It has been over 3 months since, and together with @juanmolina and a few other amazing steemit users (@fucho80, @lanzjoseg, @jadams2k18) have come up with our own unique initiative. A new idea has been born and a non-commercial project called "project #HOPE" had it's birthday. And today I would like to share some of the details about our initiative, hoping to receive some extra attention and support.
The main idea of this project was to help small group of valuable content creators and curators from Venezuela to find ways of supporting themselfs financially. Please allow me to quote a part of my own post from that time:
"Instead of supporting you with $$$ I would like to try to help you secure some online job position (I have some contacts I could try to use) as a social media marketer or an author within the crypto industry. I would slowly pass some of my knowledge onto you and help you grow your follower base. You in return would continue supporting my own efforts of building a community on steemit.
I would support you financially with 25 STEEM (around 10$) weekly. Mostly to ensure that you can invest more time to progress with your own work on Steemit and you wouldn't have to work much as a cab driver / any other dangerous jobs.
This could potentially give you all more hope that your future will be brighter.
I will not require reporting and I will not act like I'm your boss. We need to make it clear - I want to support your growth but each one of you must be your own "driving force".
Full article:
Within the first few weeks, we've managed to organize a small team and set up some initial objectives. We all seem to agree on the fact that the biggest problem we're facing on Steemit is the constant "shrinking" of our community. Quality authors are giving up on creating and publishing their content simply because they struggle with building their audience.
Which isn't that suprrissing. After all would anyone who continues posting quality content, knowing that your financial rewards will not be worth it and on top of that your posts are "invisible"? Noone reads, noone comments, it can be very discouraging.
I've witnessed so many great authors giving up and it was clear to me, that it is simply not possible to reward all of them financially. Those who came on Steemit because of money would most likely abandon this platform sooner or later. Dissapointed greately. And there is really nothing we can do to stop them.
However I also realized, that many people would actually stay if they would manage to build some sort of audience, get some visibility and exposure to their posts. Many of us care about engaging with others. Having some readers, who drop valuable comments is good enough for most of us to stay and continue our work on Steemit platform.
Wouldn't you agree?
Within those few months our entire team, though small has been determined to look for those authors, who not only create valuable content but mostly those who are engaging back with their audience. And we've focused our efforts on "curating" theirs publications (meaning: reading and commenting on their recent posts).
By now many of you already know @juanmolina , @fucho80, @lanzjoseg, @jadams2k18 quite well and I think we have all learned to appreciate their work.
All those 4 Venezuelans have enourmous knowledge and life experiences (two of them were even university profesors) but living in Venezuela during the current economic crisis isn't giving them many opportunities to earn enough to survive and feed their families.
So 3 months ago, I decided to allocate over 1000usd from my own personal budget and and buy some STEEM, which I'm using to support all of them financially on a weekly basis. Their only job is to focus on building their own accounts on Steemit and engaging with others.
Obviously sooner or later those resources will finish (we're already half way) and we all need to figure out what to do once we reach that point. We still have another few months ahead of us and my goal is to "stretch" this period as much as possible.
And guess what? I came up with an "perfect" idea and today I NEED YOUR HELP :)
JOIN OUR EFFORTS + PALnet airdrop claim
Please do not worry. I won't ask for money :)
I would only ask about few minutes of your valuable time. And trust me - your support can make a huge difference for our small but dedicated team.
But before I continue, I would need to change the topic for a little while and tell you about PALnet platform and their current PAL coin airdrop. So please stay with me few more minutes. Ok?
Have you ever heard about ? It's a platform visually very similar to Steemit. Just like other front-ends, it's build on STEEM blockchain but it uses their own PAL token to reward autors and curators. Pretty cool, right?
Currently PALnet is in the process of promoting their platform and building it's audience by well organized airdrop. You may wonder: how does it matter? how is it related to project #hope and all those venezuelans? Right? Trust me. It really is :)
Please let me explain the best way I can.
I would like to encourage each one of you to claim your own PAL tokens and delegate/stake them to @crypto.piotr (instead of selling them). I'm planning to use my voting power to upvote valuable comments of all 4 of those Venezuelans and in a way providing them with some extra means of surviving in the future.
It's kind of a win-win scenario.
Our small team will bring more value into PALnet platform, since we will focus our efforts on building engagement and commenting on posts with "palnet" hashtag and encouraging those people to hold to their PAL coins (instead of trading it on the market).
At the same time @juanmolina , @fucho80, @lanzjoseg, @jadams2k18 will continue building quality engagement and will be manually rewarded with PAL coins and upvotes. That would allow them to become more financially independent and also ensure that our limited resources would last longer, allowing us to continue with project #hope.
ps. Claiming PAL tokens is very simple and you can find instruction below on top of comment section (airdrop will last till 7th July).
Currently it's all just an idea and I would gladly hear your feedback (I read, comment and upvote all valuable replies). I appreciate any help we can receive and on behalf of all those Venezuelans, I would like to thank you all for reading this post and for your support.
So please, drop a comment and let me know what do you all think.
I would also appreciate if you could consider RESTEEMing this post.
I'm also setting 30 STEEM-BOUNTY on this post to show my appreciation to all those who would support our cause with interesting comment.
How to claim and delegate your PAL tokens?
(PAL tokens airdrop last till 8th July)
Visualy it does look like another front-end built on STEEM blockchain.
Just like, and
However, PALnet is using it's own PAL coin launched on steem-engine, which brings new opportunities for the PALnet team.
Creating and implementing PAL tokens allows it's creators to be in charge of its reward system, investments and future developments. This project has been managed by a group of witnesses and I strongly believe, that it's an Steemit alternative that is worth checking out.
Their site seem to be completely trustworthy so far and team behing Palnet has been very supportive and responsive towards their community. Which is another great plus.
Please follow the steps below:
b) login in
claim your tokens
-> to do that you would need to open and go to "wallet". In the left-top hand corner you will have PALnet (blue colour) logo. Click on it and claim your PAL tokens.d) delegating:
go to your wallet and STAKE your tokens: a) login in (it's build on STEEM blockchain, so you will use same login details)
You will have to click "advanced" button and then type in the name of the user you would like to support with your delegation.
It's just that simple :)
IMPORTANT: All delegation/stakes will help us greately to progress with non-profit "project #hope":
Hi dear @crypto.piotr Thank you for being an important part of our story. When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed. Venezuelans are survivors of a political tsunami called socialism of the 21st century. Socially vulnerable people are disproportionately exposed to daily adversities.
Thank you very much to support building social resilience in our country.
I think that, resilience is a process, not a trait. It involves how we interact and negotiate with ourselves, others, and our world; how we navigate through the resources that help us thrive; and how we move on a positive trajectory of success and health in the midst of adversity, trauma, and everyday stress. The three major protective factors that help us mitigate adversity and nourish personal strength are caring relationships, high expectations, and opportunities to participate and contribute.
Resilient people identify themselves as survivors rather than victims. They acknowledge that life comes with challenges and setbacks, which they can overcome. One person's support can be crucial in developing another's resilience, and this wonderful Social Media Platform Steemit has been a valuable tool that has helped many Venezuelans to grow within their own potentialities and perhaps their creators do not know it.
