Guaranteed Profit

in #news7 years ago (edited)


Problem-reaction-solution. If you're part of a global financial conspiracy, you have long known certain solutions are most profitable for your ilk. War is particularly profitable, as at every turn, warring parties need financing, products, and intelligence. Global financial conspiracies are unanimously considered to be positioned to profit from all these mechanisms.

So, war is the desired solution. Using the tried and proven system of creating a problem, that generates a predictable reaction, and then providing the preferred profitable solution of war, global cabals (there's definitely more than one) are doing this today.

Consider the rapefugee problem in EU. Germany has around 1M (million) refugees from the shattered ME. So does Sweden. Since the wars in the ME were produced via the exact same mechanism, the refugee issue was easily predictable, and by promoting multiculturalism to their chosen highly manipulable minions, the infestation of refugees was certain.

Knowing in advance that there were going to be outflows of refugees from nations they were going to shatter with war, cabals prepared populations of infiltrators to advance their next set of wars, and assure their next generation of profits.

By creating influxes of terrorists to disarmed nations of homogenous populations, like Sweden and Germany, nations whose laws and customs weren't prepared for such populations whose acts and experience were vastly different from what they had always known, strong reactions were guaranteed. By ensuring that actual terrorists were a lot of the refugees (which such cabals could do, as active participants in the MIC (Military Industrial Complex)), and training such cadres in Taharrush (the so-called 'rape game' that has so horribly impacted EU nations with large refugee populations), the strong anti-Muslim sentiment of those whose people were victimized by such terror was increased.

We see every day a new horror that police in those nations, England, Sweden, and Germany of note, are turning a blind eye to. As a result of police cooperation in these operations, the native peoples of those nations are enraged, as their daughters are gang-raped, pressed in to child sex trafficking, and tortured and murdered by gangs of terrorists empowered by police failure to enforce the laws.

It is difficult to imagine an operation more certain to produce hatred and demonization of a target population.

Why do this? War is practically ubiquitous in the ME already. It is not going to produce more war in Syria, Libya, or Iraq. Well, we're not bombing Tehran yet, and given the certainty of catastrophic loss of life when we start, folks are pretty reluctant to do it. However, having your daughter gang-raped, pressed into prostitution, and tortured by gangs of Muslims with police cooperation will overcome that reluctance, when you're told 'Iran did it!'

More importantly, EU hasn't had a good war for decades. The lands are fat and profitable, ripe for the takeover of the assets that have built up in the hands of the intended victims.

Not only Iran, but war, racial or ethnic war, as is proving so profitable in Ukraine today, will be spread throughout the EU, as the peoples tormented beyond tolerance eventually have nothing to lose in armed insurrection against governments that strip them of necessary powers, such as self-defense (any security at all, as police let the terrorists rage), free speech, and when the economy crashes, basically everything they own will evaporate, and they will be reduced to starving mobs.

This is pretty much a guarantee of revolt. Starving masses usually are.

I am certain agents provocateur are also active in the USA to establish the same dynamic here.

Trump's anti-immigrant policies may have reduced the degree of infiltration, but they certainly are too little too late to prevent it. The march on the US border ongoing presently is certain to be infested with terrorists, as those prepped and ready to be infiltrated under HRC's rule have been stymied, and this is likely to be an attempt to recoup that investment in training and arming such a cadre.

These policies are only surprising if one expects that government isn't corrupt, and that there isn't a coordinated corrupting influence intending to profitably take advantage of the effects of these policies. I don't believe there are any governments 'of the people, by the people, and for the people', unless 'the people' are banksters.

How much evidence do you need of corrupting influence coordinated from the exact same sources before you concur that there is a conspiracy to corrupt goverment? It is no secret that corruption via traditional and time-tested vectors has been ongoing for decades, here, and abroad. I mean, they try to keep it secret, but it is so blatant and obvious blind Naked Mole-Rats know about it, and hide underground.

It isn't idiocy on the part of government and politicians that produces rapefugees. It's idiocy on the part of naive minions and the people they intimidate into allowing it. That's equally as predictable as rage when your children are raped and the cops and social services not only do nothing to stop it, but actively participate, as has repeatedly been proven to be happening.

It's equally naive to believe that there isn't active intent to cause this to happen given the longstanding proof and certainty of the profitability of war and corruption, and the psychopathic greed and venal nature of the cabalists.

We're being plunged into a global revolution and war, for the profit of those that will pick the bones of the shattered nations of the world, as they have repeatedly in the past.

The only way to win a war is not to fight.

Maybe we can't keep EU safe in this battle. People, after all, have to protect themselves, and the EU has done a great job of disarming, making dependent on socialism, and then inciting to rebellion by allowing ethnic gangs to turn their daughters into rape factories.

That hasn't happened here yet, but the push is on, hard, to disarm us. We should not forget that the highly esteemed Admiral Yamamoto of WWII once said that he would never want to invade America, because there'd be a rifle behind every blade of grass. Deerfield Illinois, if the law they've just passed isn't overturned (and I don't expect it to be, because the courts are an aspect, perhaps the most venal, of the corrupticrats control mechanisms) will soon be ripe for invasion, once disarmed--in only 60 days.

