The Russian Poison Story is WMD 2.0

in #news7 years ago

by James Corbett
March 17, 2018

So you know the poisoning of Sergei Skripal? The incident that is causing British Prime Minister Theresa May to start a war of words with the Russians that could potentially lead to World War III? Well, imagine explaining the story to your MSM-addicted, normie friend:

YOU: Hey, did you know the US government has a top secret bioweapon that they use to kill their political enemies? Well, no one has actually proven it exists much less collected any samples of it, but trust me, it exists and they use it.

FRIEND: What? Secret bioweapon? No evidence? Ugh! Shut up, burglary theorist! . . . errrr, I mean, Shut up, conspiracy theorist!

YOU: Oops, did I say the US government? I meant the Russian government.

FRIEND: Oh, the Russian government, you say? Well, then, this sounds perfectly believable.

Yes, believe it or not, that is essentially what we are being told by the powers-that-shouldn't-be. "The Russians are using a super secret poison that may or may not exist but we're too busy to provide any evidence for this. Just trust us. Oh, and let's threaten a world nuclear superpower based on this non-evidence, too!"

For those not in the know, the case revolves around Sergei Skripal, who the media disingenuously refer to as a "former Russian spy." In this case, "former Russian spy" is a euphemism for "ongoing MI6 double agent." Or, more accurately, "recently poisoned MI6 double agent." That's because Skripal and his daughter were admitted to hospital after passing out on a shopping center bench in Salisbury, England earlier this month. They remain in critical condition. (Or maybe they're already dead. Who knows?)

Naturally, in this era of Russiagate hysteria, it took precisely no time at all before the UK government began intimating it was the Russians, and, despite not providing a shred of evidence for that claim, the mockingbird media naturally followed along. "Of course the Russians did it!" we are told by the MSM repeaters. "Evidence, schmevidence. I mean, come on! Poisoning . . . Soviet Union . . . Russians. Do we have to draw you a map?"

Now Macron, Merkel and Trump are jumping on board with the narrative. "It's the Russians! Time to start WWIII!"

Thankfully, there are some sane voices (even in the MSM) pointing out the absurdity of the idea that Russia's top-secret-super-stealthy assassins poison their enemies in ridiculously obvious ways that will inevitably be traced back to the Kremlin.

Sure is fascinating how every time our CIA assassinates someone, they drop them out a window to make it look like suicide, but every time Putin does, he makes sure to use an exotic chemical or radioactive element easily traceable back to Russia.

March 16, 2018— Lee Camp [Redacted] (@LeeCamp)

Unsurprisingly, however, when Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn dared to suggest that it may be a good idea to wait for, you know, actual evidence pertaining to this crime before starting WWIII he was naturally accused of being a Russian spy himself. (Bonus laugh: The Grauniad accidentally opened comments on an article about Corbyn's remarks for 10 minutes, just enough time for the public to show overwhelming support for his position.)

But the real intrigue at this point surrounds the agent that was allegedly used on this so-called "former Russian spy." We are told that Skripal and his daughter were poisoned by a "Novichok" (Russian for "newcomer"), which may be "the most deadly nerve agent ever made" if bastion-of-truthiness Wikipedia is to be believed. This class of nerve agent was allegedly developed in the Soviet Union's chemical weapons program in the 1970s and 1980s, but details remain sketchy because knowledge of the chemicals source exclusively to two ex-Soviet scientists who claimed to be part of the program that developed them.

The latest theory about how this deadly agent ended up in Salisbury posits that Skripal's daughter unwittingly (or maybe wittingly?) brought the poison from Moscow in her luggage. The basis for that theory? Well, none has been presented, of course, just: "British investigators are working on the theory that the toxin was impregnated in an item of clothing or cosmetics or in a gift that was opened in Skripal’s house in Salisbury, the Telegraph said, citing the unidentified sources."

Oh, unidentified sources say that investigators are working on a theory, eh? Well, that's all the evidence_ I _need, and if you say otherwise, you're a dirty Russian!

But even more intriguing than the details of how these alleged Novichok agents allegedly ended up in Salisbury is a more fundamental question: Do they even exist at all? This is not a trivial question, and, until last week, most scientists would have said "probably not."

This is a point made by Craig Murray, the former UK Ambassador to Uzbekistan who blew the whistle on the UK's complicity in obtaining and using torture testimony. He now writes a fascinating blog, and, in recent days, has posted some bombshell articles about the Skripal case and the evidence-free assertion that Novichok agents were used on Sergei and his daughter.