I am convinced that our perseverance through tough times can make us stronger. Challenging life experiences can be opportunities for growth and change.
The situation in Venezuela is a disaster. Having the highest inflation in the world, after four consecutive years, is making the minimum monthly wage of the Venezuelans the lowest in the world: five dollars a month! There is no economy that can survive this situation. There is widespread discouragement in society and there is a desire to move to other countries. The government, supported by the military, has full control of power in the country: executive, judicial and legislative. President Maduro has absolute powers and may dictate the law without consulting the legislative assembly. On the other hand, the opposition is divided and weakened: many of its leaders are imprisoned. There is no alternative plan. The most painful thing is that, despite all the power, the government is not able to find solutions to the problems of the nation: inflation to the stars, lack of food and medicine, violence and impunity, corruption… Its only obsession is to remain in power.
When so many things fail, when people go hungry, when there are no medicines and hospitals do not have the means to take care of the sick, when there is no hope for change, when families break up because of emigration, the national government refuses to recognize the terrible situation we are experiencing. Inflation makes many products unattainable with our money.
For a country in our situation, I believe that you need to see your circumstance as a positive development and not a negative one. What I am trying to say is that we have to rejoice in the natural gifts that have been given to us, and that rate of failure and a willingness to try again seems teach a few practical lessons in being resilient, incorporates a shift from a problem-based deficit model to a strengths-based one.
What gives me hope is reading or hearing about all the people all over the world from so many cultures who are working in so many ways to help our country recover.
PROJECT #HOPE Beautiful gesture, it is a source of inspiration and motivation for many Venezuelans, an opportunity to moving hearts and minds to develop the human potentialities of many people. But also, from this space we want to tell the world our reality, which is not only to make money from the Social Media Platform Steemit, it is so that other people understand the cruelest adversities that we are living in Venezuela and we do not surrender, we keep fighting until take out of our lives this evil political experiment.
I believe that hope always triumphs and I believe that love is stronger than death.
Thank you for being you!
Have a great weekend
A big hug for you
Wwooowww @euriguiwi2018
What an amazing comment. You surely took some time to write it all down. I appreciate your effort a lot.
God bless Venezuela.
Greetings @ euriguiwi2018
Interesting analysis of the situation in Venezuela, we must definitely develop a sense of resilience, an attitude that allows us to see the opportunity in adversity Thanks to @ crypto.piotr and the Steemit community for the support it gives to VenezuelansGreat initiative Piotr, I followed your clear instructions for claiming and staking. You should now have an extra 305 PAL staked to you.
Dear @plantbased77
That's very kind of you. I think we never had a chance to get to know each other. Pleasure to meet you :)
Have a great upcoming weekend,
Yours, Piotr
It is a great initiative, and I'm always happy to support the efforts and visibility of those efforts of inventive authors and intelligent, creative people who regularly put the intelligence and creativity to good use. People, human beings, always carry great potential for creativity in some field and I would never say that somebody is nonintelligent or noncreative, I just wish that everybody finds the way and motivation to express and have fun with those characteristics that we all have. :) I almost forgot what I wanted to say ... I staked the PAL and did all steps until ''You will have to click "advanced" button'' I can't find this button.
Ok ... I see now the mistake ... I didn't go in the ''advanced '' while in the process ... what now? Shall i unstake and then stake again?
Hi @borjan
I just managed to learn what can be done. Please check out this link:
Both @hungryhustle and @achim03 explained how to delegate once you already staked your PAL tokens. I'm going to test it right away as well.
I'm very grateful for your time and support. Appreciate it a lot.
I want to delegate X sp to @user
I want to delegate 100 sp to @borjan
Hi @crypto.piotr! I`m here to help :) If you want to delegate, please make a comment (for example replay to this one) like this:Where X is the amount of SP and @user is the steem user you want to delegate to. For example:@tipU will answer with a delegation link. Hope this helps!:)
I appreciate very much your comment @tipu
For moment I thought that it's automatic reply, but then I realized that I'm dealing with real human. AWESOME :)
Have a great upcoming weekend,
Yours, Piotr
Appreciate @ackza
I think it worked from steem engine wallet ... :) I have done some transaction there and I think is the correct one
Lovely @borjan :)
I also wanted to make some suggestion.
My impression is, that the hardest part of attracting attention on STEEMIT is the fact, that our audience have very little chance to actually find our publications. Lack of solid notification system is an obvious issue. And regardless how hard I would try - there is very little chance I would find out about your new interesting publications (my feed is just flooded with to many posts).
Please allow me to share some suggestion with you. If you would ever publish content related to blockchain, crypto, artificial intelligence, psychology etc.
then perhaps you could simply send me memo with link to that post.
This way not only I would have a chance to read your publication, but I will also
upvote it right away with 20k SP voting power
. If I would consider it interesting then I may also share it with wider audience.Please let me know what do you think. This surely should sound like a interesting offer :))
Cheers, Piotr
Thanks :) This is a great and helpful offer and I'll accept it. In time ( not very long time, I think), when my knowledge of English increases through practice, I will surely publish more writing-oriented posts and some of the mentioned themes will surely be occasionally present. For now, I'm more into pictures sharing with just a few sentences.
Dear @borjan
I'm glad to hear such a kind words of appreciation :)
Cheers, Piotr
Hi @borjan
Thanks for your beautiful comment. Our effort is every day better to achieve growth in this project. we will continue to provide the best ..
Greetings from Venezuela
Inspired post.
Thank you for dropping by @wav-dr
Did you by any chance claim your PAL tokens? I would appreciate if you could consider delegating/staking them to my account. Aidrop will finish in 2 days.
Hope I can count on your support :)
@crypto.piotr thanks for messaging me about this again. I think I did it right, or at least I hope so.
Since neither steem-engine nor palnet support SteemConnect, how do we know that they are genuine sites? I'm sure you understand that I'm not willing to punch my STEEM keys into a site that may be a phishing site.
They use Steem Keychain instead:
Thanks krischik. I didn't realise that was a similar service.
Dear @bitbrain
Absolutely. I understand that you may feel uncomfortable and suspicious.
However (just like @krischik said):
Anyway no pressure. Thank you for dropping by and your willingness to help.
Inspiring post.
Anyway, I have tried to claim. It said that transaction on the way. So I waited it.
Thank you @rokhani. Hope you will receive those tokens soon.
Apparently since yesterday PAL airdrop isn't working well :/ Sucks big time.
I followed steps and it still say 0 pal, like i didnt get that claim tokens :(
Posted using Partiko Android
Looks like the Airdrop is broken. Which means we will go without as those organising Airdrop never extend the the time to account for their own mistakes.
Indeed. that's very unfortunate :(
I got so far but no way to claim tokens
Posted using Partiko Android
Hi @pixaroma
Thank you for trying. I will contact PALnet devs and let them know about this problem. However I personally don't think much can be done at this stage. Eh :(
Again, big thx for your time.
That sucks big time @pixaroma.
Thank you again for trying, your time and effort. I really appreciate it a lot.
That drop of air, I see it very little, for those who have very little power to vote, while the whale drops more PAL, small fish fall 0.01, 0.10 PAL very few
TADAM! :) Big thx @uio
Keep helping humanity, keep the flag high :)
I think it was better that PAL gave 5 tokens for each account with a reputation of 50, because what I received is approximately 0.300 PAL.
