Peace Academy 1/13/18

in #peaceacademy7 years ago (edited)

Here's a description of what takes place during the show:The following is the recorded broadcast of the Peace Academy. A show hosted by me, @aggroed, and @isaria.

Aggroed talks a little bit about some of the hardship of his life. He talks about he made some poor decisions that hurt people due to some extreme external distress, and how he came to find the non-aggression principle, how to lead a life of peace, a little dip into the woo, and some life experiences of how the quantum nature of the world makes us all progress through levels. We see this in growth of people, growth of currencies, heights of young children. Life happens in spurts as if new quantum levels are reached.

▶️ DTube

You really have gift to share @aggroed! Thank you for always helping minnows like me, I greatly appreciate it! I enjoyed MSP show thank you for sharing your stories! :) ♥

I can totally relate to the part in the show when you said you are all for teaching your children that they are in control of their lives (to an extent)! I have taught my boys that they have rights also and have ran into some of the same issues, especially at bedtime lol, but as you said they are my children and I love them. I have told them many times they need to be more self-aware to be able to level up in this world we live in, glad to know i'm not the only one telling my kids this! This show resonated at a ten with me thanks for a great show @aggroed enjoy the rest of your week! Looking forward to the next msp-waves show!

I know a little about that myself. I grew up very very poor, always in bad neighborhoods, lots of gang violence, divorced parents, no child support because my father was badly disabled. Lots of abuse in the home. Moved around a lot to find more affordable housing and work for my mom. I went to 13 different schools before I dropped out in the 9th grade.

It's amazing just how much your circumstances influence every facet of your being. I was always a very sweet kid, had a strong sense of empathy, I'd cry anytime I saw someone else cry, I was always worried that the people around me were unhappy. But having grown up the way I did, I just sort of became a part of my environment. I started drinking when I was 12, smoking and doing drugs at 14, car hopping (stealing stereos, EQs, speakers, and whatever else we could get out of cars) by 15, started selling drugs and getting mixed up in gang problems.

Though I never joined any gangs, it's just that most everyone in my neighborhood was, so I just sort of fell in. I didn't wear colors and I got along well with everyone, so if I was hanging with some Kings or some Crips and people would ask if I was too, everyone would just say, nah, he's down though. So I managed to stay out of most of the really bad stuff. When some Crips or Kings I didn't know would come up to me to and ask what I was I'd just say "You know Eli over in X-neighborhood?" or "You know Albert over in Y-neighborhood", and that usually kept meout of the worst of it, so, that's pretty much how you survived where I grew up. Of course, sometimes you can't avoid it. When you're with your boys, you know how it goes. If you don't fight, or even worse, if you run. That's it. Your rep is gone forever and you're open game from then on.

That kind of life shapes you into what you have to be, even if it isn't who you are. Today I'm a grown man and I live my life the best I can just like evryone else. But I've had my nose broken eight times and it shows, my eyebrows split so many times that it shows too, I have tatoos on my hand, you can't cover any of that up in a job interview or when you meet someone new. no matter how far you get away from that life there are always traces of it that you can't hide.

I was bitter and angry about so many things that were out of my control with my life, my family, my school, the police, etc. That followed me into my early adult life, but then, as I got older and started seeing things differently, started really looking inwards, I started becoming more like my authentic self. I always cared about other people, even just random people on the street. I noticed if they were upset or hurting or happy and I cared. That was me, that was who I always was, even when I was angry and trying to make myself look hard so no one would mess with me. Underneath all of that, I cared. It was a freeing time as accepted myself for who I really was. I was lucky enough to get out of those neighborhoods and I made good friends and became more and more who I wanted to be, who I really was. I don't have hate in my heart for anyone. It bothers me when people half a world away don't have food or access to clean water or medicine. It makes me happy when I see a complete stranger enjoying their life. I'm different, different from being the person who I never really was.

But, like I said, the scars never go away. No matter what, I still catch myself being on guard, expecting the worst, always looking to see where the back door is, sizing people up. There are some things that just don't fade away because you've become the better person you were meant to be, and it shows. I see the looks on people's faces sometimes when they see me. Some people are just astute that way, they can see the remnants in your eyes and in the way you walk or how you look over your shoulder. And, of course they can see the evidence of the violence that I was involved in, even though I never went looking for trouble or started anything I still look just like the people who did.

Adopting a philosophy of consciously trying to be the best person you can be sets you free in so many ways, and I'm grateful that it's just part of my nature. But no matter how hard you try, how many good things you do, there are always remnants. That's one of the hardest things to accept. But it can also be a great motivator to be even better. When people see the surface of you and they get nervous, or scared, or guarded, or even straight up on the ready. You want to put them at ease, you care that their heart is racing, that they're worried for their family, that the harsh realities of the world, the possibility that something awful might be about to happen to them is on their mind, stealing their peace and feeling of well being and even ruining the rest of their day. You don't want that, you don't want to be that cause of other people's hardship. So you try harder. You work on yourself more. The more I reflect on who I've become the more it dawns on me that I don't think that I would be as concerned with the comfort and happiness of other people if I hadn't lived the life that I have. Just because I wouldn't have had to, it wouldn't have been necessary to be so aware of how I affect other people because I never would've developed those characteristics that cause other people to be uncomfortable.