In "The Novichok Story Is Indeed Another Iraqi WMD Scam," Murray notes the rather remarkable fact that both Porton Down (the UK's only chemical weapons facility) and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons [OPCW] have openly expressed doubt about the very existence of Novichok agents. As Murray points out, the head of the detection lab at Porton Down admitted in 2016 that "No independent confirmation of the structures or the properties of such compounds [Novichoks] has been published" and the OPCW's Scientific Advisory Board [SAB] concluded in 2013 that "it has insufficient information to comment on the existence or properties of 'Novichoks.'" And yet we are being asked to believe on the basis of precisely no publicly-presented evidence that the chemists at Porton Down have accurately determined that the substance in question is a Novichok agent.

And wait, it gets worse! We are also being asked to believe that those chemists were somehow able to determine the origin of that agent that they've never seen before, and have determined it came from Russia. This despite the fact that (as Murray notes), the original Novichok program supposedly took place at the Nukus chemical weapons site in Uzbekistan, far away from modern-day Russia. And in Murray's latest post, "Of A Type Developed By Liars," he reports that a source in the UK government has confirmed "that Porton Down scientists are not able to identify the nerve gas as being of Russian manufacture, and have been resentful of the pressure being placed on them to do so." In other words, Iraqi WMD 2.0.

But hey, would the government really lie about something so important? That will eventually be exposed as a transparent fraud? That could cause large-scale warfare and the loss of untold lives?...


Sigh. I wish that wasn't a rhetorical question.

Oh, and here's the kicker: the Salisbury shopping center where Skripal and his daughter were found is just a few miles down the road from...(drum roll please)...Porton Down. Yes, that Porton Down. What a coinky-dink.

And there's also this headline as a kind of kicker to the kicker: Porton Down laboratory to get £48m boost after Skripal attack. But there's probably nothing to see here, folks. Just scientists being pressured with carrots and sticks to produce shoddy intelligence for the government, right?

If only that were the end of it. But sadly, of course, this whole ridiculous conspiracy yarn is unfolding in the context of one of the longest and most concentrated periods of geopolitical tension in recent memory, namely the four years of simmering/boiling tension between Russia and NATO that kicked off (or boiled over) after the western-backed coup in Ukraine. We now have Russia unveiling a whole new generation of nuclear missiles and top level officials saying that the current situation may be worse than the Cuban missile crisis.

This is not a game.

Now the bright side here, if there is a bright side, is that this incident probably won't lead to WWIII. Directly. Yet. But it is one more step along the path to outright conflict. And however much some might take solace in the fact that this is all a stage show between two sides that are being controlled by the same deep state forces, we have to remember that all sides were funded and controlled by the same forces in WWI and WWII and the cold war and every other major conflict in living memory, but those conflicts happened, too.

If ever there was a time for the reminder of the public's role in refusing to grease the skids of the war machine, now is the time.

In the meantime, the OPCW has just received a sample of the alleged Novichok so the issue will be coming to a head soon. Stay tuned...


Great job James. I have been thinking the same thing, but I haven't dug that deep into this story yet. They really do want war at all costs. Thanks for the great research.

It seems they'll get their war one way or another unless we get to the masses first. We've got to shake 'em & wake 'em brother. Mabey this will be the war that nobody comes to.

And today are also presidential elections in Russia, so guess who is going to win again 😎

profimedia-0361798509-1200x660.jpg I wrote a short post on that thematic:

Victory in this war is impossible. Even if you kill all the inhabitants of Russia. There is the program "The Dead Hand". When computers do not receive from Russian signs of life, all ammunition of nuclear weapons flies to NATO countries. The world begins to develop from the Stone Age. You can kill Russians, you can not win.

Good thing the Mahabharata shows that humans are far too civilized to do such a thing.

I am comforted.

The "dead hand" is a super computer. It was created in the USSR. In the event of the destruction of the population of Russia, a nuclear strike will be struck. This blow will be caused by the computer. People do not give a command. If there are no Russians in Russia, a nuclear strike takes place. So the program is arranged.
The number of Russians should not be lower than a given threshold. As soon as there are few Russians, the computer does not understand the reasons for it to strike a nuclear strike. You can not cancel the strike. Even the president of Russia can not abolish this blow. So the system works.

That may have more relevance to the Mahabharata than I suspect.

Not a great indication of hope for our future, is it?

Maharatma is the sacred book of the Hindus. As I understand it is partial. There was Professor Zharnikova. She died. I was engaged in research. Judging by ethnography and embroidery. Maharatma is a small part. I came from Russia. Although it's wrong to say that. Rather, from the territory that is now Russia.
I can not speak a lot of books and explain the meaning. So in the name of the geographical places. Embroidery, language. Much more. You need to find the research of Professor Zharnikova. If they are in English read.