Dear @tcpaikano
With your amount of SP you should receive something around 50-100 PAL. I just checked your wallet and you didn't claim your PAL tokens yet.
Otherwise you would receive that 50-100 PAL with memo "PAL coin airdrop claim".
Perhaps you could try again. I will gladly help you go through that process.
@crypto.piotr How long does it take to get to, the airdrop after pressing the blue button?
In theory you should receive those tokens right away @tcpaikano
However I was told that this airdrop had some serious problems/bugs and not everyone who claimed tokens received them :/
Thank you for trying.
Well, can't get this to work it seems.. shite. :/
Dear @klye
Thank you for trying. Please don't give up :) Would you mind telling me where did you stop?
Did you manage to sign in on and then sign in to and go to "wallet" section.
You should see PALnet logo in left-top corner. looking just like that:
Yeah, Just talked to them on their discord and turns out the airdrop has been broken for 2 days or so.. Oh well.
How disappointing. That probably means we go without as it's unlikely they extend the AirDrop by the time lost.
It is indeed very disappointing @krischik
Thank you for trying.
ps. did you consider creating PALnet-bounty by any chance? :)
Hi @klye
Broken for 2 days? What does it mean? And would you mind sharing with me who did you talk to?
Thank you for trying.
One of the purple folks in chat.. Couldn't remember tjhe username. My bad. :/
I don't see any logo:
I was not able to see the blue icon. Can you help ke check whether i am airdropped or not because i can not find the blue icon
I'm not sure why you do not see that icon @adenijiadeshina :(
I don't see a PALnet logo:
There is something wrong with the instructions.Correction: The AirDrop itself has a bug. I'm loosing faith in the project. Starting with the AirDrop instructions being a comment on a comment instead of a proper posting.
Compare that with @digital.mine who repeats his announcement postings daily so those who missed the first posting have a 2nd change to see it. Missing posting (not to mention comments on comments) is quite likely. Time zones are a thing.
This tastes a bit of stealth airdrop for insiders only.
Dear @krischik
I'm also loosing my faith in that project. Communication with PALnet team also seem to be a real challenge. Only discodrd, plus it's hard to tell who to contact. I tried to message all their team and most of them didn't even reply :(
I've lost you hear. Would you mind explaining to me what did you mean?
Yours, Piotr
Last time I checked the Claiming requires entering active key and not just posting key.
Hence I'm reluctant to claim.
Of course @nomad-magus. I absolutely understand your point.
Thank you anyway for considering helping us.
It appears I am too late, as I got nothing when I claimed them.
@crypto.piotr apparently it is broken, so not sure what I can do next.
OH shit. I didn't know that PALnet airdrop got broken @bitfiend
How did you find our about it?
Thx for trying. I really appreciate it.
@klye mentioned above that he asked in discord. Upon trying to claim the tokens it didn't work, so it just confirms that it is indeed broken. Hopefully it can be fixed and I'll get my tokens.
Dear @crypto.piotr ... Please mention me when the link starts working. So that my friend can claim and delegate you. I have got my claim and delegated 293.2 Pal to you :)
Thanks @crypto.piotr! This is a great initiative to reward the efforts of the Venezuelan content creators.
As a survivor of this great tsunami called "XXI Century Socialism", I can affirm that any help, however small, is welcome, and decentralized platforms like Steemit or similar ones, are a great opportunity to generate income that can solve the daily hardships, unfortunately, the universe of users in Steemit has been decreasing with the passage of time, so any project that allows to continue generating rewards, is praiseworthy.
About two weeks ago, I claimed and changed the tokens I got from PAL, I did not have other options to complement my dwindling income, however, I'm sure there are others who can support the growth of this project. Successes!
I like the initiative
I followed the steps but I do not know if I did it well 😆
It is done -- best to you on this project!
It's just that simple :)
For you. Omg. I read these instructions (password? I need to hunt down my password again?) and my eyes glaze over and suddenly I must go walk the dogs again. Ok. Deep breath. I can figure this out. My apologies for having failed to see the message in my wallet before the expiration date of the airdrop tokens. In case anyone needs to find me, the one thing I check daily is Replies to my posts. I'm not even on Discord anymore. What a world, where we message each other's wallets - LOL! - someday I will drag all of myself out of the 20th Century and into the new millennium. (Dang, I'm slow. I know. I know.) Thank you for this intitiative and may all other Steemians be more "with it" than I am!
@crypto.piotr has set 30.000 STEEM bounty on this post!
Bounties let you earn rewards without the need for Steem Power. Go here to learn how bounties work.
Earn the bounty by commenting what you think the bounty creator wants to know from you.
Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.
Happy Rewards Hunting!
Congratulations to the following winner(s) of the bounty!
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Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.@neavvy has earned 0.253 STEEM. 0.253 STEEM from the creator of the bounty!
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Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.@kahlyfa has earned 0.253 STEEM. 0.253 STEEM from the creator of the bounty!
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Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.@nurseanne84 has earned 0.253 STEEM. 0.253 STEEM from the creator of the bounty!
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Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.@deemarshall has earned 0.253 STEEM. 0.253 STEEM from the creator of the bounty!
Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.@botefarm has earned 0.23 STEEM. 0.23 STEEM from the creator of the bounty!
Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.@argenisapaz has earned 0.23 STEEM. 0.23 STEEM from the creator of the bounty!
Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.@maxwellmarcusart has earned 0.23 STEEM. 0.23 STEEM from the creator of the bounty!
Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.@sgt-dan has earned 0.054 STEEM. 0.054 STEEM from the community!
Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.@edgarare1 has earned 0.053 STEEM. 0.053 STEEM from the community!
Find more bounties here and become a bounty has earned 0.051 STEEM. 0.051 STEEM from the community!
Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.@fitinfun has earned 0.05 STEEM. 0.05 STEEM from the community!
Thanks dear @crypto.piotr
From my point of view the platform / community has been consolidated in a very short time in a positive way the preference of many users of steemit.
Personally I have been part of your Discordapp PAL server (Peace, Abundance, Liberty) for about 1 year. This motivated by users like @isaria, @meno and initiatives like @msp-music that took me to know about this project before it came out on its own platform.
This initiative that our very dear friend @crypto.piotr raises, would be a way to give practical use to our PAL tokens since they will be used constantly and we will receive our return on investment instead of having them inactive in our account. At the same time you will be collaborating with this valuable action called Project HOPE that is helping families in need in Venezuela.
Again I think that this idea of Piotr will be well received by all his friends.
Dear friend @crypto.piotr, my regards, my respect for you.
Once again you demonstrate your capacity for leadership, your vision of the future and selfless desire to support those who need growth on this platform, your attitude is praiseworthy, worthy of admiration and imitation.
Precisely now that I am about to publish an article where I mention Project Hope as an alternative to get many creators to remain on the platform to you, this brilliant idea occurs to you.
Friend, definitely steemit needs a million piotr to give themselves the task of supporting content creators who are forced to abandon by any situation.
For my part, I reiterate my commitment to this platform, to cure quality content and to strive every day to achieve a more human, conscious and sensitive community in this ecosystem.
Congratulations leader, you are a great human being.