I reckon this is a clue to the timeline. Ripe fruit needs to be picked when it's ready, and the EU is definitely poised for harvest. All that remains is for the economy to collapse and tens of millions of enraged victims of their governments will be in the streets armed with the best weapons they can get. Probably traditional pitchforks and torches, since they have no guns.

When they're being slaughtered in the streets by militarized police, and have no homes, food, or prospects, with their daughters turned into rape factories, they will get guns, because guns are expensive, and extremely profitable to sell during times of war. The cabalists will see to it that they are sold to the controlling factions that they have already prepared for the purpose.

Americans, don't give up your arms, no matter the inducement. It will be much harder to get them after the economy collapses, and you will need them soon.

My guess is within 90 days, based on the Deerfield timeline.

I hope I'm wrong. Please convince me that I am.


IMG source -


If all the rumors about the FEMA camps have any credibility, it might suggest that you are - sadly - correct. A trade war with China could also be a lovely trigger for the economy to collapse. It could be easily pinned at the evil Chinese or the stupid Trump. Also's predictions fit this theory, from 300 down to 50 million Americans. And when the culling of the flock is completed, they have 5G ready to perfectly control the rest.
It is going to be interesting...

Any trade war with China started decades ago, when they began selling us steel at below cost in order to bankrupt our steel industry. That's an act of machiavellian sophistication, following Sun Tzu's recommendations to prepare the battlefield in order to win the war.

I do not like the prediction!


It isn't idiocy on the part of government and politicians that produces rapefugees. It's idiocy on the part of naive minions and the people they intimidate into allowing it.

I'd actual say this works as a spiral much like welfare benefits. Politicians gain votes through promoting certain short sighted policies and then they promote them even further to get even more votes.

None of the socialists wanted to destroy their countries. Leaders tried to gain power and people tried to gain welfare. the coutries were destroyed because their actions were short sighted. The best explanation I can give for the rapefugee (manufactured) crisis Atlas Shrugged meets The Camp of the Saints.

The crisis isn't arising from a conspiracy but some messed up ideology. The elites are merely feeding off of the opportunity.

"The crisis isn't arising from a conspiracy but some messed up ideology. The elites are merely feeding off of the opportunity."

I doubt that very much. When I was a kid, local cops killed a cocaine smuggler and then the only source of cocaine on the island was the cops. I learned early that effective intelligence is easily translated into illicit profits by unscrupulous thugs. All they had to do to make that happen was to let him know they wouldn't give him trouble for smuggling in cocaine.

Well, and then kill him and sell the blow out of their squad cars.

The mechanisms here are far too profitable and require too much planning to simply happen by accident. I dunno if you've read it, but 'War is a Racket' by Smedley Butler lays out the case for this in a concise pamphlet.


I had head about Smedley Butler some time ago. After you mentioned him I read about him for 20 minutes. I agree with all his points and yours. But I'm not convinced of them as the primary reason. The primary reason is the invisible hand/ voluntary human action driven by "Chinthana" (roughly meanning ideology).

But they don't fully engineer it. Pouring oil to a fire is not as the same as lighting it up. That's why I'm making a clear distinction regarding primary and secondary reasons. The following clip sort of explains:Take a look at the bid bots. If STEEM had a proper distribution as I've mentioned here: We won't be seeing much of these bid bots. They are cashing on a market need. The situation was not orchestrated by anyone except for the invisible market forces arising out of existing context/events. The elites are not that smart. They just have more influence and connections. They are like Vultures. They seek the areas where misery happens and unlike real Vultures, politicians enhance this misery and profit from it.

Bonus Fact: My Avatar Makishima Shougo is from the the anime Psycho-Pas which has the ending song named 名前のない怪物 (monster with no name) which is a reference to Johan Liebert from the anime Monster.

I reckon you're young yet. I've seen folks plan for chaos and profit, so while I'm extrapolating to fields that I've not experienced, they're not that dissimilar to those that I have observed. The testimony of Butler, John Stockwell, former CIA chief of station in Angola in the 1970s, in his book 'In Search of Enemies', my familiarity with the Chrystic Institute and the Cocaine Contras, all belabor the same point: that criminal conspiracies to profit from war are undertaken, and they're common. When I see EU governments fomenting ethnic hatred with brutal efficiency with such targeted utility for the proposed purpose of profiteering, I make the obvious connection.

Certainly people become capable of such gambits through initially taking advantage of opportunities that arise spontaneously, and that is how they learn to generate them, while continuing at all times to seize such advantages as appear.

I couldn't say I was competent to parse out proportionate contribution to their impact, or whether that's even the best metric to measure. I'm sure that what I propose conforms to the extant facts, and is consistent with historic methodologies I've observed over decades. Neither are these plans so complex as to require even subgenius to originate them.

Particularly for families that have been in the war profiteer business for generations, it's rather formulaic and simple, if very difficult to achieve, given the existential motivation of peoples to resist success.

YMMV. I guarantee as you gain more information, and continue processing it over decades, your understanding will change over time.

Mine has. That's all I can really be sure of.