Unfortunately the Vandals behind the scene are psycho/sociopaths....they don't care who or how many die.

If in this case there will be a nuclear strike on their mansions and lands? I do not think so. If the population of Russian people decreases to a certain percentage, there will be an apocalypse. This is not a religion. This is technology. Defense of the USSR from attack. Not important it will be war. This will be the extinction of the nation. But if so all die.
I do not know the language to explain. Look for information. "The Dead Hand". This is the defense of the USSR from an attack in the event of a nuclear war. I can not explain it more precisely. I do not speak the language.

The tricks and frauds of the government. They try to fool us and a lot of people are really fooled by this.. They give us a headline that smells fishy from head to toe and then want us to accept that. And when somebody doesn't, he's labeled a traitor. The government and politics, it's all corruption and dirty games.
How are we supposed to believe this shit, honestly I feel sorry for the ones that still do

Corruption? For a long time I have not heard or met this word. Although I live in Russia. Maybe it's in the system itself?

Maybe it's because Russia has clawed it's way free of national debt. I reckon there is some reason to believe that national debt and corruption are inextricably entwined, so when Russia fulfilled it's obligation it was no longer required to suffer the corruption that came with it.

Corruption is capitalism. There is capitalism is corruption. No capitalism there is no corruption. Russia is trying to change the outdated economic system. Now two basic rights and the left. The people are more for the left system. Might be won by the right and Nazism for it are the millionaires. Who will win is unclear. But we will have or communism, which is good. Or Nazism, which is bad for other countries.

One thing I always try to keep in mind is that there are always more than two options.

I think the post market economy will prove all the 'isms' to be variations of 'barbarism'.

Communism is the most progressive economic and political model at the moment. He is close to his ideals and concepts to any world religion and the notion of good.
If we talk about the possibility of Nazism. This is certainly barbarism. Just what did you want? 25 years of humiliation of the empire. Many grew up and became generals and millionaires seeing the humiliation of their people. In many of our generals, politicians boil desire for revenge.
Because this option is unfortunately real. I myself am for the equality of all and by conviction the communist. But Nazism can win. To humiliate the nation. To humiliate a great nation. A nation that has a lot of resources and the best weapons in the world. This can have very sad consequences.

government is like this only we can't believe them, government doesn't take responsibility of anything they just nod head instead of taking steps, government, media are not trust worthy today....

This is why psychological profiling, privacy, machine learning, and artificial intelligence is so frightening when put in the wrong hands.

Exactly what I thought when Julian Assange immediately tweeted, right after it happened, that it was not Russia’s typical MO to poison kids or spouses of targets. I stopped & had to think long & hard before pushing Like & RT, because I was already thinking in the back of my mind what a perfect way to force President Trump’s hand on the world’s stage to go to war. BUT I stopped & contemplated it, because AI is collecting profiles of who I am!?

That sounds crazy, even when I’m only thinking it to myself & not stating it out loud or sharing it w/my spouse or my closest friends! However, I figured I had nothing to lose & hit both: Like & RT. We’re all labeled Russian Bots anyway, but it’s sad you have to stop & worry about your own government tracking you based on how you feel.

I feel like we’re moving backwards in time: race relations, some wanting segregation again, government control, shadowbanning based on what you post, censoring what we can watch, indoctrination of our Nation’s school’s done in one fell swoop~w/no opposition from the Dept of Ed who should be protecting our children from these very things, etc.. I could go on & on...😓

Central bankers are doing another stick up. "Your money or your lives."
They need a massive bailout, on the scale prior to WWI and WWII. I'm not sure what we can do to stop it. Probably smarter simply to prepare for the inevitable, as they've proven, over and over and over again that they'll slaughter millions, to steal from us.

I think you mistate their demand. It's 'Your money and your kids lives.'

I remember a question 'What if they hold a war, and nobody goes?'

I think that's what we should do. That's what we should do about Gargle censoring people's accounts. Quit using censors to host our content. That's what we should do about banksters. Quit giving thieves our money to hold.

I've always preferred the 'ignore it and it will go away' method of dealing with crap. The best defense is not investing in trouble. If you find out you have, divest, and reinvest elsewhere. There are better places to spend our money than banks, who spend it on wars, to kill us.

Like, anyplace else is better.

End banks.

Russia is part of a military alliance with China and India, is it likely to save bankers or defeat in the war to kill Western bankers?