Share link with me once you publish it :)
Amazing to know that :)
What an inspiring project you've got going! This benefits so many people I'm glad to be able to help out in whatever little way I can, which is mainly just through upvotes. I also enjoy that it benefits those negatively affected in countries like Venezuela.
I would like to help out some of the newer recruits to this program, not that the current ones don't need the help, but if there are new folks coming on board with this, I would like to help them along and gain some more traction.
Dear @cmplxty
I much appreciate your kind comment. Right now I'm trying to find ways of supporting in a long run those 4 guys and it's not easy, so I don't think I will be getting more new folds on board anytime soon :) However I absolutely appreciate your suggestion.
Have a great upcoming weekend buddy,
Yours, Piotr
Sounds good my friend, I’ll support them when I can then! If the program expands, certainly let me know.
Do you know about the Steem basic income project? That’s another amazing method of helping to support others. I’ve helped some folks on here, mainly swayzilla right now, by sponsoring them with shares in the project. If you send 1 Steem to them you gain 1 share and they give the person you are sponsoring one share as well. They then upvote you and the people you sponsor when the value of the shares gets above the .025 dust threshold.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Hi @cmplxty
Thx for sharing that info about SBI. I tried it in the past but I found it a bit hard to understand :) I may try again :)
Dear @cmplxty
Thank you very much for your support and for your contribution, no matter how small it may be for the Venezuelans, it is a great help, here in Venezuela we multiply it in order to help other more destitute people who do not have access to the network and do not know this world of opportunities.
Greetings from Venezuela
Dear @crypto.piotr and #everyone
It is definitely a great project, I have the great honor of belonging, for many it is not a secret the great difficulties that many Venezuelans who cannot flee from Venezuela are going through. Many of us are walking inside looking for a way out, but it is very difficult to walk in the midst of so much misery.
However, recently I thanked @crypto.piotr, for all the knowledge he has given us for our growth within this platform and has even served our life in this country, it is not only the monetary part, I must recognize that it is very helpful for my family and even for others who depend on me to buy food.
But besides thanking them, I let him know that many times in the midst of that darkness seems to be like a light, but not a light at the end of the tunnel not quite the opposite a light that is illuminating my way and the way of my other friends who can attest to what I say about that support that selflessly gives us.
It is worth admiring, I know it also helps many more that we are not in the Hope project, I think it is very commendable on their part.
The following quote is from piotr I testify that all this is real, all our support is born from those words.
But all the best of this project is said in these wise words
but each one of you must be your own "driving force".
Words that impel us every day to continue in spite of all the difficulties and adversities that we pass in our country Venezuela.
At the same time @juanmolina , @fucho80, @lanzjoseg, @jadams2k18. I hope that universal law will continue to give many opportunities for success.
From Venezuela, a country where we are fighting for our freedom, I send you a big fraternal embrace...
Wwooowww @lanzjoseg
What an amazing comment. You surely took some time to write it all down. I appreciate your effort a lot.
We already achieved a lot as a strong community and I believe that future is only gonna be better.
God bless Venezuela.
Can you and your followers please stop wallet spamming everybody? I understand that it's working for you, but you need to think bigger picture. How would it be if every active Steemian spammed your wallet on a regular basis with their posts?
I can't speak for others, but I wouldn't mind 50,000 STEEM users spamming me 0.002 STEEM every day ;-)
I suppose there are worse things...
I got multiple spam messages about this post, from different users.
Great reply, I don't really consider it spam it's just info in a wallet, I'm no one here anyway.
When I first joined I got flagged, banned what ever you want to call it, I called "censorship" for liking content someone else in power did not approve of and got on a hit list from them until my post disappeared. I'm hear to read content and now I can only delegate to continue to grow.
I like this project and will spend some time today to look into it and help.
Dear @immortal1663
Thank you for your valuable comment. I also do not consider memos a spam, however I respect the fact that some people have different opinion and do not like receiving them. Especially if those people have some decent amount of SP ;)
That's just awful. Steemit is full of local warlords who are bulling others. :/
Have a great upcoming weekend,
It's me again @immortal1663
Did you by any chance claim your PALnet tokens? I would appreciate if you could consider delegating/staking them to my account. Aidrop will finish in 2 days.
Hope I can count on your support :)
I did not get the time to look into this my friend. I do have funds, is it possible to purchase PALnet Tokens and stake them with you for this project?
Hi @pibara
Does Steemit even have 50k active users? Any idea?
it did till recently.According to @arcange's stats, I think
lol, a stat I saw today said Steemit has over one million accounts. Problem is, with most of the big boys having multiple accounts (some I've seen have about 50), the stat becomes meaningless.
I did look at PALnet but when I saw so much of it centres around communicating via chat, I withdrew. I do not like that chat site and I do not have time for chatting, so that they can sell my chats to marketing companies.
Dear @arthur.grafo
You nailed it. I honesly wonder how small is really our steemit community.
You don't need to enter chat. Just:
b) login in
c) claim your tokens -> to do that you would need to open and go to "wallet". In the left-top hand corner you will have PALnet (blue colour) logo. Click on it and claim your PAL tokens.a) login in (it's build on STEEM blockchain, so you will use same login details)
I would appreciate if you could consider delegating/staking them to my account. It shouldn't take more than few minutes of your time. And really, entering chat is nod needed.
Aidrop will finish in 2 days. Hope I can count on your support :)
Yours, Piotr
This is how far I managed to get:
I don't know what to do now, as nothing seems to be happening/working on the page
I was hoping I would get some advice before closing the pages. I cannot wait any longer and I doubt I will be in time for an airdrop, since it ends soon.
Best of luck with your project.
Completely agree!!!
Dear @josephsavage
I'm sorry if our ways of communicating is upseting you. I will make sure not to bother you again in the future. I hope you understand, that sending memos is one of very few tools people on Steemit have to promote their content.
I've seen many authors who gaved up because of lack of engagement. So I sometimes wonder - what's worse for Steemit? Authors giving up or a bit more memo spam, that does actually work well for many.
I respect your opinion but I'm still having my own doubts.
It is only effective because so few people are willing to do it.
I've read your post as someone resteemed and I have found it in my feed. I would not read it if I realized quick enough it's from the person who has sent me a spam transaction.
As I have found the project worthy, thus I have delegated my steem to you. However, I hope you will find better ways to find attention than these wallet transactions.
Dear @hotbit
Thank you for your delegation. Very kind of you.
I just double checked and I didn't see any spam transactions from me in your wallet.
I wish to find better ways. Perhaps one day Steemit will introduce promised "communities".
I'm indeed using memos as a way of communicating with others on Steemit (unfortunately, it's currently the only efficient tool on this platform allowing to get some exposure and it's dominated by bots and hardly used by humans).
Reality is that I personally know several quality content creators, who would already give up on Steemit (some of them already did and I convinced them to come back) because of lack of engagement. We started using memos to notify our followers about new publications and it simply work.
So I came to the point where I had to ask myself a question: what is worse. People giving up one after another and quitting Steemit, or people still "surviving" and using memos to promote themself.
I already know my personal answer.
If you do not wish to ever receive any memos from me then I surely won't bother you with them in the future.
Another great idea and a wonderful initiative from Crypto.Piotr. I'll gladly delegate my PALcoins to this project ... if only we can find out how to stake them to you.
