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RE: The Russian Poison Story is WMD 2.0

in #news7 years ago

The banksters aren't a monolith. There are various levels and intraspecific competitive undertakings amongst them, including regional powers. While coordination of war is highly profitable, there are always funds that do not win the war, and are opposed to it.

They are not often enough of nominal power amongst their ilk. China's power, and Russia's, are not in lockstep even with each other. When war comes, it will come through the Western banksters sacrificing their powerbases, and this will not come lightly.

Neither Russia nor China want war in their neighborhoods.

We don't want it here, and the Western banksters haven't defected to the East. Yet.

I hope.


Good points. I don't know anything about China's central bank. It must be state owned, unlike our federal reserve.
And Russia, I know has been stock piling gold.
During WWI and WWII there was USSR and they were constantly under attack by western central bankers...cuz...they originally were organized by poor people in those countries.
Today, Russia is often confused with the former USSR...and, admittedly, I haven't kept up much with their central bank. I suspect their billionaires party with our central bankers.
I've read several books on western central banks - and their funding both sides of the war, but WWIII will have different actors: USA/Israel/Saudis v. Russia/China etc.