Sorry? I don't understand your question?
What "war to kill Western bankers?"
Central bankers all work together, on this globe.
They wage wars that we all fight in.
US Empire continues to expand...eventually the world won't want us putting more US Military bases in their nations. US Military is in 70% of the globe...and counting.
How many nations have military bases in USA? None!
Soviets stopped Hitler, in his desire to conquer the world.
If NATO keeps pushing, Russia and China will have no choice but to defend themselves.

The banksters aren't a monolith. There are various levels and intraspecific competitive undertakings amongst them, including regional powers. While coordination of war is highly profitable, there are always funds that do not win the war, and are opposed to it.

They are not often enough of nominal power amongst their ilk. China's power, and Russia's, are not in lockstep even with each other. When war comes, it will come through the Western banksters sacrificing their powerbases, and this will not come lightly.

Neither Russia nor China want war in their neighborhoods.

We don't want it here, and the Western banksters haven't defected to the East. Yet.

I hope.

Good points. I don't know anything about China's central bank. It must be state owned, unlike our federal reserve.
And Russia, I know has been stock piling gold.
During WWI and WWII there was USSR and they were constantly under attack by western central bankers...cuz...they originally were organized by poor people in those countries.
Today, Russia is often confused with the former USSR...and, admittedly, I haven't kept up much with their central bank. I suspect their billionaires party with our central bankers.
I've read several books on western central banks - and their funding both sides of the war, but WWIII will have different actors: USA/Israel/Saudis v. Russia/China etc.

that is a fact the only thing that russia does is defend against the evil west they do not want war. but the us and Europe ! russia is the scapegoat ! of the world
and then to think that they have actually liberated the Netherlands with the English people !
and the poles but the! The Netherlands played together with the Germans
the Germans. the Dutch railways were under contract to carry people to Germany I have seen proof of that! when you consider that the father of Buch pay the Germans
Then we are all spoken out! after 45! The US transported the war criminals to the US that guests are still working at NSA and the CIA not to believe and then blamed Russia for giving bad joke! they can not be trusted
i know it is thanks to me ex nassi pa! grew up! something I would not have known

US Empire is trying to take over the world. Some call it the Third Reich.
USSR stopped Hitler. US Empire hopes that Russia, cut off from the rest of the former Soviet Union, will not be able to stop Trump/Bibi.
China and Russia are the only ones in the way of having US Military bases in 100% of the globe. They want complete control of earth - for rich white men - that speak English. I'm not sure why racist don't like Russian, white Christians, but I don't understand racism...sorry.

yes dear friend that is true! why the us Russia does not like it! Is simple!
also Russia and so Putin knows the truth! and slowly! the rest of the world also know the most about Hitlers criminals
hidden in the nsa and the cia where Hitler so to speak is stopped! there is the us! went along with that, there are proofs of it

The US is the only country as far as I know that radio actively dumps rubbish over its own
population and therefore martyrdoms! Hitler so proud! and much more
we know that Adolfs corpse is Never found, we know he got help! for the same, he just sits at the nsa or cia! impossible! no, they are criminalsthere are rumors from the past that the man is still alive! True or False! we will never know but impossible No

So we know what the US is keeping silent about the world! they just continue the third realm under the New name nwo! this is a danger to us all poetin knows it most stop

I am Russian. I understand what we will do. I can recall the 2008 war. It was an 8 day war. Of course they said that Georgia was at war. Everybody knows that there were US instructors and NATO mercenaries. They were enough for 8 days of war. NATO is unable to fight even with Russia. Fight with China and India (military alliance Russia, India, China) suicide.
We showed the rocket. This is the first real combat exoskeleton.

This is stronger than any tank. This is not in the world, only in Russia.

Some us know that 20 million Russians died to stop Hitler. Russians might be the only ones that can stop the ever expanding US Empire.

Died 5 million to stop Hitler. The loss of 20 million is a peaceful population of women and children who were killed by the Nazis.More answers can not be written, my answers are hidden and persecuted on the basis of race.

The british people aren't gullible enough to fall for this story, well some are, but most aren't. On a Jeremy Vine BBC radio 2 phone in most callers were very concerned about the lack of evidence and the hasty response by the UK government. It's a just more evidence that our global governments are run by crazy people.

While I can hope that the British people can hold it together, I recall watching my country go to shit after the 9/11 false flag, and the wars that are still growing out of it.

If Theresa May starts a shooting war, I reckon people everywhere in Great Britain will do what Americans did.

Nothing that put them in harms way.

Some folks made some noise, but not enough to stop it.

My hope is that this isn't enough provocation to put Brits in that position. Let's hope that the banksters can't muster one bad enough up.

