and what I have failed to do. Nevertheless I will try to accept the present moment as it is. I take full responsibility for my situation and this means I will not blame myself or others for the situation that I am in.

The question is also purposely framed in such a way to remind myself and others what we do or fail to do today will impact our future. The present moment is as it is and we cannot change it. But that does not mean that we cannot change our future. Therefore, if there is any aspect of my present situation which I like to improve, I know that I have the power to change it . I sincerely hope that my sharing will inspire you to take bold actions today to build the future that you desire.

To stimulate more discussion on this subject, I will up-vote any answers to the above question which are written in the comments section. Please note that I will up-vote only answers but not comments like "nice post" or "thanks for sharing". At the same time, I urged you to resteem this post so that more people can be provoked into taking action today to improve their lives.

Do check out my previous posts

Newbie Nuggets: How To Prevent Your Post From Being Flagged
Poetrydice Challenge: Inner Conflicts
Trans-Mongolia Railway Adventure: A Holiday On My Way To A Holiday
Newbie Nuggets: Top 5 Tools And Resources That Can Help You Succeed At Steemit

Spreading positivity one post at a time.

If you like my writing please up-vote, share and comment.


This good advice. Live today like it is the most important day of your life. If life sucks it nobodies fault except their own. I'm like you, I take responsibility for my actions and inaction's. Once I had realized this this simple yet profound fact my life change in ways I thought wasn't possible. Can't blame anyone for my failures or success. Learn to be patient and persistent, and learn to take action. The past and present cannot be changed, but each of us have the power to change our future. It is a choice. I can either allow life to randomly create my future or I can take action and guide my future in the direction I want it to go.

Very well said. I think you have more or less summarized my post. With this attitude you will be successful here and in other areas of your life.

This is great advice! Im a big believer in working to make the world a better place, including for me. This means doing the things I need to do to get me where iIwant to be. Lots of sayings for this. "No pain no gain." "Gotta pay the cost to be the boss. " We are responsible for our own actions and how we respond to events around us. What we do today echoes for eternity.

I am also glad that I receive a lot of positive comments like yours. We should take full responsibilities of our lives, and we also we have a choice on how we choose to respond to the events around us.

Your post influence me much. Now I am in state of lay down my weapons, as my post fails to receive much upvotes. But reading your post I realise that patience and dedication is essential for success in life. We can change our future, this line effects me much. Thanks for sharing such a valuable lesson.

I am glad that I am able to inspire you. You already know what you want to achieve here. My advice is not to get too fixated on your earnings. Instead just focus on how you can help others. The more you help, the more you will see your earning increase.

Thank you so much D. I am happy you like my feelings. Good night.

Self reflection is a great grounding exercise. Living in the moment imo should not require too much effort if you are stepping into the next from a good place.

All of our yesterdays make up who we are at this moment in time. Follow your heart and you will be where you are supposed to be when you get do there. Hopefully more wiser.

There is no sin in thinking of the future...and it's ok to look back...just try not to stare as you may not see what opportunity lies in the now that, inevitably, takes you towards your goals and/or those un-imagined to this point.

I just had to upvote your comments because what you say really resonates with me. We need to pause and reflect so that we can choose our path wisely.
Am following you as well.

Stop beating myself up for things I cannot change.

That is a good thing to do today. Stop blaming our selves and others as well.

I'll remind myself that the time I'm given is less and less limited and I should be more and more conscious about what's really valuable in life. I tried, and I failed.

That is not an easy thing to do. Keep trying until it becomes a habit.

Absolutely @positivesteem! Thanks for the inspiring words!

I have some regrets today and need to accept the karmic debt I have created and try to learn from my mistakes for the future. Enjoyed reading your post 🙏🏽

To err is human. We just try to move forward and learn from our mistakes.

Sty positive !

Staying positive is also great. This is what a strive to do each other and also I try to spread my positivity.

Stay positive and do not stay blind for the real problems I would add...because sometimes positivism makes us blind for the guys pains around us..and we think it's all fine..

Oh yes, we need to be sensitive to others around us as well.

I try to leave a good memory to people I talk to or meet during each day. My granddaughters asked me at Walmart recently if I knew all the people who work there. I said, no, I read their name tags and tell them hello and say their name. "Hello, Sharon!" "Thank you, Ryan!" I always get a smile from them. If I make them happy then I am happy, too. It's a win-win.

Wow that is wonderful @dottie. If you interact that way at Steemit, your presence here will be greatly felt. I am going to try this today.

I am no longer going to let people upset me on steemit because their vegan and don't like BBQ meat posts !! LOL! Steem on my friend , great engagement post ! 👍👍👍

That is a good attitude to have. We often have differences in opinion so there is no point in getting upset.

Exactly !👍👍👍

click here!This post received a 4.6% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @positivesteem! For more information,

I loved this , very inspirational !

Thank you. This is indeed what my aim is. To inspire others.

The now is everything!

It is indeed as we all are all living in the present moment.

Today is truly the best day of all, which is why it is called a present! XD

Agreed 100%. It is a present to us to live our lives fully.

I'm very difficult to live "today". I constantly catch myself at the thought , what or live with the memories of the "past". Or think about how good will "tomorrow".

Just accept the present moment as it is because there is not much you can do about it. If there are aspects of the present moment that you are not happy about, realize the fact that you have the power within yourself to change it in the future. You can't change the present moment but you can change the future.

I'm agree with U!! I will change the future=))

Yes, you have the power and the will to change your future. And may your future be bright.

While I probably won't do anything much differently than the day before I am always mindful to keep a positive spirit as well as finding time to take care of me. Sometimes that means a nap, or walking with the dogs, or shutting down and reading an actual book instead of my computer screen.A very interesting question @positivesteem

btw - I've been missing your posts the last few days for the community engagement challenge! Are you posting them somewhere else besides here? There is a header with your name on it and NO links beneath. If you're still participating, please get those to me and check out the spreadsheet to track your progress. Thanks, love.

Yes I have posted but I have not seen it within my thread. I have posted my 7 articles and now I have 233 comments to go by Tuesday. I have reposted the links again for 4th to 7th article.

This is something I have been mediatating on greatly as well and actually wrote something similarly-minded this week. I appreciated the timely reminder from the universe to keep this thinking at the forefront of my brain! For me the answer is simple: to keep my mind on the present moment will keep my anxiety at bay. An easy recipe with difficult execution!

I am glad that we share similar thoughts. Focusing at the present moment will help us to be more productive and not worry too much.

And to just enjoy the moment that is right in front of us that we might miss if we are anxious about the future.

Well said, let not the regret of yesterday nor the fear of tomorrow rob us of the joys of today.

The present moment is all we have. How we handle it or what we do with it can dictate how positive or negative our future present moments will be, should we even get more present moments since we're not guaranteed tomorrow.

Very true, the present moment is all we have , yesterday is gone and tomorrow is yet to be here. Treasure it.

yep and live in it instead of trying to live in yesterday or tomorrow

Very true. We should live in the present moment.

Thanks for the links. I will check it out.

That's a tough question @positivesteem... it seems like it has been "the first day of the rest of my life" for a very long time. By which I mean, I have tried to live mindfully and consciously for many years. So I guess my answer is that I will keep doing what I am doing... and thanks to your reminder, I will do it with more resolve!

Glad to know you are living life in the present. And it is not an easy thing to do either.

:) Great post.

Thank you for your comment. Glad that you can drop by. The present moment is under appreciated.

The present is all that ever really is, everything just is.

Very true so let us start cherishing the present.