Cheers, and keep up the phenomenal work.
Thanks friend @majes.tytyty
Always so consistent with everyone on our team.
Our project hope is growing little by little, always from the hand of our friend @crypto.piotr and you are also part of that unconditional support.
Thanks forever.
Dear @majes.tytyty
Thank you :) I surely love to be appreciated and praised from time to time hehe :)
Please go to your wallet and STAKE your tokens:
You will have to click "advanced" button and then type in the name of the user you would like to support with your delegation.
It's just that simple :)
Piotr, I already did that. That's why my balance is down from the original 1,933 coins.
In other words, I STAKED you 10 coins. They left my wallet, but there's no other indication of the transfer / stake. The transaction does not show up in my wallet history as a transfer, nor does it show up in your wallet balance or in your wallet history as being received.
This is one of the reasons that I always do a test send, whenever I'm sending any major amounts of BTC or Steem.
Oh @majes.tytyty, that's what you meant.
I thought that you've transfered 10 PAL and it simply dissapeared.
Perhaps you could stake another 10 PAL to me and check out right away if I got your stake. Im 100% that I will receive it.
The problem is, that PALnet doesn't have any tools supporting it's platform (the way Steemit does: steemd, steemworld etc) so as far as I know the only way to manage staking is by (but even this is very poor and I cannot even see who delegated PAL to me).
Indeed. If it would be transfer then you would see some transaction in your wallet history. Staking doesn't leave any traces in wallet.
What a great project well done
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Dear @mrme1984
Thank you for your kind words. I also think that this is great initiative :)
Did you by any chance claim your PAL tokens? I would appreciate if you could consider delegating/staking them to my account. Aidrop will finish in 2 days.
Hope I can count on your support :)
One more time you surprise me my dear friend @crypto.piotr
Always finding out new ways to support others... That’s amazing my friend. Well done...
I did my small support and have delegated my PAL coins to you..
I hope that your incredible project comes to the next step and continue growing as well..
I wish you the best of luck to you and your team...!!!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Hi @edgarare1
Thanks friend. Your support is very helpful for our hope project.
A big greeting from Venezuela.
Thanks for your support @edgarare1 👍
Great idea. Hope it works out. All the best.
and thumbs up for resteeming my post :) Appreciate it.Thank you for your supportive words @cyemela
ps. I've noticed that you didn't claim your PAL tokens yet. Would you consider claiming them and delegating to me? :)
I would, only don't like going down these rabbit holes. Too bad no Steem.
This is an interesting way to support those you care about, @crypto.piotr. I don't know if you are aware we have another group of VZ peeps @freewritehouse.
The leader of the group is:
And participants who write for us when they can are:
@lacl @teresah @seifiro @dranuvar @isgledysduarte
Each of these people are sharing their lives with us under very difficult circumstances. I'm sure they all know others from the country that do not freewrite but are active on STEEM. Maybe they can join into your project in some way. There is strength in numbers.
I am fascinated to see you use palnet for this instead of steem, although I know both are tied together. I am in palnet, staked, and tagging all my posts for it, but still have not got may brain wrapped around the idea and am watching with interest to see what it becomes.
I hope you will do follow up posts to let us all know how your project goes. Maybe people from other countries will follow your lead if it is a winner.
I have already supported the @helpvenezuela and other Venezuelan by delegating SP to them. Unfortunately, I don't have much SP. So, it is very difficult for me to further help these people. However, I am still capable to delegate some more SP to the needy people. If you like, I can delegate at least 100 SP to the needy.
Dear @akdx
Thank you for your kind offer. Perhaps instead of delegating SP you could join mentioned PALnet airdrop, claim your tokens (with your current SP you should receive quite some solid number of PAL tokens) and then stake/delegate them to me?
That would take few minutes of your time and would help us greately.
How can I claim PAL tokens?
Hi @akdx
Unortunately Steemit is not working on my system. Can you provide busy link for the same?
Dear @crypto.piotr ! I have logged in on palnet and steemengine as well. I don't have much PAL tokens now but, I will delegate them to you when they would accumulate in future.
Hi @akdx
Once you're on Steem-engine you should be able to find PALnet blue logo:

Just click on it and follow instruction. You should receive at least 200-300 PAL tokens with your amount of Steem Power. And you will receive them with "PAL coin airdrop claim" as a memo.
I have just 0.81 PAL! I am not seeing any airdrop option.
Dear @akdx
It's me again :)
Did you by any chance claim your PAL tokens? I would appreciate if you could consider delegating/staking them to my account. Aidrop will finish in 2 days.
Hope I can count on your support :)
I have no PAL tokens. I'll delegate you if I got some.
Well my friend Piotr, you have done it again.
You have come up with a great idea and I wish you luck with this project.
I have claimed my coin and will make steps to delegate when I get some PC time. Cheers 😎
Posted using Partiko Android
And as always: I appreciate your kind words @andyjem :)
And thx for supporting me with this PAL delegation. 124 PAL will surely a bit to achieve our goal.
Good initiative @crypto.piotr! I am on Palnet too and I am enjoying the experience. 😊
Hello, my friend! Good to see you around. Our friend @crypto.piotr has given us a lot of help.
Thanks for commenting! 😄
Hi @oivas
Did you by any chance claim your PAL tokens? I would appreciate if you could consider delegating/staking them to my account. Aidrop will finish in 2 days.
Hope I can count on your support :)
Palcoin Airdrop on my blog post and left a proposal too, i have reverted to that comment so you can check it. Stay blessed.@crypto.piotr, True efforts face obstacles and temporary failures but they never get defeated. Hope that these initiatives will be successful and sometime back you've commented about the
Thanks for your great wishes. Stay blessed too 😄
Welcome and thank you so much.
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Dear @crypto.piotr, You and your friends @juanmolina, @fucho80, @lanzjoseg and @jadams2k18 help steemians much. Thank you for your valuable effort
Posted using Partiko Android
Dear @huseyinunozkan16
Did you by any chance claim your PAL tokens? I would appreciate if you could consider delegating/staking them to my account. Aidrop will finish in 2 days.
Hope I can count on your support :)
Supremely grateful for what you do for these four users, Venezuelans as well as me.
Therefore, I also join the cause.
For my part, I will make a contribution of 10 palcoin, I know that is not much.
But by joining forces, as you have shown for a long time, great things can be achieved.Hello friend @crypto.piotr
I do NOT know personally @juanmolina , @ fucho80 , @lanzjoseg nor @ jadams2k18
I maintain telephone contact with @lanzjoseg from time to time, he seems to me to be a very committed person. To all, who are still in Venezuela, struggling the day to day to solve, the best of luck.
May there be people like my friend @crypto.piotr, who has faith in you even though he doesn't know you.
Hi @josevas217
Friend my grandparents teach me something that I always practice and is to help from the simplest form to the most comleja but that always accompanied by a thank you a word that has power gives thanks for what you can do for another is more important than receiving them.
P.S. I have not forgotten what we talked about the points of esteem
Vale, pendiente con lo de esteem. Mientras, sigo acumulando puntos jejejejeUn gracias,más que suficiente amigo @lanzjoseg.
Thank you very much compatriota.