In a comfortable western society it's hardly likely that people will stand up and be counted. They will always opt for the easy way out. It's only when their very lifestyle and existence is threatened that they will become active, and even then when it's too late. The rounding up of the Jews in Germany is a prime example of how the middle class act during catastrophic events. They first lived in hope that saner minds would prevail, then they lived in denial that atrocities could occur and finally they surrendered not realising the danger they faced. It's sad to say but I think the politicians have us cornered until a critical mass of people are awakened.

As a UK citizen it has been hard to challenge all the anti-Russian hysteria that has been built up over the years following the Feb 2014 coup. There is plenty of skepticism following the whole WMD debacle and the fact that the opposition leader has called for calm is very encouraging and I have emailed my MP to such an effect. I think the British people are sick of war, but they are deeply mistrustful of the Russians. We are also led by moronic politicians like Boris Johnson, who is the epitome of Etonic stupidity. On this mornings telly he claims "we actually have evidence", do you really Boris, actual evidence? Of course what we are aware of is that this takes place at a time when the economy is about to nose dive, and a serious financial crisis is threatening complete upheaval. "When all else fails they take you to war".

Source Steve Bell, the Guardian

Agreed, on all but Johnson being moronic. I believe he is highly intelligent, but utterly disingenuous and probably sociopathic.

At the worst possible political time (with the rapidly approaching World Cup), Russia must certainly have murdered (in the most blatant way possible) a former spy, using a nerve agent (that according to the OPCW Russia has already destroyed) because, well just because. They don't need a motive.

Ever get the feeling England is exacting revenge about not being awarded the World Cup ?

But surely there can't be anyone stupid enough to believe this latest round of WMD 2.0 bollocks. Well, apart from an army of English football hooligans (whose travel bans are expiring just in time), promising to "create a super-firm of thugs to sweep across Russia in a wave of organised chaos".

The weaponization of sport continues.

I remember a brit citizen that was murdered in a park a long time ago. he babbled some strange stuff about the war in iraq being a sham, fake evidence, fake WMD's but the brit secret service silenced him. no cries of outrage over that one,.

There were cries of outrage over Dr. David Kelly's death.

They just weren't loud enough.

This sounds like an episode from strike back. And I can't believe, naively that all these are happening. My corner of the world is peaceful. Yet all these usually have ramifications that could change everything in a heartbeat.

Very well put James, as usual. WMD's should stand for Weapons of Mass Distraction. Here in the US millions are living in terrible poverty and homelessness is rampant. But still the dogs of war flog our frazzled psyches with yet another attempt to sell us a war, a big one.

Those that profit from these crimes order ever larger, destroyer-sized luxury yachts and jet planes. Where is the will to stand up to these inhuman masters? When will it become acceptable and common to admit that the ultra-wealthy are our biggest problem and that we don't really need them and never did?

While millions of Americans aren't comfortable, it's almost impossible to comprehend terrible poverty here. Try making mudpies and eating them, like people in Haiti do. It's a god damn national dish!

Homelessness sucks, but if you starve in America, you did it on purpose.

Everything else you say is true and right on the money.

So to speak.

I hope we will be able to maintain peace, no matter what it happens. It is already very late here, and I guess this is the most important thing that I can say.

Thank you for the great article!

I've talked about this to friends & family. Once the economic situation is plundered to a point where inflation is going to take a toll & regular people are going to be put in a very bad economic situation that could result in a revolution against the state, the powers that shouldn't be would rather thrust the world into war than to have their tax cattle turn on them. Obviously, events like W.W. I & W.W. II are far to complex for such a simple explanation as this, however, I feel that the state trying to hide or find a scapegoat for inflation & a rapidly deteriorating economic situation has played a role in pushing the "governments" of the world into war. Many catalactitions today are saying that the bubble of the US dollar is having a hard time holding together. So, this may be motivating a move to war. The fog of war is used to cover many a crime from the powers that shouldn't be.

'War is a Racket' by Smedley V. Butler.

But, what is a 'catalactition'?

@corbettreport did a video called "Why are economist always wrong?" Wherein James gives a fantastic breakdown of the foundation that the soft science economics built upon. One reason economist are always wrong is because their whole school of thought is built on the wrong foundation. A catalactition, on the other hand, has a foundation better suited for the kind of information people look to get from an economist. In short, Paul Krugman is an economist & Jeffery Tucker is a catalactition. Mr. Corbett does a much better job laying this out sooooo.... here's the link.

It looks like the animal farm pigs are at it again...I can see them starting to walk...while the sheep drown every reasonable dissent with their chant... “Putin baaad, West is gooood”...