Well I am in my early 20s. So I'm pretty young. I agree with all your points. But I believe these elites/families are still acting based on pre-selection. basically it's like picking up girls in a club. None of these people ca fully engineer a situation. Even the greatest PUA can be made to look like a looser with a change of location and types of girls present. There are too many variables involved and a global conspiracy would work as well as or slightly better than a centrally planned economy. Trump election is a great example of this. Even magazine covers were printed for the Hillary presidency. There is only so much control you have with pushing some buttons. Even Distributed Ledger Technology is a similar case. BTC price was very cleverly and methodically suppressed. At best we'd have another month of this suppression and before the end of the year, we could see 1 Trillion USD marketcap for cryptos.

articularly for families that have been in the war profiteer business for generations, it's rather formulaic and simple

Certainly people become capable of such gambits through initially taking advantage of opportunities that arise spontaneously, and that is how they learn to generate them, while continuing at all times to seize such advantages as appear.

I've seen armies of neurologists and psychologists analyzing multiplayer games and companies investing hundreds of millions of dollars with the intention of creating the next global mega-hit. The only time it worked in recent times was Blizzard's Overwatch. The rest failed and those that became global phenomenons were small developments that spontaneously and organically found success.

I fully agree with all your points except for successful generation of these kind of events. I'm not saying they aren't trying. They should be trying a lot. But I doubt they have even a 10% success rate in creating from scratch and maintaining a conspiracy like event.

BTW Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins was a great read I randomly stumbled upon few years ago.

Thanks for the reply :-)

"I doubt they have even a 10% success rate in creating from scratch and maintaining a conspiracy like event."

Lions on the Serengeti have a success rate. Not all of their attempts to take prey succeed. Most of the time they fail. They only need to succeed once a week or so.

The same with financial predators. It's like investing in ICOs. When a successful ICO produces several orders of magnitude gains, it becomes simply a numbers game, and investing in every ICO results in profit when but one percent of investments actually pans out.

The news is full of failed ops that are attempts to manufacture profitable business opportunities. They only need to succeed once a generation, and can fail an unlimited number of times between successes.

it's a numbers game in that regard.

Now this I totally agree with.

Oh my brother.
What to say about the truth, how to find some light in that great darkness?

I can only say that the fear we have is the greatest tool they use against us. It creates a chemical reaction in our brain that causes us to make bad decisions. If we can overcome our fears we can overcome this! They know this like the bully at school knows this. We are men we have to stand up.
Jeremiah 48:10 Cursed be he that doeth the work of the LORD deceitfully, and cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood.

I read somewhere how war is the most profitable thing for all the banksters. What I was reading (don't remember now what it was exactly), stated that that is why "The war on terror" was created. It's a never ending war. Never ending fund creation. They keep getting rich.

I hope you're very wrong about the 90 day thing.

It's never-ending--until they get caught being the bad guys too, which they are.

No one hopes I am wrong about the timeline more than I. War in winter sucks worse than war in good weather.

Regardless, I hope I'm just overly pessimistic, and wrong altogether.


I understand- Indeed- what it is going to take for people to see?
And- No, I do not see me turning in any guns we may own.
For that matter, I would not have turned in any gold when they asked for it either! wtf people?!
I can't convince you that you are wrong- we can just hope that you are.

Gah-- what a mess. #EndTheFed #EndTheFederalGovt

Take care. :)

It's sad that so many people have lost their firearms in tragic boating accidents. It's just impossible to recover them after they fall overboard.

I sure hope I'm wrong. I have kids.


Bwhahaha! Here we go!

guns lost.jpg

War and drugs, the two biggest money making industries ever. Queen Elizabeth I ran them both in her time, big bucks ;P

Europe is in for a shit show and a hell of mess in the next decade with their current policies. People are so pacified and clueless in most cases, guilty over white privilege BS and wanting to be "tolerant". The no-go zones is scary, and the local "authorities" don't do shit. It's a volcano waiting to erupt. Europe won't be Europe anymore.... :/

The power players of the world know what they are doing, and they are succeeding. Create a war or join in the war to make refugees, instill guilt in the local population that funded wars with their tax dollars and have them welcome their own destruction.

Lotsa bad news lately.

However, I try to figger ways to let some good come from what is. I have lately seen that blockchain can be a means of preventing corruption, indeed various corruptions, from organ trade, sex trafficking, surveillance storage and verification, more important things than mere money.

I'm wondering if I need to learn how to code. I couldn't even print 'Hello World' in Python today. Maybe I should learn something easier, like rocket science.


Programming is pretty simple to start ;) Just learn the syntax of the language, it;s all logic and procedures to start.

"the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer" is supposed to be.Nice article @valued-customer. It brings to mind the alleged letter that Albert Pike had sent to Giuseppe Mazzini about the three world wars. Makes me wonder what

Or if the letter is even a real letter to begin with. One thing is for sure, it certainly seems to be rhyming with what's been going on. So if it was written way back then, it gives itself some credence.

Good lord! You have an efficient bot. You posted this comment within seconds.

Out of respect for your competence at spamming, I'm not going to bother flagging you. Plus, I prefer to spend my little VP on upvoting folks that merit it.

Do please go away though.