Hola @juanmolina. Un gusto poder ayudar.
Thanks to you dear friend!
Thank you dear @josevas217 for your kind comment and for your gesture :)
Absolutely appreciate it.
I didn't know that you're in touch with Lanzjoseg. Are you perhaps from similar town?
Hello @crypto.piotr
In phone contact, I should have stood out.
I lived in a village in Venezuela, at the east of the country, which is close to where @lanzjoseg lives.
But I'm currently living in Bogotá.
However, the technology diminishes the distance.
It is good to know that there are people who, in addition to their own benefit, also think about that of others. Luck and blessings in your project.
Dear @esthersanchez
Thank you for your kind comment. I think we never had a chance to get to know each other. Pleasure to meet you :)
Did you by any chance claim your PAL tokens? I would appreciate if you could consider delegating/staking them to my account. Aidrop will finish in 2 days.
Hope I can count on your support :)
Project Hope is a very lovely initiative and it's good to see it's still active. Approximately 5.6% of steemit audience is from Venezuela
It's sad that Nigeria peaked at 18% and now barely reaches 2%.
Nobody gives them any hope. Pun intended.
Hi @ulqu3
How do you know all those stats? Interesting.
Did you by any chance claim your PAL tokens? I would appreciate if you could consider delegating/staking them to my account. Aidrop will finish in 2 days.
Hope I can count on your support :)
how do i claim them?
Thanks @jadams2k18 and @juanmolina for bringing this project to my attention. It's a great initiative! I've already claimed and staked my small amount of PAL, but consider my future tokens delegated :)
Dear @mastersa
I much appreciate your kind comment. I'm very pleased that you think of our little initiative as a "great" one :)
That would be awesome.
Have a great upcoming weekend buddy,
Yours, Piotr
Thank you! I much appreciate your support 😄
i've delegated 50 pal hope it helps even just a little
Thank you very much, my dear @khussan! 😄
For me, it was a very generous act on your part. 👍
Appreciate @khussan :)
ps. I just realized that you're from Maledives. Wow. I've been there once and I loved it ((except of your capital city, which I found so bloody overcrowded).
Yes the city is really crowded i hate going there since its hard to move around the streets and stuff
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I normally ignore your requests for attention to a particular post that I receive with memos in my wallet (not a problem, keep sending the dust it adds up after awhile), yet this got my attention! Actually; it was @juanmolina that sent me the message in my wallet if I am not mistaken.
I like this. I like this a lot! I liked it so much, I upvoted (the amount of my upvote might be equivalent to the amount you send to my wallet but, that is because I curate quite a bit and am a poor minnow), resteemed to my blog, and made posts with a link to TwitterTM, FacebookTM, and RedditTM.
Please feel free to keep me updated.
Oh! what a great surprise!
I wish everyone had the attitude that you maintain.
That is the spirit we need in our community to continue growing as brothers.
I will follow you in your publications.
Thanks for your acceptance!
Thanks friend, @sgt-dan!
This is a wonderful initiative, and it is great that the newly formed token economy on Steem is adding value to content producers. The HoboDAO project has recently been making Palnet our main category as well, although all claimed PAL was already sold on the market.
We would like to help the cause in the ways we can, mainly, we try to support journalistic and informative blogging work with our token aimed at supporting journalism. Thanks to tokenization of the HoboDAO incentive structure we are now rewarding authors with real value on a monthly basis.
This month alone the HoboDAO with its Journalism Support fund provided 2.7 STEEM each to 24 different journalists and informative bloggers in the form of Hobo tokens. That's a total value of 64.80 STEEM distributed to authors in the form of Hobo tokens that are currently selling at 0.0009 STEEM per token on the Steem Engine market.
Again, for our new ambassador program we are able to provide a 5,000,000 Hobo token fund to 10 ambassadors from around the world to help educate people on the HoboDAO in their local language. This 5,000,000 fund at the current price range people are buying and selling Hobo tokens comes to approximately 4,500 STEEM rewards in the form of Hobo tokens.
We would love to welcome a member of the Venezuelan community to act as one of our 10 ambassadors for the HoboDAO. This can result in rewards of Hobo tokens in the value of between 45 STEEM to 90 STEEM per month.
This valuation is based on the current market value of 0.0009 STEEM per 1 Hobo token. Market valuations may fluctuate.
The HoboDAO's mining reward system we call Delegation Mining has also proved to be quite a bit more beneficial to the delegating members of the HoboDAO. Currently, delegators are being rewarded with 500 Hobo tokens for every 5 SP delegated, which means they are receiving 0.45 STEEM in value for just 5 SP delegations. While our largest delegator of 1000 SP from two separate accounts receives 100,000 Hobo tokens per month at an approximate market value of 90 STEEM.
This valuation in Hobo token rewards is at a rate of approximately 9% of the value that their SP is worth, which is much higher than people tend to receive by delegating to Bidbot operations or even by self-voting. All this is occurring while the Hobo team is neither selling or buying any of their tokens on the open market.
This is even before the HoboDAO has launched its operations as a fully decentralized curation community.
@crypto.piotr I say this to encourage a potential partnership between the Hope project and the HoboDAO, as well as to offer two ambassador roles within the DAO. We would love to have you as an ambassador, which provides a monthly reward of 50,000 Hobo tokens per month until the 5,000,000 fund is depleted. We are also happy to welcome a second ambassador that can act as an educator of the HoboDAO project to the Venezuela community.
Additionally, we can set up a special news channel within our Newsroom category in our Discord server for the Hope project. However, we have a stipulation on that, only journalism and informative blogging would be allowed in those areas. Our organization's focus is "newsworthy" information, not personal blog content.
I would love to chat more on this if you have an interest. Here is the new discord server:
I would like to know how we can do to be part of this project. I think ( @juanmolina, @fucho80, @lanzjoseg and @jadams2k18 ) we can somehow contribute, we just need to know in what way, and I know that once one of us takes up that challenge we will not disappoint him.
For all Venezuelan, all that help is very important. @crypto.piotr always with your help and support thanks to the we have to grow in this world of steemit and uan we still have a lot to grow but what we do we do it well, and I say it for all the Venezuelans that we are on the platform.
To all his team he sent a big fraternal embrace from Venezuela, a country that fights for his freedom.
we reviewed your blog and we would be very happy to invite you to become the HoboDAO ambassador to the Venezuelan community. Please join the discord server and we can discuss more details.
Discord server:
Thank you for all your support
Hey! The invitation of discord not working 😑
They can expire after 24 hours
Here you go:
Brilliant initiative, this is a win-win for both PALNet and community assistance into Venezuela.
Delegation has gone through @crypto.piotr thank you to @jadams2k18 for notification about this post helping citizens battling to make ends meet. Good luck with the HOPE project.
Thank you very much dear friend @joanstewart!
You are so sensitive about it.
Hi @crypto.piotr, I will willingly support this project and my dear guys from Venezuela :)
Palnet seems to be an interesting platform, but I don't understand its purpose to be honest. Why do you need another Pal token, Pal power, etc. when it is just a 1:1 copy of Steemit. I respect the work of the creators of this platform, but I am wondering if selling these tokens and delegating a regular SP to you is not a better option. I am afraid that when the hype connected with aidrop is down, tokens will become valueless.