Putin is just a servant of the people. He fulfills his obligations as an employee. Is it not so in the West? At us in Russia the president the usual servant of the people. Employee.

Many companies have cameras in their offices to ensure their employees are doing their jobs, and to indemnify them against tort. Putin seems to understand the needs of his employers. I have long espoused the ubiquitous surveillance of public servants for those reasons. Do you think he would undertake to indemnify his employer, your people, so?

Well, that's a silly question! You are the employer. You can just install the cameras and make the footage available on a public blockchain.

For security purposes.

Yes. A citizen can do any kind of control over any employee. He is the president or the prime minister. It's a hired worker.

I recently went through this article
Russia has announced that it is expelling 23 British diplomats and threatened further measures in retaliation in a growing diplomatic dispute over a nerve agent attack on a former spy in Britain.The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement that it is also ordering the closure of the British Council in Russia and ending an agreement to reopen the British consulate in St. Petersburg

It is necessary to close. A well-known place for training spies. Everyone goes to work for propaganda and creates materials that fall under the law on racism.

OffGuardian0 OffGuardian tweeted @ 16 Mar 2018 - 01:25 UTC…LOL - @guardian opened comments on @jeremycorbyn’ s piece calling for sanity over Russia for about 10 mins, then sl…

LeeCamp Lee Camp [Redacted] tweeted @ 16 Mar 2018 - 20:03 UTC

Sure is fascinating how every time our CIA assassinates someone, they drop them out a window to make it look like s……

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Very well presented some truths that looked good and I wanted to tell you that the writings are a lot of time Very well presented some truths that looked good and I wanted to tell you that the writings are a lot of for Russia.

So much turbulence going on the world politics. The Britain has asked Russian diplomats to leave their country.

Do You Depend on Wikipedia for Information? Meet the Propagandists:

the story is so absurd on its face that it is amazing that anyone would believe it, if I wanted to frame the Russians I would use a chemical that could be traced back to Russia.

Russia has the best special services in the world since the times of the USSR. To eliminate, gas is not needed. Could criminals criminals in a drunken brawl. Could fall under the train. Could drop out of the window. You can lie about Russia any thing. You do not need to make idiots out of Russians. If the Russians want to liquidate.
I can recall the latest developments. A plane of Russian troops was shot down in Syria by Turkish air defense. Then, Kurdish terrorists blew up a bus with the Turkish Air Force pythons. There are no obvious connections. Who needs to understand the hint.

I though Russia had just sold S400 missiles to Turkey?

Yes. Russians like to sell old weapons to the Papuans from NATO.

I guess I am failing the translation test. Papua New Guinea, IIRC, is a different state than Turkey, and the S400 missile system is Russia's homegrown product, not some NATO surplus.

I would be pretty shocked that Turkish armed forces were shooting at Russian, if the reports of Russian arms sales to Turkey are true.

Russians like to sell very old and bad weapons of NATO. Sell S-400 to savage tribes of NATO, for example Turkey.

The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is reviewing information about the Novichok-type nerve agent that the UK stated was used in Salisbury, the OPCW reported on Friday.
Great work James, thanks.

The bold is crap, INFORMATION about, not an actual sample.

I’m not saying Russia Government is perfect by any means, but most of the charges against them are completely debunked

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Great article and great info, here is a quick article of mine that talks abut the vilification of Putin.

War is the most favorite commodity to raise bargaining possition.

The Deepstate are very angry after lost the opportunity to start WW3 through North Korea. Right now they are using all they have trying to drag Russia to war.
All that spy poison scheme perpetrated by the UK is ridiculous!!

It's funny. Do you understand the number of nuclear weapons in North Korea? But the US was afraid to start a war with North Korea. In Russia, there are more such weapons, missiles are better.

China has a great deal of nukes, and the US learned that China will defend N. Korea.

I'm not sure fear was the actual reason war didn't start. Wars are profit centers, and the investors couldn't get the project off the ground. It's not the Americans that want to wage war, but the banksters. Why do you think they pay for endless propaganda trying to get us to hate enough to go to war?

I hope Koreans end their schism and reunite their families, just as Germany was able to do.

Germany? Germany was deceived. The Russians withdrew their troops and bases from the GDR gave full independence. The US promised to withdraw its troops and bases from the FRG and give full independence. While Germany is in the US occupation.

The Russians should be made an enemy in propaganda and start an arms race. This will help bankers. Do selling weapons. A lot of money. You can fight in small countries. World terrorism is not a threat. Usam bin Laden is not terrible. It does not need NATO for him. We must come up with an enemy. This enemy is Russia. Then you can prohibit. It is possible to imprison dissenters. A lot can be done.
The Russian is at the threshold. This is the main goal. The goal is not Russia's actions The West is strengthening Russia. The goal is US citizens and the EU. To deprive of freedom, to lower salaries. Everything is possible when a terrible enemy at the doorstep. :-)

I agree.