Sorry for the wall of text. I just thought that this perspective might be informative to some people in a way that they wouldn't otherwise be likely to hear from someone. So, if you're reading this, just keep in mind that people really do care. That even people with a harshness on the surface probably do care. That's something I've come to understand over the years, most people really do care.

You should take this comment and make it a post for your blog.

You think? Is that appropriate, taking a comment and turning it into a blog?

I don't know if it's appropriate, but it's a great comment. You could take the idea and create a blog about out of it. Re-write it and add to it a bit.

Wow, thanks for the commpliment and the vote of encouragement. I think that I'll go ahead and do that.

Any tips on rewriting it? My writing style is a bit long-winded and a chore to read, I think.

Hey @aggroed, honestly speaking your video is too long alost an hour and 4 mins. I listened some chunks of your conversation, and will thoroughly view once I get free. You talked about your life decisions, some are poor and some are good. This is life and everyone do his best but he never know about the results in advance. So this is all good. With the passage of time experience change everything and scenario of life entirely changed. Thanks !

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!

Thanks @rewardpoolrape for your support!

I never see your face bro

I'm wondering a bit how to positively comment a post's content 5 minutes after the post, when the post, or the video related to the post is approximately 60min long....

We talk about ourselves in the royal third person now? Hilarious.

It's more like a description of what's in the show. I'll do the same format for the Minnow Mayor Town Hall when I post that one later. IDK, when I'm writing descriptions about videos for Dtube it feels less personal than just streaming muh consciousness in a blog post.

Okay, you do you. Or you do that guy named you, that you are talking about, or something like that.

I have always been against automatic vote, if you really build relationships with other users, it implies the reading of their materials and live comments on the subject.

But, I understand that it's hard to find free time for this (every day follow updates of friends and participate in discussions). And auto-vote in a sense is an opportunity to say Hello, to express respect for your relationship. Accordingly, if you withdrew from somebody list you have lost the interest of this person to you. So your actions in this case are absolutely correct.

You've got such a badass voice!

You should be a reporter or something like that.

By the way, you should think about putting your face in the picture.

I don't know if you've seen some streamers playing games... The crowd might feel closer to you and what you talk.

It's on the list. Working on a studio.

Great and amazing post sir!!

Thanks @aggroed sir for sharing this post.😊

Upvoted + Resteemed your post.

thanks for valuable article


I'm your new flower. @aggroed

hey dear plzz subscribe my channel

Don’t do this or you will be flagged

Thanks for sharing with us sir!

Video is too long and my batterty is about to die😥😥😥

Wow, I never knew you had a d tube radio show! I love the topic about diving deep into how to live in a world of abundance. I'll definitely catch more episodes! Do you script your show our go more of the cuff for an hour?

It's all off the cuff. We have some curriculum pieces that we discuss in posts prior to the show, but then we dive into the material in a free form approach.

Great work friend. Keep it up. I like it.

Don't allow of this occur, because life means up and down, you need to realize from your heart, some wrong occurrence will be happen really, so don't worry, but you need to creative recover from past wrong @aggroed

Life is the name of mystery, you never know what the plans of life are for you. When i was young there were many things i used to handle with Anger and Pressure but now i manage all those things with Calmness and Peace. It means Human behavior is being learnt by the Environment. Its always a NATURE vs NURTURE scene.

To me approach towards life must be trough means of PEACE.

Stay Blessed, Steem On!

human is the animal social. for the most part, we strive to engage in activities promote social benefits. activities in violation of the principle of non-aggression tend disturbing the peace with violence invites retaliation. for example, if I kill or harm family members anda.anda will tend to respond to the revenge on me. kind of hostile can take control and disturbing cooperation peace in the community. the best way to keep the peace of society, is to comply with the principle of non-agresi.dengan apply the principle of non-aggression for all aspects of life, a philosophy fair and non-coherent intervensionisme be clear: if there is no injured in addition to the people voluntarily involved in the Act, let alone. this is a simple.

introduce my name @saifulabubakar, i am from indonesia province aceh. I am a newcomer in the world of steemit. I like very much like you guys, have lots of friends, have lots of knowledge and have lots of money ,,,,,,,

a very interesting writing
I hope you can fallow me

thank you very much and good luck always

Thanks for the video link. Life itself is something that might not come the way you want it and sharing yours with us is a bold step because its meant to be disclosed to those that worth it but you felt steemians need to watch and listen to a part of yours..thanks for sharing