Dear @neavvy
Thank you for your kind comment buddy.
Their purpose is to create platform on STEEM blockchain, similar to other front-ends (like etc) but with their own rewarding system. That gives people behind this project new set of options. They can actually progress forward without looking at Steemit Inc. STEEM is nothing but a "database" with all data related to users and content.
Basically some people do not agree with Steemit witnesses. That's how I see it. And they decided to create something where they can move project in slightly different direction. For instance: they were first to introduce 50/50 reward system and Steemit seem to copy that solution.
Did you by any chance claim your PAL tokens? I would appreciate if you could consider delegating/staking them to my account. Aidrop will finish in 2 days.
That's the thing. Most people STAKE their tokens (it's like powering up) so there wont be much selling pressure since those tokens are kind of "frozen".
Hope I can count on your support :)
This your project is so good and it reminds me of the loving boy @surpassinggoogle. Not all men are so large in earth like yours and I must commend you for this, many of this Venezuelan content creators are with us @freewritehouse and I must say they have been amazing.
I feel bad about myself now that I don't have any tangible pal to stake. 😔. Very bad.
Dear @botefarm
Thank you for your kind comment. Would you mind telling me more about @surpassinggoogle? You got me interested.
And please don't feel bad. I appreciate your comment and being so supportive. We all do.
It looks like a very enthusiastic initiative. I feel glad for those Steemians you're currently helping. I have been looking for some extra time to dedicate to my blog but I am kind of short right now. I am studying music in college and been wanting to leave that in my firt spot of priorities. So good they can count on you. Greetings, @crypto.piotr. Hope you reach your goals!
Dear @siomarasalmeron
Thank you for your kind comment. I think we never had a chance to get to know each other. Pleasure to meet you :)
Did you by any chance claim your PAL tokens? I would appreciate if you could consider delegating/staking them to my account. Aidrop will finish in 2 days.
Hope I can count on your support :)
I have no idea what PAL tokens are and how could I have got some. Of course I would delegate them to you if I just knew something about it. I will share with you that I don't do much researh about crypto currency because it would consume most of my time which I spend in many other important activities. However, I enjoy the community aspect of steemit and of course take advantage of the crypto economic fact also. Anyways... Nice to meet you too. Greetings, @crypto.piotr.
This post has been resteemed!
Good luck!
Dear @ronel
Thank you for resteeming this publication.
Did you by any chance claim your PAL tokens? I would appreciate if you could consider delegating/staking them to my account. Aidrop will finish in 2 days.
Hope I can count on your support :)
I don't know if I got it right.
I got 0.075 PAL
Hi @ronel
I will surprise you with very fast reply :)
With your amount of Steem power you will receive probably 100-150 PAL tokens once you join airdrop.
And you will see "PAL coin airdrop claim" in your wallet.
Did you manage to sign in to and click on that blue PALnet logo (left-top corner) in "wallet" section?
Yep, I signed in to and click on that blue PALnet logo (left-top corner) in "wallet" section.
Your transaction is on the way! Here is the ID of the transaction: 49d4337ac3991928c54cad3ca911de17db08d839
That's so strange @ronel
Never mind. I appreciate trying. You invested your time and effort to help me and I will surely remember that.
Cheers :)
OH wait. You did it @ronel? :) Lovely. Thanks buddy
Hi @crypto.piotr, this is a very kind project from you and I support the good work and your kind intention to help the community in need. I have staked 20 PAL to you, sorry not much at the moment. Will it help? I am not sure how much 20 PAL is worth in terms of upvotes. Am still trying to understand how PAL works :D. Thank you for your memo, persistence and dedication to a good cause. I wish you and the Venezuelan community well.
Thank you @marblely for your kind comment and that delegation :)
It's not much but sometimes kind words and gesture is what matters the most.
Thank you @crypto.piotr. I will delegate more as I continue to collect more PALs :)
@crypto.piotr this sounds like a wonderful project to be involved in, I'm wondering if you're just limiting it to just Venezuela or is this a global thing. I've resteemed your post to help spread the word pal.
Hi @slickhustler007
Perhaps in the future I could "expand" this project. However everyone need to start somewhere and right now I'm trying to secure support just for our small team.
Thank you for resteeming my publication.
Did you by any chance claim your PAL tokens? I would appreciate if you could consider delegating/staking them to my account. Aidrop will finish in 2 days.
Hope I can count on your support :)
Dear @crypto.piotr, I am interested in your cause, however I got stuck halfway. It is asking me to use steemconnect desktop app from the official site. I am not sure which one as I can't find one on the official site. I tried the second option and got a trans link but I don't see any transactions. Please enlighten me on the steemconnect desktop app.
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dear @yashny
Indeed I found it a bit confusing and I'm also not sure how to explain online how doest steemconnect desktop app works. It seem that they did introduce some changes lately to this app and it only became even more confusing :/
Thx for trying to support our project.
As always, whatever you need us for, we are right behind you @crypto.piotr, @juanmolina @fucho80 @lanzjoseg and @jadams2k18
With initiative Project #HOPE, i have personally seen many people from Venezuela finding a sort of HOPE to carry on with their struggle for survival even with the bearing clutches of rampant inflation on their heads. STEEM has provided them a sense of community and oneness, mostly because of the constant efforts of @crypto.piotr and the support from others.
Dear @reverseacid
I've noticed that you resteemed my post. Big thx buddy! :)
Very well said. Most people need to feel that they belong to some community. And Steemit does it quite well.
Did you by any chance claim your PAL tokens? I would appreciate if you could consider delegating/staking them to my account. Aidrop will finish in 2 days.
Hope I can count on your support :)
Dear @reverseacid
Certainly everyone in Venezuela is in a constant struggle to survive, nothing easy our situation, however the great support in knowledge that provides for our growth, @Piotr has been very supportive in our recent life.
Thanks for your support.
Greetings from Venezuela, a country that fights for its freedom.
Hi again @reverseacid!
I really appreciate the support you give us. And of course your excellent work you do on blockchain and cryptocurrencies. 😄🙌
@crypto.piotr how can I join the airdrop?
b) login in
c) claim your tokens -> to do that you would need to open and go to "wallet". In the left-top hand corner you will have PALnet (blue colour) logo. Click on it and claim your PAL tokens.a) login in (it's build on STEEM blockchain, so you will use same login details)
I would appreciate if you could consider delegating/staking them to my account. It shouldn't take more than few minutes of your time. And really, entering chat is nod needed.
Aidrop will finish in 2 days. Hope I can count on your support :)
Thanks for your generosity to those four people, and your love for quality contents I really wish I had seen this earlier, I will go to the palnet platform right away.
Thanks for your support
I very much appreciate your kind comment @kahlyfa :)
Have a great upcoming weekend buddy,
Yours, Piotr
Hi crypto.piotr
I have about 100 PAL coins to delegate, but I didn't understand the win-win scenario here. You upvote those 4 users and we win what?
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Hi @videoaddiction
Correct me if I'm wrong with my way of thinking.
Steemit and Palnet needs authors and content creators. There is no way all of them would be rewarded enough to keep them active. So the best way to ensure that those content creators wont give up is by supporting their content by reading it and with valuable comments. That's what majority of people really care.