One of the things that amazes me about these continued attacks on Russia is the fact that Russia just disclosed their new and improved nuclear arsenal that we have no way of stopping. You would think that that would make some of these countries think twice about picking a fight with them but not really. Seems like people have a death wish...

The Russians are very kind. There will not be a strike by nuclear weapons while it is possible to avoid war.

I like this should good luck..

Смешно. Из России все выглядит очень смешно. Для секретной ликвидации есть очень много способов.
Например бытовой способ.
В Британии есть преступники? В России есть деньги? Выйти на преступную группировку, не говорить, что ты агент Федерации. Заплатить денег и попросить убить нужного человека. Зарежут его переулке при грабе и все, Возможно преступник даже сядет в тюрьму. При условии, что его зарплата будет в 2 раза выше зарплаты премьер-министра Великобритании за каждый год пребывания в тюрьме он будет счастлив сидеть в тюрьме.
Группа ликвидаторов
Россия имеет ФСБ. Выслать группу ликвидаторов не проблема. Человек спускается в метро и падает под поезд. Человек едет в лифте падает лифт. Человек едет на автомобиле отказывают тормоза. Человек смотрит в окно с 20 этажа и падает в окно. Вариантов ликвидации очень много.
Россия очень благодарит Великобританию. После их агрессивных действий мы закрыли множество центров Ми-6. Выслали множество агентов и закрыли рассадник террористов и агентуры консульство в Санкт-Петербурге. Больше таких подарков хочется получать. Маленький бонус. Теперь любой разведчик знает. Пойдешь на сотрудничество с США или Британией тебя убьют и будут говорить это Россия. Британия себе выколола глаз.
It's funny. From Russia everything looks very funny. There are so many ways for secret liquidation.
For example a household way.
In Britain there are criminals? Is there money in Russia? Go to the criminal group, do not say that you are an agent of the Federation. Pay money and ask to kill the right person. Zarezhut its lane in the grave and everything, Maybe the perpetrator even goes to jail. Provided that his salary will be 2 times higher than the salary of the Prime Minister of Great Britain for every year of his stay in prison, he will be happy to be in prison.
Group of liquidators
Russia has the FSB. Send a group of liquidators is not a problem. A person descends into the metro and falls under a train. A man is riding in an elevator. A person is driving a car with a brake. A man looks out the window from the 20th floor and falls into the window. There are a lot of liquidation options.
Russia is very grateful to Great Britain. After their aggressive actions, we closed many Mi-6 centers. They sent a lot of agents and closed the hotbed of terrorists and consulate agents in St. Petersburg. More of these gifts you want to receive. A small bonus. Now any scout knows. Going to cooperate with the United States or Britain you will be killed and Russia will say it. Britain itself has put out an eye.

Let's hope that's the worst that comes of it.

9/11 didn't work out so well.

Still isn't.

For whom? The Russians have won a lot of bonuses from this. The problem is different. At us in Russia geopolitics pass at lessons at school from 14 years. You in the West consider this a conspiracy theory. Geopolitics for you is not a school subject, but a hobby of self-taught and eccentrics.
You see what they show you. Do not see further. Do you show Russia's enemy and you think this is against Russia? No! It's against you. So less freedom. So you can plant dissenters. They speak Russian agents. You can lower wages. There is a war with Russia. Information war. It is necessary to endure. 9/11 How many US citizens have lost their freedoms?
Geopolitics teaches one. Teaches children from 14 years. It does not matter what they show you. It is important that they hide from you. The main thing that will entail consequences. You are shown the possibility of war. War with a nuclear power is utter nonsense. But you are being shown a war. What is hidden from you? What do not they show you? that citizens can be imprisoned. You can make less money. After all, there is a threat of war.
The theory of a tattoo? Rave? Geopolitics in Russia is taught from the age of 14. Why do not you give this knowledge in school? How many US citizens lost their freedom and rights after 9/11? Bin Laden was killed. Freedoms and rights to US citizens returned? Did they return that they took 9/11? Is there talk of a refund? It does not matter what they show you. It is important that they hide from you. Look for the reason. Look for answers.

I would prefer it if geopolitics were a subject in schools in America. I taught it to my sons myself, because I was the school. I didn't subject them to imprisonment in indoctrination centers called public schools.

If the schools did teach it here though, it'd just be more lies.

Ain't much good in that.

Very interesting is the history of the Second World War. When the US were allies of the USSR. A lot of good films were filmed about the USSR. I can search for titles. You watch these films in English. Very still black and white. Although not important movies. The thoughts of people are important.

People in the United States in 1945 very well remembered the Great Depression. Remembered in the USSR there were no these problems. The USSR was the growth of the economy. The USSR exported engineers and specialists from the United States. Gave me a job.

The USSR is then an ally of the United States. Many dreamed of uniting into a permanent military, economic and political alliance. That the US will take the best from the USSR. The USSR will take the best from the USA. The bankers were frightened. Who started the Cold War? They created the USA NATO. In response to NATO, the ATS was established in several years. At first Churchill's speech. The Russians were allies until the end.

Even at the time of the destruction of the USSR. The Russians remembered that the Allies. They wanted to be friends with the United States. In response, they received a puppet with a hand in the ass of Yeltsin's alcoholic. We were robbed and destroyed. In the 90 years the United States could get a very loyal ally. All the doors, even in the KGB, were open to the United States. The Russians stretched out their hand and spit on it.

Now the United States is very disliked in Russia. You can not judge by some people. There are marginals, whom society despises. They are in favor of friendship with the United States. Friendship is now impossible.

There is a new concept. We are friends of common people. We are against the government and the political system of bankers. We are ready to be friends with any citizen of the USA. If he was not in the terrorist armed forces and did not kill civilians in other countries.
Thought about the beginning of the conversation.
Method of elimination in the UK. It occupies part of Ireland. Because it has problems with the Irish Liberation Army. Those sometimes commit terrorist attacks. If some special service of the world asked to blow up 1 or even 100 people she needed. Such an army will not refuse.
This army will be able to send weapons for services and transfer money to the bank account, where they will say for the fight.

This article is very interesting to read...
I just love it, and I'll wait for the next article...

fuck the pie holes !!!!

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Truth is always unbelievable!
Fake is fine for the majority.

It's sad that reason such as this is so scarce in our media, indeed our world. I find I am bemused by those that have so deeply drunk of the koolaid that they have no ability to comprehend the prevarications and false assumptions they base their perceptions of their lives on.

"Oh, unidentified sources say that investigators are working on a theory, eh? Well, that's all the evidence_ I _need, and if you say otherwise, you're a dirty Russian!"

There are people that actually can say this, and mean it. I met a Baptist preacher once that strongly supported the torture of suspects, even though I related that John Yee, counsel to 43, issued a legal opinion that it was ok for the President to crush the testicles of a child to interrogate his parents.

For Jesus.


This is not a game.

Are you sure? It feels like a game to me. May is using this situation to show that she is "strong and stable", and the British media are lapping it up. She gave the biggest ego maniac (okay, maybe the 2nd biggest) in the World a ridiculous, unreasonable headline with the whole World watching, knowing full well what would happen.

And Russia's response has been entirely predictable.

It's all about posturing, and, as ever, is empty and superficial, and is done in an attempt to score cheap points with the electorate. And right now, it's working.

Looks like a game to me.

"War is a racket"

I really want to move to Russia. Tbh it seems like the only sane place left...

The russian people enjoy a strong leadership and with the election putin could use a small conflict to help out his numbers at the poll. This perfectly timed event should show the entire world the countries are in the big game together and the populations of the countries are the bunt of the joke.

The leaderships of the countries not only knew that the "conspiracy' types would jump on the event but made sure it would happen by planting various stories within the alternative news community.

face the fact people - you are outmatched and totally at the mercy of your orwellian governments.

what a flipp`n joke.

A story in a dialogue that reveals contradictions in global politics

An excellent take on a farcical situation. I have just finished tearing my hair out writing an article here to address this issue too and it was all I could do not to become a poster child for Tourettes syndrome. How stupid does the establishment really think we are!? It is nice to find a like mind amongst the insanity!

I am so surprised to find an article like this here. For the reason, that a post like this would immediately get shadow banned or deleted from regular social media platforms. It does calm me a little that posting such a good article online is possible at least here on Steemit. Great work, and I will be following your work now!

Thanks for putting all this info together in one report, I have been keeping up with most of what you've said but I was unaware of some of the details. Dark dark times are here.

Here in Australia when they report about this, the daughter's photo is posted on the networks and the photo is of 2 different girls! No one notices this?

Remember when other "spies" have been poisoned in the past and how the media showed them dying in hospital beds. Where is the photo of these two in bed?

And now it is a few weeks later the daughter has made a miraculous recovery and the dad hasn't even died but all this carry on....

Just a couple of points I wanted to make.