So those 4 guys (together with me) will be focusing on building engagement with slowly growing "base" of users we consider valuable. This way we will keep more people active on this platform, and that's in a long run a good thing.
So it's a win-win scenario mostly for those who are part of "project hope" and for those who will be supported by them. And for platform itself. Especially PALnet. After if those airdrops tokens won't be staked, then surely they will be sold (creating extra selling pressure).
Does it make any sense? I hope it does and I would appreciate that delegation.
Yours, Piotr
Yea it does now. I have 100 PAL coins.
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Amazing to see that you guys are working hard to make a difference for the Venezuelan people.
Hey @crypto.piotr! @dses already is trailing its delegators you have introduced who I believe a few of them are from Venezuela. As I have staked and delegated to @dses account lately, I hope the air drop that I have collected will help build another alternative token that can be a source of exchange for them.
How's the market exchange build-up? Are more locals there adopting to steem in parallel to their dying fiat?
Hope there will be an opportunity to help them later build something as simple as a green energy source or generator that could help them curb their power outage that I kept hearing the past few months.
All the best.
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so nice this project, i am with you and i wish you luck.
Thank you @argenisapaz for dropping by and your kind comment.
Dear @crypto.piotr
I have heard a number of greate people talk about the PALnet and investing on it but I never know there was some token to claim.
I have always been wondering if I should give it a try but with your post, I believe it now beyond doubt.
Thank you for such a wonderful idea [Hope] and I believe it would go a long way in helping them to solve their problems.
Dear @maxwellmarcusart
Thank you for your kind words. Please let me know if you would have any problems with claiming those tokens and delegating them. I will gladly help :)
Am in the process. This is basically my first time of visiting the steem engine site. I cant locate the blue icon for the PALnet.
Hi @maxwellmarcusart
When you click on "wallet" you should see blue PALnet logo in left-top corner. I hope it's there :)
I have been clicking on the wallet but the blue PALnet logo doesn't appear.
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thank you for trying. appreciate
I am stuck on the way. I cant fine the palnet blue icon on the top left of the steem engine wallet.
Perhaps we should talk more on discord
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Interesting project :) I hope will help some people
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I hope so too @pixaroma :)
Did you by any chance claim your PAL tokens? I would appreciate if you could consider delegating/staking them to my account. Aidrop will finish in 2 days.
Hope I can count on your support :)
There is no problem in delegating those coins in #hope, but thanks to you I discover that they are going to give some coins. If I receive those coins, count on that
Thanks @tcpaikano for dropping by and your kind comment.
Did you by any chance managed to claim your PAL tokens? I would appreciate if you could consider delegating/staking them to my account. Aidrop will finish in 2 days.
Hope I can count on your support :)
Good initiative Piotr! it's great you continue supporting awesome people from my country💖
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Thank you @jenina619 for dropping by and your kind comment.
Did you by any chance claim your PAL tokens? I would appreciate if you could consider delegating/staking them to my account. Aidrop will finish in 2 days.
Hope I can count on your support :)
Sounds like an amazing project well done unfortunately I only received 0.057 pal from my claim.
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hi @steemingmark
I checked your wallet and I think you didn't claim your tokens yet.
You have 2 more days before this airdrop is over and with your current SP, I think you should receive at least 150-200 PAL tokens. I would appreciate if you could consider delegating/staking them to my account.
Hope I can count on your support :)
Your idea is great, but before continuing, you should know that helping 4 Venezuelans will not change the situation. I am Venezuelan and I fight every day to take the bread to my mouth, we would like to have an opportunity like that. We are too many, but if some people invested a reasonable amount of money and voted for 1 dollar a daily publication of my compatriots, this would make the millions of Venezuelans who are in Steemit, grow little by little. I speak based on my experience in steemit. When I started using the platform. Cervantes' group was very helpful. I was voted every day for a publication, no matter how much. That vote in a week would become food for my family and not only that. It allowed me to grow in the steemit community.
Dear @onswitch
Thank you for your kind comment. I think we never had a chance to get to know each other. Pleasure to meet you :)
It will change situation for all those 4 people. That's always something, especially considering the fact that I'm just a regular guy with regular job and average earning. If I can help 4 people make their life better, then I see it as a huge succes.
That is just simply not possible in a long run :(
Very good project to help all my Venezuelan brothers, I'm starting in Palnet so I do not have much to contribute. Thank you.
Once again I take this opportunity to thank our friend @crypto.piotr for his effort and, of course, to thank all the people who support Project HOPE and, of course, us.
It is an excellent alternative, using PAL and the platform, as it represents an extra input and a new cryptocurrency that comes to support the performance of Steemit. Delegating PAL also represents an excellent form of investment.
I remember your first publication well and it seemed GREAT !!!
I'm glad that the results have been good and that motivates you to continue.
I use Palnet and in fact I am voting from this platform but if you do not have palnet you do not appear in my feed.
I do not have a phone and my pc is old and unstable my internet but I will be supporting you in what I can.
Stay Cool!
Thank you @mariita52 for dropping by and your kind comment.
Stay cool :)
Did you by any chance claim your PAL tokens? I would appreciate if you could consider delegating/staking them to my account. Aidrop will finish in 2 days.
Hope I can count on your support :)
If you claim them.
Of course I would like to support with the delegation.
I have no experience in this regard.
explain meHello @crypto.piotr
Dear @mariita52
Thanks for your prompt reply.
Please have a look at my comment "HOW TO CLAIM TOKENS":
You can do that! :)
Hello my good friend @crypto.piotr received your message and I spent some time to read the project and solutions of hope presented, I feel very identified with your goals and dreams. Currently, my efforts in steemit, have led me not to create a more developed content, my time in hard work to get some bread for me and my wife, leads me to spend very little time in networks, I am a founder of a small foundation of charity and I have high hopes in the crypts to help the children of my city, and nation venezuela. I would like to know more about you, and to know if I can belong to your great team ... I am @lopzdaniel to serve you and help you in your project, willing to learn everything you need ... Eternal blessings.
Thank you @lopzdaniel for dropping by and your kind comment.
At the moment supporting those 4 people is all I can afford :(
God bless Venezuela
Did you by any chance claim your PAL tokens? I would appreciate if you could consider delegating/staking them to my account. Aidrop will finish in 2 days.
Hope I can count on your support :)
What you're doing sounds pretty dope.
I realized myself how inconsistent and depressing the steemit reward system is. You either buy huge upvotes or hope for some whale to randomly like your post. The worst part is, that you don't even see how many/few actually read your posts. I just realised that we should give more tiny upvotes when we cant afford a 100% vote, just to show the author that their post is not just collecting dust...
I will definately check this airdrop and delegate if it's working.
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Dear @exator
Appreciate your comment. Thx for dropping by and reading my publication.
Yeah, unfortunatelly.
Did you by any chance claim your PAL tokens? I would appreciate if you could consider delegating/staking them to my account. Aidrop will finish in 2 days.
Hope I can count on your support :)
Right now I don't have access to my keys, unfortunately. Any precise time for the deadline? I could get it done by sunday afternoon.
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Thx for prompt reply @exator
I was told that Airdrop last until 8th of July. So sunday afternoon should be just fine. However please do not feel pressured. I appreciate that you're even willing to help.